What if whites become a minority?

If the 'happening' never occurs, if all Western countries reach the point where whites are a minority, what happens next? What's plan B?

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I live in Miami. It's literally 15% white.

It's awful.

Kill ourselves

Band together,

Whites won't survive if we don't work on becoming tribal and thinking tribal, more and more. We have to be clannish and stick together and work with White people globally. Come together and refuse to take shit from anyone. If anyone attacks us or puts out propaganda against us, we intimidate them and we travel in packs. This is the future we must mentally prep for, now!

8ch /politics/ should be where you come, user, since it's a serious board which isn't dedicated to Hitler fetishists. Come.

As uncomfortable as my solutions may appear to you, you know I'm right.

simple solution: remove undesirables
simpler solution: make more white babies

welfare ! all sorts of bonuses, and free prizes

It would be time for all whites to either move to Russia, or take over smaller Islands like Iceland, New Zealand, etc.

UK will be the last to fall. We are the heartland of the jew

English are the most patriotic of their country, in general. At least our leftists don't hate our country, or white people. We are nowhere near as bad as America

In the year 2044, Great Britain along with a few remaning states of the east coast launch a D-Day on Frenchistan and Germanistan beaches, trying to reclaim Europe

anglos and germanics should be wiped of the face of Earth

>At least our leftists don't hate our country, or white people. We are nowhere near as bad as America
Are you fucking kidding me

I know of many leftists in Britain who fucking hate Britain.

Also Britain is one of the worst off in the White world, right up in the top 3 with France and the U.S., sorry. It doesn't make me happy to say it, but it's true.

t. EU joiner

If Western Europe falls to Islam, you're fucked too. A nuclear armed Islamic France will retake the Balkans for Turkey.

>At least our leftists don't hate our country, or white people.

Are you memeing? They are literally replacing our people mate.



The difference 4 years make.

That wouldn't matter. It would just be a South Africa situation where rich whites isolate themselves from the poor niggers and arabs.

>what if
You're 20 years too late m8

>At least our leftists don't hate our country, or white people

You're delusional, mate

>At least our leftists don't hate our country
WRONG. Our leftists think most African countries are better than our own because they know nothing of the world.

>tfw this is a realistic situation we could find ourselves in


50 years ago no one would have predicted with. Lord knows what the next 50 years will bring.

Unfortunately, America will most likely become Brazilified. It already is, not even solely in the obvious states like California and Florida. All that remains is a few more decades of miscegenation before we're indistinguishable from Brazilian mutts.

Europe has a fighting chance though. The war is not only ethnic there, but one of cultural dissonance.

I'm not having kids and intend to die in my mid 30s, I'm not too bothered.
It'll be a shame, but ultimately not something I will have to worry about.

See South Africa for an example of what happens. I hope you like 15 foot fences for every home in the suburbs.

Fuck more,spend less time in mongolian animation forums masturbating to pictures.

The downfall of whites is a self inflicted situstion, you are a bunch of limp dicks faggy "man" not capable to reproduce at a decent rate pushing your woman towards Jerome, Juan and Ali, if you bitch about the dying of the white race and dont actually have any children nor do you plan on having a large family then you should shut the fuck up you are an accomplice to your own extinction

You are half right. We are faggots but it's not a recent thing. Letting woman vote and opening up immigration is where we failed.

Just kill yourself now mate.

Theoretically we could just pick a place and all immigrate there... like an artificial floating island in the pacific northwest maybe.

Band together and kill jews.

You should attend the white man meetings. We already have test tube contingency plans.

Yes let's all move to one place so the jews will "accidentally" nuke that place.

It will be awhile before whites are a minority in many western countries. My country has a visible minority population of about 20%. Whites wont be a minority here in total until about 2080. By 2035 most major cities though 3/5 of every person will be a visible minority. In Canada's case, it will be due to the large amounts of Asian immigrants.

America will be fucked a lot sooner - likely by about 2050 whites will be a minority over there.

but basically me and you OP will both be dead or old as fuck before it happens so it won't matter for us. The future generations of whites though will be a different story. I fully expect white flight to happen on a global scale and for some countries to completely cut off immigration.


It's not if, it's when

We will be slaves for 500 to 1000 years, and the world will go into another dark ages. No pressure.

Nah. USA/Sweden will go to shit first and Europe will self-correct, don't worry



They will increasingly make it illegal for white people to live near each other.

Then they will make it illegal for whites to have privileged racist babies. Whites must marry and reproduce with brown people or face heavy fines.

(((They))) will push more and more until they get what they want. You will continue to do absolutely nothing but whine online.

That's what you whites always do when you're attacked. You immediately turtle into the bystander effect mentality and you look around listlessly, waiting for someone else to lead the retaliation.

You're pathetic and weak. You deserve extinction.

Hope that SpaceX and Blue Origin make due on their promises and open up space for colonization. At least we'll have a frontier to run out to.

Its over man. its over.

whites are the ones with power here, they will do whatever necessary

At least go out in style and be the hero we know you can be.

Wait, I thought jews were white?

So what you're saying is that we have to go along with whatever (((they))) try to get us to do?

You're the cuck. Fucking faggot. I never said it's going to be easy or that there will be no resistance, but we can try, for fuck's sake.

Becoming a clannish community is not exactly the hardest thing to do in the world. And you can be a clannish community in a multicultural area, Jews prove this.

We need to take a card out of the kike playbook and tribalize.

What's stopping you, cuck?

All whites need to move to their destined homeland, The Great White North. Home to the largest population of Caucasians already, you know where you have to go.


Space. We share it with asians. Let the shitskins have earth and hope an asteroid hits it.

