Brit/pol/ - BBC edition

>Theresa May vows to trigger Article 50 by March 2017 and be out of the EU by early 2019

>HARD BREXIT confirmed: The UK will NOT join the single market

>ESA benefit payments: Re-tests axed for chronically ill claimants

>Theresa May to pave way for temporary and self-employed workers to have protections under new laws at conference

>Jeremy Corbyn borrows from Hugo Chavez with "21st century socialism" plans

Other urls found in this thread:

Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

>inb4 foreigner posts bait

Go chew on a bacon buttie

You failed

fascists better watch out


so close

What did you guys think of Theresa May's speech?

Just missed it.

What's the latest update on Gordon, lads?



He still hasn't killed himself like he said he would unfortunately.


>Muslim here


Brits out, Turks in.

Why should someone speak for them? It was a binary choice.

How was the Sunday roast Lads?
Mine was comfy as fuck.

>babby's first introduction to democracy

How do these people justify the Great Leap Forwards and the fact that China only started doing well when it started adopting more capitalist policies?

>that reply
Fucking cuck. Doesn't like democracy when it doesn't go his way.

Who spoke for those who were against EU membership and mass immigration for the last 20 years? They had zero representation in the UK parliament.

Was ok but we didn't learn anything new. A lot of hot air but it's something I guess.

these people are so robot it's crazy
just watch the first 5 mins if you don't believe me

Gonna join the labour party tonight I think lads


Hard Brexit on my birthday

Do those people just not understand what they lost with a margin of 1.3 million people

Notice they always cite a percentage or their own number of remain votes, not the fucking G I G A N T I C margin between who actually won.

>tfw no gf

Feels good NEETS

Yeah, it was us .

So what?


I want to see them try and justify the Cultural Revolution, never mind the economic side of things.

Great Leap forward was nothing new, China had famines every decade for centuries

>who will speak for those who werent allowed to vote



>Do those people just not understand what they lost with a margin of 1.3 million people

They still don't understand why they lost it either.


>tfw no Ulster Unionist gf

if you don't like the vote, you can add all the non-voters into your pile to make it seem like more of a travesty

More like they're on the Spectrum.

The cultural revolution was good. Closest to communism we've ever been


Why would we continue to allow them to enter our countries when they've all but said they're going to retaliate violently for these perceived slights?

u are all a bunch of racist twats

the voters were misled and didn't know what they were voting for

Here's your birthday (You)

feels bad, no qt gingers left.

Another thing I've noticed a lot, they seem to think they only lost by 2%. They lost by 4%. Maths is too hard I guess.

mildly triggered

Should we invalidate every election result ever, then?

c'mon fellas

Everyone has a democratic vote, but if you don't use it then you're tacitly consenting to the will of the majority.

By their logic, Leave actually has more votes.

Fuck off, stop shilling your shit game.

Stop shilling this thread, people saw it the first 10 times you posted it

well only if the wrong side wins duh

baseically u want to kill every1 who isn't a white male

Don't worry, you'll be one too soon enough. Being a racist is the only thing you can be and still call yourself a rational being once you've seen the truth about race.

>tfw Ulster Unionist and Protestant gf

Remember lads, date Christians.

>what is democracy?

>Please think about the majority that didn't vote for this

>mfw swimming in lefty tears
>mfw they didn't listen
>mfw soon get to watch it all burn down

pic is a qt ginger m8.

>be voting for dinner of tonight
>vote for boiled egg
>boiled egg vote 52% win
>asked if i want hard or soft boiled egg
>mfw when vote for boiled egg but get runny egg yolk on my shirt


Of course, it's only fair.

Personally, I believe we should make all 64 million people in the UK into MPs, so that everybody's views are represented.

FUK AMERIGA racist trump voters

Nostalgia from the strangest things.

love you too senpai


> Have a (You)

i think we need a 2nd referendum on the type of egg

ugggggh fuck capitalism racist shiet


I will only have joined Cred Forums tomorrow.

Why are Brits in Cred Forums so Americanised? You want the NHS privatised, the death penalty back, low taxes, brown-nose big corporations etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if you faggots supported circumcision too.

Hey guys

It's not Americanization. It's fiscal sense.

brit/pol/ is not one person

They don't give a shit. They're white.

uhhhhhh not all off us are retarded amerigan whoreshipers

> You want the NHS privatised, the death penalty back, low taxes, brown-nose big corporations etc.

That's Backbench Tory positions

dont tell me what i believe you fucking czech faggot

52% in egg but no specified hard or soft boiled egg means 26% for soft 26% for hard egg but 48% for roach sandwich so listen to democracy

We largely prefer Britain as it was before the mid 20th century, when all these things you mention were introduced/repealed. Britain at the turn of the century was semii-minarchist tbqhwy

you know the founding yanks considered themselves britons right? and that things like low taxes have a long history in britain as a way to control the monarchy

Going to the shops, anyone need anything?

