Fucked up on the first debate

>fucked up on the first debate
>tax evasion scandal
>PTSD scandal
>foundation forced to close amidst fraud charges

It's clear he's going to lose this election. No matter which side you're on, this is just a fact. It's been clear for months but as the moment of truth draws closer his campaign is starting to crack.

Other urls found in this thread:



surely trump is stumped now

i now #enjoythesmellofhillarysfarts

Republicans simply never had a chance. The lie that the economy is in the shitter is now gone. Democratic party approval ratings are up. Obama's ratings are up. Economy job approval is up. All while the Republican party's approval rating has plummeted. They will lose congress and finally die out so we can move forward.

Just because you won't vote for him doesn't mean a majority won't vote for him

Lmao, everytime he fucks up all Cred Forums can say is oh 11D chess blah blah blah. Makes Cred Forums look like a bunch of fuckin idiots.

hi ctr, I think I've seen this exact style of post around 20 or 30 times at this point

Trumps only chance of redemption is the upcoming leak.

Or the fact he is winning in the wing states.

Or the fact all the polls are oversampling democrats.

But that's all he has.

How will he cope.

Yea the economy is so booming a quarter point interest rate hike is big news. Raise rates to 5-7% and see how things shake out.

What's this about a PTSD scandal?

Only a paid shill would really use his PTSD comment as a bad thing, saged kike

Its over for you white boys and the alt right. ITS FUCKING OVER!!!

I've been here to relish every moment of it.

everything you listed is an outright fabrication

you posted this in the other thread and got destroyed. fuck of CTR

kys leaf shill, can't wait till you neck yourself November


kike discovered

not 1 example. I got tons of compliments in that thread.

its a LEAF telling us about jobs in our country

Just another typical, out of context, clickbait news article title. One for people to share on social media without reading.

You forgot
>Cuba scandal
>Iran bank-terrorist scandal

Trump is fucking done.

thanks for fixing the music file

Made sure to grab those million imaginary compliments from the CTR goons but not the posts that complete disproved everything you were saying

Yeah. Why don't you 400 pound right wing retards get off your beds and get a fucking job.

This campaign is not like 2012 because this one has, uhh, skewed polls. And mommy isn't cooking my hot pockets this time around. DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE? Guess they don't do call them bootstraps for nothing!

WTF happened with Longroom? I know they got BTFO by 538 and then they disappeared.
Literally muh unskewed polls 2016 edition

unbutton your skinny jeans lad

i'd love to. tell me where to find one because ive been looking for 8 years


>>fucked up on the first debate
>>tax evasion scandal
>>PTSD scandal
>>foundation forced to close amidst fraud charges


These fucking people are both a couple of assholes.
It's like they were meant for each other, him and her.
Fucking nuts.
Absolutely fucking nuts.

This is horrible CTR have you learned nothing?
Sage this bullshit

funny how you never have 1 example.

'Bama leaf??? :DDD

oh man longroom was the best

fucking cartoon staff kek


It requires a modicum of attention focused outside of guns, anime, and shitposting on a Nigerian basketweaving imageboard. That disqualifies 99.99% of the people here.

Fuck you. I'm in IT and job market is still shit. American companies just outsource nowadays

It's sad to see that anyone with a differing opinion on Cred Forums gets the tumblr triggered treatment, I swear you fags don't realize you're creating a safe space just like the people you criticize.

My autism has seriously been triggered by CTR fags

>Trump voter detected

You shouldn't have dropped out of elementary school senpai.

More unemployed libshits than republicans lel. "right wing retards" back at it again, I take it back, you aren't a kike, kike's are a little smarter than you.

Why would Hillary supporters circlejerk in the
>Gas the Kike's Race War NOW
>Niggers are subhuman
Cred Forums Board

Longroom was exposed. Just like all weak ass alt fags they fled.

hey buddy

I'll take things a desperate CTR losers are trying to spin for $1000 Alex.

Counting all service jobs as waiter/bartender.

Doesn't realize that engineers, architects, computer programmers, IT, bankers, real estate agents, doctors, dentists, teachers, mortgage brokers, insurance brokers, truck drivers, plumbers, cops, actors, athletes, are all service jobs.

And then you wonder why I call you retards.