They're a group that has some White European DNA but is strictly loyal to their middle eastern identity. Also reminder that most Israeli Jews are brown middle easterners. The future of Jews is darkskinned Arab looking Jews.

>What if

Hopefully by this genetically modified designer babies will be a thing so race would literally just be an aesthetic choice.

racist shit.

arab jews are also stupid as fuck. if the Askenazi jews go extinct from never reproducing thenit will be easier for whites to regain control.

>what happens next?

Soon afterwards the genocide will be complete. No more whites.

Why are whites so afraid of becoming a minority? Do minorities get treated badly, or something?

>UK will be the last to fall.

Try to get a hold of nuclear weapons or bio weapons, take the world with us

Whats wrong with that?
Are minorities treated poorly in the UK?

civilization collapses

determined survivors flee to the mountains and live off the land

the rest get overrun and die

basically a zombie apocalypse but with mud races and commies instead of zombies

look at latin america and you'll find the answer
living in gated communities, being afraid for your life on a daily basis because of niggers chimping out all the time.
that's your future.

I believe the minorities have been so brainwashed to hate whites in the USA that if they ever became the majority the situation would become intolerable for whites. This would lead to increasing violence and collapse in the cities. It would get ugly but in the longterm would turn out well for whites. The suffering would cleanse our race of degeneracy and the worst would not survive.

Minorities are treated like shit when the majority isn't White. Considering we're the white ones, what makes you think that we'd be treated well as minorities?

Never let it get that way, buy body armor, a good rifle and lots of ammo to ensure it never happens

We buy a greek island and re-settle it.

No they're treated poorly in non-white countries.

They do in every country not ruled by whites.

Become niggers?



How cute, your retarded aztec brain can't comprehend that this is planned. That's why they want people like you to replace whites. With an IQ of 90, you are the perfect slave.

You're also retarded and don't understand how wealth redistribution through taxation and welfare works. The government takes money from whitey and gives it to you to feed your 8 kids. Now that whitey can barely afford to raise 1 kid.

Do you understand the demographic implications of that? Probably not. Fucking aztec. Go behead someone while listening to Funky Town.

be prepared britbong, we won't be trating you too well believe me :^)

It is simple, we kill all the white people.

Be like the roman soldier at Pompeii, do our duty to the end

Your only hope now is to team up with the jew

No happening to occur.
You become Brazil, not so bad.

If this were to happen Asians would be the only race people would want, because we all know they are the master race and top aesthetic. Slavic girls would not be that far behind but the rest would be nowhere close.

In my heart I know the real answer is that it will be celebrated like the greatest achievement ever, anyone who laments it will be ostracised, and there won't be enough proud whites to actually do anything

>kill all white people
Who's gonna pay for gibs then?


Emigrate to Poland. Oh, wait, we don't want you here.

It's simple, bring out your inner sociopath/psychopath and start murdering the filth on the streets. When it comes to that point we just have to man up like our ancestors did

Lighter people.
Just like it is here.
We don't have pure whites but a good 60% of the population is pretty fair skinned.

If it gets bad enough then we can all go to pic related and try to rebuild civilization.

How many people are actually willing to do that? Nobody is on our side man, nobody will help us, it won't make a difference at all. I hate to seem like a defeatist but the Jews have basically already won

We go full white man.

I really doubt it'll happen. We'll have nationalist governments and mass deportations in 10-20 years.

I wouldn't be surprised if all this talk of civilization collapse were just shills trying to spread apathy. Yes goy, don't work to better your society, it's doomed anyway.

Migrate east, create WMDs, prepare for re-re-reconquista.

the most hardcore Zionist Jews are intermarrying with the Arab Jews, so yea it's happening

Where is that? Looks like spic country to me.

Then kill yourself and stop weighing down those of us actually willing to get our hand dirty you defeatist cuck slave.

I've been hearing people say this since 1975.

>tfw it's not too late to dig up her body and get a DNA sample

There's no plan B. It's the bad end.

The only people to ever help minorities were whites.

The British spent huge sums and used their naval superiority to end the slave trade in Europe in the early 1800s.

Saudia Arabia had a population that was 20% slaves in the fucking 1950s.

I'm not going to go down without a fight but I'm just saying, there just arent enough of us. Especially in Canada. People have really fallen for the "Canada is a multicultural society" meme that the liberal party invented in the 80s

1. All white people move to America.
2. Civil War 2.0
3. Whites win and establish a white only society. no niggers or mudslimes welcome.

Letting in the kikes was where you failed, letting them rule you damned the world.

Once genetic engineering becomes a thing asians who worship whites will program their children to be 6'6'' aryan vikings.

>All white people move to America
Yeah, no. Even the areas that are all white are being culturally enriched because king nigger keeps on importing african subhumans.



when the third world trash becomes ~50% of the white countries' population violence will escalate and the niggers/muslims will start murdering the brainwashed liberals (who got them there in the first place). then we will have the brainwashed masses on our side, and the great purge will begin

Non-whites treat minorities terribly. White people basically invented laws against discrimination based on race, creed, etc. It was obviously a mistake and misplaced empathy because other races are incapable of ever reciprocating it.

The track record of non-whites' behavior toward other races and ethnicities is one thing, but the growing populations of browns and blacks in countries like the US are basically programmed by delusional ideology to hate whites. So obviously whites would be discriminated against in the US. Hell, whites are already discriminated against. Even aside from things like affirmative action which can still be called societal solidarity. Racially motivated violent crime against whites is underreported, all real world indicators like statistics are consistently ignored in exchange for anecdotes if the real-world indicators do not support the anti-white narratives. And whites are still a majority in the US, supposedly. If blacks were a majority in the US, they'd probably continue to have affirmative action plus discriminatory laws against whites on top.