Too many classcucks here

>no single market
>won't be able to control immigration

can we admit brexit was a mistake yet?


some times you have to wait for 6 fucking hours because there is 1 doctor working 3 wards. Would not have this problem if it was private.
>Death penalty
why not? Some people don't deserve to live.
>Low tax
who wants to pay high tax? Some of us want to keep the money we work for!

>Muslims kill eachother and claim dole money like they have for thousands of years
>Waah waah waah it's the west's fault!

some to hold me

>death penalty

Everyone wants low taxes, and were were cutting peoples heads of before we even raped the natives and forced them to give birth to the US.

I now this is bait but here's your (you) anyways.
you succeeded in triggering me.

whatever people ask for i want a second round of choosing anyway because what if they change their minds

So lads, how are we this evening? What have you done to improve yourself today?

I'm feeling pretty good, did some exercise and my injury rehab is going well. Can't wait till I'm 100%

>cut NHS budget
>look, the NHS doesn't work!!

>>won't be able to control immigration
Why is that?

Gf. And fast.

Because Tories don't want to.

If we aren't in single market then we have 100% control of immigration, retard.

*holds up spork*

FUK my mum needed to use the internet for a bit but i'm back now

so what u want to kno abot scoial justice?

Done nothing so far today lad, resting my tried body. Just started exercising for the first time in a long time the other day and just finished decorating the kitchen, so bits of me are hurting that I didn't know I had. I'll be out for another run later tonight though.

What injury you got laddo?

good looking
emotionally stable

it doesn't require intelligence to be a housewife

We don't want it privatised, we just want it to stop giving out breast implants to every immigrant jihadist who pops their head into their local GP.

>death penalty
We had the death penalty long before the US was even a thing.

>low taxes
Why is this a bad thing? Why should a decent, hard-working, law-abiding person have to give up chunks of their salary to support failing third-world economies and ludicrous social policies if he doesn't want to?

>brown-nose big corporations
We don't. I think you'll find that most of /brit/pol just doesn't believe in the "corporations are evil" rhetoric that gets bandied about. They have as much right to exist in society as any other business. They wouldn't get as powerful as they are if it wasn't for people wanting the cheapest shit, rather than supporting smaller or local businesses that fit their beliefs better. Any leftist who screams about greedy corporations but then does their shopping at Asda or Tescos is a silly hypocrite.

Did exercise
Helped my mum gardening
Read history books
Limited my time on here

>make healthcare free for everyone
>people suck up resources and doctors' time because they caught a cold or feel like having a chat, and it costs them nothing
>genuinely ill people then have to wait and thus have a greater risk of dying


>restrict the amount of people allowed to enter the healthcare profession per year
>refuse many aspiring doctors entry into the medical industry
>stop competition across state lines
>make insurance mandatory

>look, free market healthcare doesn't work

Agree with Oxford Seminar conclusions.
There seems to be an obsession with making something simple sound really complicated.

"It says the conference “was sympathetic to the view that the trade negotiations can be short and simple. The UK can offer either to carry forward current tariff-free trade with service sector passports, or to fall back on the World Trade Organisation standard-tariff trade. The UK would recommend the former, but could live with the latter. Rather than negotiate, it is just a question of which the rest of the EU will choose.”

Let the EU explain its choices to their unemployed masses, probably by that time reeling from the inevitable collapse of the Italian banking system (which unlike '08 will wipe out most Italians for a few generations as they have direct exposure beyond the risk of lost deposits).

The pound has fallen to a level where the standard tariff rate on cars etc. would be neutral. There isn't a tariff on services that the EU can enforce. The ratings agencies have already considered loss of passporting to have little or no effect on London. And of course the Euro Tobin-tax and bonus caps will be in effect. If bankers want to live in Germany surrounded by robots and get paid less than head waiters, I suppose its up to them.

Don't really understand what is exactly that Remoaners are getting excited about.

Rode the horse, took my girlfriend shooting enjoying a comfy Sunday evening ordered a takeaway to settle down to watch Poldark.

>another late night watching the debate

What snacks to get , lads? Last debate I forgot to get anything.

i havent done a god damned thing user pls help me get off my ass and go lift before the gym closes at 9 sunday is supposed to be deadlift day but FUCK i am lazy af


>be american
>get shot
>ambulance arrives
>"that will be $10,000 please"

>Because Tories don't want to.

This is the red pill.

Neither main party really wants to do it.
You only need look at non-EU immigration numbers (which we've had complete control over) not decreasing whatsoever.