>tax evasion
>same thing that clinton uses
>same law that bill implemented

How will he ever recover

just fuck your race

Trump has to tell you losers that the real unemployment rate is 42% just to make you feel better about being useless retards.

Remember to input sage into the option bar if you want to comment!


>It's clear he's going to lose this election
>No matter which side you're on
>this is just a fact

Said a leaf

Nate Titanium destroyed longroom.


The Obama global defense fund is as infinite in knowledge as it is in wisdom.

>saves compliments from shills

Every time I feel like my life couldn't be worse I think of you and feel better.

>lost 1 billion dollars during the single greatest period of economic upturn in history

This is sole reason he will lose. He has spent decades building his image as a brilliant real estate developer when in reality he's a hack who got a 14 million dollar lone from daddy and inherited daddy's tenement empire in NY and then barely didn't go under after 6 bankruptcies.

Literally exposed.

I love how evil Tim Kaine looks in this pic.


you have nothing to feel good about it when it comes to your pathetic miserable life you right wing retard.

Even Trump disavowed you.

Please put "sage" into the option field if your gonna reply to shill threads otherwise your bumping their threads.

Nah. He has a bigger lead over Clinton than Obama had over Romney.

I'm having an episode

The right wing retards live in fear of me.

Wow the shills are really on premature recovery mode with Wikileaks around the corner

Sweet Shill post Cred Forumsro.

On the PTSD 'scandal', 22 Vets kill themselves a day. Of course some arent strong enough. Plenty of people have said this before, and it is completely true! I am saying this as a Veteran with unfortunately diagnosed PTSD...it is not fun. There are good days and bad.

This is no scandal.


This is a nice CTR containment thread :^)

At least they're getting paid for it, drumpfkek.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Bump for Hillary


Nice thread praise kek

>the americans are fucked regardless of who they pick.

I never thought I would witness the fall of the American empire in my lifetime but here we are.

You are just bad at what you do.


The bltt shills are becoming annoying.


Kek no we just don't want you here. We should work as a whole to make safe spaces from liberal phrases. Safe from any leftie opinion. Right wing safe spaces

>4 chapter 11 bankruptcies in recessional micro economic environments
Yeah working for four years on an apartment complex and raising it's values triple before sharing in profits when his father as owner sold it and gave his son a portion of earned profits and then invested it in the riskiest real estate in New York which showed a massive spike in value shows he's stupid lol. Only a 97% portion of his owned businesses return investment while 9 out of 10 businesses fail what a fag.

they do it for free cause trump is a broke ass bitch

you cant make this shit up

the funny thing is you think your country can survive without a super-massive consumer economy at your border

The 1 time you can actually invest money in Trump's business acumen.

This happens.

Make sure to reply to all CTR shills but type "sage" in the options field. Keep them replying to waste their time and money so that they dont spend the time on normies who might believe them.

I'm a super vital male. Your shill is powerless here...

>Not paying more taxes than required by law.
>Tax avoidance scandal

I can see why liberals like socialism so much, they're completely economically illiterate.

>tfw fit liberal

Some of the posters here are pathetic but few can ever come close to you.

Are you seriously coming here for life purpose or because you have nothing else to do with your time? I'm literally genuinely curious, someone saving compliments either is trying to build a cult following for effective narrative change or is doing it for social satisfaction.

What's wrong with it the left does it.


Assange is the last hope. Otherwise it's over.

>All the Hillary and Clinton Foundation Scandals and crimes

Cred Forums is satire and it's support for Trump was ironic

you all got memed

>tax evasion scandal
What tax laws did he break?

I am pretty sure it is too late already.



Pol is just satire goyim

>>It's clear he's going to lose this election.
No it isn't. None of the stuff mentioned in your post is going to make people start liking Shillary enough to vote for her.

Sorry faggot, but this thing is still very much up in the air.

Yes. YESSS. All satire goy if you all vote for trump you're falling for the satire maymay

>tfw the fate of the free worlds rests upon the shoulders of an Australian shitposter

Trump will win in a fucking landslide!
America will be great again!

>400 pounds
CTR resorting to fat-shaming... After faking outrage over Trump supposedly doing it to Alicia Machado... Fucking hypocrites!