I'd also like to point out that there is no sane or rational reason for any northern European country not to be at least 98% white. That this is not the case with every northern European country is in itself fucked up and the result of lunatic multiculturalist ideology combined with delusional and defeatist economics.

Top-tier Asians would inherit the non-white world, and they would not make the same mistakes as whites in trying to please anyone else. They'd probably genocide blacks and browns with biological weapons.

I doubt it and even if you have it doesn't mean anything. Talk of mass deportation is acceptable dinner table conversation now, not the case in 1975.

Nevertheless, if you're so eager to roll over and die nobody is stopping you. Go right ahead, just don't weigh down those of us actually willing to do something with your defeatist pessimism.

Relocation of browns to white communities is mandatory now thanks to a law King Nigger created out of thin air. Cities have to pay a heavy fine if they don't build free housing for the browns.


We'll need a state to become a white sanctuary state for white immigrants.

Good thing that party is finished.

Nobody is expecting Canada to do much anyway.

It's different in the south.

It will only further make racial IQ disparities more obvious as more wealth and power become sequestered within one demographic.

In turn, the egalitarians, postmodernists, black supremacists, and other garden variety degenerates will become more outraged.

I see two options here:

1) A massive racial conflagration in which whites refuse to live in fear and defend their rights. A major political tide shift occurs with an emphasis on race realism and an increased understanding of humans' tribalistic nature. Society as we know it continues on with more free association and awareness of human tendencies, and by extension, there will be less racial tension. Everyone will be treated equally under the law and we will stop the phony obfuscation of equality by understanding that unequal outcomes are okay in a free society.

2) Whites continue down the current path of repeated concessions, kowtowing, and appeasement. We totally shirk our identity, culture, and achievements, using our IQ as a sort of mechanism to deny nature, in favor of the self-flagellative progressivism that has percolated through our society from academia and the media. Whites birth rates continue their decline and the whites left in the new majority brown society flee to other places in the world where whites have fled to already.

Option 2 may be a bit hyperbolic in that we don't know how long it will take for these demographic shifts to occur, but it should come to no surprise to anyone here that as whites lose their identity and pride, future white generations will realize what their forefathers hadn't: While whites lost their pride and culture and bowed down at the altar of postmodern-machinations and historical injustice to receive their lashings, other peoples remained just as tribalistic and prideful. They will realize the extent to which white civilization treated minorities with kindness, i.e. the opposite of their new minority experience.

sign me up

Greece, you fucking idiot

It's in the previous comment

That's the designated refugee island. I guess almost all of ours at least have to be UN inspected actual Syrians and end up as working lower-middle class citizens. Germanics and Englishmen should settle east British Columbia.

fake and gay
but it's what labour implicitly fight for anyway so I don't think it really matters

I really really hope so

No, most groups on planet earth are clannish and tribal. Whites are so untribal and unclannish that globalization is assfucking us all.

We need to consciously become more like literally every other group on planet earth.

Whites without strong loyalty to their people won't survive in coming centuries.

Apologies, didn't read it.
But my point still stands that your island is subhuman country.

We have two options.

(A) Quietly let ourselves fade into the pages of history as we are outbred and interbred like the neanderthals

(B) Band together, protect our own, and purge the land of non-whites and race traitors to reclaim our homelands as a means to save ourselves from A,

>fake and gay

I can't tell if youre trying to be ironic or if you just dont understand that meme.

I love my country but damn sometimes it isn't easy to love I swear. Liberals have unfairly hijacked our national identity and claimed that it's all about being liberal and multicultural, and people are buying it.

If this happens, whites will just end up like the jews. Despite being a minority, controlling all the big corporations and outsmarting all the more stupid races in business and dating (well, does not apply to 96% of Cred Forums, but still.)

I am gonna fly my plane to Antarctica, try to find the entrance to Agartha, fail and then die calmly of hypothermia: I am truly serious, that is what I am gonna do.

>that picture

London's mayor is labour too.

kek. sounds good to me. after all, they are going to try and colonize mars in the next 10-20 years. See you there m8.

Implying the non-white world would allow that. Implying they wouldn't use all possible means to cripple the economy and force whites there to be self-reliant. Implying they would allow the self-reliant whites to flourish. Implying they wouldn't use white military technology to make war on the whites.

You cannot go to another place to rebuild civilization at this point in history. The only viable option would be to salvage traditionally white countries.

Hi black here. Please damn do not let this happen. I am black but I damn sure do not want to live in a world with no white people.

Thats not self-hating its just truth. I AM NOT LIVING ON A PLANET FULL OF AFRICANS, , ARABS AND NO WHITES.

Absolutely not. You need to do something.

Too late

These guys right here on this forum are just joking and larping.
They know there's nothing they can do, that ship has already sailed more than a century ago.

the billboard is a shoop.

>Implying the non-white world would allow that
Implying we'll give them a fucking choice.

This. Whites are the most individualistic people in the world. Individualism is okay, but we're TOO individualistic. We need to UNITE if we are going to survive as a people.

>mfw I live in South Carolina, the heart of the Confederacy, and we might go blue this year.

I'll probably find some remote location, build a defensive perimeter around my home. Watch the civilization collapse under control of undesirables.


This. We can count on most Slavic nations to preserve their whiteness. We need to concentrate the population in Eastern Europe, regroup, get strong, repopulate, and then take back the west.
Deus Vult brothers.

Oh my god can you imagine that shit? Can you imagine a world with zero, let alone very few whites.

Holy shit.....Whites are like the chaser to a very strong whisky, milk to coffee. Shit gets REAL very fast when they aren't around. Im cool on that.

I like having high speed internet and shit. Do something

You'll probably have better luck looking for the entrance to Agartha at the North Pole.