>he fell for the false paradigm class jew
If you want to know what hatred and vitriol are, try being Christian on a left wing board. Or simply being a white male. At least the right doesn't attacks its own and cuck for the other.



>Rode the horse
That's a pretty disrespectful way to talk about your girlfriend m8.

>He thinks he can be a king in the land of no kings.

Went for a run yesterday and tidied up my place, nothing today though.
Trying to give up on masturbating but I failed a few days ago, I felt genuinely a lot better in those few weeks so I'm going to give it another go and try to last longer.

mike pence and hillarys vp, dont remember his name, are debating tonight


This was THE major factor in the brexit vote, have Tories announced any official plans on immigration post brexit yet?

Good shit
>I'll be out for another run later tonight though
Don't push too hard lad, it's counter productive

I had a long standing hip injury caused by psoas+iliacus weakness.

but remember, nothing to do with immigration, goy

uhhhh egypt? the pyramids were builded by black men

>may declaring hard brexit

I've been rather suspicious since she took over but now I'm a #MayMissile

>be socialist
>think that american healthcare is free-market
>don't understand what insurance is
>get cancer
>your nhs spot is occupied by a man with an earache and a woman getting an abortion

>not "plus tip"

never mind its on the 4th kek

>Would not have this problem if it was private.
poorfags would

Nofap is a meme

>Using /brit/ memes in brit/pol/

A Cornetto

>Overall GDP cost lower than the World Bank average of 9.9%

>US 17.2% in the same year

Imagine pissing 8% of GDP away that you can't invest elsewhere. Their system simply doesn't work and can't control costs.

>what is health insurance

>have insurance
>get best quality healthcare in the world
>insurance + us taxes < uk taxes

Got me there lad, top bants.

This, Christianity will save the White Race.

Be American.
Get cancer.
Go bankrupt.
Ambivalent about outcome, what was the point again?

What does brit/pol/ think of Bernard Cornwell?

We've always been like that you utter tard. They inherited it from us.

>taxes are dirt low
>have enough money to afford health insurance
>best healthcare around because providers are competing with one another

>Don't push too hard lad, it's counter productive
Maybe you're right here. In the past I always had trouble with injuries because I push too hard, I struggle to do things on a level other than 0% or 100%. Maybe I'll do a bit of light exercise tonight, give my body chance to come back from the dead.

>be bong
>get beheaded in the street

>what is health insurance
too expensive for me

>Muslim here

Stopped reading there, there's nothing to be learned from uncivilised primitive beings.



Had a weird dream where Prince Harry became King of France and the Empire returned.

Pretty good dream to be honest.

Christianity should be destroyed asap

Also you won't die if you can't afford treatment. The ambulance will still take you to the ER and they will fix you up there.

So I've been away for the past 2 weeks. What did I miss, lads?


more mosques now

Just met up with some friends I used to have when I attended 6th form college, all 5 of them brought their gfs, I felt so out of place.

Varg pls

Good stuff lads. Remember the effort can vary, but as long as you're going in the right direction you're doing well

You will regret not going. You won't regret going. Simple as.

Get the fuck off here and go.

Wl>We must hope that Germany et al come and rescue us this time

Jesus Christ the utter delusion of these people.

It's like they want a military intervention for the UK's decision. In another time they'd have been nazi sympathisers.


Well he wrote Sharpe, so he is cool in my books.

>The ambulance will still take you to the ER and they will fix you up there.

Which ER though?

Debatable, Catholic and Proestant establishments are liberal as it gets nowadays. Strict more traditional Christianity is dying in the West.

should have asked if any them wanted to be cucked by you, chances are, you'd be balls deep in one of your mates mrs right now.

>out by 2019

you guys are at least halting the programs which hemorrhage money, right? youre not going to keep giving the EU a billion a day to pay for shit skins?

Lads, I fell asleep with the lamb in the oven and burnt the shit out of it. Now I'm having to make do with a pie instead.

Feel bloody awful. How's everybody else's Sunday going?

Strange because I had this dream where I fucked up giving an embroidered pillow I spent a year making to Price William, and Catherine.

They really liked it, and it turned out that I fucked it up because I had schizophrenia.

Wild ride.

>my friends all unJUSTed their shit
>became normies
>my life gets worse everyday

Not sure how long I'll even have friends desu.

kek, it's funny because brits are cucks

I'm reading one of his books about a british soldier in the american revolution and he seems to take the side of the yanks.

What's wrong with a pie?

Low energy bait

0/10 see me after

After Jamal finishes with your wife?

We have to abide by EU laws until we leave, until then we'll be pissing money down the drain. Once we are out, no more money for the EU.

