If Trump became rich with "small loan" of a million dollars, why is he fighting to get rid of the inheritance tax...

If Trump became rich with "small loan" of a million dollars, why is he fighting to get rid of the inheritance tax? Why doesn't he just loan Barron $1 million when he turns 18?

You are retarted

>have a family farm
>parents die
>have to sale haft of the farm to pay the taxes
>because all there money is in the land not a bank

Kill yourself

Why should someone give 2/3 of their shit to the state when they die? This is like saying it is ok to rob these people because they can just spend their whole lives trying to make it back again.

DAE rich people are poopyheads? The rich should give all their money to the poor, it's only fair

>I work hard my entire life to provide fir my family
>LOL I don't give two shits about my family once I'm dead!
Go kill yourself



Can't think of a better tax than inheritance tax.

Doesn't discourage market activity- like sales tax.

You put your monopoly game pieces back in the box when you're done to make the game fair for the next people who play it. You should do the same with the things you acquire in life.

your logic is flawless autist.

>I deserve to own something that I didn't work for.
: ^ )

Inheritance tax is the one tax i truly believe is theft. You are paying taxes for property and wealth you have earned and thus already paid taxes for. In Finland atleast if you inherit lets say your parents home now its a deathtrap for you since you have to sell it under its real price since the housing market is in a terrible spot int he countryside atleast

That would not be the case with a family farm, you retarded faggot

Inheritance tax is the Jewiest trick in the Jew handbook. Anyone in favour of it has a weak bloodline and low testosterone.



>They don't deserve the money their ancestors worked for!
>I deserve that money via welfare though

By that logic, people who rent land should be able to inherit it once the landlord dies.

Good goy! Give all your families money to those poor famished negros

This is literally how Jews took over the world, you stupid fucks. They build family based financial empires and accumulate wealth over successive generations, until their family has influence in ever level of the economy and government through accumulated wealth. A strong inheritance tax could cripple (((old money))) families and even the playing field, but all of you ~temporarily embarrassed millionaires~ are too worried about the money you don't have to do it.

No, you're still retarded

Yes Hillary's 65% estate tax is out to cripple the Jews and put us regular folk back in power. I never knew she was so anti-establishment. Thanks for correcting that record.

estate tax doesn't hit your primary residence tho.

and even if you keep it you pay 0.

Yes that is exactly what the government is doing you got it

Obviously not. Her estate tax doesn't go nearly far enough, and mostly is meant to target new money to prevent them from institutionalizing themselves. It's merely another barrier being placed to favor the institutionalized rich, because their wealth is often immaterial. That's why Silicon Valley supports third parties and Trump, while Wall Street supports Clinton.

As an example, her estate tax wouldn't do anything to stop an (((old money))) close family relationship with a long-time New York Senator. Yet, that's the kind of power that (((old money))) has in our society. Her plan is shit and Trump is right to criticize it (although talking about farmers is stupid, since her plan only effects billionaires).

That doesn't mean estate taxes are inherently bad. What is needed is a system of taxes that can be placed on immaterial wealth, so that families can't institutionalize themselves and become an entrenched power. No one wants to talk about THAT, though, because that would actually mean naming the Jew.

there's an exemption up to five million dollars cakeboss