Plan B is Mars.

Nice bait, decent number of replies

if we were individualistic most of whites wouldn't be gullible cattle that only trusts the (((propaganda))). whites have lost their individualism

Move east to Australia and New Zealand.

Literally what is happening in South Africa ATM.

>UK last
You mispelled first. You fuckers have had your butter knifes and spoons confiscated by the government. What the fuck are you going to revolt with? Fuck I think even sharpened sticks are illegal in the UK.

Simple. We adopt the ways of the Jew. Anglos are already pretty good at it.

Bruh I dont think you understand the concept of a place with just AFRICANS. Like no whites in sight. I've seen that, lived it. Im cool on it.

I want no parts of that. They as whites need to understand that. We as a people need to understand that every race is necessary and has a place.

No internet, nothing working, no order.....complete and utter anarchy. Im good thanks.

Interbreeding to eliminate all races. Post-racial is the future.

I don't even care anymore as long as it's just less Indians and Muslims. All the Chinese really piss me off just the same but I'd still rather be overflown by asian immigrants over shitskins, I would choose neither but it looks like this country obviously has no choice.

I don't know what it is about Indian's and Muslims that make them so stupid. Even the ones that seem smart still happen to have 0 common sense. They all suck at trying to speak English too, there are way too many 2nd gen Indian fucks that still have an accent and speak broken English. Indian's are massive jews too and whenever they gain any foothold in a store or company they immediately only want to hire Indians, trade with Indian companies, lose profits for the company just because they want to deal with janky ass Indian clients. 2nd gen asians adapt pretty well for the most part into white culture, Indians and Muslims just cannot.. they refuse to let go of their culture,religion, etc which wouldn't be a problem but these idiots let this dictate their lifestyle and promote that Indian only enclave mindset they all have. Their cultures are just anti-white, it just promotes the 'muh people' mindset despite being the 2nd largest fucking population.

So yeah I dislike the way shit is going here but I seriously feel for Europe. I don't know what I would do having to navigate through loud annoying crowds of shitskins everyday.

I completely agree with you. The Japs could make robot waifus for us and hey, if we become technologically advanced enough, we could actually DIRECT an asteroid toward shitskin-majority Earth. kek

These dudes need to stay. They are all getting tired of SA and leaving. They pay the taxes, run the major corporations, majority of skilled. I dont know who you guys think is supposed to stay with 25 million poor entitled black people.

Who do you think is supposed to feed, clothe and house millions of DEMANDING poor people here? LOL

If you guys are out, Im out too

But the at least half of the black people will blame the whites for their failure.
That does not work, whites have already given up trying to really protect themselves from mixing and even procreating.
Less than 50% of the American babies are white.
But hey I think you're forgetting Asians, which will be the next dominant race.
They will be way worse than the whites though imperialism-wise. Once whites and Jews are gone, Asians will thrive.

they already are.

unless you're blond and light eyed you're not white, you're just a mix asian.

Whites built the modern world.

>What if whites become a minority?
Whites already are the minority. At least globally.

why don't you just move?

Then you have to speak out as a black man for what you believe. If you want to help preserve Western civilization, than pitch in. Speak out against the SJWs and anti-white racists.

Spam thread.
>138 replies.
Let me explain why I thought this was is spam. You are asking with open-ended curiosity what will happen if you leave a glass of milk out. This is not a mystery. There is only one pattern and it has been followed in many cities and countries.

The U.K. is pretty white. They've just dumped their pakis into certain cities. There are still people who I bet have only seen browns on the TV.

A man can dream though.

Not before taking as many of them with us as possible

Take the brown pill.
Race mix

Aye man. I mean we can make up a hundred reasons why that was the case. Explain it away. Try to disprove it. But its facts man.

What are you gonna do? I am personally going to sit here and enjoy high speed internet, easy fast internet banking, Amazon, Netflix, all this shit....

Hope Islam doesn't rule the world one day. Hope that Asians and whites have a plan of action

You seem like a decent black. Join us in the upcoming Kebab Wars.

White could win a race war any day of the fucking week but nobody wants to start anything.

Sadly there wont be enough whites on this planet by the time push comes to shove.

Islamists have a better framework for a free market economy. You don't have to fear them screwing with it.
Also Indians can continue the development of technology and so does Asians. When whites are gone there will still be hope.

You have lower standards, you are used to it. We live in the age of Kali Yuga. Race-mixing for us is downgrading, for you it is upgrading.

I believe there is still a Fuhrer or Dictator admidst us, it is only a matter of time before he makes himself the public and we the white masses can follow him into the New Reich

Do you really unironically think a fuhrer would be helpful?

It's going to happen soon, user. Have some faith.

>We live in the age of Kali Yuga.

As someone who read 'The Holy Science' by Sri Yukteswar, I think we live in Dwapara Yuga. Things are gradually getting better. First Brexit, then President Trump, then Martian colonies.

Whites a minority? Lol, whites are appreciated even in Africa so good luck with that blacks. If anything, we do what we've always done. We make blacks our slaves and fight with every last bit of dignity we have left.

>We are the heartland of the jew
That would be us (culturally) or Poland (ethnically).

Shit dude, i used to live there too, I moved to Ohio where its reasonably better.

U.S and Russia would nuke them before that happens.

>ITT : losers with no life accomplishments tell us how other people are inferior to them

We become like the Jews and form tight-knit societies where we are among our own, and ensure that our own enter positions of power.