I'm down to one friend I see often desu.

meeting up with some of the lads I haven't seen in ages for my 30th soon, should be a laugh. At least one of them is still a trainwreck like me so I won't be totally alone


Bit better, go and watch the ozzies for a bit then come back

Because pre-Christian Pagan Europe was literally heaven on earth before those evil Christians started burning witches.

Never mind that the Roman empire were Pagans that did just as much Pagan killing as the Christians but whatever floats Varg's boat.

At this point I figure Varg is just too proud to admit he was being edgy by burning the churches.

Nah I'm atheist not a pagan

damn. well then the sooner the better.

good luck bongs

Thanks user. I have lots of other problems too. A slow hard journey but I hope I'll make it.

That's enough.
I'm telling everyone to vote for Shilllary now.

If it weren't for Christians, we would still be in the EU. It's the Christian right, represented by Mike Pence, who are behind Trump. Consider why that is, and why you shouldn't be doing everything you can to promote Christianity. Christians are the highest fertility, least degenerate, most nationalist demographic. Once Christianity is gone, there will be no one left with an abstract, irrational incentive to keep the West homogeneous. Reason and logic aren't enough. People won't be persuaded by rhetoric to act in our national interests. What can be built by reason can be destroyed by reason (cultural marxism). The nation will only survive through Faith and Romantic thinking.

inshallah brother you are a great ally

end christianity cucks NOW

He's Varg, he can do what he wants

Bullshit. Europe's best times were Christian.

you wouldn't

you monster

>Race and ethnicity

What did he mean by this?

Anti-Christians please note that this guy is the same as this guy . Anti-Christianity is left wing shilling.

Just got turned down for Jobseekers, lads... Apparently I 'm not rich enough to claim it, because I've never paid taxes...

I'm Christian, I was being sarcastic.

tfw no qt Christian gf to save the white race with

He was found not guilty of Church burning, but says he knew many people that did that in the black metal scene at the time.

> Once Christianity is gone, there will be no one left with an abstract, irrational incentive to keep the West homogeneous

But Christianity is not an incentive to do that, once you declare that everybody is equal, as many religions do, you must abandon nationalism and the belief that peoples are any different from one another.

>le chrisitianity built the west

Being European built the west, there are more Christians in Africa or even just China than there are in Europe, yet these places are not as successful as the West.

You got denied JSA because you've never paid taxes? wut

what? have the laws changed or something

You'll have to get a job, lad.

I like how all the Jewish newspapers implied almost all of them supported Remain, unlike the Ashcroft data.

How about you go and look for a job? Start with part time stuff

>pic shows jews and even sikhs are massive pro-brexiters
>"it's all da christcucks! If you don't kiss foreigner feets and offer your anus for free, ur anti-brexit!"

Ah soz mate. It's hard to tell, people have become such parodies of themselves these days.

Either the've significantly changed the laws or you're fibbing.

Gosh Midsomer Murders used to be a great tv program, now its been cucked by political correctness.

I drink too much water and now I feel bad.

It wasn't monarchist, it was an aristocratic oligarchy, more or less. The monarch has been neutered by the nobles of England for centuries

Irish Republicans are degenerates.


In Indian cuisine, beef tastes like lumpy chicken shit and sawsdust, but lamb is lovely.

In Chinese cuisine, lamb tastes like tough as a brick rat fat, but beef is nice.

Hmmm... what's the science behind this??

Ah wait you said minarchist

he said minarchist, not monarchist.
Minarchism is an ideology similar to Libertarianism

>Christianity is not an incentive to do that
Yes it is. You're just strawmanning Christianity and Christians. No Christian wants to see their country become non-Christian. None. This is proven by voting behaviour. It was the Christian kings who defended Europe from the first Caliphates and unified the nations of Europe. The Christian empires that dominated the world and spread our race across the earth while ensuring that it didn't go native.

The situation certainly does not improve itself by resorting to atheism or other beliefs. Atheism is relativistic by definition. Christians are no better than jews or muslims, a white Christian doctor is no better than an Indian hindu. And even paganism is no better. Isn't Woden Tyrone's god too?

W-what do I call myself if i'm a May fan?

Indians don't use beef at all since its haram and there are no sheep in china.
So they use cats or dogs when you order those things

Jews and sikhs are a tiny, tiny minority. And I'm sure that you're not suggesting that whites should replace Christianity with judaism or sikhism.

correlation != causation

Christianity is all over the world and those places aren't exactly utopias are they?

>it was an aristocratic oligarchy, more or less. The monarch has been neutered by the nobles of England

Feels bad man. Gas the oligarchs desu.

Eat some bread.
Or make yourself throw up.

Asian magic?

Christianity is bullshit the same way Islam and Judaism are bullshit.

