Really makes the noggin joggin

Really makes the noggin joggin

>Applying for jobs

Pick one.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day and this nigger is speaking the truth

I don't think that's true.

But this is not politics my friend, I will have to report your post.

Political experience is not a prerequisite for running for president. Do you know what "political experience" is in America? Sucking off lobbyists and getting in a debt of favors owed so that when it's time for you to be president, you'll answer Joe Goldsteinbergmanbergowitz with Goldman Sachs' phone call about not prosecuting them when they fuck over a bunch of people.

Obama had no experience either, thanks...& don't hand me that shit about his congressional work

True tho

hes somewhat right

T. applying for entry lvl jobs since may

I'm pretty sure those dickheads asking me if I want fries don't have master's degrees and 5 years of experience.

Need political experience to become a politician, which is the only way to obtain experience. How about no?

Bullshit! I don't like Trump either but the guy has had decades of leadership experience in the free market, where fucking up equals losing your business. A politician can fuck up and still have a job. He might become even president despite fucking up beforehand.

This nigga right here.
One of Trump's strengths is he's not in anyone's pocket.

you need to convince about half the country to become president.

you need to convince one person to get a job

> not lying on your resume.

Ive literally never seen a graduate job vacancy that requires years of prior experience. Just get an internship or a placement, apply to as many firms as you can, and youll get it eventually.

Trump is 70 years old. I'm sure he has some political know-how.

I keep hearing that, yet I have no luck.
t. Graduate mechanical engineer

Have you applied to any internships while studying? Have you tried any startups?

After my first year, I couldnt get any big firms, but I got a shitty startup. It wasnt much but it helped seriously pad my CV. Next summer, I got an internship at a multinational. Now, I'm applying for a long placement at top firms and I think my chances are quite good. Its been less than a week since I started applying and I have sent more than 15 applications, and pre-written 10 more.

In your case, I would actually apply for internships as a lot of graduate roles get filled up through them.

This guy is most likely anti-Trump but I have to agree with this as it is stupid as hell

im not working at mcnigger you fag, i want a career not a job where i want to killmyself

>Literally unpaid slavery

he left out "clean criminal record"

anyone can run for president, even that dumb ass nigger can run for president, there's only like 2 requirements

I was paid. And so was everyone else I know.

Posting a random anti-Trump tweet with some variation of "really makes you think" is spam, and against the rules