Billions of years ago there was nothing but suddenly a big explosion came out of nowhere and it created the countless...

>billions of years ago there was nothing but suddenly a big explosion came out of nowhere and it created the countless and complex galaxies, stars and planets we know today

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>haha yeah the obvious explanation is that a magical fairy in the sky that that knows everything and can will anything into existence is the one who made it

God caused the explosion.

I find this amusing because actual fedoras use this argument unironically.

>kike media creates sky fairy straw man
>kike media then attacks their own strawman

The big bang is not a creation theory you dumb nigger. It's a cosmological model.

>He doesn't understand physics AT ALL
>social science/arts students detected
>i'll take a blonde roast coffee with one of those sconces please (your future careers)



There likely wasn't an explosion, entropy would happen regardless.
The big bang is definitely the theory that makes the most assumptions in modern science today.

Jesus Christ

We've observed quarks phasing in and out of existence

Which means the entire Universe could have been nonexistent, and suddenly "popped" into existence.

Who said fairy. Maybe God is just infinity. Use your thinking Bible-thumping fedorafag.

*tips fedora* this post has me feeling euphoric xD xD

Seriously though, when will newfags understand the atheist neckbeard meme was started as a joke by actual atheists on Cred Forums in order to distance themselves from angsty teens on reddit?

Most of pseudo-intelectual leftist militant atheists such as "Banana to ass" TJ or thunderfeet are a ugly over-sensitive douchebags that hates religion because they are too ignorant to understand it.

Not saying about true conservative atheists like John Carmack of course.

>In dis moment I iz u4ic. Not cuz of no fancy schmancy "scieeeence" but cuz I've been saved by muh lord jeebuss chriiist

> Haha yeah the billions of years ago god created the earth and spoke to Moses personally at mount sinai then sent his son to earth to die for everyone's sins and his son rose from the dead and now God, his son, and this fucker called 'the holy spirit' are the three parts of the one God, and God will come back any day now to finish his work, not that he failed to actually save the world the first time, just like, he's going to come back and be God all over again even though he was totes God the first time.

>Making fun of hard working family men who feed the country

Baxk to reddit

I dont know what you surrendermonkeys eat, but here in the US baristas don't serve light fixtures to their customers.

Who said God has to be exactly how he is described in the Bible?

big bong is the most absurd theory. there was no absolute beginning. science is mostly fiction.

if he was hard working he'd be rich
he's clearly an out of touch country bumpkin who lives off welfare in a trailer home

big bang was a term used to mock the theory but has stuck around because nothing can uproot the theory

cosmic background radiation came from somewhere, maybe it came from God, but I don't see any reason whatsoever that

>the beginning of the universe had to be caused, therefore
>we should four times a day bow in the direction of the dead kike that said he was the living son of whatever brought the universe into being

There is no more reason for the following of the bible than there is for the following of the Koran or any of the other abrahamic faiths

The atheism vs Christianity discussion is probably the easiest and fastest way to weed out redditors:
>If he was hard working, he's be rich.
Oh sweet child.

I'm not atheist, I'm agnostic.

I think atheists are dumb for equating the *GENERAL* idea of god, with some imaginary creature like the flying spaghetti monster. The basic idea of God is obviously one of the more plausible explanations for the existence of the universe.

But Christian theology is basically on the level of believing in a unicorn, flying teapot, spaghetti monster, or what have you.

>I don't know where the universe came from, hence it was an entity I imagined that did it all.

>I know exactly how the universe was created

>an old guy living in the clouds did all that

Actually low education faggot, everything always existed. All matter space and time were once compressed into a tinny single point. This point expanded creating what you and presieve as planets and energy and sheit. These are observable facts. Was this the beginning of everything? We don't know yet, and many assume it isn't!! :D
Many believe that our own universe started when matter in a different universe was compressed into a black hole.
It is also believed, and there is a theory in the works, that all matter and energy contains the information of all other matter and energy. So we are all one. This can be measured, and there are mathematical models of the universe with these conditions and they reconcile relativity and quantum physics.