You have no idea what over-saturation of a stock is do you?

Again I'm asking out of curiosity, what brought you here? Do you not have friends or a job? Do you not have a level of accomplishment in you? It's one thing to argue on facebook or twitter, poitical battlefields, but to go in an echobox like location online and try to talk big and fail over and over all the time is something of autism and determination I haven't seen anywhere before.

You aren't a paid shill obviously, so why? At least give me an answer since I'm not saging.


Unless Trump can flip a light blue, it's less up in the air so much as dead and buried.

trump tbfo!

>non-issue but it sounds bad to normies so they won't stop regurgitating it
>non-issue but it sounds bad to normies so they keep regurgitating it
>don't know about this

My country is like 90% forest and wilderness so I'll survive even if the worst happens

>You have no idea what over-saturation of a stock is do you?

LOL. Once again BLTT right wing retards defending Trump's failures.

Fucking pathetic.

>Some of the posters here are pathetic but few can ever come close to you.

Trump fat shamed right wing retards with his 400 pounder remarks.

leafs rustling

>I'm literally genuinely curious

You think about me way too much.


Australia does fine and is basically isolated. We are pretty similar in culture, population, and natural ressources.

>gets BTFO
>w-w-why do you bring facts here!
Sensible kek

Haha, good one

>>believing "adjusted" polls

Besides, who the fuck says he can't? You and the rest of the shills in this thread?

Sooo scary.

They paying you overtime? CTR should have clocked out hours ago.

Former bernout here, Trump is going to sell out on you guys harder than Bernie did.

>He is still at it
You are the most autistic person I have ever seen that wasn't banging their heads against walls. I truly mean that

That's funny, I don't remember a court of law ever convicting her of anything.
It is almost as if low information retards believe anything they read from an image macro without doing any outside research.
Nah, conservatives would never do that.


>taking office at the dip of the worst recession since 1929

Every politician for the past 30 years has been selling us out. I'd rather support the one who has to rig the election with her entire party just to win against 1 people who were an actual threat.

boy these slide threads are getting less and less subtle everyday

>sage in every field

>who has to

Who doesn't have to

Still better than you, you do it for free

You literally can't defend the Trump Foundation shit. He took money from his own charity to pay for a picture of himself and he didn't even register it properly.

Republicans crash the economy. Democrats fix it.

What's your point?

case in point

You are a genuine phenomenon of an anonymous posting board.

Came around the same time Canadians had a liberal burst into this board and especially over opinionated on a foreign countries politics that unlike all Americans here that have to work and invest know you claim to know the stats of the modern economics means.

You fail to ever answer any questions about the feds effect on creating an economic bubble that'll destructively burst eventually causing loss in\ every non hard capital investment, fail to argue with any knowledge of micro or macro economics and show disproven or misleading graphs and refuse to respond to the same attacks on them disproving your claims of long term positive growth of domestic wealth and then you embrace the chan culture of ad hominems and insult others when they use it.

You're like some weird austistic liberal channer that gets off on making an identity of revulsion and then embracing the small amount of liberals (besides me) and shills that push you on. It's genuinely intriguing to understand what created you and drives you, you're inability to talk more about yourself despite having an active ego shows either you practice projection or are some sort of super shill using a made identity to push a rather effective seeming narrative change on here.

You doing an AMA (with restrictions) could show whether or not you can succeed in being an actual voice here or the same annoyance as always.

Yeah I mean if obamas DOJ won't prosecute them clearly there is nothing there. Never mind the fact the FBI director who was President of Lockheed Martin and has a shitload of ties with her as Secretary of state even admitted on national television that she clearly committed atleast a misdemeanor on national television. Clearly she didnu nuffin and it's just those damn low IQ low info white voters. She clearly dindu nuffin and didn't know any better by the way vote for her

Even Liberals hate her for a reason CTR.

It's already proven she lied in testimony to congress. Getting the FBI to actually prosecute her or the DOJ when Democrats control the influence in and out of it is not going to be possible.

you got a tldr?

Are you autistically trying to ask me out or something. I'm not interested.

now show who controls congress throughout each of those periods. you know, the people who actually legislate. left wing retard BTFO hahahahah

Pure autism.

this is part time jobs.. they don't make a distinction between the two. Which means we are fucked.

