If you're Jewish you're statistically more likely to be a socialist/communist

If you're Jewish you're statistically more likely to be a socialist/communist.
Prove me wrong.
>you can't

Other urls found in this thread:


Israel really likes sharing territory with Palestine, doesn't it

That's why they just need to take it over completely

Is this some kind of insight that seems relevant and profound to shitlibs in Canada?

Being "ethnically jewish" doesn't mean that you are religiously jewish. Ethnically jewish makes you more secular than any other groups.

The correlation is between atheism and socialism. There is nothing wrong between being orthodox jewish.

if you are a married white american male in his 30's then you are also more likely to have cuck fatansies, can we make political assumption on the basis of this? I don't think so.

You are fucking stupid

t. Infidel


>Being "ethnically jewish" doesn't mean that you are religiously jewish
How is that relevant? Next you'll tell me racists care about skin color...where did all these retarded normalfags come from?

Because the real threat of degradation of society is the Atheist.

Ethnically Jews are just more likely to be atheist.

>Prove me wrong.

The croak of the autistic basement toad, who will never understand that their little PNG images and preconceived notions are a teeny-tiny bit different from legitimate research.

>thinks Jews aren't a threat
>says Jews more likely to be atheist
>thinks "atheists are the real threat"
Would you like to go over your notes and see if you made any errors in that analysis?

Wtf I hate Jews now

>someone got rustled hard
>can't prove me wrong
go eat some tendies and try to feel better

No, not really. Orthodox jews are 2 to 1 Republican, while people who just claim to be Jewish by heritage are majority Democrats

There is literally nothing wrong with being an orthodox Jew

Right wing national socialist here.

>Orthodox jews are 2 to 1 Republican
>Orthodox Jews are 10% of all US jews
yeah, i think that's probably bullshit

Nothing you said or posted is contradictory to one another
>Politically, Orthodox Jews are far more conservative than other Jews. For example, 57% of Orthodox Jews describe themselves as Republicans or say they lean toward the Republican Party, while 36% are Democrats or lean Democratic. Among Jews as a whole, the balance tilts strongly in the other direction: 70% of Jews overall are Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party, while just 22% are Republican or lean Republican.

You have to remember, any """Jew""" who only claims Jewishness to appear not white for their liberal friends is not a Jew at all. They are secular in nature and have nothing to do with the Jewish faith

>Nothing you said or posted is contradictory
I was pointing out that your molehill of an observation isn't a mountain, as you claim. Who cares if 10% of the Jewish population votes Republican 60% of the time? Am I supposed to find that impressive or telling somehow? It just supports my original thesis, especially if even the more "conservative" Jews are likely to vote leftist 1/3 of the time.

>any """Jew""" who only claims Jewishness to appear not white for their liberal friends is not a Jew at all
>muh "jews are just a religion" meme
overdose on bluepills, friend? Jewish supremacism transcends their religious belief; all Jews hate the goyim, atheist or otherwise. In fact, religious jews are technically atheist, since they don't believe in an immortal soul.


Because people who claim Jewishness aren't Jewish unless the participate in the Jewish faith?

They are atheists

>since they don't believe in an immortal soul.
That is objectively wrong

>people who claim Jewishness aren't Jewish unless the participate in the Jewish faith
Jews are a RACE. It's a religion for people of a specific BLOODLINE. To be a citizen of Israel you take a GENETIC TEST. Stop being so fucking gullible.

pic related


Is it their race that causes socialist tenancies or is it that they were born in a secular family?


Whether atheist socialist, or religious Jew, the Jew's idiology always aims to subvert and conquer non-Jews, because that's the inborn instinct of all Jews. They hate that which is not their race.


Wherever there exists an angle or a means to subvert the goyim, a jew is always there, articulating the means of destroying and erasing his enemy. In most case, it requires no explicit thought on the part of the jews in question.

>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jewish Supremacism
>Jews push immigration to white nations

Jews instinctively lash out, distrust, and hate anything that is not a reflection of them, or their property.

>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism



>The Haavara agreement - Germany created Israel

>David Cole

>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff



>The Jew’s life as a parasite within the body of other nations and states is the origin of an unusual characteristic which caused Schopenhauer (Arthur Schopenhauer, the German philosopher) to describe the Jew as the “great master of lies”. This kind of existence drives the Jew to lie and to lie regularly and methodically in an orderly, businesslike way which comes as naturally to them as warm clothes to those who live in cold climates.

>His life within a nation can only continue if he convinces the people that Jews are not a separate people, but merely a “religious community”, although an unusual one. But this itself is the first great lie.

>In order to carry on his existence as a parasite among other nations, he must conceal his inner character. The more intelligent the individual Jew is, the more successful his deception will be. This deception may even convince parts of the host nation that the Jew is really a Frenchman, an Englishman, a German, or an Italian, just a person of a different religious persuasion. Government offices are particularly easy victims of this notorious trick because bureaucrats have little sense when it comes to history and only react to a fraction of actual history. In such circles, independent thinking is often considered a sin against sacred rules that determine who is promoted and who is not. Because of this, we must not be surprised that the Bavarian State Ministry, for instance, even today doesn’t have the faintest idea that the Jews are members of a separate people and not of a simple “religious group”.

You realize you're not bumping your own thread. Right?

>The Jew could never create a religious institution on his own because he lacks any form of idealism which would be needed to create such a cover. The lack of idealism means that a belief in any life hereafter is absolutely foreign to him. According to the Aryan concept, no religion could be conceived that lacks a belief in some form of life after death. In fact, the Talmud (the record of Jewish Law, ethics, customs, and history) is a book that explains how to prepare for a practical and prosperous life in this world and it says nothing about preparation for the hereafter.
