how the fuck is the black population stable when they have 10 kids each before they turn 30?

Racist po-leece

Because all of those kids shoot each other

Because at least 8 will die usually

>how the fuck is the black population stable

no they grow up years by year by numbers but hispanic immigration fuck their percentage.

They get killed a lot and die early of heart diease

Whiteys killing blacks. ;_;


get cucked stupid fucking amerifags.

not only are you complete fucking nu-male faggots, but you're whole country is being overrun by spics and niggers

bye bye white america.

ps. white women will always fuck spics, arabs, and niggers over you.

Gang violence. Also riots. Possibly census dodging.

Ones in jail cant have kids. An that is most of them.


>black population stable
because they aren't having ten 10 kids each
because they cant come over by the bucket loads from Mexico
If Africa was connected to America they would be increasing like crazy

You realize this means the usa's massive nuclear arsenal will soon be in the hands of niggers n spics, right? Imagine SA, Zimbabwe, Somalia. Only with 2,000 nukes.

they don't really do it. check the statistics, black birth/death rates are similar to the white ones in america.
the real problem is illegal immigration. mexico has a population of 120 million with a significantly higher birth-rate than usa. this is so fucking funny, they know that they can NEVER catch up to you in terms of power, but they are still about to annex 25% of your country due to "human rights".

KFC = high cholesterol


Just another typical beta white male thread. Losers

God damn I never knew there were so many lava men

>bye bye white america.
some states are already less then half white but some states are 95% white.
that's the thing about America you can live in a white bubble if you choose to

>that's the thing about America you can live in a white bubble if you choose to

Want to see that statement in 20 years or so when you have forced "diversification". Where this "white bubbles" have to let pocs migrate into them and also pay for that migration.


you do know America is very segregated , other then in the major cities.
Most white people live in white neighborhoods most black live in nigger neighborhoods.
White people send their kids to private school that are mainly all white. etc.

I think the bigger concern, if you consider that census data is self reported and that "white americans" mugshot meme floating around, is that the white population may already be under 50% right now.

I don't get it though if hispanics can be white...

The funny thing about this is that the bigger these minorities get the more their communities will crumble. The only reason these people are alive in this country is because whitey watches over them. Once they have to worry about themselves, they are completely fucked. White men are already the most desired race when dating, imagine what it will be like when theres even less of them. People will realise how shitty nigs and spics are when there are so many of them.