I was down to 2 friends 2 years ago. I have not seen them since.... I am a NEET too so I feel like a loser even though they are the dumb wage salves.


ethopia was christain and they die and poor

islam was all rich b4 whites FUK everything up

How is he, and you, train wrecks?

>t. I haven't a clue what I'm talking about.

Originally posted by based Portugal-user, READ THIS!

"Here is a series of posts for you guys to better protect yourself from the crafty shills and spies that will certainly increase in number with the God Emperor raising in popularity.

The original source is:

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies



This text is from 2012 but the concept goes way back. It was one of the first to describe and name most of the techniques shills use to try to either suppress or to outright control internet forums (in all their forms).

Most likely the expression "sliding" comes from this document but the general concept is know from back the newsgroups days.

Shout out to Fravia, the best resource of this kind of knowledge back in the days before google."

Either follow the link to Cryptome, pastebin or read pic related because I’m not going to spam the thread with all those posts. If you haven’t read this once already, I STRONGLY advice you to do so now.

That is because of race, not religion. Christian african blacks enjoy a far, far better quality of life than muslims. All those horrible places you hear about in Africa with droughts and civil war? Muslim countries, or with significant muslim infiltration.

>tfw no friends and just wageslave


Nobody cares about this. Delete your post.

>islam was all rich b4 whites FUK everything up
Ahmed pls

Zimbabwe's pretty shitty, though.

>1 post by this ID

Says it all tbqh

Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco are doing far better than the rest of that shithole. Being racist and "Islamophobic" is fine, but being so deluded that you think likes you make up are true is just fucking stupid


Death to Catholicism!

North African Muslim countries were pretty ok until recently.

>Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco
I said blacks. None of those people are black.

>Not having smoke detectors.

Apologize for killing an unarmed black man.

This islam makes people rich.



You first.

>Starting a revolution over tax on tea


They're all just fucking myths that were perpetuated by lords centuries ago to keep peasants happy and make sure they stay in line.

It encourages servile traits, such as working hard for your master, being overly kind so as not to cause disorder in the societies these lords owned, and keeping only one spouse so men wouldn't compete and fight over having multiple women. It also forbids things like growing rich and powerful, calling it greed, and telling the proles that if they do that they will burn in hellfire for an eternity.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a British nationalist and all, but Christianity is just a nasty relic from days gone. Some Christian values are good and should be kept, but the religion as a whole should be abolished.

Sorry for not siding with Israel like a good goy.

Because leftist blacks killed all the white Christians who had been running their society and took the redpill the hard way.

I'm sorry we didn't burn the next one you built.


What's that?

Back I got some chocolate hobnobs, milk, PGtips and some Quavers. I fucked up lad, might have to go back and get some Haribo and Lucozade. Didn't get it because of the qt at the till.

Prove it. And what does it matter? Christianity has been proven to achieve nationalist interests. Atheism has been proved to undermine them. As for the rest of your post, you're just chatting shit and strawmanning.

No taxation without representation.

Otherwise you're just a pawn to be leached from by another nation you rarely see any benefit from.

No, but you sided with the communists instead.

Actually we were very Perfidious Albion with Suez, you fucked up by trying to cuck us.


Weren't you semi-autonomous though? I think the only thing you couldn't do was declare wars and deal with foreign disputes independently.

Calvinist mustard race

>pretty ok
Relatively. For muslims. But uninhabitable for whites.

Tunisia was decent for a holiday until people were being AK'd

>I don't want to pay my fair share

The tax was due to the French and Indian war, If it wasn't for the Brits you'd be speaking French in a 3rd world shithole.

That was the least massacrey massacre in history. Yanks are chimps.


>He thinks the importance of religion is based on its objective truth rather than the effect it has on a society.

Literal 14 year old athiest

If it wasn't for the Brits they would be Southern Quebec

With "you" you mean the USA?

What? You post a picture of Ian Paisley that hated other Christians like Catholics but yet say to marry other Christians. Explain this post.

Is anyone else just really bored of Cred Forums now? It seems like every board just isn't interesting anymore. It's either the same old discussions or just complete shit.

Memer with an ozzie accent

Exactly. Just look at all the French colonies... They turned out to be 3rd world shitholes.

Reading The Origins of Political Order by Fukuyama. I would highly recommend it.

Britain is becoming less religious and there is no turning back. Shill all you want for religion.

The next step has to be finding a way of promoting spiritual and nationalistic values outside of religion


i am now #MayBug

>Ian Paisley that hated other Christians like Catholics

Ian didn't hate Catholics.

I have "not been credited with enough Class 1 National Insurance Contributions"

So I'm not fibbing. They probably want me to claim UC, but t didn't work.

I am looking? You can't claim it and not look. I've applied to many.