I'd love to learn more about this stuff, but sadly my species still can not fucking get their heads around their silly tribal gods not being real.


>I'm agnostic

Literally worse than atheists.

You must be so enlightened because you hold no strong convictions about anything

>everything always existed

General relativity proves you wrong faggot

>implying I implied I have a single clue

Your post is the quintessential non-argument a Redditor would make. Good job ousting yourself.

That is incorrect. Big Bang theory states all matter was represented as a single point. A singularity if you will that suddenly exploded. We must either assume the singularity was always their or that something else happened before the singularity which made the singularity( it could be literally anything, another universe that collapsed into singularity or God made it. Big Bang theory makes no claim to what came before it since we have zero evidence as to what it may be so your guess is as good as mine.) please do some actual research on a theory before you try to criticize it, not doing so will only make you look like trump at the presidential debate.
>inb4 fedora atheist
I'm actually a Christian but the bible is defiantly wrong on the creation of the universe. As such I don't take it literally all the time.

I think that the universe is akin to a computer simulation. There are three main reasons why I think this is plausible and these reasons are (in no particular order):

* Time slows down near black holes, I think this is comparable to how a computer starts to slow down when it is receiving vast amounts of information so that it can preserve its processing power.

* The fact that we live in an unimaginably vast universe yet life seems to exist only on Earth. Perhaps extraterrestrial forms of life weren't coded into the simulation or they are coded into the simulation only when the Programmer deems it necessary/desirable.

* Quantum physics has proven that things don't exist in the way that we observe them UNTIL we observe them. So in other words, EVERYTHING is energetic wave-form information UNTIL we observe it. This is so that this universe doesn't have to be rendered every second for every observer (human or otherwise). It preserves processing power.

No it doesn't you epic peice of shit. :)
It would also prove blackholes wrong, and the singularity at the beginning of the universe wrong. This is why currently evolving theories revolve around a holographic universe where things like relativity are "projected" along with the rest "reality" by energy that exists in and permiates all things. :=P

That's not what agnosticism means.

I have a strong conviction that science describes the conditions at the beginning of the universe and the basic storyline of what happened since then, and that anyone who thinks they knows what came before that is a retard. I think strong-form atheists are retards because they positively believe the universe spontaneously arose from nothing, and rationalize it on the basis of quantum behavior that occurs in the context of an already-existing universe ("quarks come in and out of existence maaaaan") and is thus not comparable to primordial nothingness. The god thesis in its general form is plausible enough, but there are alternatives, most notably the existence of a higher universe outside ours where totally different 'rules' apply, which is not bound by the laws of space and time, in which our universe was created. But whether it's 'God' or a 'super special higher realm where anything is possible' or whatever the fuck else, we can't say, because we are thus far only capable of understanding what happens in this universe. Anyone who claims to know what came before this universe is basically claiming super-human knowledge. If I 'lack conviction' because I don't claim to know things that by definition a human being can't know, then call me 'convictionless' all you want, it's a point of pride for me.

Obviously it was magic'd into existence by a being who became his own son because of whatever convoluted metaphor the church tells me.


Yes and no. Time doesn't slow down because reality is trying to crunch to many numbers it slows down because light has to catch up to an object traveling at speed. traveling near the speed of light in any direction will slow down time regardless of your proximity to a black hole. The reason time slows as you near a black is that the force of gravity is so great that you begin to accelerate very rapidly almost to infinity. Hence light takes more and more time to catch up to you as you approach a black hole.

>thinks big bang is still relevant
>current year

Try harder, faggot.

We need to stop with religion vs atheism. We have bigger problems than this.

Like the fucking death of the white race. Islam invasion. Niggerfication of US. political correctness censoring facts away. SJWs turing whites against other whites.

The debate about religion or irreligion is just a fucking ruse designed by Jews to have infighting and not focus on what's really important right now.