What about someone who has a decent Jewish father and rejects Judaism, multiculturalism, globalism, and acknowledges that globalist jews are the enemy? While valuing European culture and people above all

>half German Jew who converted to Catholicism here
>mfw I want a happening but it would suck being killed by my European brothers. Yes I consider myself primarily European
>before you say anything my father is 85% Germanic 5% southern Euro and 5% eastern Euro, not one of those Eastern orthodox Jewish scum. We don't even look Jewish (he has blue eyes, large build which I inherited, etc)

I'd say migration to another planet is the white man's only hope, but we all know diversity will be forced upon any migration projects to Mars or other planets.

Swamp Jews and Island Jews will be safe

It is better to die for the emperor, than live for ourselves!

Makes you think why we don't do that now baka

Very true, when I lived in Paraguay we were in a very rich gated community. Armed guards at the richest houses generally kept the nasty people away from the neighborhood though.

That's why you kill people and try not to get caught. reduce the demographic problem without declaring open war. But I can understand why people are waiting for "the happening" because they feel it would be evil to slaughter unsuspecting people.

Laugh as the world we built falls to pieces, chronicle what caused it for any future society, go down fighting the hordes

I want an answer to this because I'll fantasize about being part of a RWDS purging the shitskins, globalists and SJWs, but then realize that I may not be listened to, and be culled with them when I want to help

>tfw just want to help create a glorious ethno state based on tradition
>tfw won't be accepted by the only people I feel kinship to

Thats the attitude brate. To nam dobro ide.

name one race besides whites that are necessary for any of that stuff. south east asians could run that stuff, but you know they can't do it the same as us.

whites are necessary for humanity to have any sort of grand destiny. all the rest of you fuckers are expendable. and blacks have actively held us back.

i also don't think you're really black. but are instead a white person larping.

I would hope that they're stupid enough to kill their "allies", but I almost feel that the race traitors would be given favor by the shitskins and create mixed babies with them. But if the chimps are stupid enough they can drive the idiots toward common sense

Ironically Perth is pretty much 1970's South Africa now. White seth efricans everywhere.

I can't help feeling a significant number of whites would fight for the other side

I predict we get down to 30% or so and get systematically abused to the point that extinction is on the table and superior kill to death ratios inherent to whites make it a pushover.

no it's the opposite, leftwing ideas appeal to individualism

individualism = not groupish

This isn't true. We will gradually lose everything we have. Don't you see the difference? We don't control financial systems, media, public opinion, or the education of children. Anything we do control now, Jews can and will easily seize control over it by coercing the owners into selling it for meme money.

Once the cornering of the white race is complete, we'll be wiped out globally, South Africa 2.0 electric boogaloo style.

>leftwing ideas appeal to individualism

>but if the chimps are stupid enough they can drive the idiots toward common sense
i think you know best how retarded niggers are since you live in the states

but the third world trash won't take the liberals on their side - they'll murder them on the basis of being white. i'm convinced

what kikes fail to realize is how actually savage third-worlders are. niggers, muslims and other subhumans will never blend into a single society with whites. not even interbreeding until whites are extinct is possible. war is what's bound to happen

Liberal / leftwing ideology is 100% hivemind. How anyone could consider Communism and Socialism individualistic is fucking absurd.

2/10 bait. Got me to reply

They do though. Progressive have a strong narrative that the individual is the most important thing in the world, advocating individual pleasure and priority above all else

This in my opinion has contributed to the breakdown in the feelings of unity between whites, because liberals have half of us brainwashed that the individual, ME, is the most important thing. We've lost our tribal instinct, while nearly every other race has retained theirs

When you become a priority it's too late.

Wake up white people.

fucking idiots

Leftists encourage people to rebel against their parents and just do what feels good, sexually and drug-wise.

Also the identity politics are to feel good about yourself, too. Embrace your blackness to feel personally individually good.

I know it might be a little bit hard to understand, but fuck it guys come on

I'll be dead by then, so i dont give a fuck.

This is what makes liberalism a complex beast to dissect. While the meta picture of globalism/communism/socialism is of group unity, ultimately there is still a philosophy of the individual being of most importance, and a discouraging of "smaller" groups. It is from the strong ideas of individuality that the concept of needing the people to take control comes from. It's complicated because it encourages ME ME ME on the personal level but still an overall meta meshing of everybody. This somewhat hypocritical/paradoxical is basically what is peddled to youth via academia. We're all super important as individuals, but we need to be one big melting pot. It's weird, and the mixed messages help add to the clusterfuck shitshow that is progressivism

Progressives literally believe that societies needs come before the individuals. They advocate sacraficing personal accomplishments and needs for the group. That everyone is just a cog in the machine.

Left ideologies are the reason we have the social construct known as equality. Left goals are breaking down personal identity and aspirations to blend you into the group.

Do you stupid fucks even know anything about politics?

(((left-wing))) politics are the pinnacle of collectivism because the propaganda victims genuinely believe they retain their individuality, while in fact all of them turn into the same brainwashed attrocity

That is a bad thing to say

we go to antarctica

Whites will become akin to Jews, cast away from their homeland cursed to wander the land.

It's like this:

White liberal cucks supporting Black identity divides White people up. Liberalism is "about" dividing White people, basically.

Progressives are highly individualistic and shirk duty to others. They talk about the need for social cooperation and all this shit but they disregard that in their personal lives.

It's complicated but basically progressivism is against tribalism and loyalty to kin and tradition for Whites, and pro-mixing for everyone while also being cool with tribalism among nonwhites.

You're confusing classical liberalism and moderately leftist, voltaire-esque "dislike you but defend to the death your right" etc. with collectivism/leftism.

They are not the same. Individualism, even when used by edgy teens as a means to explore the taboo, is a natural outgrowth of anarcho-libertarian ideals.

Collectivism is literally the sort of grouping by SES and race we see in today's identity politics; or centrally-planned institutions; "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is quintessentially collectivist.

Do not conflate the two.

