In Norway, murder is punished by four months per person killed...

In Norway, murder is punished by four months per person killed. You are placed into a small luxury apartment and given a computer, books, and a PS2, all paid for by taxpayers, of course, including the families of your victims(s).

Other urls found in this thread:

I want PS4 and gaming laptop

That's all Scandi countries. Shit like this only works for white people. Those sand animals need Sharia to be kept in line.

Norway has one of the lowest murder rates in the world.

Really makes you think.

If I'm going to kill someone I at least want a Hipsmaster 3000 and Ben and Jerries twice a week.

You have to win a lawsuit for the PS4. On the bright side you'll get $50k to buy all the games you want

Hello Varg.

Anyway, so if I time it out, I can theoretically purge all of Norway of Jews and Leftists, if given the help of friends?

If the perpetrator is Muslim and he kills a white man, he is allowed to bring his victim's wife with him into his sell for her to serve as his concubine.

No fucking way! Of this is true I would like every Muslim to meet me in Norway. I will do a life sentence to better the planet


Sick, think they have armored core?

>luxury apartment
yeah not exactly famalam.

What ps2 games do you get

In the US, a net loss of $1 bn in speculative and unproductive casino and real estate business, is awarded with two decades of tax deductions, which are compensated by the regular tax payer from his meager salary.

All of them or I sue

There's 101 things a nigger could make a shiv out of in that room.

All that and you get to kill liberals. Wow!

Not true. In Denmark, once a week all Muslim prisoners draw a number 1-500 and if it they get triple digits(333) they must be killed

sounds like a neet dream

This. There's something wrong with most countries' justice systems where we focus on punishment instead of rehabilitation. We should really be looking to rehabilitate whoever we can and kill everyone who can't be rehabilitated. We don't need to go full retard and spend as much as Norway, but out of the two ways Norway is much better at pumping out decent people.

It'll be bullshit like FIFA and some turd racing game.

Sorry but OP conditions only apply when you kill whites.

Killing Muslims will get life sentence in frozen gulag

What good is AC without having human opponents?

Jeg skal fortelle deg noe unge dame, for jeg er litt eldre enn deg. Dere skulle vært glad for at vi brukte disse toga deres! Hadde det ikke vært for oss fotfolket, så måtte dere pakka sammen disse skinnegangene. Også kunne dere sittet der, holde jeg på å si; med oredobba i postkassa. Det er vi som gjor at dette, holde jeg på å si kan fortsette som det gjor, ja. Så du skulle skamme deg, å komme her til et voksent menneske og forlange 20 ekstra kroner. Det skulle vært balalaika-syngende blondiner som tok vårs imot, som sto der med kaffe og Vestlandslefser. Som sto der i sine paljetter og sa: "Velkommen, takk for at du bruker vårs". Her står jeg opp om morgen, unnskyld at jeg sier det, for også vise min kjærlighet for også holdte jeg på å si å gi av min reisende glede til NSB. Også kommer det, unnskyld at jeg sier det; en soldat i NSB uniform som trer et straffegebyr nedover mine forvorpne oreflipper. Takk skal du ha!

What's stopping NEETs from going in killing sprees and murdering as many muslims as possible?

Norwayfag reporting.

It really works in a paternal sort of way. Spent me two tours and Ive had it even better than described.... but man it really fucks with you.

That's the real prison right there.

I'm pretty sure the only game they let him have for his ps2 is Rayman.

That's practically torture.

Are you fucking joking Bolivia

Still worth it

Why would you pay taxes on money that's no longer yours?


This Progressive utopian bullshit only works with northern European whites. Throw niggers or sandniggers into the mix and Nordic society falls apart almost instantly.

Sick fucks. Why torture prisoners?

Fuck off Bolivia in your stupid hat

Nei, jeg kodder ikke.

Yeah. Rehabilitation fucking works.

Compare the crime rates of Norway to any other nation. They fucking figured it out. Recidivism is nearly non-existent and if you actually pose a threat to society you're never getting out regardless.

It's preferable over dumb whiteys having to join the aryan brotherhood because they were caught with a few grams of weed, and end up throwing away their entire lives indebted by a gang of criminals.

morals? ethics?

Luxury apartment by european standards, have you seen the shacks they live in?

>gaming laptop

are you gay or a girl?

I think that would be a moral and ethical obligation

nice google translate mexi nigger

That looks so comfy

Hahaha oh lord I wish

Let shitskins invade your country and then we will talk about the "lowest murder rates"

that bed is way too thin for me

suing for weight-ism

Tomate el palo boliviano puto donde está tu mar?

get out with this sub human shit.


Euros live in shacks.

You guys should exploit the shit out of your penal system тбх
>Gather up with your Norwegian Cred Forumsack bros
>Go on a rapefugee murdering spree
>Get released 4/8/12 months later depending on your wanted efficiency ratio

>implying no cozy Norwegian Murderer sleepovers

This is not even a joke guys, we do that here seriously

>NSB mentioned
Ey fuck you man!