>You fail to ever answer any questions about the feds effect on creating an economic bubble

I've answered this many times. The Fed is worried about the USD overheating right now.

I've also said multiple times that the Fed will raise rates in December, after the election.

>Job creation is the only thing in an economy
>Minimum wage part-time jobs strengthen economy

hmmm... tell me how thats working out for Canada atm

I love the smell of your desperation.

The pattern is pretty clear on that chart.

Even Trump admits the economy does better under Democrats.

I'm just gonna leaf this here...

>That filename

Why are you lying about your own country?

95% of Obama job creation has been full time jobs.

>Minimum wage part-time jobs strengthen economy

Don't denigrate jobs that you're not even qualified for, right wing retard.


>he's missing teeth so he must be dumb!

Die ableist!

>make 40 hours to 30 hours full time
>I have to get a second job now

Why do you think you know about a country you don't live in and use reports released by an administration that wouldn't possibly lie about its own progress at all?

Nearly everyone I know has to work two jobs now to take care of their family. You have no idea the devastation obama's policies have caused on workers and employers. I can't work over 30 hours because a health plan that costs the company has to be offered. So now they just employ a shitload of 20 some hour workers who need to work other jobs to pay their bills.

Anecdotal evidence is not proof. Sorry Trumptard.

>>make 40 hours to 30 hours full time

BLS has recorded full time as 35 hours+ for decades.

Wtf are you talking about?

Are you seriously so fucking retarded that you mixed up Obamacare with how BLS tracks full time?

Seriously this is why you nimrods get destroyed by me in every thread.

I already destroyed him. Every time I ask these right wing retards for proof of this imaginary explosion in part time jobs under Obama, they have none. Cause it never happened.

Part time has been flat.

All time high job openings and these fucking retards still can't get a job.

Trump voters are useless in today's society.

Job openings soar to all-time high of 5.9 million in July

He was never meant to win goy. Everything from his polarizing statements to his disorganized ill prepared campaign is all to provide hillary with a no contest opponent. Dont forget he helped bill become prez and her get the senate seat. Theyre pals.

Thats said can you imagine the mind fuck when youre controlled opposition and the crazy shit you say thats supposed to make you lose only improves your numbers?

wait, same exact tax exemption write off as canckles

canckles foundation an epic pile of corruption, ashkenazi AG finds undotted i's and uncrossed t's in the donalds... no sorry theres no comparison...
debate rigged, opponent cheated ( ear piece, " moderator " fact checking moderator? wtf?wearing ear piece specifically against the rules, interupted 41 times by mod,

umm no, he's gonna win Doll..

>here is screen shot of someone calling all my detractors autistic (probably even obama leaf consider how autismo he is)
>this tottally negates the fact I spend my nights into the wee morning do this

The thing is even you know you are autistic as fuck I am guessing you are deflecting because you don't want us to think that, but I saw you starting up around or 7 or 8 tonight.

I just want you to really think about one thing, even in your ideal scenario where you are blowing us the fuck out every night about the glory of Obama, hilldawg and weedman. You are still a sperg autist arguing until 6 am every night, calling Cred Forums autistic when basically everyone here is neruotypical compared to you,even to goes as far as to call trump and Cred Forums losers when I struggle to imagine how you can amount to much more than some neet living off microwaved food and mummies food.

At the end of the day you are among the lowest of your autistic brethern, cogntivly forced to the same repetive pattern in almost lock step nature. You are too low IQ to do math problems, or into being tech stuff or hell even mine craft

Instead you write retard hundreds of times a night on a Thai stargazing bulletin board. I find it pretty amusing that even your ideal scenario the people you try to mock every night are alawys going to be better off than you

A lot of graphs will look positive when you start them at the lowest point of the great recession, but most of those metrics are barely getting to where things were before the recession hit. Is that worth 8T of federal debt we've accumulated?


Wow you really proved these arguments wrong
Great job!