Athiest don't breed and are dying out. Only religious people are breeding.

>user said, and went to bed.
>user woke the next morning and immediately opened up 7 tabs of Cred Forums to catch up on the overnight memes
>user realised 'you're here forever' is not just a meme

Can someone explain this "dude but what are we going to do once we're out we've got no plan lmao" bullshit that remainers keep repeating? Do they think that we're 100% reliant on the EU to even exist as a country?
I don't know why I bothered skimming through everyone's favourite self-flagellating uk leddit, it does nothing but raise my blood pressure.

>Throw rocks at police
>Act surprised when the police retaliate with gunfire.
>Scream muh police brutality in the mostly yank-apologist papers

Yanks are proto-niggers.

>May will trigger Article 50 by January 2017
>May will trigger Article 50 by February 2017
>May will trigger Article 50 by March 2017

Is it over lads?

I am considering it.

>You're just strawmanning Christianity and Christians.

Where in the Gospels does jesus endorse crusading and deliberate murder of other Christians, as happened in the crusades.

>No Christian wants to see their country become non-Christian

Archbishop of Canterbury wants us to give Muslims in Britain the right to Sharia Law, the current Pope wants to take in all the refugees.

> It was the Christian kings who defended Europe from the first Caliphates and unified the nations of Europe.

But doing so was fundamentally unchristian of them. It was a willful denial of the teachings of Jesus, a choosing of violence over turning the other cheek.

>The Christian empires that dominated the world and spread our race across the earth while ensuring that it didn't go native.

What does Christianity have to do with this? The most Christian parts of the world today are no where near as successful as us. Why? Because race and culture matters, being European is what made us successful. If being Christian was enough Africa wouldn't be in the state it is in today.

What we see of Christianity today is truer to what Christianity originally was, all embracing and martyrdom loving. The Christianity you speak of is opposed to what is taught in the Gospels, and it was only effective in Europe when backed up by force for centuries.

Welcome to the internet in general.

I've been really getting in to BBS and usenet discussions.

Come home white man.

So sad that gopher was defeated by the WWW.

>Britain is becoming less religious
>Britain is becoming less white and more degenerate
Are you starting to see a correlation here?

It's always like this, we have just been spoiled by 2016.

How simple are you mate?

Yes he did. Look at his speeches that caused loyalists to go out into catholic areas and kill them (they hate him for putting them in jail). He helped the Troubles start and then continue.

Hell, just read any of his quotes on the pope and other shit.

>cameron so confident that we're not leaving he makes literally zero plans
>may gets left holding the bag so takes a few months to sort some basic shit out
>why don;t you have any real plans
>why wont you just invoke article 50
they genuinely must be retarded desu lad

Strange because many of the new brown faces are so religious they take it to the extreme.

>Prove it
Read a history book and apply some common sense. Religion has always been used to control peasants by restricting their lives, even if it wasn't born out of a will to do so.

>And what does it matter?
A lot. The people shouldn't feel or be bound by the words of the Bible, it just breeds generations of people who cannot live life to the fullest.

>Christianity has been proven to achieve nationalist interests
I'd argue it has only really served those at the top by keeping those at the bottom down. The decline of Christianity was happening just as the rise of nationalism happened. You can't truly love your nation if you are sworn to God before anything else

>Atheism has been proved to undermine them
Because we don't have any other ways as of yet of unifying the people under one banner. That is what we need to work to.

>As for the rest of your post, you're just chatting shit and strawmanning
no u



>The next step has to be finding a way of promoting spiritual and nationalistic values outside of religion

Did you even read my post? I'm talking about what needs to happen in the future.

considering she never actually said january or february just that it would be early next year, then no.

Right now labour is as unelectable as it has ever beeen. May isnt pissing away basically guaranteed re-election by jewing us over on brexit

Can't wait until the working class get fucked from Brexit. Simple cunts.

I don't think they've made the connection with Cameron telling the EU exactly what he was going to do before going for negotiations (resulting in an embarrassingly shit deal) and Brexit negotiations.

Low quality bait tbqh

Well it wasn't a shit deal, just not the deal people wanted.

She said before spring. So March.

>Reason and logic aren't enough.
Only because people are too retarded and selfish

It was an appalling deal, he did a shit job and he knew it when he was talking to the media he had the 'I've fucked up big time' look on his face.

>Well it wasn't a shit deal, just not the deal people wanted.
It was a terrible deal with fuck all concessions.

>Where in the Gospels does jesus endorse crusading and deliberate murder of other Christians, as happened in the crusades.
The Crusades weren't murder, they were defence. And you don't need to murder people to enforce immigration laws.