ITT: american faggot who think he is clever when trashtalking the most effective criminal rehabilitation system in the world, far as recedivism goes.

>murder is punished by four months per person killed
21 years is just maximum punishment. In the case of Breivik, the case will be reviewed, then he will be put into custody for another 6 years until next review. I assume this will happen until he dies.
Letting him out will be similar to dumping Zimmermann at a BLM rally.

>inb4 hatecrimes are punished by death

Can I get a copy of Nocturne too?

If so, lock me up, Ragnar.

Let me explain... the government only wants to tax people on their profits. Ergo, when you make a massive loss and then a smaller gain later on, they don't care about the artificial yearly tax return, they see it as someone who still has yet to make a gain.

In an extreme version, consider if the tax office had monthly tax returns and you owned a business that has a lot of costs in Jan-November, then makes money in December from Christmas shopping (although not as much as the expenses in Jan-Nov). On a 12 month tax return this would show up as a loss, however with monthly tax returns this would look like a gain in december... ergo if you didn't allow loss carry-forward, you would have a strange result where you are taxing on an artificial gain (artificial because the gain only exists due to the monthly return).

here's something you shack dwellers can understand


Or maybe because scandanavian countries have a higher density of docile whites. When you start importing nigs you'll eventually reach a tipping point and there's is absolutely no reason to try and rehabilitate overly violent turds.

Why does Nigeria have a murder rate 4000x greater than Norway? Really gets them synapses firing on all cylinders.

It really does. Rehabilitation and wellfare. Before the EU and the arabs there was like 500 crazies and heroinaddicts (and most of them in Oslo and Bergen) doing petty crime. Youd leave yr door open and the keys in your car...

... and man. Fuck justice. Really. But now with mudslides, slavfags and mudslides we are starting to have second thoughts, cuz it only works for whitey.

>no niggers
>low murder rate



Sturdy shacks made out of bricks though. Whereas yanks live in flimsy barns made of cheap timber and man-made boards.

That only works with all-white communities, though. I'm usually the first to bash our prison system but it is the way it is because we're inundated with niggers, Latinos and other undesirables. Anglo/Celtfags like us even can't really get the hang of forgoing instant gratification to establish an effective social system. We're basically gibsmedat lol mine now niggers, with no sense of social contract or rule-following.

You basically have to be Germanic / Nordic to achieve that level of civilization, and keep it to your group, not try to export your system to people who can't handle it.

Well, it's not against the law. That's why current establishment politicians need to go, Ahemd.They are the ones that crafted the shitty laws that allow that.

How are russian houses so small? Does everyone live in commie blocks there is so much space in russia

Maybe breivik was a poor neglected fagg :0

And thats why he started busting

course you don't. however, multimillion bonuses and titanic stock-holdings are some great tax-deductible material, to be sure.

you illiterate witless worm

>Leaving the house

>Having to look at normies

>Having to listen to them REEEE

Sounds like a wagecuck scheme.

house size is directly correlated with wealth, the average russian is poor as fuck, doesn't matter how much land there is if you cant afford materials to build

I wish you were right so much...

The reasoning behind the comfy living quarters is that the punishment itself is the freedom you get taken away.

The punishment shouldn't include no tv, no seat on the toilet etc.

It doesn't matter if the person being punished is breivik or some other murderer, the law applies equally to all.

Why would America try to fix niggers and get to the heart of the problem, when they can just let the niggers get worse?

Prison in big business here m8. All the $$$ made off niggers in prison is more than they'll ever contribute to society.

Hmmm I want to complain about this, but think of all the jrpgs
10/10 would murder human scum in norway

Implying Breivik isn't a national hero


A shack built with bricks is still a shack.

A quien venis a joder con el mar, si ustedes no pueden pasar un dia sin llorar por las malvinas.

quoted for truth

Made me laugh

okay, I have more and more reasons to move to Australia every day (except the gun thing, that's why I haven't been seriously considering it yet)

what chance does a lawyer have at getting into the country? I know it's pretty difficult to immigrate to Australia, but if you can fill a job which doesn't have a lot of people in it, you can get a work visa.

Sooooo much truth!

I am thin but yeah, that is a bit too narrow for my tastes. I'd roll right off.

Norway's low recidivism rate is a reflection of their racial demographics, not their prison system.

>uses illogical measures from Victorian ages while the whole world uses modern day logical scales
>calls us retarded
it ain't easy being leafy, ain't it?

New Zealand has better gun laws

Have you ever thought that maybe slavery never ended, just changed words?
That maybe, I don't know, the government would want free labor that is easily excused as resocializing?
By the way, great post. You're really contributing to society.

i love how euros always go for the cheap construction meme. outside of a tornado or a car driving into your house its not going to collapse, we've advanced as a civilization, we don't need to make houses out of stones and logs anymore.

Just say it loudly in the court:

"I did it for the love of my country" and it becomes love-crime instantly.

Tell me more

At least our children aren't being gang raped by muslims in them.

Sjw much?

This bullshit again.

