Would you donate to Cred Forums?

Rather than delete boards or plaster ads everywhere I think Hiro should just accept donations.
Id gladly donate $1000.00 but no way in hell in going through all the trouble of making passes.

Would you donate?
If no, why not?
If yes, how much?

I would happily donate 25$ To keep shitposting and ensure survival of the other boards.

If Trump win she should give a tax deduction for donating.

I'd rather donate. $27 small donations make shit happen.

We have to stop this. Aside from Cred Forums being the most voted for deletion we can't have ads all over the place.

four chan can suck my dick and lick my balls

lots of annoying/malicious ads is the best option.

>keeps normalfags, newfags, and women away
>anyone with an IQ over 80 will never see a single ad


Hiroshima can bring bestgore like ads for all I care.

What exactly is a "malicious" ad?

What if they did porn ads like on pornhub or something?

No because Hiroshima is full of shit and anyway who can't see that is blue pilled

for example one of those ads that tell you "YOU'RE INFECTED WITH A VIRUS!!! CLICK HERE TO REMOVE IT"
or pages that use web browsers vulnerabilities to infect your pc.

I would donate, but only if Cred Forums stays

I would but only if hiro goes. I'm not giving him any info

Use a prepaid visa gift card and a fake email

Need bumps here, faggots.

I don't want Cred Forums to die. I've got no place else to go...

I will never contribute a single penny to this shithole of a website

Don't forget about the shitty flash ads that are notoriously awful at memory leaks.

why not get a pass

I have an IQ of 164, but I'm also Autistic, and I'm shit with computers. Do you know a trustworthy place where I can download adblockers?

I would get a pass if Hiroschima would give pass users real desirable features.
On other image boards such as 2chan or Ylilauta its already normal that you can post more then one pic. per link, why dont give such features to Cred Forums pass users

>*per post

Have a competition between boards to see who raises the most money. Whatever board raises the most gets most bandwidth and bragging/cross-posting rights.

This right here!

>Cred Forums is now /pol /b lol

I'd donate US$100, no bullshit.

Someone like Peter Thiel should start a non-profit foundation or permanent endowment to protect Cred Forums as an extension of the first amendment

I don't donate. At all.