Why are Amerilards so retarded?

Why are Amerilards so retarded?


You've basically opened up the door for a whole world of people who suffer from your illegal foreign wars to come in and sue you.

9/11 changed this country monumentally, the least our people deserve is some justice and not fighting a globalist war...

Britain started it by suing Libya for Lockerbee.


saudis gonna get rekt

>he really believes this
This is gonna negatively impact America far worse than Saudi

Obama was right again. You should have listened.

>and sue you.

Sue our government*

No one gives a shit about the American government, especially not its people.

>implying this is a bad thing

American empire can afford to be taken down a peg

>implying we would follow any other nation's laws but our own

Only globalists cucks can't see this.

It still represents you dumbass

You pay taxes into the system

Fucking Amerilards are so dumb. Jesus Christ. Kill yourself my man.

>You pay taxes into the system
I do? News to me, family.

You should spend time getting to know real Americans, instead of applying a rationalization, based on your on perceptions, onto an entire nation of people.

dat feelin wen u do politics

Although the Taliban/Al Qaeda was buttfucked and we killed Bin Laden, I honestly feel like he won. Not in a military sense, since we still have the biggest, but in a psychological sense. Think about how long it took to complete the freedom tower, and look at the state of our space program. I think it hurt our desire to dream. After Pearl Harbor, FDR was able to rally the greatest generation and help save the world with the allies, which in term led to prosperity... but after 9/11 with such an incompetent like Bush at the helm I'm surprised we came out of it at all. Afghanistan was spot on right from the start, that was war to fight, but then the Bush Administration co-opted American's thirst for vengeance and turned it into a meaningless disaster, the Iraq War. 2 overseas wars and of course corporate greed led to the recession of 08 which thankfully we survived, but ever since things just seem so bland and pointless. Now we've got this embarrassment of an election...

>Why are people so retarded

I guarantee you that even if the U.S. government is successfully sued, not one damn cent will be paid to the accuser.

>ifunny watermark
Australia I expect so much more from you

So? That's a good thing. America shouldn't have to fear being sued if they did nothing wrong.

I hope I get sued so I can counter-sue for being sued.

Some class action lawsuit against the emotional damages caused by pepe.

People in NYC sued Iran a couple years ago

You fucking idiot no one will ever see a dime from these trials. NO ONE. Not us, and definitely not them. That wasn't the point and only the media pushes that narrative.

The point is so that literal human filth can be prosecuted on the 'world's stage' so to speak. If they want to try it back at us, so be it. They won't be convincing anyone that isn't already in their pockets though.

>so I can counter-sue for being sued
But you can't do that. It's called "the American rule"

Most of us don't even know about that. So yeah, we are retarded, but not for the reasons you think.

We are so fucking retarded that we pay little to no attention to any politics outside of major elections, and even then we don't really pay that much attention to them to where we're taking it very seriously.

We suck. So fucking much. It's unbelievable.

A true patriot does not say "America is great". A true American says that America sucks and needs to be made great again.