As someone who's done time, your room is where you sleep. Most of your waking hours you're forced to interact with psychopaths.

Prison isnt fun, guys.

If you spend your days staying in your cell (you cant since you have work assignments for 8 hours) you dont develop a network of "friends". That leads to not having anyone to talk to duriring meals, which then leads to you being a fucking weirdo. If you cant get a friend in prison within a week - you're a target.

>frozen gulag
now thats real prison. no bullshit, a camp in the middle of nowhere with hard labor. you get two cups of soup and a quarter of a bread a day.
wish we had those instead these fucking hotels.

I'd have to agree with Ian Nigelston on this. A comfy as fuck stone and wood house with vines and shit on it, next to a forest or stream sounds infinitely better than a two-story, beige, 7 thousand square foot suburban house next to a sea of the identical, all churned out as quickly as possible, in a neighborhood with no trees for the next twenty years.

Your neighborhood is going to be dilapidated and full of nigs by the time you pay that thing off and it looked like shit to begin with. I'd rather invest in something comfy I and my family can own generationally, like we used to have before the 50's.

These suburbs are just commie blocks for capitalists.

You actually are defending houses to be made cheap and dinky as fuck? With those cardboard walls and styrofoam pillars of the average american McMansion?

Christ, I hope you actually get to live in an actual brick/stone house some day in your life. I appreciate good workmanship and quality housing that'll last forever.

>four months per person killed

I doubt it otherwise family/friends to victim would have small time to seek out revenge
And the whole prison thing is supposed to be a rehabilitation and make people better when they are set free because excuting murder or other criminals is illegal and the way american prison system works(even commiting the smallest crimes can give you a shitty experience)(being raped and beaten by cellmates) it damage people so much they are likey to commit more crimes when they become free see: Making a Murderer documentary
Its not perfect but its a part social experiment or whatever. Theres still lot of problems in the country and lot of people dealing with mentally disorder. Here in scandinavia we dont have cop killers or car chases, in almost all cases people are likey to cooperate with police rather than trying to escape like in america

>"Your Honor, I'm actually a devoted Shia and my religion forbids me to share the same country with Sunni pigs! Sentencing me would be a hate crime and a violation of my religious rights, Inshallah!"

Trips get

You'd only need them for non-whites who can't be rehabilitated or understand how a society works. Your prison system actually seems to work, for your people, and no one else.

>Mindlessly categorize someone based off of assumptions made by a two sentence long post
Indoctrinated mindslave much?
Sorry, but if you go to prison, you shouldn't be forced to provide free labor then, immediately after leaving prison, be denied every job you try to get. This will assure that prisoners remain poor and return to prison to continue providing free labor. That's backwards and conducive to successive prison visits. Very simple. I'm not surprised you're incapable of understanding this. Don't you have algebra homework to do?

You can get a firearms license after becoming a citizen, takes 2 years. Need a skilled trade in technology I know to get work visa... Lawyer not sure. They check and make sure you have a secure place to store guns... Then you can buy them. Hell suppressors can be bought at the hardware store. And have you seen the hunting? Jesus it's gorgeous

This. Theyll keep telling you that like a matra: 'The punishment is the bereftment of freedom.' Your letters will be read and yr phoncalls superviced. To visit you in a supervised room your lovedones and you will be indignantly searched (only u naked tho).

And theres a second level of programming: Wake up, go to school/work, eat lunch, cont., eat dinner, go exersice, get fresh air, eat supper, lockup watch telly, fap, sleep repeat.

And the second yr not a goodboy the first thing to go is that telly. And that hurts more than any mild corporal punishment. I promice - that telly keep OGs in line bitch!

i laughed until i realized that might be a thing.
they have gingerbread house competitions.
imagine, huge biker guys who has busted peoples kneecaps, tattooed, hairy and a gut making a gingerbread house and hoping he'll win the marzipan pig

because the American system of punishment works so well, right? A huge percentage of inmates are repeat offenders. Studies have shown that being caged up like an animal only makes things worse for those who are already prone to psychological instability. They either need to be killed or rehabilitated. Caging people doesn't work. It only serves as a money making machine for the US elite.

Forced to provide labor? #1 not true
Free labor #2 not true
#3 fuck yourself


PS2 actually has games.

Go to prison find out for yourself

I always wondered why in germany we call prison "behind swedish curtains". You'd get the impression swedish prisons are tough, but they're more like hoteld

I know, people want revenge etc.
But is it actually preferable for a society when the crimininals come out of the prison even more criminal than before?
You can joke about the Scandinavian hotel prisons (wich aren't that fun, either, compared to freedom) all you want, but the American concentration camp prisons obviously don't work.

Luxury apartment? That looks like a dorm room. Is this what passes for luxury in yurop?

if it hasn't already happened, I would give it 10-20 years before the Swedish prison system is a total hell hole given the influx of lawless immigrants. That is, if Sven and company ever arrest any of them.