>Archbishop of Canterbury wants us to give Muslims in Britain the right to Sharia Law, the current Pope wants to take in all the refugees.
There is a lesbian bishop in Sweden who wants to remove crosses from churches and replace them with muslim prayer areas. Do you think these people represent Christians? Or have our institutions just been infiltrated by marxism like all our other national institutions. Want to know why the pope is like he is? He's a marxist (atheistical jewish ideology).

>But doing so was fundamentally unchristian of them. It was a willful denial of the teachings of Jesus, a choosing of violence over turning the other cheek.
No it wasn't. They were literal faithful Christians.

>The most Christian parts of the world today are no where near as successful as us. Why?
Race. But the more Christian a race is, the more successful it is. Why?

>The Christianity you speak of is opposed to what is taught in the Gospels
No it's not. It's how Christendom has defended itself since Constantine the Great converted in York. Again, you're just strawmanning and ignoring how Christians actually acted throughout history. Because you have been taught to think this way by those who hate Christianity the most. Marxists.

Someone has broken the sword off that statue.

Sorry you miss understand, yeah it is shit from the perspective of Eurosceptics. But in an alternate timeline that Remain won and we were stuck in the EU project, Cameron got some good concessions.

wish I could watch that timeline
safely from here in the meme timeline of course, wouldnt want to actually experience it

>Read a history book and apply some common sense. Religion has always been used to control peasants by restricting their lives, even if it wasn't born out of a will to do so.
But I am not a peasant. Nor is anyone controlling me through Christianity. So I alone prove you wrong.

>A lot. The people shouldn't feel or be bound by the words of the Bible, it just breeds generations of people who cannot live life to the fullest.
No it doesn't. A Christian life is the best life. Nothing I ever did that was unchristian ever made my life any fuller.

>I'd argue it has only really served those at the top by keeping those at the bottom down. The decline of Christianity was happening just as the rise of nationalism happened. You can't truly love your nation if you are sworn to God before anything else
Our nations were literally unified by Christian kings and defended from Islam by those same kings. Our nations wouldn't even exist without Christianity.

>Because we don't have any other ways as of yet of unifying the people under one banner. That is what we need to work to.
We already have Christianity. What do you see on England's banner?

It would be interesting to see that, I imagine it will be similar to our real life meme timeline where the EU eventually falls apart either by war or continued internal strife.

Either way I think if Remain had won we would be leaving the EU before 2050.

>Did you even read my post? I'm talking about what needs to happen in the future.
>spiritual and nationalistic values
But we already have Christianity and we already have national identity, sanctioned by organic ancient tradition. Literally everything we need. We don't need anything else. No one will ever agree on some new age bullshit. We already have everything we need. We only need to remember who we are instead of destroying it as you suggest. Because once it's destroyed, the law of entropy will do the rest.

C'mom m8. It was on the level of the 1975 "concessions" we got. See, a similar "renegotiation" theater played out then too. There's a reason why nobody remembers what they were.

(For those wondering, it included no tariff on NZ butter - WOW)



>We'll never have a referendum, we're part of the EU and that's just not going to change, how stupid are you?
>OK so the Conservatives promised a referendum, now they will get utterly BTFO in May because of this, how stupid are you?
>OK so the Conservatives won a surprise big victory in the election, that doesn't mean the referendum is happening, how stupid are you?
>OK so the referendum is happening in a couple of years but Leave only has 30%-ish support and will never win, how stupid are you?
>OK so Leave is surging in the polls, but look, Farage said something silly, it's surely over for the Leave campaign, how stupid are you?
>OK so you clearly can't barrage the Farage and Leave is still growing, but look some cunt MP got murdered and Remain is 10 points up in the polls so NOW it's clearly over for real, how stupid are you?
>OK so Leave won, but it's obviously not binding so nothing will happen, how stupid are you?
>OK so it's happening anyway, but it has to go through the Commons first and they'll block it for sure, how stupid are you?
>OK so it's not going through the Commons but look at all of this scary economic data from post-Brexit, surely now people will change their mind and we will Remain, how stupid are you?
>OK so the economy is fine, but obviously everyone is now going to vote for the Lib Dems because they want to oppose Brexit so they will make sure that it never happens, how stupid are you?
>OK so no one is voting for the Lib Dems, but maybe if we filibuster all negotiation plans and A50 for long enough we can sneak back in and everything will be fine and -

>Oh shit, she just hinted at a hard Brexit and she wants to to curb immigration... M-maybe if we call them stupid racists again they'll change their mind?

The Remain camp are world champions at backpedaling and moving the goalposts. Pay no mind to what those clueless cucks think, they've been wrong at every single turn on every single level up to now.


The less muslim immigration we have, the better prospect we are for Jews.

I like how lefties can wrap their head around antisemitism and increased Muslim population being related.

