These are the front page headlines of Finnish mainstream media Iltalehti ("The Evening Newspaper"...

These are the front page headlines of Finnish mainstream media Iltalehti ("The Evening Newspaper", the most popular tabloid newspaper )

Right now: No news about Hillary in general, nothing about his email scandals and health, only shitpost tier "news" about Stumping the Trump. Good to see that even the foreign mainstream media follows Burgerland mainstream media's agenda and only talks shit about Trump.

Same thing elsewhere?

Other urls found in this thread:

Same thing in Germany, since the beginning of the campaign basically.

Do note though that Ilta-sanomat is a very shit-tier tabloid.

really makes u think...

mv lehti is the only reliable media here no wonder the msm kikes hate it

Oh wow, I wonder why he writes those headlines

Yet, both Iltalehti and Ilta-Sanomat are the most popular and most read news media sites in Finland. Sure, they are shit tier, but they have readers and are responsible for pushing agendas and opinions for most people.

>western mainstream media is infested by lefties

why again are you surprised about this headlines?

Nope, Serbs LOVE Trump

Anyone with a brain doesn't turn on the news or read the papers here, because it's all pathetic tabloid trash, so I'm unaware if the media portrays him in a negative light or not.

What if just maybe... that Trump would actually be a shit president and your blaming the media for slander because you don't understand why?

why are they shilling hillary over 2000 miles away?

>serbs LOVE trump

Not true, at least not among young people.

Same here in Czech republic.

Serbs love trump because they want Putin to play with his pooper

Doesn't differ that much from the writings of Laura and Saska Saarikoski in Helsingin Sanomat.

Isn't Finland the country where Feminists blame 14 year old girls for getting raped by refugees?

As a country that got basically abandoned by its allies because of a Fascist dictator how do you feel about trump?

Pravo da ti kazem i klinci ga obozavaju

Ako podrzavaju Seselja, podrzavaju trampa

same thing here.
i saw an article (written by someone names cohen) in the london evening standard (owned by someone named sandberg) which made me lmao it was so bias.


I wonder what it's like to be on the cover of every magazine and on every news segment in every country in the world for a year

Hesari is a shit-tier globalist mouthpiece though. Though I guess all our media is.

No those are our preachers idiot.

I can't trust any finnish media anymore. They are not even trying to play fair.

Serbia was always based.

Will probably help sell books after the election.
I wonder if they just do it because they know Hillary isnt all that intresting unlike Trump.

Kek pola mojih drugova je glasalo za onog Radulovica i misle da je Tramp retard koji ce da izazove nuklearni rat.

Likovi nisu ni liberalni previse.

Or maybe it's in their interest to show how terrible trump is.

Read the articles. They are full of lies about trump.

Yeah same thing in our media.

Exactly same thing here, in comments section, however, many, i'd say the majority, point out the bias and so on

Pa ono Seselj nije sad neki andjeo al' ono

It's a real shame, though, most of my friends just know that Hillary is the (much) greater of two evils so by a sort of default support him.

I just came back though, haven't lived in Serbia for years

>tfw none of these examples are anywhere near as bad as what people rightfully accuse Hillary Clinton of.


Finnish journalists are mostly left-wing globalists. They're heavily biased and will always avoid reporting that which goes against their ideology. They will not publish a criminal's features if he's a migrant, migrants are known as "youths", they will cook up huge stories and cases about some minor shit, like that junkie going up to a bunch of skinheads, spitting on them.
What really happened is that the skinheads kicked him once, junkie fell, he hit his head. Then later after he was released from the hospital, he died.
All the fucking media reported it as if the skinheads had severely beaten him so he died in the hospital. They made this large articles about problematic violence and racism and how the government needs to put a stop to racist groups.
Lügenpresse through and through.

In Brazil media is going nuts because if Trump gets elected, our own "trump" might have a chance of making it in 2018.

I cannot archive right now this article has an unrelated statement at the end saying the election of Donald Trump is as bad for the world as the collapse of the Deutsche bank

Sometimes I wonder whether or not they even make their own research rather than just copy pasting corrupt media articles into Finnish.