It's free in many prisons and several dollars below the federal minimum wage in most prisons. I guess it's not a problem since taxpayers are paying for it :^) Just shareholding slaves.
According to Wikipedia
>Forced labor exists in many prisons
But everything that isn't The Conservative Times is liberally biased or Jewish propaganda, isn't it? Once again, you need to raise your algebra grade.

it's because of the famous swedish steel.

>small luxury apartment and given a computer, books, and a PS2

>not opting for the open air prison with horseback riding and private beach.

Only works with people that have taken a wrong turn in life, or made a mistake. They can reflect, rehabilitate and resolve what has gone wrong.

You bring niggers and sand niggers into the mix and it falls apart completely as you cannot rehabilitate a race that is a few hundreds years less evolved than the world around them.

and the worst crimes.
like serial killers and pedophile rapists.
i believe people who killed once in hot blood who came to regret it really just fucked up and should get another chance after they do some time and some gay shit where they sit in a circle and talk about their feelings.
shitskins wont learn. they'll come out acting all hard and tough then do more crime.


I need not visit a place to know it's effect on society, just like you don't need to meet a black person to know (for absolute certainty) that he is going to rob you. Fucking moron.

Reminder to move to Norway if you snap and start killing people.

That's the sentence they are given originally, your sentence can be extended indefinitely by 5 year increments if you are deemed a hazard to society

Wikipedia says it exists in American prisons?

Wikipedia the source for all of the truth all of the time

Scando prisons where like any others. But, I assume worse because unheated stonedungeons get cold.

In Norway the term was "vann og brod" as you served two days for every day you chose to be fed only water and bread.

You are fucking hilarious!

A simple Google will show you it's not the only source, I wanted to provide one that wasn't going to be ousted as false or biased, but I see that's impossible. There are countless scholarly articles on this subject that I have read as it pertains to my field of study. But they're all just lying because they're niggerloving cuckolds, I'm sure.

>Anyone that disagrees with me and provides points I can't counter with the word cuck is a shitposting troll
I bet you're fun to have conversations with.

You don't get to bring friends.

What while pursuing a degree in sociology? Or what criminology? Psychology maybe even... Fuck off

Scholarly hahahahahaha, you're a child aren't you?

>implying murder

>Real Japanese history
>giant enemy crab

This an invitation to go on a spree to remove kebab? This is better living than 95% of my country

Never used the word cuck, I'm literally laughing at you. You probably assumed I called you a cuck because you are used to being called that, but I will excuse you for another lie.

Nigga we see ya flag, ya not foolin nobody

Norway is 92% white
Really made me think.

I'm just categorizing you, man. You do it all the time - you're doing it right now, actually. But it's only a problem when someone with a dissenting opinion does it.
Yeah I'm sure you've pursued higher education if you have literally no concept of how data collection is assumed.
It is referred to by everyone in the scientific community that an article is "scholarly" when it is a mostly unbiased work with credible sources. You'll want to remember that for when you graduate high school.

Honestly, senpai, if I only had to do 4 months for killing someone, it would be pretty tempting to rek people from time to time.

Might as well post this.

>not an Xbox or any other console that can't be emulated on the computer

waste of taxpayer money

This is _exactly_ right. This type of stuff works when you have northern europeans. It will not work anywhere else.

Same thing with police. Put Norwegian police in the shitskin neighbourhood in the US and they will be dead in the first chimpout..

Do it, user!

Be the hero Cred Forums doesn't deserve.

norway you should be removed from earth.

scandinavian cucks are the worst.


>only 92%
what are non whites doing in norway? like seriously? what the fuck?

Little one... Go back to your homework before your mommy gets mad!
Seriously if you believe this liberal bullshit you need to go on some fact checking missions. It has been fun though, you provided many laughs

>Norway: Children choose their gender | DW News

In July 2016, Norway passed a law allowing children to self-identify their gender from the age of six, with their parents' consent. Several children have alr...

>Not highly practical
>Based on something everyone has and is easy to visualize, where as a meter is an entirely atheistical and subjective unit

This is why the Anglos dominate the world and you're a South American shithole.

they have a low murder rate because their genetics

not because of their rehabilitation centers

and whites are more capable of being changed for the better to never do it again

they have more self control and capability to change and see other ways of thinking

actually you want to know the truth.....

theyre just fucking rich thats why and they can do that

we cant afford to do that unfortunately lmao

no country can

norway is like the richest per capita in the world or some shit

>Everything that doesn't align with my political opinion is liberal propaganda!
>Even government-instituted surveys!
>I can't understand this fact so I am going to denounce your argument as a shitpost or idiotic, that way I'll seem smarter than I am
Great argumentative strategy. Glad to see brainwashing is actually possible.

>they have more self control and capability to change and see other ways of thinking
A stark contrast to the American brain, certainly.

Send them to my town

>Wikipedia the source for all of the truth all of the time
wikipedia isnt a source, wikipedia cites sources, you unbelievable faggot.

>Basic misunderstanding of economics, population distribution and municipal infrastructure: the post
God you people are so stupid.