Fucking depends. Leftism favors SOME forms of collectivism (transniggers) while hating others (Serbian nationalists).

It's kind of random

>What if white people become a group easily discriminated against based on the color of their skin?

But a lot of modern leftists encourage individualism (do what feels good regardless of what your family thinks).

They also hate White forms of nationalism for the same reason.

They are anti collectivist for Whites


leftist cunt deteected

kys bigot

fuck off

>do not conflate the two

Well the thing I believe me and the other user are arguing is that modern progressivism is a shit show mess of those ideas of individual importance over the group, plus the meta concept of everyone blending together into one

As I said in another post, it's mixed messages. It really is a sort of pick and choose philosophy, individualism is favored when it comes to rebelling against tradition, but collectivism is good for minorities, women, and degenerates

This is the fucking mess and abomination of modern liberalism. I would agree it's highly contradictory and paradoxical, which is why it's such a fucking joke to anybody even remotely educated. Not ((educated)) but someone who actually understands reality and is decently versed in history, philosophy, culture/politics, etc

>As I said in another post, it's mixed messages. It really is a sort of pick and choose philosophy, individualism is favored when it comes to rebelling against tradition, but collectivism is good for minorities, women, and degenerates


Am I the only one who dosen't really care? Frankly the idea of anyone living on after me enrages me since i've no use for them once im dead and why should anything happen that i cannot experience

Im banking on global warming to make this world my funeral pyre

No they don't. They are pushing the narrative fed to them by others. They want you to believe that your individual needs matter, and that the goal is beneficial for everyone. That's how communism and socialism sell.

The problem is the second they are implemented, they go right to their true nature and design. Everyone equal, no one individual person matters, your personal wants and desires do not matter. You contribute to the machine, or you die in a bread line from starvation. If you speak out against the hivemind, you get a helicopter ride. If a large group of people speak out against the hivemind, the government stops supplying you with food and lets that city starve to death. If you really start making waves, your tongue is cut out and you're sent to labor camps until you perish.

There is no individuality in left ideologies. You praise the hand that feeds you, or you cease to exist.

>do what feels good regardless of what your family thinks

That's not individualism, that's hedonism and it's a natural extension of Marxist nihilism and the sort of utopian ideals that leftists praise.

I honestly can't make out what you're saying here. individualism is about self reliance; it is simply a philosophy of maximizing personal liberty for the individual without state meddling

Hence the come home part

i've already accepted this is exactly what will happen OP.
we will be basically the equivalent of native americans and eventually die out with everyone cheering whitey is gone so dey can use dey stiks.
i'm legitimately expecting society to completely decay everywhere but in asia to pre farming tribal eras in literally 100 years from today, we've already peaked as a race, now its time for us to die. I already expect hillary to win over trump due to rigging and overall jewery and thats the death knell of society, nuclear war will be had, an all ounces of society will burn in nuclear fire.
its what we deserve for allowing our enemies to live after all, we are the losers, we are the evil ones in history thats how it goes.
GG world, i hope one day aliens come and kill everyone and harvest the resources to some non failed race.

We're going too deep into semantics here.


Leftists encourage some forms of collectivism: like Black solidarity. Leftists discourage other forms of collectivism: White Southern identity.


Climate change will cause massive droughts and destruction, forest fires from weak soil, and civil war in the third world severely crushing the world's population. During this Ragnarok moment we will seize political control once more and create a white Empire between Europe and America

>not dying off willingly

If whites become a minority eventually the white cucking of today will be looked back on as the equivalent of what black slavery is seen as today. There will be movements like "White Lives Matter" and people will demand reparations for all the injustice of today's times towards whites.
Eventually self-hating blacks will start supporting this social justice movement and the tables will again turn.
Either that or the world will become Africa.

I think this will happen. I am seeing it come actually.

I sense more racial tension in Whites than there used to be. That 80% White majority confidence is gone, even among many lefty Whites.

The times are changing

I heard that Nick Land (I know, I know) posted some poll report to his blog about a majority of whites believing that white discrimination is the most common form of discrimination, along with majorities in black and hispanic groups who said the same thing, i believe, but i cant find it now

>That's what you whites always do when you're attacked
Ok so i'll just run into the street and scream "REGROUP AT ANONS HOUSE" and then suddenly every white around the world will hear my desperate call and come round for race war discussion?

That's been that way for at least 5 years actually. White people mostly feel like anti White discrimination is an issue. Bringing up the subject is extremely uncomfortable, so you don't hear about it a lot. But yea, it's there. Anti racism is a veneer, it's censorship. We need to help grant our people the permission to speak out by presenting pro-White as morally right.

That's what worked on me, when I realized that anti-Whites are fucking sickos.

If your mother isn't a Jew, then you aren't a Jew.

This is because Jewishness is transmitted via mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited directly from the mother. Sperm has no influence on mitochondria.

You are 100% goy. It's science.

You already are look around the world you pale devil

Not exactly, genetically Jews are middle eastern in their fatherline but European in their motherline. It's true.

look it up, this is well known AF

>tfw studying nuclear engineering

I'm here for you brother

There's something to the idea that the masses are feminine/child like. They want to hear confident and masculine things. If you speak to people confidently, they will respect you and your ideas. If you show any sign of weakness or timidness (e.g. "you're not racist, are you?" "oh no well i just think everyone should be equal...") they will run circles around you. Instead, if one says, yes, why does that truly matter? Or, why are you more concerned with being called a word than you are with the potential disappearance of your people? They will shut up and cling to your confidence, or they will feel comfortable enough in their own lives to speak out

>New Zealand

We have the lowest percentage of whites in the anglosphere except the USA and dropping very fast kek. Why do you people think this is some kind of white paradise?

don't tell me it isn't a white paradise... ; _ ;

More White people who aren't just pure guttertrash types are now hostile and speaking out against anti Whites, stridently

20 yrs ago there were people speaking out, but they were majority very lowclass and that just made the mainstream dislike them even more.

