ITT: God Tier Jews

ITT: God Tier Jews


>pic not related

Flavius Josefus, Maimonides, Spinoza, Adorno, Walter Benjamin.

pic related

Abella. Danger.

Donald Trump.

>mfw I literally can't think of a single jew I like

It's a shame the jew meme is so widespread.

Israel has some legit 10/10 personalities that Cred Forums would love if it werent for the meme.

Just because Israel fucks over arabs doesn't mean you have to like them. The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy.


Israel is almost everything Cred Forums stands for, unless what Cred Forums stands for is not really what they meme so vehemently about.

Cred Forums isn't one person but nationalism is for everyone not just whites.

If Israel did everything they do but they fucked off out of white countries then they'd be okay but they preach open borders for us while having strict immigration for themselves.

no way

All jews are not the same.

This board widely confuses national and international jews.

Jews are not responsible for everything, contrary to the meme.

"They" You retarded shitface. There's a difference between diasporakikes and israeloboys.
Diaspora jews are swj tier while here everyone is literally a nationalist.

They're not responsible for everything, just controlling all of our media and actively working to promote open borders in our countries.

What were national jews before they had a nation then?

I see what you did there...
>Stefan Molyneux
>Murray Rothbard

Most of the "diaspora" jews in the US government and media have dual citizenship.


except the hypocrisy where they advocate the exact opposite for all Western European countries that they practice for themselves?

Nobody on Cred Forums would be saying Israel should take refugees if they weren't taking zero while saying Europe should take as many as possible.

Nobody would be saying Israel shouldn't have a wall with the Palestinians except for them saying America can't build a wall with Mexico.

Nobody is saying Israel shouldn't be an ethno-state except that Israel wants to make every Western country as diverse and multicultural as possible.

Many things, including honest hard working religious men and women. Think of the israelites that now live in kibbutzs

Of course corruption and wickedness always infiltrate power, and Hertzl (an atheist) and others are very real as well.

The synagogue of satan is not jewery. They hide behind the name of jews, but the jew meme is hurting true jews badly, while hiding the truth.

I got into an argument with a retard last night that Jesus wasn't a jew because his dad was god, lol


Israel seems to me like a great country for those that think in Cred Forums terms. Similar in value to the old freedom loving America of the patriots.

Sure the powers are corrupt, but my point is there are great people in Israel that are to be admired from a Cred Forums system of values, and that jews are not the enemy.


>This board widely confuses national and international jews.
That's by design of Israelis ffs see also early English kings claiming to be chosen by God; if you dislike the king you are disliking god and can be killed. If you dislike Israelis policies you dislike Jews and are called an anti semite

It's like you didn't even read that canuck's post..

My point being one should not confuse jewery with kikery or either of those with Israel

Why not though?

Even Jews think Jews are criminals.

Birds of a feather.
Why are you using a Spanish VPN schlomo?

>Israel wages war in middle east
>Western jews wage war in middle east
>rapefugees happen because of that
>western jews want to open west's borders for rapefugees
>but they don't want israel to open their borders
>all that is just a pure coincidence

Because inside the term "jews" there are honest and good people that fight for what you fight for, and the meme only hurts them and hinders them. I'm not saying you shouldnt use the jew meme or that you shouldnt call kike a kike, I'm just advocating for not believing the meme that jew=evil

Criminals identify other criminals easily. Its a closed circle though. An honest jew will never be identified as a criminal and thus you'll never know he exists if you dont drop the jew=evil meme, since you'll only see the criminals.

I think Cred Forums would like some insight into the jew=evil psyop. Im also not jewish.

Refugee crisis didnt happen because kikery



>Refugee crisis didnt happen because kikery

He is actually a Jew tier God.

Not all jews are evil but jews lead to these problems naturally.

They've been kicked out of 104 different countries before.

If you get kicked out of 100 bars are you a drunk asshole or are 100 bars all assholes?

*Der Jüden

Ever heard of Soros ?


That's like the example of niggers.

I believe it has to do with their environment for the most part.

Old niggers and kikes are lost to decency, but both nigs and kikes can be educated into decency and be decent and have decent children.

Almost coincidental that he's jewish. Almost nothing to do with jews other than the name. He also sold joos to naziboos.

Im not arguing in favor of not naming the kike, I'm advocating to reconsider the fact that all joos are evil and that Israel is kike central.

>refugee crisis didn't happen because kikery

What then, Assad is a dictator war criminal and all of the young, fit able bodied males decided to up and leave because of this?

Nice try schlomo.


Curiously enough, based Mel would find himself agreeing with many nationalist and religious jews



Eliezer Yudkowsky

Noam Chomsky

Every Zionist anti-Islam Naftali supporter.
Diaspora And Israelis.

my oven

lmfao mate

The man is right, you know

he's not jewish, he's renounced it. his parents were ethnic jews but he's not religious. plus, he's actively anti-zionist and pro-palestine so he's ok in my book.

>he's actually serious

The ones that invented the Desert Eagle

Say what you want about kikes but they make a hell of a kebab removing handcannon