Nagging child... Shoe... Go away... I'm done with you

You are isolated from any interaction
Varg Vikernes said he actually preferred regular prisons, these "luxury" prisons are a form of torture.

well obviously that's because their prison sentences are so lenient.

I think all murderers in the USA should only serve 4 months as well. If the victim was a child, 2 months.

Legit laughed out loud

>I cannot formulate a logical response to these points so I'm just going to evade the argument
I'll that that as a concession. Writing another tally on the "internet arguments won" whiteboard I got right here, I expect you to do the same.

I wouldnt be to sure about that though. Their greatest problem is protecting bystanders, not their own sorry asses who unvariably will have military xp and a lot of training. Trust me, raise your voice and youll see them escalate faster than a crackexup nigger.

You can sue for undue severe punishment or something, I believe Breivik sued and got some decent games.


Read the fucking wiki idiot... That's what I've been saying

Fuck u. Imma norwegian cokehead living at the source.

You can read it too, euro trash

He doesn't even need to win. No muslim will touch that thing.

Does the PS2 have Persona 4?

Cause if so murder in Norway sounds like a promising career for locals.

I have read the page. I have always read articles discussing it in a way that wasn't clearly written by someone opposing penal labor. I know you haven't though, which is why you're squirming.
Just give up and admit you're wrong. You know you are.

Never said prison life is great, but no forced free labor.


Typo. Meant also*, not always.

Tell me where the forced free labor exists then all knowing child?

So? Not your country. Not your business. Fuck off.

Retard, there is a massive prison strike happening right now all over the United States. You can go to your local prison and ask them if forced labor exists, and they'll tell you yes, because it is the main reason America has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
You are so goddamn stupid. You want proof, I give you proof. Proof isn't good enough, now you need specifics.
Your tone is so obviously infantile that it is funny to me. Think about your arguments before mindlessly replying, dancing the same worn out tune of good old fashioned American ignorance. The answers to your questions are quite literally all around you and you choose to be stupid.

I can't blame you. The American educational system is a sausage maker at best.

And that was enough time... I'm moving on now

why would you move to Lithuania ?


Continue evading arguments (that you started) because you find that you can't make a solid point. Please. I implore you to do so, because it is a source of much humor for me.

And their system works so cry some more Amerifat

Let me tell you something, you are not as advanced as you think.

Thermal mass of the stone house is good part of the passive day-night temperature difference regulation.

Log house has just very good natural inner climate. But it is too cold for today's standards without additional insulation.

norway has shit figured out

The horror of Swedish Prisons is that the furniture comes from Ikea.

But we are a global community frand;)

Our system works too, it's just that we don't care about our prisoners, only the labor they produce.
If they don't come back to prison, they're literally less than dirt. Not even worth hiring at a fast food chain.

Dumbass you can't answer the fucking question. It is a direct question, tell me where! I know I have 3 friends in 2 different state facilities here and only one can get work. Does he make pennies? Yep. Still not forced, still not free. Get locked up, see how long it takes before you start going nuts and beg to do something.

>>calls us retarded
Are you projecting? Freudian slip, perhaps? The leaf did not say retarded in any of his posts.

Fucking moron. Anglos BUILT the fucking world. We have left our mark.

I always wondered how much it would save on costs if prisoners got a studio apartment and vidya and maybe some kind of internal LAN network. A prisoner sitting meekly in his room with his mind occupied and plenty of stimulation has got to be easier to manage than a pent-up man that does nothing but lift weights all day.

With barracks housing in the US there need to be a lot of guards, and the guards themselves say that they need to allow the prisoners do to some things or else they'll go crazy and riot.

Arizona has reached Nordic tier recidivism rates with concentration camps. Just saying.

Thank you based Joe Arpaio.

>give white prisoners grand theft auto 3 and vice city
>give black prisoners san andreas
>all is at peace

Make it law

Have you seen the recidivism rate you retarded burger, your system does not work creates more crime, and feeds the pocket of the Prison jew

k faggots i need information on this, if i go to norway and start killing race mixed couples and muslims do i get deported back to mexico or do i get sent to taht norway prison?

This isn't true.

Murder is usually punished by 4 to 15 years, sometimes as much as 21.

Dude. You guys don't have a "system". You have a industrial prisoner business - out of control. Huge difference.

most Anglos are Germanic, unless you're a swarthy mediterranean subhuman.

Now I know how to get a ne ps2

>Some people I know aren't subject to something that affects hundreds of people, therefore it doesn't exist
You want me to go out and prepare a list of prisons that provide forced labor because you don't believe they exist, even though there is evidence to the contrary available to you?
You're the dumbass if you're incapable of such simple research. I'll spoonfeed you, since you're not an adult yet.
Sorry to redpill you, but those statistics aren't widely available since they aren't great for business. Here's a quote from Texas' Department of Criminal Justice website, though:
>“Offenders are not paid for their work, but they can earn privileges as a result of good work habits,”
>Offenders who continue to refuse to work lose their privileges and are placed in "special cell restriction."
It's that easy. Next time you enter an argument, make sure you have at least a single shred of background knowledge before demanding "proof."
I'll even step this conversation up by saying that prison labor is taking away jobs from average citizens. Idiot.

