How can Drumpf fat shame a beautiful young woman like Alicia Michado when irl, when not wearing a suit...

How can Drumpf fat shame a beautiful young woman like Alicia Michado when irl, when not wearing a suit, he is a total fatass with big old hairy tits you could suck on and get Trump Milkā„¢ ?

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are you fatshaming mr trump?, that's problematic.

Because trump never worked as a model, retard

Also unlike Alicia Michado, he never comitted murder

Cuck bait leaf Cuck.

>bulking is bad
he's probably powerlifting, dumbass.

God he looks like shit

Fatshaming the god emperor like a shitlord. For shame

Judging women based on their appearance at a beauty pageant is sexist desu

She was under contract as the reigning Miss Universe winner to remain "in shape". She won a beauty contest, not a Fields medal.

> Fell for the gomad meme

Reminder that Trump was the one defending her from others who wanted her removed, and that this double-crossing bitch is now throwing around claims that he gave her an eating disorder over the comments, despite her stating numerous times that she had the eating disorder prior to the contests. She's just another tool being paid out the ass by the DNC/Hillary to go on TV to tell outright lies, even when those lies are easily proven to be false. This is likely why she hasn't been on T.V. lately, as she served her purpose as a hit job.

Video related:

When does his rape trial start?

>fat whitey can't get laid without raping

how many layers of leaf are you on rn pal?

>talking about her likes she's a race horse
>muh investment

fuck off dipshit

Her job was to look good.

Then she should return all the money she earned from that work.

Mechado signed a contract to maintain her 'image'. Donal didn't

Two bowls, week night so nothing too crazy


Well, she did join a beauty pageant, where women are judged on their beauty much in the same way as any other similarly directed contest (be it speed in a horse race, etc.).

Of her own accord I might add, and because she stated she wanted to be there, and because she signed a contract, knowing full well that she was participating in such a contest.

What's Trump supposed to talk about? How much he wished she weighed 400 pounds and had a big mangled roastie cunt like yours?