You forgot

>ranting about some mexican whore at 3:20 AM on Twitter

>First debate he beld back and the polls either didnt change or he got a bump.
>You dont know what tax evasion is, plus he mentions $1bn loss in his book and first season of apprentice
>Not even a scandal, if calling some sand google a cunt didnt sink it this has no chance
>Foundation didnt do some paperwork, thehorror.png

At this point the media has thrown so. much shit at Trump people just tune it out. All this grasping at anything is hilarious

>PTSD scandal
This will help more than hurt

Listen I know this is a CTR thread but still.

Taking full advantage of the loopholes Bill Clinton signed into law isn't immoral, it's just business. He put those loopholes in there on purpose so you could basically pay no taxes if you aren't a total nigger and decide to puss out and use the 1040EZ.

If you use the 1040EZ, thank you for funding all the worthless bullshit the Federal Government spends its money on. Know that you're subsidizing ghettoes full of undesirable Bernie-hating untermenchen, and also you're subsidizing me, we sharecrop corn and bean land out to local farmers.

On the other hand, despite having very large assets and great incomes, as well as a good cash position, the complicated tax code allows for us to use all sorts of tricks and we barely ever even pay ANY Federal taxes. State taxes are a bit harder to reduce to zero, but thankfully the Jews have been at work on this state's tax code and it is increasingly riddled with loopholes as well.

So essentially, any publication that claims Trump is literally committing the crime of 'evading taxes' or 'avoiding taxes' will probably have the SHIT sued out of them, Hogan-style, whether he wins of loses. Trump will literally own the entire US media establishment in two years, win or lose, because of the constant and highly actionable slander they commit daily.

It's gonna be anuddah shoah kids.

Also Trump's donation from his own charity was quite legal and was accepted by the plaintiffs in the suits.

If you want to see something weird look at how Hillary was selling state secrets and favors for cash with the Clinton Foundation. Or wait until Wednesday when this data will all be released along with video of her repeatedly calling blacks nìggers.

That wasn't the point of the post. Even in the ideal scenario where he is 100% right all the time he is still shouting at people about how shitty they are when likely even the lowest denominator of the populace here is objectively superior to him.

Right and if you actually want to show him that he is pathetic you would have to deconstruct his arguments which you know you can't do. If he is as autistic as you claim then you should know calling him names will have no effect.

Hussein Leaf is in the house!

dude you rock!

Autistic people can register their quality of life. My deconstruction really simply needs to begin and end with how, essentially all his ad homs reflect in much harsher light.

I wonder what all the shills will do after Trump wins

Suicide? Self-exile? Something more interesting? Tune in November 8th to find out.

If it doesn't work on Barneyfag it won't work on him. You can insult him all you want and it won't make a difference. The only way to get to him is to BTFO of all his arguments so thoroughly that the rebuttals can just be pasted into any thread he appears in.

>so we can move forward
where exactly is that anyway?

This PTSD bullshit is so fucking ridiculous. He literally said nothing wrong. The spin is absolutely unreal, it makes my head hurt. I'm a fucking leaf so it doesn't matter but I'd vote Trump just out of spite of the hundreds of liberal lies and spins.

Why would you raise interest rates?

you're right. I think I'll get a job for CTR, then go shit in the street like the rest of you.

is there a trump paint huffer meme yet i want one

so then you understand the spin on "basement dwellers" then? or is it ok when the "media" spins shit against some one you dont like?

Make sure to stick to the designated shitting streets.

Tie is colored wrong

fucking shills man

>oversampling democrats
They're not oversampling anyone. There are more Democrats than Republicans.

Are there currently or were there 4 years ago?

Just like you did to Bernie? Not likely nigger.

wow I know #BarrelfortheDarrel


'God Emperor'...

Fuck sake, I hope this doesn't blow back on Warhammer.

Ctr fags can't comprehend that Trumptards don't give a shit about Trump, but just really really hate hilary

> Inb4 shill

Cred Forums will cry "shill" just like SJW's cry "privilege"

Wow, this well-written short essay really convinced me. The hard evidence and objectivity were just too much for me to reason against.

>Why would you raise interest rates?

So that the banks will start lending again.


>bumping shitpost thread

Just because you guys can't come up with counter arguments against the Canadian doesn't mean it is shitposting.

He might pull it off.

You can't defend the Trump Foundation

Is CTR even real? Who would pay millions of dollars to spread some message on an underground message board? Do people actually support Hillary?

Remember this on Nov 9th
will be back
