Funds and stocks

i have a total of 44 000 Euros(430 000 krones). I have already some funds but I am a afraid of the whole Deutsche bank thing. But where is it recommended to invest? I want as much shekel as possible when i am done with my degree. Any recommendations?

Is Russia any good last year it went up with 40% but it say its an high risk fund.


Put it all into dogecoin

Send it to me, ive got a shoebox in my cupboard that the jews dont know about.

kiira is my wife


It seems a bit fishy even if it has gained a lot.

you're wife got bred by usain bolt

does this make you erect sven

So I would say you have a couple of options. First is the safe option. Just invest the entirety into a mutual fund. Mutual funds are essentially portfolios (of stocks, bonds, other financial instruments) that you buy into. The returns are safe, since they are diversified. Also some will mimic some large tracking indexes so say like the S&P 500 or FTSE 100. If you are willing to take more risk, create your own portfolio. However, this will require you to do some research, but it could be worth it. You need to understand some finance topics, but it shouldn't be too bad. You always want to diversify your portfolio, meaning buying stocks in different sectors, nations, etc. to minimize unsystematic risk. Your portfolio should be comprised of mainly stocks and bonds, a larger share of equities if you are willing to take on more risk, but remember bonds are generally less risky (depending on their rating).

Since you are a young guy in university, I would create a portfolio of about 70% stocks and 30 % bonds. Of that 70% of bonds, about half into large cap stocks and the other half in small cap stocks; while diversifying when you can. Then with your bonds, about half of it in AAA Corp. Debt, U.S. Treasury Bonds, and maybe some AAA/AA/A U.S. Municipal Debt (not sure how taxes work in sweden, but in America Municipal Debt is free income taxes, so it gives an effective yield of its coupon rate/(1-tax rate). The rest of you bond funds, I would just put into risker corp. debt AA/A/BBB, if you can snag some Catastrophe Bonds I would since their returns are not correlated with financial markets, and maybe some emerging market debt or U.S. junk bonds that are high yielding.

At the end of the day, safest option is just investing in a mutual fund, but you can get higher returns and feel a sense of accomplishment if you take the time and create your own portfolio.

Real estate would be best. Buy it and rent it out, if you can. Nominated in some more or less stable currency.

Other than that, stocks and REITs are way too expensive at the moment. I'm waiting for the next major economic collapse, so they would depreciate, myself, but it could really take up to a couple decades.

Until then, it's like 70-80% bonds + 20-30% REITs.

oye good goyium would give me their shekels to take care of

>44000 euro's
>real estate in Sweden

This a more risky portfolio is fine if you're young, because you won't need all the money directly anytime soon

upgrade your cuckshed

Also, all stock market shit you buy through a stock broker. So, they don't really belong to you.

If your broker goes bust, at least in the US they gotta reimburse you up to several hundred grand (google SIPC for info; pertains to foreign investors too), but if the whole system collapses, you're fucked. Unless you personally own some physical assets, or at least a share in some enterprises without any intermediaries, you are not completely safe. So, real estate is the best option.

Mutual funds and shit are far too expensive right now, as I mentioned earlier, and you can't really know when they get cheaper. At least consider REITs (real estate investment trusts), those normally offer decent dividends, unlike stocks and shit. Pick the ones investing in real estate only, no mortgage backed security shit. Look for low leverage, too, otherwise the next crisis will fuck them (and you) up. And decent dividend history - check out how much real estate in the areas they invest yields, they should yield somewhat less, but not too much. You buy that stuff directly or from a broker, like stock (google for specifics).

Bonds yield shit now. Stocks are way too expensive, gonna fall twice or more during the next crisis phase in the economic cycle.

Would be much better to buy bonds (even though the yields are fucked up) + REITs now and wait for teh market to fall. When it does, sell bonds and buy stocks/mutual funds + more REITs. Although this limits you to short-maturity bonds or even money market instruments, which yeild even worse.

Go into business with Parisian jewelry thieves, split the loot.

Pay off any debts you have then stick what's left in a tracker fund and forget about it for thirty years. That's all you gotta do.

if you have stocks diversify them into international funds if you have a lot of stocks on the Stockholm Exchange.

I would recommend some interest rates funds, avoid the "räntepapper" that Avanza offers its customers, Nordea apparently got shortage of capital and i doubt a burst of deutchebank will better it.

Also consider buying some gold and silver (buy and hold). Both Went up like crazy following the lehman br crash and they will act in the same way in the future.

tl;dr. diversify globally, diversify between stocks:rates:metalls.

that's what i'm doing right now.

Are you serious?

I was thinking about Russia but thats high risk.

I don't have any debt.


Well maybe but Avanza is not really famous for being a good. I have SEB funds I am planning to invest in Russia funds.