Ameridoops will defend this

> Ameridoops will defend this

Really sparks my synapses


I didn't look at the bill, but I think our non-C-section delivery was more.

I'm not going to defend that, btw, letting the kid rest on the mom after getting yanked out of the womb isn't really $40 worth of effort.

Yeah because just hanging out in an operating room should be free and shit. Gibs me dat.

A very popular practice now after delivery, generally recommended, shows better outcomes for mom and baby, is to do "skin to skin" after delivery. Naked baby lies on naked mommy chest, and hopefully goes in and gets some nourishment but even if not, the kid stays warm and smells his mom and feels her heartbeat (which he's spent 9 months listening to).

OP's hospital thinks that's worth an extra forty buckaroos, after a $3,000 C-Section

skin to skin could imply the sealing of the c-section, but who knows.

what's with the 79 quantity for the c-section?

pretty good deal. i paid about $3500 for a midwife for 9 months of care plus delivery, my wife was uninsured

Depending, it's like an extra 15 minutes in the L&D operating theater (which is not emergency surgery or anything like that). Over the 3 days my wife gave birth, I don't think I saw the L&D C-section room in use once.

Nah it's talking about the baby hang out for a little bit before yanking it away while the mom gets moved to a recovery room.

>it costs 40 smackaroons to hold your baby after its born

>C-section costs 3K
>insurance was billed 11K

I thought Canadia had universal insurance...

>OP's hospital thinks that's worth an extra forty buckaroos, after a $3,000 C-Section
Is this the power of the free market?

I plan on delivering the baby myself, in an empty kiddie pool in the backyard.

...who am I kidding? I'll do it on a tarp.

You could always just not go to the hospital to give birth. then it'd be free.

I've done the math.

What is time? Why should I have to pay for time in a state of the art delivery room with nurses? Wife did skin on skin for both of my kids. Spent about an hour and the nurses had to wait around before fully cleaning up and taking measurements etc. 40$ seems cheap to me. Then again, I have left my basement and have a family. Are your tendies ready?

>Go to the ER
>Give a fake name
>Don't give them an IN
Free healthcare

Unlike the memes you're sold, that doesn't mean we just get whatever the hell we want on other people's money. We just don't force people to lose their retirement savings due to an accident.

Free market implies perfect market knowledge by all actors, and all actors acting rationally. I promise you this hospital did not tell the mother it'd be an extra $40 to hold her baby. I doubt any conversation of the sort "would you like to hold your baby after the procedure" even occurred. They just handed the baby to the mother because THAT IS WHAT THE BEST MEDICAL PRACTICE CURRENTLY IS.

At this point it's seriously Baby Delivery 101.NOT doing it would be weird.

So yes, it is a little gay to tack it on as a charge.

Where'd you get that?

I forgot to mention, they offer breast feeding training as well during this time. This thread is retarded.


No, because giving birth should be protected from greedy kike tactics. If you defend this, you're scum

Okay leaf, but I'm honestly curious. I thought all Canadians were covered by insurance.

Some things are covered. Stuff like drug prescriptions aren't, though.

How can anything be protected from greedy Skype chats?

I must have good insurance because they totally cover all breastfeeding instruction and the 50K room and board charge the hospital decided to bill them. They didn't even negociate that one, unlike everything else.

the $3000 dollar c-section is the power of regulatory burden on the hospital, licensing requirements for doctors, federal student loan fuckery jacking up the cost of med school, a litigious culture, and other market inefficiencies created by our benevolent rulers.

You have to go back

It's a reflection of how the insurance system works.Insurers want things itemized that way before they will pay out. Pricing would be about the same even if it wasn't itemized like that.

A c-section isn't minor surgery.

Allowing the infant to rest on the mother's stomach after being delivered through the incision, but while still being attached by umbilical cord, requires a bit more prep and equipment to maintain the sterile surgical field. (as opposed to not doing it.)

The woman's abdomen is cut open. Her abdominal wall and muscles, opened. Her uterus is partially exposed, brought up to the surface. Her uterus is cut open. The baby is 'delivered'.
Quickly, after the baby is delivered, her skin is cleaned of its sweat and labor filth, and a disinfected field is made for the baby to lay on the skin, while still covering and maintaining the sterile field over the still-open incision. (women often shit or piss themselves and it is common to vomit during labor so you want to get clean)

The umbilical cord still disappears into the cut open uterus. it wont be cut yet. Not while this special bonding takes place. The doctor waits, watching. Nurses swab the blood up with gauze sponges, and prep the equipment to begin stitching up. The anaesthesiologist maintains vitals. Its a beautiful moment. The silver nitrate hasn't yet been put in baby's eyes, so its eyes can gaze straight into its mother's eyes. The baby hasn't been cut of its blood supply yet, so it isn't yet crying. It's curled up on mother's tummy and she puts her arms around it, a nurse guiding her arms so they don't spill over from the disinfected field into the sterile field. They also keep the curtain up shielding the mother from seeing her own disemboweling, but that umbilical cord has to snake past it.
The surgeon has sweat bead on his upper lip, he wants to get mom closed up as soon as possible. He nods to the nurse who picks up junior to start the separation.

It should be included, but it -is- extra work than NOT doing it. Maybe they should just give a discount for not doing it.

You completely missed the point you Autist

>greedy Skype chats

how can a Skype chat be greedy? Are you having a stroke?

Oh that one is easy, the $40 has to do with allowing the baby on with wound management protocols as well as additional pain killers to allow the baby to stay on while the mother may be bleeding or in pain.

Holy shit, 3k? I'll just tell them to scramble the baby and I'll make another and't hopefully it will come out right next time.

where is the circumcision?

why not do it for free rather than pay an extra 40 shekels?

>being charged 40 dollars to have your own newly born sprog, squeezed out of your own vag, placed on your own chest
>believing yourselves to be the 'land of the free'

Wew lads.


It's almost like they have to pay the two nurses to hangout for 30 minutes for the baby with parents photo ops

>I want the person who cuts me open to be doing it for free

This really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.

He's been charge for holding his is own baby
KILl yourself

The charge we are all looking at is the highlighted one
Kill yourself

I hear your kid crying in the other room you giant faggot

better go tell his mother she's important and get to sleep for work in the morning like a good boy

>Medical system in the US being a giant scam

More at 11