Did We Kill God and doom ourselves?

Okay, so Im in a graduate level religion course where we study the life and history of Jesus Christ (not the fairy tale church stuff). Also, for the sake of this argument, assume that God exists/existed.

Recently we have been covering the crucifixion and one thought occurred to me, "what if we killed God when we killed Jesus"? Now the bible states multiple times that Jesus Christ was god manifested in the flesh, or at least an aspect of him. Now assuming that we take the miracle stories and all of the divine intervention stuff at face value, notice anything strange about the Bible? After the death of Jesus and the ascension (which was added in post hoc), God becomes silent, while before then he was very active in the world (He spoke to people, smote the wicked, protected the just etc). The silence which is extremely out of character for the old testament God ,indicates the absence of a God.

So by Crucifying Jesus, did we kill God who had manifested in him, dooming ourselves to perish on a wicked world with no savior?

That would explain how the world has slowly spiraled out of control, why Christians wait on a savior that wont return, and why prayers often fall on deaf ears. Had Old Testament God still been around, he would still be active in the world.

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So.. Basically.. God is dead and we killed him.. Shit.

no because Jesus isn't God
he's just a dirty Jew who tricked gullible retards into thinking he's God
but all he is is a dirty kike

> studies jesus
> says he isn't studying fairy tales
I didn't need to read anything past that

I said suspend your beliefs damn it!

No, the jews did it.

Lurk moar in theology class before posting faggot

Maybe back in the day God couldn't help but interfere, then after we killed a piece of him in human form we screwed ourselves.

Now he's going to wait until the absolute last chance he has or not? I'm not too worried either way.

I know there is one true God and satan controls this world. If you are a graduate level book reader and discussion expert do you know roman catholicism is the mysteries?

There are miracles in the Acts of the Apostles, so after the Ascension. You are being very silly.

>graduate level religion course
Top notch, it seems.

(And I'm not even a Christian.)

Even if Jesus wasn't crucified, he would have died eventually. So no, you're theory doesn't hold up.

There's no god. Religion is merely a catalyst to make people behave morally.

(((they))) killed our Lord because He was a threat their (((their))) power and shekels.

Why do you think (((they))) have been hounded by everyone else on the planet ever since (((they))) silenced the Word of our Lord?

(((they))) reap what (((they))) have sown.

According to the Bible, Jesus rose from the grave after dying. If God was killed when Jesus was crucified than this would not have been possible.

Hope this helped OP

The jews killed him not us.

Read the gospels and find out

could be the theme of a pretty good tragedy OP. Read up on the structure of classic tragedy and write it. Would buy.

we killed him again when he came back

this channel is pretty based i recommend his 7 hours long serie called the golden web

>(((they))) killed our Lord
your lord is a stinking kike who pissed off other kikes

>babby's first deism

Yes the kikes killed God but he came back.

God is an ANCAP and we're only suffering because we violated the NAP by killing Jesus.

good lord, grow up. what kind of graduate level bullshit college is this? Read Mircea Eliade and Nietzsche. Nietzsche discovered the reality of 'Tat Tvam Asi' after wrestling with the koan of the Eternal Return, and redpilled us all. That should be enough to wake you the fuck up a little. You would be better off to fast and pray for forty days and nights alone in the desert than in some college for morons.

We doomed ourselves by thinking we were above gods judgement and that our souls were mortal


You can't kill a "god". Also, he never existed and even if he did, he was a kike so good riddance,

Haven't you heard the good news? Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

The Law has been fulfilled, we have entered into a new covenant with a new life, there is no longer Jew nor Greek, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.

Daily reminder that post-messiah Judaism is (literally) Christianity, meaning the true Israel is the spiritual body of Christendom.

That modern Judaism is properly called Talmudism, which has its origins in Pharisaism and is the ideological opposite of pre-Christian-era Judaism.

That Talmudism/Pharisaism is the richest ideological firmament for Satanism, which found its purest expression in the act of crucifying Christ as urged and committed by the Pharisees of the time.

That modern "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) generally originated in Khazaria, but have lived internationally, intermarried, and converted (both in and out) for so long as to have no discernible genetic or familial heritage.

That the "13th Tribe" and "Ashkenazim" racial memes are Hasbara psyops designed specifically to justify the current occupation of Palestine known as "Israel," as well as employ a political parry silencing anyone who names the "Jew" or criticizes their activities as being a racist. There is no "Jewish race."

That the extortion at the Temple - whom Jesus drove out and excoriated - was promoted and conducted by the Pharisees of the day; that the modern day extortion employed by the same "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) via the Federal Reserve and similar monetary and usurious banking rackets are spiritually identical in form, function, and nature of perpetrator.

That the Holocaust (TM) is designed to subvert Christ as the preeminent messianic sacrifice, and in supplanting Christ as messiah replace Him with Talmudic satanism disguised as "Judaism."

That if you don't know the above, and much more, you have a long way to go before you are "red-pilled."

As Lancelot said:

All around is death!
Death everywhere!
All of you will come to death...
...for it is our constant companion
through life as we trudge...
...through this weary...
...and tragic scene
of the valley of the shadow of death.
Look at the great knight!
Peace and plenty they promised.
But what did they give us instead?
Famine and pestilence.
-And death.
Because of their pride,
and because of their sin...
-...God has left the world.
They made themselves God...
...and Christ has abandoned us.