Things A Liberal Would Never Say


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White lives matter

Secure borders secure the nation

I'm proud of myself, my people, and my nation.

It's my fault.

You can't say that until you talk about white on white violence

Shall not be infringed

Lower taxes

All lives matter

I do not enjoy the BBC

my problems are of my own doing.

Maybe blacks should not kill each other so much

Gas the kikes racewar naw

niggers gonna nig

I should probably get a job.

Hate speech is free speech.

I was wrong

people should take responsibility for the choices they make in life

the constitution is sacred and should be respected

There's such a thing as gang violence

I don't agree with your opinion but I respect your right to say it

I disown my wife's black son


Look at my beautiful white family

The Charlotte riots were unjustified


Wow another radical muslim terrorist attack

If Trump wins I'm moving to Mexico.

My taxes are too high

Gotta work in the morning

"I think I should get what I earn."

pitbulls are statistically more dangerous than other dogs, comprising more than half of dog attacks on humans.

Genetics play a role in the disposition of an animal or person.

>brandishes towel

Muslims caused 9/11

>I condemn the violent assaults commited by BLM supporters or other HIllary Clinton Supporters on Trump Supporters. Violence is not the answer, proper toughtfull debate should be the option before everything else.

I'm happy

They all say the same thing, "If that fucking racist wins I'm moving to an even whiter country"

We shouldn't subsidize women who show no responsibility for their body, their children, or their future children

>muh black on black crime


Im not a cuck

I said this at work one with a co worker in the car.

We were outside a Walmart installing a well and a black couple pulled up in a car yelling at each other. They both proceeded to get out of the cat and start slap fighting with each other, until the guy picked up a shopping cart and threw it at the woman, missing get entirely and putting a massive dent in his car. They then made up and started walking into the store, then I let out "niggas gonna nig" under my breath. My coworker looked at me and smiled and we got back to earning money to support those baboons.


Literally encompasses the entire Liberal Experience ©.

Right over your head...

It was an act of Islamic terrorism!

oh no problem, there's less of it than of black on white violence and black on black violence.

I don't think you understood his post..

Hi (to a minority)

Brown people are capable of fixing their own communities.




There are more factors to the incredibly higher black crime rate than poverty and "oppression"

Facts and logic, not emotion, are imperative to presenting a good argument

Something intelligent

meet my black neighbor

i love my country

I redistribute my wealth by donating to charity.

israeli nationalist jews are better than my pet SJW jews

You can hate Obama without being racist

It's all hispanic on white violence. Whites include hispanics.

Race is a big factor in IQ

Some women do.

People should be able to do what they want as long as they're not hurting others

fuck that fat subhuman piece of shit

Personal responsibility is vital in a free society.


-My right-wing opponent has some serious points and I will respect these points enough to not accuse the platform they state their opinion on propaganda.
-I will actually protest Apple by not purchasing their products as their actions to give minimal pay and unsatisfactory working conditions to foreign workers. I will also stop protesting Chick-fil-a for their previous gay hating event as they have recently given chicken sandwiches to those who donated blood after the pulse nightclub shooting.
-I think abortion should be less restrictive, as long as the father also has a say of things and the fetus hasn't developed to having a beating heart.
-I think that the people on welfare should be forced to do community services and having children after registering for food stamps should be restricted in order to discourage bringing children into poverty.


i disagree but respect your right to your own opinion

I believe in the 1st and 2nd Amendment

That's an alligator you fucking simpleton

I know, right? Diehard libs are the least tolerant and friendly people I know. They talk a good game but never back it up with behavior.

"I post on /qa/ and Cred Forums shouldn't be deleted"

"You're right."

Liberals. Men of a million excuses.

>i know you're wrong
>i just know it
>you're racist
>you're always racist

I've been thinking

Hmm, really makes you think

I will stay in this neighborhood that is turning increasingly black.

damn, that's really fucking up our averages then. We need to get this sorted out so it's public knowledge who are the violent animals to avoid.


Obama doesn't know what he's doing.

I undertsand

Thatcher should be given Sainthood.

Economics is the allocation of scarce resources with alternative uses

"Fair" is subjective

There's no such thing as a free lunch


A liberal might say it. She brought us into the EU and pushed us towards being an internstikn cumdump, plus she gave Hong Kong to the Chinese, basically.


Funny enough Vladimir Lenin actually admitted he was wrong.

I'm not fat I'm just lazy.

I'll pay for that.

Some people being born into unfortunate circumstances is only a product of our past, it is not evidence of modern systemic racism, attempting to rectify it with free rides will never solve the problem.

>She brought us into the EU
Nope, though she didnt realise what it would become.
HK was leashed to the UK, which expired.

>Here's hard evidence to back up my claims.

i like pussy

Everyone has a right to their opinion.

Its not about how i feel

Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

Don't fuck my wife, please. I would take issue with that.

Yiff in hell furfag

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Socialism has never been tried.

"Oh I see where I was wrong, fair point"

>I told you! I was right!

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

While her inspiring presence and large, beautiful family obviously scream "presidential", what I *really* like Hillary for is her policies.