I'm sorry, how many Germans have walked on the Moon with your precious Metcuck System?

And the recidivism is like 10% of what it is in the US. Punishment does not work, rehabilitation does.

I agree with you guys. That's actually what I was trying to say. The point of American prisons is not to resocialize people, the "system" exists to generate free labor from criminals while taking away paying jobs from John Doe.

None, but none of your burgers have either so who cares?


>czech reading comprehension
only good thing to come from your shithole was my vz58

>quarter of a bread

fking wat

let me guess, you live in a 600 sqf "cute" condo in some major city surrounded by niggers


Only a 5%. Contrast that with the vastly different methods employed. Neither way is better.

this isnt even true

Sami in the north

Let me guess, you live with your parents or off their dime and only work to appease them.

Just claim that white males made you do it and you'll get off with it.

Hey! like in high school!

even when accounting for the niggers they have a lower rate of crime.

Does help having a population well integrated, respectful of their shared culture and financially stable. This is what we should aspire to, Americans may not understand this because of the sheer savagery that exists within their country. Democratic socialism may be failing, but compared to the hyper capitalist yanks it still prevails.


With regular massages and a spa. Also a gourmet gastronomic event every week along with a luxury escort once a month.

Those people have it rough!

Seriously why doesnt anyone become a drug lord in norway?

You dont even have to kill anyone. Imagine starting a cocaine empire in norway.

Put your money in an offshore account and chill at a hotel for a little bit. By the time youre out youre filthy rich.

this is why Americans are barely European and can't have nice, civil, things.

>Letting him out will be similar to dumping Zimmermann at a BLM rally.

Does Zimmerman get a loaded gun?

>Anders Breivik gets to live in a 3 star Hotel
>Comments: "what about thieves? Do they get the Presidential suite?"

All the keks

It is tempting to chalk up all this reasonableness to something peculiar in Norwegian socialization, some sort of civility driven core-deep into the inmates since birth, or perhaps attribute it to their racial and ethnic homogeneity as a group.
But in actuality, only around three-fifths of the inmates are legal Norwegian citizens. The rest have come from more than 30 other countries (mostly in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East) and speak little or no Norwegian; English is the lingua franca, a necessity for the officers to communicate with foreign prisoners.

>American thinking

Glad we got rid of you degenerate criminal shits

They would only need to make a knife in an American prison :^)

Coca leaves only grow in tropical areas and they're energy intensive to cultivate. It'd be impossible to get mass amounts of cocaine into Norway because you'd have to ship or fly them all the way from South America.

I'm sure people have done that, just like in every other country...

Not surprising that you cannot formulate a reply after you run out of your arsenal of non-arguments and demands for proof. Go, fuck off like you said you would.

I have solution to crime.
Murder = DEATH
Attempted Murder = DEATH
Grievous Bodily Harm = DEATH
Assault with a deadly weapon = Both Hands cut off
Assault = Beaten simultaneously by five men then thrown in a dungeon for a week
Rape = Castration
Pedophilia = Castration, then beaten by five men, then whipped, quartered, and drawn before finally being hung from the tallest object in the land whilst also disemboweled.

maybe civilized countries figured out that throwing people in prison doesn't work


why was there still crime in old civilizations that had similar punishments to these?

Throwing people is prison doesn't work, but you know what does work?
Prison populations!

Nice of you to join us, Rasheed.

It was more difficult to enforce the law in past times. Today, we have mass surveillance and forensic technologies.

The truth is that Norway's rehabilitation system is so efficient that they don't need to waste taxpayers money on keeping them in prison for any longer than necessary. They truly are on the right side of history.

I kinda wanna start a crime ring based in Norway now.

>Thinking murderers can be "rehabilitated"

Unless it's revenge for someone doing terrible things to someone you care about, it's pretty well assured that if you murder someone, you aren't going to be rehabilitated, period.

we in norway are sort off smart.

because it was easier to get away with crime back then

Fuck off primitive shitskin.

was it?

not an argument

Desu familamilam

Outside reeing is aight u get to smell the salty air and breathe in the Keks famalamadingdong

Maybe if you treated them with psychiatry and therapy instead of throwing them in solitary confinement for not wanting to work slave labor then there'd be a higher rate of resocialization.
Perhaps if American socialization worked for anyone besides whites then we wouldn't have this problem, but our economy relies on free labor so I doubt either of those things will ever happen.

So you're saying you want 333, huh?

Makes sense, if you have shitty concrete block it'll drive you insane. Prison is suppose to rehabilitate not isolate.

But then again if it's not manslaughter then I wouldn't be letting the cunts out.

You Havent played Verdict Day then.

You can only re-socialize someone who was socially functional to begin with. Blacks are driven by their genes to chimp out. It is literally in their nature.