It's getting more and more pathetic.
They made recently a special broadcast here with economists, political analyst telling us how the election of Trump would litteraly ruin our eceonomy, funny thing is that they said the exact same things about Brexit, and nothing happened.
And tonight, they're broadcasting 2 documentaries. One about how Hillary Clinton is a "victim" that gets a lot of bad talk from the media and that it is unfair and that it is her time to be president (lol) and another documentary sucking Obama's dick and talking about his legacy.
Add to that the fact that every newspapers and information site are shitting on Trump every time they can while ignoring every Clinton's scandal.
But that's what we get for living in the french part of Switzerland (most cucked part of the country). Can't wait to finish my studies and move to some better place.

P.S : can any Swiss German user tell me if it's the same in your part of the country to raise my hope a bit?

Yes, it´s the same here.

yes it's the same everywhere. Hillary has the backing of the establishment. of course they won't dare talking shit about her.

>Donald Trump has appeared in soft core porn
...go on

yeah danish press is pretty fucking lobsided and worthless as well.

they get called out hard in the comments section tho, danes are surprisingly well read and up to date, helps we despise corruption

If I didn't come on Cred Forums and just listened to our MSM I would know absolutely nothing about Hillary, I wouldn't even know she had deleted any emails. In fact if it was down to just listening to the MSM I would be under the impression that Bill Clinton had only one affair, with Monica, and he's Chelsea's dad.
It becomes too obvious they're hiding something though because they constantly push this ebil Trump narrative, but because none of it is based on any real truth they keep contradicting what they've already said and I think more people have started to realise that.

>Talk to bluepill normie sister
>She said she wants Trump to win

I was really surprised and equally as pleased.

I found it humorous, the other day, when I saw some comments on a fagbook article denouncing trump about not paying his taxes.

Nobody seems to mind it when literally everyone with money ever does it, it's only the Don that's evil for doing it, despite the fact that there's no chance in hell people wouldn't do it if they were in his position.

I genuinely can't wait until you guys start removing kebab once again

it's a translated copypasta from a fucking Buzzfeed-article, not even kidding.

This is their so-called source.

it does not change the fact that the media is totally one sided and corrupt.

Also its funny how ecspecially Ilta-Sanomat (part of some mediahouse as helsinkin sanomat) writes about Putins new evil plans to conquer Finland every day. One time I actually counted that there was 11 different news talking how terrible Putin is and Russia is attacking us any day now. Literally tanks in 30min tier news.

Don't they realize this is exactly why trump has so much support.

People are tired of feeling like its the establish/media vs the people, they know left & right means nothing nowadays and it's all a load of shit. No one is voting for trump because they think he's a great individual, they are voting for him because he's antiestablishment and the more the global establishment demonizes him, the more the reason to vote for him

I don't know if these journalists are just lazy fuck ups or if there's more to it.

Cred Forums Pass user since July 2016.

There's one thing that's extremely telling, how much major media outlets flat out lie and twist facts.

If trump really was as bad as hitler, if he really was the antichrist then they wouldn't need to twist the facts. It would be self evident from the truth. Yet they very really tell it like it is and intentionally miss out key info to paint a narrative.

It shows us there's an agenda, that there's something they want us to believe rather than something they just want us to know. There's a key difference.

I was relieved when I checked one of the comment sections in Iltalehti's anti-trump articles. There was a red-pilled woman from Jyväskylä who defended Trump by briefly mentioning Lyin' Clinton only to be attacked by an apparent CTR shill from my own hometown.

Thousands Of Fake Ballot Slips Found Marked For Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Death Tax’ Would Confiscate Farms, Businesses

State Department Admits It ‘Lost’ Clinton Foundation Email


>reading & watching any news
Good goyim

Weird headlines. Is the "winner genes" thing supposed to make people associate him with Nazism? I can only find one source of him saying anything like that:

>reading facebook feed
>full of people always talking about how they get it and are totally enlightened against "like, the evil mainstream media bro"
>eat up every nugget of shit that comes out about Trump, never even say a questioning thing about Hillary
>have to listen to these fuckheads

I don't mind yokels that admit they don't care and don't know, but when you have people claiming to have a clue having total misinformation in their heads nearly all the time it's just sad.

No point even calling them out, they just circle the wagons and project with "no u" bullshit.

I doubt they even know what money laundering even is.

Some media sites in Finland block comments on shilling articles because they know people will call out their bs