Should we allow children to take hormone blockers?

Should we allow children to take hormone blockers?

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Is there any evidence for transgender shit being true?

Which one Cred Forums?

That trap? Or this tramp?

Yes, that's how you end up with cute trannies instead of men in dresses

If they have that freaky rare disorder that would cause them to enter puberty at only a few years old?

When 2017 arrives

Will you still be using that pic troll?

I don't have a problem with it.

You dont help an alcoholic by giving him vodka.

Dont encourage the mentally ill.

>not wanting there to me more cute traps
u gay or something?

Sure, if we allow grown ups to have sex with 5 year olds. The kids are clearly mature enough since they're making a life changing decission that could just be their wish to be a disney princess.
Let's just ignore the fact that many of these people kill themselves because they still struggle with themselves later on.
Just saying

But will they still able to get a hard on? A tranny that's unable to get an erection is useless desu

no, they're stupid children.

Are they allowed to enter into legally binding long-term contracts?

every tranny is a man in a dress mate

Doesn't make him have any more of a functioning uterus. No
>CAPTCHA is 'No'

Give kids Hormones? Can I decide which ones?

Why not?

hormone blockers are fine. You can delay puberty for ages and still develop normally It's introducing the new hormones that messes with the system.

Sure, as long as it's also OK for me to get estrogen blockers for my cis son so he becomes a sports god and loves THICC women



Only if there is a way back, if they can become men latter if they feel like. I'm not certain if the changes hormones produce can be undone latter.

In any case this should be forbid until they are 16 or smth and always under a 3rd part (shrimp, doctors, etc) supervision.

I wouldn't mind it, but if you can justify the one, you can justify the other.

>male physiology
>male reproductive organs (mutilated or otherwise)
>not male
I don't get it
Do you think traps are girls while they're in a dress?

Can't they just stop blocking it or artificially inject them with the blocked hormone if they change their minds later on?

Calling bullshit on this

Neither are wrong.



Supposedly mris for trans men look the same as mris for straight women and vice versa


I don't feel like psychologist and psychiatrist give MRIs before assigning hormone therapy. So that's a shitty argument because these people aren't checking whether their brains Anatomy look like a female even though their genitalia still obviously say different no matter what.

That better not be a guy

Dammit Portugal.
You created this problem when you took Brazil, and now you are trying to make me fap to it

[spoiler]It is.[/spoiler]

Brasil is a truly wonderful place

If your child-self was here today with you, would you allow them to make lasting major life decisions for you?
Any sane person would say No. Child-you was an idiot. We laugh (or cringe) at the stupid shit we said, wanted and believed in our naïve youth.
Any parents who allow their kids to make these kinds of decisions are criminally neglectful.

Thats a dude?

Oh come on, I bet 99.9999% of Cred Forums would smash that.

Even tug her dick a little bit. Quite honestly, if you don't want to, you are kind of a faggot somehow.

then what is the alternative? It's always the far right to condemn certain solution but never providing any alternative.

10/10 would bang

Rule of thumb: if the only pictures they post would cover u pa bulge, it's a dude.

no, its child abuse

It's the same as pedophiles really.

We don't let adults have sex with kids because the kids don't know what's going on, can't legally consent, and might be fucked up for the rest of their lives for it.

So letting adults give kids hormone treatment should probably be punishable under the same laws.

>Thats a dude?

But kids do know what's going on. Kids fuck kids all the time.


>You're right
Would love to fuck her in the ass

you're all faggots

Cred Forums Pass user since October 2016.

Portugal please.
I promised myself not to fap to traps anymore.

no. advocation for consent for changing "sex" before puberty has even begun is just a step away from advocating pedophilia.

i.e. you cannot claim children know they are sexually attracted to either sex and "know" they're in the wrong body and then allow them to consent to hormone blockers and surgery without also then believing they are capable of sexual consent.

therapy, a good dose of reality and perhaps good old fashioned bullying from peers.

Now this is just stupid.

The only answer is yes.

The only people stupid enough to abuse their kids need to be removed from the gene pool. Chemically castrating their children, while harsh, seems like a good move.

>i have nothing worth contributing so I'll just call him stupid
OK tranny Tammy 2 by 4

The left already does promote tolerance of pedophiles. Lemme guess, you're a white male?

Yo wouldn't understand?

They likely already are being bullied by peers. Or at least not being accepted. How on earth is that of any help? It will only drive them to suicide, which is probably what you want...

>a good dose of reality

Reminder that every white child undergoing tranny transitioning is a white child that will not produce children.

Never! The shilling must end. realize that Tommy and his family are literally jewish, right?

Like, it's a plot point.


You're not seeing the bigger picture. The goal here is to brainwash liberal SWPL upper/middle class white people into following suit with this trendy tranny bullshit. The jews would gladly sacrifice one of their own if it meant getting 1,000 goyim lemmings to follow them along.

You should NEVER allow children decisions with such a drastic, possibly irreversible consequence. If you think, it's wrong to allow children do drink alcohol and drive, but want them to let their sex change with drugs or even operations - funded by the tax payer in the welfare state btw - just because they have a phase, then you are: retarded.

>looks at flag of OP

All makes sense now.

should we allow child-abuse?

No. The only ones that should get any help are those that have proven hormone imbalances (physical deformations) and not because of muh feels.

The parents need to have their mental health checked. Surely there are some non cucked doctors that can put more safeguards in place to protect these children.

>can't tell what a woman looks like

This is the worst part.

No just be better parents, you white folks seem to have that problem more than hispanics, boys would get smacked for grabbing a barbie over a fishing pole. Inb4 spic/mexican(not even mexishitbutok) you gotta admit white families are more accepting to their kids being chocolate pencil pushers, wont mention blacks because half of my studies are missing.

If children are old enough to "choose" their gender then they are old enough to fuck, but then again that's what the pedo faggots want. Slippery slope etc etc.

I guess you're correct, since most of them end up killing themselves, and an even higher after taking a sex change operation, it's a good solution.
No person, no problem!

Oh and, there are proper pills that do block trans-* thoughts and behavior with a very high success rate.
I'd tell you what it's called but unfortunately I don't go around memorizing medicine, as I'm not required to do so.

>implying you wouldn't smash that

Who Dat?

Patricia Araujo

He was talking about the .gif you posted, mate.

thanks for your input.

how else would we get sweet boypucci?

That is a Belgium blue bull, it has a myostatin deficiency which enables it to pack on so much muscle.

> choker

Every. Single. Time.

muh dik

i want to fuck that kid

Sweden Yes!