>be God
>make illiterate kikes write down my will
>tell them to follow book exactly
>sexually assault virgin jewess
>oops condom broke
>get post-natal abortion
>people follow him now
>they keep saying "that bible I put so much faith in isn't to be taken literally"

wrong. its just the conclusion of a model rewound to its measurably observable starting point and then played forwards.

>I don't understand how the current explanation works so a magical being cast himself into existence and used the same magic to cast everything else into existence

Your first mistake was assuming that someone who doesn't believe in God has a different creation myth. Your second mistake was crafting a strawman and then insulting that strawman in place of an argument.

I'm actually disappointed more religious people aren't offended from how terribly you represent their views.

>not sure if flatour misrepresenting big bang theory or just making fun of edgy fedora fags who don't understand half of even their own arguments
7/10 good bait

Pierce the veil already you fucking monkey.

>billions of years in the past
>there is nothing
>some superadvanced intelligence sets the parameters for the creation of a multiverse
>in this case there is no discerning whether this level of existence is a "simulation", any autonomous life/intelligence made out of this multiverse exists out of principle
>the motivations of this superadvanced intelligence cannot possibly be determined without their intervention and revelation

>billions of years into the present day
>a male homosapien on Terra, Sol, Milky Way, Virgo, Laniakea, connects with hundreds of other homosapiens through a technology called the Internet
>he creates a central conversation on a virtual forum for Indonesian Pepsi-Cola enthusiasts, attempting to ridicule some of his peers who ascribe to theories of the creation of existence based on cumulative methodical analysis of objective evidence
>little did he know, he is a homosexual with very low intellectual potential and with tastes that could only be described as plebeian.

Not really, no.

OK Milton

What explosion?

God damn public schools are getting worse, aren't they?

"The Big Bang," literally the worst possible name for one of the best theories about the universe.

So you attend Westboro Baptist Church?

>hurr big bang could neve happen durr
>my god just came into existence because
Case closed.

I'm atheist because God compounds the problem of what created the universe, because then we have to ask what created God.

If there is a God, he's dead or gone, if no one witnessed this absolute power since the year 33, I'm calling bullshit.

*hits blunt* yeah man the whole universe behaves the same as sub atomic particles.
>leafs are this retarded.

Atheists are an absolute disaster. Sad! It would be, like, its the worst belief system anyone's ever seen. Un-believable. Who the hell knows? Atheists are loosing: big league. Believe me.

What if god were akin to time?
Neither started nor will it end.
God is infinite .

It evidently doesn't, but you can't shoot down a theory until you can disprove it, not just by lack of evidence, but evidence to prove against.

>Vietnam flashbacks from the Catholic Church exiling people in Europe for denouncing their religion with science.

Time is measurable. God is not.


How do you know?


Yes because god is not quantitative, he's qualitative.

>lol they're wrong because one recorded himself being degenerate and they're both ugly, so their arguments don't matter


Models with predictive capability are more useful than models without. That's the 3rd and last assumption we all make as humans, forgive my fedora, but if you remove that assumption, you're suppressing cognitive dissonance.

He's not either of those things.

"He" actually doesn't exist, what do you know?

The leaf made an absurd assumption with "euphoria" as his only evidence.

That's why it's called faith, if I KNEW god existed I wouldn't believe in him, I'd know. You see?

and checked

The only thing that you can prove that exist is your mind Rene Descartes I think therefore I am. So who's to say that the atomic world is the simulation god created (non-computational) and as you know quantum physics shows that an object can be in both states of existence and non existence. (Schrodinger cat)

The idea of a dead god speaks to me, but a mad god, so powerful he's impossible to comprehend by us speaks to me more, the idea that a being so powerful would still feel feelings similar to ours is laughable.

All will be explained after death, when judgment day comes

Why is it so hard to grasp the cyclical nature of the Universe for Christfags?

The Universe expands and then it collapses. Over and over again throughout all of time.