Would you join the AB if you had to go to prison?

Would you join the AB if you had to go to prison?

No, I think they can just transfer my current membership between chapters.

Yes, they protect white guys in prison from nogs and spics. If I was in jail that would be all I cared about, not "ebil nazi" or "muh raysism"

kek, american prisons are such shitholes.
prisons here are quite comfy, the only thing they lack is internet

Did 5yrs in California. Saw everything from fire camp to a level 4 hole. Never gave up ass, never pretended to be a part of faggot gangs despite being baby-face white boy. Got in 2 fights with fat, aged bikers who thought having a goatee and a bunch of shitty tatoos made them tough and developed a reputation as someone who would use his fists if pushed.

Prison Protips:

Get in fucking shape. You get your respect by working out with the lads and showing your putting some effort in.

Do not lie in bed all day. See above.

Don't isolate yourself. Play cards, eat spreads and socialise. Lone wolf can work for old timers and established convicts with a reputation on that yard. Unless you're that, don't.

No gambling or dope debt. If you want it its "cash on the barrel."

You don't have to win the fight. If someone does decide to test you, the fact you stood up for yourself will count far more than the result with the people who are watching and listening to 2nd hand accounts.

The horror stories usually come from idiots. We had a guy in county who was convinced the judge wouldn't send him to the joint for his 3rd burglary b/c muh gambling addiction. He was totally obnoxious about it.. tried telling the judge off etc. In prison he got into a dorm and decided he didn't like the volume the blacks watched their television at. 1 room, 50 people, 1 TV, meticulously worked out hours of usage between the differing races and this faggot, skinning, 49yo white man 1st termer wants to get up in front of a bunch of nigger convicts about their tv time. Sadly predictable results: an ass-whipping followed rapidly and had to go PC/SNY.

It really is a "mugs game." Its very, very easy to play if you can see through all the tough guy LARPing that goes on.

what's PC/SNY

Protective Custody/Special Needs Yard

kiddy fiddlers, gang dropouts, informants etc.

Is that bad? Sounds comfy to me


if they get to you they kill you.
you are labeled as a rat. when you go out in the yard they'll try to kill you.

>being convicted

Fucking plebs

Probably unless there was another gang with better outside objectives. Aryan Circle is usually more race based while AB is about the shekels regardless of who they have to work with from what I understand.
Either way would definitely be in the wood pile.
Did 6 months in county and offered questioned because I have a Hispanic last name despite only being a quarter Spanish

If faced with a prison term, is there anything wrong with the plan of lightly assaulting the guards so you get thrown in isolation to avoid the shitty people in there? I understand isolation can fuck people up but I read and meditate constantly and live practically as a hermit anyway.

isolation is nothing like sitting in your room on Cred Forums all day.
Do your time, pay your denbts to society, go to school and get a degree.

bikers are fucking puny cunts really, "Say that too my face/at the clubhouse when there are 20 brothers to back me up"

Can't, I'm in law enforcement.

Bruh I'm mid 20s and work only 8 months out of the year. The remaining 4 are spent intermittently painting, learning instruments, reading, and meditating. I go weeks at a time without internet (year round) or speaking to other people. I could probably handle isolation better than most, was just asking about the viability of doing that so I wouldn't have to deal with the dregs of society.
>go to school and get a degree
Nice meme

>painting, learning instruments, reading

What fucks you up is not having the ability to do those things when you want to. Prison system is literally people cucking you. You're not a cuck, are you user`?

you don't just 'join' the AB faggot. you gotta have established rep, a long sentence and be invited.

a better question would be; would you join the NLR or HS etc.

In isolation you get none of that. You are in a hole. pitch black, with the only light being when they slip food under the door.

Meditation is a more than ample enough substitute for all of those, except maybe reading but I'm more into fiction lately anyway so it's not a big loss. Just trying to branch out with the arts shit.

I was really just curious about what isolation is like from people that have gone through it, but I'm probably too unlike most people to really gauge it from others' reactions anyway. I work in Antarctica as a machine operator and laborer 2/3rds of the year so lack of human contact and little access to luxuries like Cred Forums (kek) is second nature and not really an issue.

Honestly sounds comfy, especially compared to dealing with convicts. I think more than anything I'd prefer hard labor in prison. Thanks for the info.

you wouldn't last more than a couple hours. You'll see.

Sounds like Youth Authorities I went to in California, without the drugs being so rampant. The only difference is those kids try to rape you.

Ha how presumptuous of you. But no, I won't see, because I don't commit and won't be committing any crimes unless that UN takeover of the internet was legit in which case EVERYTHING I HAVE POSTED ON THIS BOARD WAS SATIRE AND DOES NOT REFLECT MY POLITICAL VIEWS