Theory on Donald's Taxes being sent to the NY Times?

What's your theory?

Who did it? and

Why did they do it?

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Good questions.

I don't know.

It's strange that it was reportedly sent from Trump Tower and that it was reported on a Saturday instead of a Monday however.

It's not confirmed it was sent from the Trump Tower. Just the return address is Trump Tower.


Wasn't it illegal for them to publish that without his consent?

Debatable. It's clearly illegal for whoever sent them to the Times. The Times will now try to duck and weave if anyone hints at legal repercussions for them.

The actual criminality won't matter because the authorities with jurisdiction wouldn't act to protect Trump if you held a gun to their heads.

It was probably used in his bankruptcy filings, and in that case all of his creditors got a copy.

including a ton of people he declared bankruptcy on just so he wouldn't have to pay them for work they did. And then to add insult to injury he went to the press and bragged about stealing and defrauding these vendors.

no surprise his taxes showed up.

Pretty obvious it was Marla Maples. That was their joint return.

Fuck you right wing retards are slow.

I don't know, is it possible that it was the Trump camp itself in some elaborated strategy?

His accountant did it, because he's sick of Donald's shit.

You just know everyone in contact with Trump is sick of his shit.

who leaked
>local ny state irs employee

why leaked
>they're morally bankrupt and subhuman with no consideration for greater society and the security of impartial public servants

More is less when you're trying to be a political hack. You'd have been far more effective and thought provoking without the final three sentences. I'd have actually spent some time checking the relevant laws, but those extra pop-offs are enough to confirm you're just a hilldog shill.

Without the extra bullshit it sounds like a neutral explanation instead of an obvious attempt to work in a couple of talking points.

it was trump and he did it for the keks or a more mysterious purpose

His campaign

Someone in his campaign decided that they needed to clear the media cycle of the miss American pornstar thing, maybe someone suspected that it was dangerous territory with the female vote.

So someone sent an irresistible scoop to the NYT. Trump is intelligent enough to keep some things in reserve, like how he kept the Christie endorsement until he had a bad debate performance.

ITT: election fan fiction

Well when that guy gets 5 years in jail it will be funny to watch the left spert about it.

Per the IRS attacking Conservative groups shit from a few years ago, IRS employees know that that kind of access is logged and that the higher ups will throw one of them to the wolves.

I'm just trying to give you Gen X and the Babby Boomer's view of the man.

if you'd like to hear what we think of Hillary ask away.

Personally all I remember of her dynasty is outlawing my favorite rifles for 12 years and the rapey dude getting a hummer in the oval office.

>leak 1995 taxes with a huge loss
>MSM speculates and insinuates Trump paid no taxes
>Clinton hounds on Trump paying no taxes with no evidence
>Trump releases all of his tax returns, turns out he did pay taxes though probably at a lower rate
>MSM is stumped and shown as liars, they quickly backpedal insinuating Trump paid no taxes.
>Assange/Keefe drop their goods overtaking the media cycle

It's obvious that Trump leaked it, then told his old accountable to give more info to NYT when they contact him.


I'm GenX, and I still have a hard time adapting to not viewing him as a clown.

And your theory is bunk anyway. Creditors don't get a copy of your tax returns in a bankruptcy, nor would that matter in "Trump's bankruptcies" because Trump never personally went bankrupt. He would not have even needed to file copies of his personal returns with the Trustee in the case of one of his businesses filing for bankruptcy.

So, just to recap. This user is a lying sack of shit.

Tax documents go to a trustee during a bankruptcy, not to the individual creditors. Trump never filed for bankruptcy personally, so at no point would any of his tax returns been given to a trustee. This CTR piece of shit is just using this opportunity to fit in some more of Hillary's talking points by lying to you.

>your theory is bunk anyway.
oh if he's writing off losses from business that information on the business filing went to creditors and investors.

I've done 2 bk's and I had to give 1040's to my creditors both times. It might even be public record, I'm not sure.

>Tax documents go to a trustee during a bankruptcy, not to the individual creditors.
it's part of the motion to file.

the whole package goes to creditors if they want it.

it's obvious that we don't know yet

personal bankruptcies?