What we should start doing is cutting the middleman and simply executing criminals, but that will never happen either.

maybe you elect rasheed for PM of australia

maybe you become rasheed right hand man

maybe rasheed give lots of big american titties to you

maybe rasheed let you do blow off hooker ass

vote rasheed for caliph

>the year is 2047
>niggers and degenerates are put into evolution chambers that speed the neurological processes and make people into tolerant manageable human beings

>Blacks are driven by their genes to chimp out.
Sources or this is just groupthink hearsay at work. I'm not surprised that you subscribe to an ideology that was common before the means to research something for yourself existed.

I mean objectively yes. You could stab a stranger in the woods, bury the body, and no one would have any way to prove you did it if they didn't know where you were at the time.
No DNA, No fingerprints, no dog squads, no search helicopters, ect.

since when is emma watson a samurai

but was it really?

why didn't the rate of intentional murder skyrocket when all of those things were first implemented then?

Really makes you think, huh?

Norway = Humane

All other countries = Inhumane

not even memeing btw

Man you are really reaching if you think any part of this article has to do with one race being dumber than another.
Give me something specific to blacks "chimping out." Might be hard since the majority of the scientific community and society in general disagrees with you, but I won't use that fact to discredit or ignore your argument.

Probably because humans have morals and just because you could get away with something doesn't mean you'd want to have it on your conscious for the rest of your life. I'm not sure how effective the implementations were at catching new criminals but it's easy to say that murdering a peasant in the year 1000 would be way easier than murdering a peasant in the year 2000.

you kinda just dismantled your own argument in this post


you would be wrong considering the size of the communities back then compared to now.

>bonuses are tax exempt
>stocks aren't subject to capital gains when sold
>either being deductible

you do realise payroll is also taxed, right? does GAAP not exist in Argentina?

Blacks are proven to have lower IQs.
Low IQs are linked to crime.

immigrating there

post a source that says niggers can't be rehabilitated

i'll wait

having all that shit > not having all that shit

>two fifths of the prison population is foreign in a country with one tenth foreign population
>race has nothing to do with crime rates

I would kill a shit ton of people if that was the case.

>You can only re-socialize someone who was socially functional to begin with.
Not entirely true, niggers raised as such can be socialized if cut off from other niggers but american nigger culture has a very strong pull, chimping out has a certain appeal to everyone i think.

This is a great documentary about how to socialize a broken human, it's a child so it works especially well but the same stuff is needed for broken adults.


A rather cruel punishment imho.

what matters is that they can be rehabilitated :^)

marzipan pigs are delicious

Is vday shit? I've played all of them since I was a kid up to 4answer. Love the fast paced blade action in 4A, did a few blade only runs.

"William shalt we goeth to the wood and fetch a pale of water from yonder stream?"
"That sounds quite nice, Johnathan."
"I do say, William! What is that?!"
"What doth thou mean? I don't see- AGHHH"
>wipes blood of dirk on William's clothes
>throws his body away from the trail in the woods

medieval murder

How about I post a source that says that despite going through the same prison system, blacks are three times more like to be arrested again than whites?

Would all that leave you with is a tinfoil hat to yell systemic racism?

Tfw 50% of Our prisoners are eastern Europeans and kebab

has more loxury than the shithole i currently live in... can i get one without murdering someone?

Osborn was from the late 1800s, yes.
And the article you are referencing was not written by him or himself. Further research indicates this article does not exist.
Great image though, really showed me.

massive damage

>Might be hard since the majority of the scientific community and society in general disagrees with you

Of course they do. It's career suicide to even imply (let alone research in earnest) any notion that two humans whose ancestors developed in different regions, under different circumstances and with different cultures, might actually be distinctly different from one another.

Ahh yes, the famous American "rehabilitation" system

I'll do you one better.
Here is some evidence pointing towards systematic racism. In stop-and-frisk, blacks have been stopped and frisked more than whites every year since 2002.
In 2013, more blacks were frisked than there were blacks living in the city.
Go ahead, make up some excuse about how they're provoking officers or something.

Oh my lord,

If I go to Norway and commit a crime will I be put in a Norwegian prison?

Fair, but intentionally lying about research is also career suicide in any institution of respect, man.
And there has been recent research on this subject. All of these articles are just lying and gaming the system because they're lefty propagandists, I know.

Germans getting called Ahemd here ?
Muslim invasion of EU complete.

>Fair, but intentionally lying about research is also career suicide in any institution of respect, man.

It's not exactly lying, they simply suppress research where the results don't fit the agenda. Nobody wants to be that guy who publishes research that claims the human race is not as equal as they'd all like to think.

No you'll be extradited and put in a shitty British Prison to be beaten by whites, raped by Pakis.

Are you kidding? That would be groundbreaking research, of course they would publish that... it would make it easier for them to get grants for future research.

>Officers frisk high risk individuals
No shit. Should they pay extra attention to little old ladies? Small children? Or black men ages 15 to 30 who have a murder rate of about 50/100,000?