>The Crusades weren't murder, they were defence. And you don't need to murder people to enforce immigration laws.

Objectively false, the Fourth Crusade is just one example. The Crusades often caused murder of jews and other Christians, it's easy enough to look it up. Immigration laws aren't Christian at all, Christianity is all about no borders and spreading everywhere, saying "fuck the establisment we'll preach where we want to". If Christianity could respect migration laws they would have stayed in the middle-east.

>Do you think these people represent Christians?

Yes. They objectively are Christian figureheads, elected by their respective Churches to represent the faithful.

>No it wasn't. They were literal faithful Christians.

See my first point. But to add on to it, the Crusades were like any other conflict of the time. Rape, pillage and rampant murder of innocents followed them wherever they went, even in the Holy Land. These faithful Christians didn't behave in accordance with the Gospels at all.

>Race. But the more Christian a race is, the more successful it is. Why?

Rome peaked before Christianity was adopted, Christianity often hindered the Empire. But this point isn't measurable in any meaningful way and you know it as well as I do.

>No it's not. It's how Christendom has defended itself since Constantine the Great converted in York. Again, you're just strawmanning and ignoring how Christians actually acted throughout history. Because you have been taught to think this way by those who hate Christianity the most. Marxists.

Constantine was a degenerate ladyboy fucker, who put off converting until he was dying (to continue being a degenerate as a long as possible), who also held sympathies with Arianism. Not a good example.

But all in all, I haven't said we should do away with it. I doubt there is a serious alternative for the West as far as religion goes because the Christians of past ages ensured it would be so.

As a nationalist, don't you want to live in a country. That's hard working, polite, stable.
God gave those rules to live by, because that's the best way to live.

>this is a bad thing

>But we already have Christianity
It is dying. Stop shilling for it, it's pointless because it's not gonna happen.

Having nationalistic, family values and spirituality outside of religion isn't new age bullshit, it's literally our only hope.


Probably. The EU seems to be moving in the direction of federalism, so there probably would have been a parting of the ways eventually.
But given how pro-EU my generation is, I didn't trust us to regain our sovereignty in a few decades time - so I voted leave.

>Jews fleeing because of Muslims flooding into Europe and being violent anti-Semites

Is there anything they won't blame on Brexit?

I think the safe guards for the city of London he got was a great victory, one he shouldn't have got. I know on the immigration front he got the "emergency break" which wasn't what people wanted. But imagine for a minute things went to plan, leave lost the referendum.

Cameron got

>An "emergency brake" on migrants' in-work benefits for four years when there are "exceptional" levels of migration. The UK will be able to operate the brake for seven years

>Child benefit for the children of EU migrants living overseas will now be paid at a rate based on the cost of living in their home country - applicable immediately for new arrivals and from 2020 for the 34,000 existing claimants

>The amending of EU treaties to state explicitly that references to the requirement to seek ever-closer union "do not apply to the United Kingdom", meaning Britain "can never be forced into political integration"

>The ability for the UK to enact "an emergency safeguard" to protect the City of London, to stop UK firms being forced to relocate into Europe and to ensure British businesses do not face "discrimination" for being outside the eurozone

I mean will would still be over run by scum, but we would have all these advantages over the rest of the Eurozone. He didn't do too badly.

Stopped reading at the Christian establishment is elected. You're just chatting bollocks now. Just another anti-Christian trying to destroy the West. So sad that our own people haven't been taught the most basic things about their own history and religion, but instead taught to attack their own people. I wish I had time to teach you here my friend, but we will soon be in the archive.

No, please. Don't go.


There are even more Muslims in France

Not to mention the Jews in France have been fleeing to Israel

It's always easier to ad hominem your opponents than to argue with them.

Not for the first time. It always comes back.

Your knowledge of history is fucking risible if you think there was anything "defensive" about the crusades

Go read a real history book you cretin and stop believing retarded christian propaganda history from Cred Forums

Take another look at the brexit voter demographics mate. And stop attacking the highest fertility, least degenerate, most nationalistic demographic of your own people. You're a fucking traitorous drone. Part of the problem.


Suck my dick you strawmanning cunt. I'm not "attacking" Christianity. I'm saying it's more realistic to embrace the FACT that Christianity is dying and we should put energy into promoting proper values outside of it.

That's what I'm saying pham. If Jews are fleeing Europe, it's not because they're terrified of having to spend a few minutes filling out a visa application form. It's because they're rightfully terrified of the swarm of violent anti-Semite Muslims that the EU (ironic, since the Independent is blaming Brexit) has unleashed on them.

>not pictured: crusaders slaughtering their way through fellow Europeans on their way there

The idea that either side dindu nuffin is fucking risible desu