The times they are a-changing

I fucked a girl named summer from New Zealand, that's about the extent of my opinion on new New Zealand

"""we""" are letting in thousands of chinks and pooinloos everyday. Better than nigs but fuck living in a chink colony. At least our native nigs hate the Chinese more than the whites

Mars Colony


Plan B is we are the minority now and we terrorize the ever living shit out of the mudslimes. I'm talking invading homes of niggers in the middle of the night to videotape ourselves and our aryan brothers raping them with bayonets and flaying them alive, flying jumbo jets into basketball arenas, suicide bombing random Church's chickens, mosques, etc. we become the nigger and we white devil chimp out until we get the gibs.

Forgot to say why """we""" but it's because we have a government of globalists with a Jewish raised leader who grew up with a single mother. Jews are also 0.2% of our population. I wonder how they've managed to have three prime ministers of this country...

As a white South African I can say this is very true. Whites have quite happily accepted me miscegenation here.

Keep waiting for someone else to do something European men and the same will happen to you.

The time to start killing judges and law makers is now. Stop sitting around and waiting for others to save you. It wont happen.

Just move out to the countryside.

Thank you based Bron

bullshit, most Boers are not cool with racemixing

Also South Africa is like no other Western nation, you can't compare what will happen to it

>What if whites become a minority?
We need to practice eugenics. We need to selectively breed ourselves with 'genius' and 'genetically superior' sperm donors.

That way we will succeed even as a minority. We will be the smartest and most talented, and we will be the richest and most successful humans on earth.

The more we selectively breed ourselves, the better we will become. Soon other humans will be no match for us, and they will be forced to use our special sperm to create better and smart offspring to compete with us.

This competitive 'genes race' will improve the intelligence of the world's population, and lead to world peace and world prosperity.

nation states will disappear, technology and automation will become hyper advanced, and humans will live in a utopia without hardship. Most humans won't have to work. everything will be done by machines.

>Aztecs are retarded
American education

every group will practice genetic engineering when it's available, so that won't help

only becoming more clannish, tribal and untrusting of nonwhites will save us

It does not matter if they are not cool with it.

implying American education tells you Aztecs were retarded

no retard

I don't know man, I just found /leftypol/ and they're bluepilling me, send help

Categorize me all you want, you know it's true.
>What will happen when we can't take exploit all these black people anymore?
Guess you'll have to work a job.

Get redpills from white rabbit radio. The shit is uplifting when you feel down and need some feels.


Typical French
No, you cheese sniffing coward, we march on the final crusade and fight to the last

Deus Vult!


You are a disgrace

using sperm is the only way to change the genetics of the global population in a short amount of time. Sperm is the perfect genetic engineering tool.

The idea is to spread our genes to everyone, so they become more intelligent. The more intelligent people become, the more civilized they become.

that's retarded, also not all nonwhites are stupider than whites

What is South Africa

>responding to racist anti White bigots
I learned the hard way, user


Yeah whites will leave SA, in two generations they will all be gone. Dont worry the ANC and EFF will take care of you. Dont run away to Europe.

GTFO retard

>that's retarded, also not all nonwhites are stupider than whites
if we selectively bred ourselves to be intelligent, we would be the most intelligent people on earth. We need to start a 'genes race:' to improve our genes so that we are the best at everything.

so you don't care if White people go extinct? OK whatever

we take as many as we can before going to Valhalla

Whites were always a global minority breh. Shitskins and Asians were always the majority.

That's why what white people have accomplished is so much more amazing.


Computers/ Robots will take over sometime around 2200. By then, the genetically engineered humans that exist will be so removed from us it will be like humans of today reflecting upon what happened to monkeys of a thousand years ago.

Life is suffering.

At one time we were 25% of the planet, actually. It's only due to European created technologies like medicine and modern infrastructure that non-European nations have been able to demographically expand, so much.

It's kind of our fault for being too nice to them.

You need some pro-white memes.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white is a good mantra.
And if the word "Anti-white" or "anti-white bigot" gets any steam as a label it would be a linguistic defense against the anti-whites.
What Whites need is something like the ADL but for Whites to name the anti-Whites.
We're still here guys.
Its not over.
Plenty of Whites left.
White Genocide is one of the biggest failed programs of cultural, psychological programming.
Reject everything baby boomer for a start guys.
Those who attempted our Genocide will face a Nuremberg style trial someday.

>What Whites need is something like the ADL but for Whites to name the anti-Whites.

We need to take part in identity politics. Accuse people of being anti White and take them down. Socially pressure Whites who refuse to side with us. I think this will happen, it's bound to with the way demographics are going.

They're already a minority in America, we have many Anglo-Irish and Slavs, but very few 1488% Aryan Germans.

also user check this out, it's good

We need to raise our kids on pro-White stuff to make them immune to anti racist brainwashing


But seriously there are almost no Slavs in America, at all. But we should have more because they're White

>Also South Africa is like no other Western nation, you can't compare what will happen to it
Niggers are home invading with machetes and other weapons and also car chasing with the intention to beat up the driver and steal their car

This isn't exactly like south africa but it's getting worse and the police aren't doing anything, most offenders are let out on bail
It's amazing no one has been killed yet

yes brother

Unfortunately, anyone who has money, who supported this would immediately lose his Jewish friends b/c of the ADL labeling. It would take courage to do and money for legal defense and a lobbyist class of pro-whites.
There is political capitol to be gained for the right politician.
They think are justified in being anti-whites because they have dehumanized and demoralized us.
You guys gotta use the mantra when you can or come up with something better.
"racist" "nazi" "bigot" we're not just words out of someone's ass, they were invented, they have powerful psychological impact. young children are trained to use the words and hate the label so the impact of them is quite startling.
we need some words of our own.