What's the point you're trying to make, then?
By that logic, any research or evidence towards your argument is discredited because you assume it's fitting the liberal agenda. Therefore the only proof either of us can provide is some stuff from the 1900s, when, you know, science wasn't developed to the point that we can examine brain patterns and intelligence. It was also during a time where racism was legal, so
>suprressing research where the results don't fit the agenda
is just as pertinent then as it is now, just with a different perspective.

Basically you're saying this is a talking point and nothing more, but assuming a stance that is scientifically baseless. So why are we even talking? You can't convince me without a compelling argument that isn't based on your interactions with random people, or some stuff that you read on Cred Forums, which you're currently doing.

Theoretics aren't against the law.

16 years max here. Burgers have no understanding of human psychology it seems, their attitudes toward justice system are completely out of touch with reality.

When in a heightened emotional state clear and reasonable consequences like 16 years in a room are better deterrents than absolute threats which dissolve you of responsibility like threats of killing you. In that state the prospect of dying often seems like the best option, not the worst. In that state the idea of sitting in a room sober for 16 years seeing therapists is a very real and depressing image. It projects on your mind a future where you still have to one day rejoin society and deal with and take responsibility for all the shit you are trying to avoid by chimping out.

The threat of 16 years in a kind scandi jail with a ps2 stops thoughts of murder better than the threat of death penalty or life in burger prisons. Proven fact.

If you can identify that cops look at black males and see a "high risk", but you cannot concede that there is institutional racism in the American justice system, then there really isn't anything productive I can say to you.

Yes, those rates are shocking. But you fail to consider scruples regarding these rates. This isn't a great set of data but I personally know two white people that have been driven home by cops after drug deals then went bad. They received no persecution, they received no threat or warning. Just a nice, safe ride home.
That'd never happen to a black man, judging by these statistics.
Furthermore, more black people are killed by cops at the time of arrest (read: in American Justice, there is something called due process) (read: time of arrest means after cuffs, so they present no "high risk") than there are people killed by cops in the next 5 most civilized countries combined, in one year.

Burgers are subjected to brainwashing and media cover-ups. Your average burger has no knowledge of penal labor, and that is at no fault of their own - that knowledge is just unavailable to them, sadly.

Most don't have gaming systems, and IIRC they generally don't have internet connections.

>rehabillitating genetic predisposition for low impulse control

Are you a wizard?

Being a scumbag in Norway sounds great!

Rape, murder, domestic violence, pedophilia: they're all rewarded with a temporary stay in a 3-star hotel with no further consequences!

Google the fade-out effect in education. Dumb children have had ridiculous efforts aimed at raising their intelligence. In one study they took 1 year old children and essentially gave them 1 to 1 child rearing by education experts, as well as advice and assistance to the mothers. Same thing happens each time, you raise their results slightly for the duration of the intervention, then as soon as you stop they drift back to where the control group are. Nothing sticks.

This is stupid pointless bait. Brevik is also kept in solitary, except the four or so people who interact with him. That's kind of a major thing to exclude while talking about his living conditions

Intarweb is out How could they control comunications if u was chatting with yr crew on Leagues or whatnot?

>get PS2 in prison
>it only has a few sports games and other licensed shit

We've got a points system that makes it easy for high-class people to get in and hard for low-class people to get in.
If you're a highly educated lawyer you'll probably be able to get in no problem.

And both their crime and recidivism rates are the lowest in the developed world, it's almost like punitive justice is worse than rehabilitative justice

333 actual check'em

>le peaceful whites meme
Oh yeah and whites totally weren't the ones causing the bloodiest war in human history and setting up North-Korea-tier concentration camps in their colonies until the mid 1900s.

Nice meme.

Now google how effective the "racist" stop and frisk was at lowering violent crime rates.

Pro tip: profiling black men aged 15-30 fucking works

Stalin pls

Yes you do have more freedom even in uptight Norway than in America, including freedom to be a scumbag. Most scumbags just find out it sucks being a scumbag instead of forming scumbag associations protesting the oppression of scumbags like burgers feel the need to do.

Nice meme


Are you retarded? The wikipedia page you quoted states nationwide recidivism in the US at 43.3%.That's more than twice the rate of Norway. You can't compare the best state of one country to the national average of another.

Because it works

The problem is that people just deny that and claim that it's not the fault of the government that prisons are turning criminals even worse. The old "do whatever the fuck you want and it's not your fault if it does damage cause you're in power and Napoleon is always right" ploy.

le epic XDDD

>less evolved than the world around them

Nice b8 op. Don't you know the real truth behind those prisons? It's like solitary confinement.


>Only on trips
>Not ritual executing all muslims lawbreakers that get out of the concentration districts

Nothing beats a muslim beheading round after bullfighting and making lefties world wide cry so they don't see us going full ISIS

Implying they have an army of monkeys to read it all. U get 20m of phone a week, if u behave, because a real live person needs to listening in.

And if you insist on nitpicking, 20% is still 19% less than 24.6, which is a substantial difference. But I guess understanding basic math/statistics is difficult for a burger.

Oh so sort of like prisons in authoritarian shithole police sta- oh wait.