South Africa is actually fucking huge with lots of open space, and in a way I think Boers never really felt like SA was their country, entirely.

And also you had big powerful 99% White nations pressuring them to cuck.

A big reason that SA cucked was because White America and Britain were pressuring them to. There aren't big White nations doing that anymore, since America isn't really White anymore, and yea... it's just different.

It's a different world now

Separatism, where you try to make a new country out of people who are done with this shit. We would get a few millions, high birth rates and top of the world.

The glory will even be greater when our numbers are fewer.

We need to flip the culture, and we fucking can. At one time it would have been unthinkable for it to be 100% taboo to say anti Black shit.

We can flip the culture if we band together. Make it too risky or scary or upsetting to oppose us to Whites, especially rich Whites. Whatever it takes, just keep culture jamming and force down the anti-White agenda. Mock it, parody it, make it the most stupid and hated thing imaginable until people are afraid of being identified with it.

We need to get to the point where even a slight criticism of our people gets met with accusations of YOU DON'T FUCKING SUPPORT IMMIGRATION INTO EUROPE DO YOU MOTHERFUCKER! When I have been self righteous and angry before, I have gotten fence sitters to be like O SHIT OK I'LL AGREE WITH YOU. It surprised me.

There is real power in anger and forcefulness.

I can tell you, if you'd like

Saying every White nation is like SA is not only incorrect, but it's defeatism.

Also at the time we didn't have the mass immigration problem into Europe and America was still 80% White or so. It's just a different world.

Sorry SA bro

Nice try chink, you are gonna go too of we do

>whites become minority
>whites lose privilege
>whites now need safe spaces
I'll fight for you, my non melanoid amigos

O look it's the White privilege theory bullshit rearing its ugly bigoted head again. Great


As long as you have the right to bear arms and the right to association, you should be fine. Obviously a lot more to it than just that, but it's fundamental at least IMO.

Talk of fear isn't what this is about. The left overused Nazi, Bigot, Racist so much that it doesn't work anymore. Can't make the same mistake.

Also can't alienate the races and people you do like. Before this shit started alot of different cultures and races liked Europeans but this anti-white program created division.

This is about shutting down the Political Correctness Officers and getting other's to speak the mantra.

I'm talking about something practical, not fantasizing about what may happen.
One of the big problems is white people have more of a conscience than others, but its misguided so it can be manipulated like this. I'm not sure if these words would work, but its a start.

I know for sure, calling a self-hating White an anti-white will work. And shutting down self-hating whites is a good start.

Also the focus needs to be on bringing back white-women into pro-white thinking.

Ehhhh... You guys are too short sighted, you think in decades, a millenia ago you were shitskins and we had empires. Now it's your turn, who knows who it will be in the future. Don't worry about shit you can't control, have a beautiful family and a happy life that's the best way to save your race.

Youtube: Walt-Bismark, some is age appropriate.

Fear has been a big part in getting anti-White agendas pushed through. There should come a day when people are afraid of looking like anti-White trash.

Why do you think the space exploration is being pushed hard, we will have to abandon earth and create a new world.

Oh yea, because home invasions and no justice is normal right? also bringing in thousands of brown/black/shitskins means we are one day going to be a minority.

You are going to be the minority soon mr 60%

>have a beautiful family and a happy life that's the best way to save your race.
The best revenge is living well. Well said poobro

>You are going to be the minority soon mr 60%

Most White people are completely removed from the urban violence you mentioned. But, also, more and more Whites are awakening.

Most of them just don't speak out, yet.

South Africa but with the crackas having access to infinitely more munition, at least in the US. We'd invade the yuropeens and save you people at some point.

We're not going to terraform Mars in this lifetime friend. We have to make our stand here like it or not, there's nowhere else to go.

I agree but terraforming is not necessary to live on mars

We also don't have the means to stick even just a few thousand people out there either. Even then unless we discover spoopy wormhole magic in the future we'll die with our sun.

I'm in London on vacation, looking at Universities. The thought of living here for five-ten years made me nervous. I changed my mind, and i am now looking at France instead. The place is like taken out of the movie "Children of Men", degeneracy is everywhere, the women are pretentious skanks, so much traffic, which i am sure will shorten my life by ten years, so many tracksuits. Jesus christ, even Eastern Europe are much better.

England has already fallen, it fell 100 years ago. What draws the tourists are the monuments of the past, the remnants of once such a nice and civilized place. It is a city of contrasts.

It can still be done

White people are already a minority but that doesn't fit the narrative that the media wants to propagate.

Mass suicide.

>be one of the select few whites who successfully endured the redpill crucible and now has the optics to help the race
>throw it all away to become a useless NPC normie tied down by a family

This "muh family" shit is the worst shill tactic because it seems to work on everyone here.

No you fuckers, you don't get to start a family. With your knowledge comes responsibility. Your job is to help lead the fight.

Yeah and just how are you gonna do that?

whats awful about it

i was pretty angry at your post then i got to the end

>You immediately turtle into the bystander effect mentality and you look around listlessly, waiting for someone else to lead the retaliation

this is 100% true


thats what will happen. white nationalists are delusional. your only hope is to race-mix so you children wont be ostracized for being white.

I'm in Baltimore. The future is bleak.

Miami is a fucking horrid shithole. Puerto Rico is an even better example of the logical progression of multi-racialism and multicult. Putrid fucking hellholes.
