Based professor at Canada's largest university standing alone against political correctness.

>This week, University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson released a video online criticizing political correctness on campus. He also said he doesn't recognize a person's right to be addressed using genderless pronouns like "they" instead of "he" or "she."
>Under the proposed Federal law Bill C-16, it will become illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender identity or expression.

>Jordan Peterson: No. It's not the role of society to make people feel included. That's not the role of society. The role of society is to maintain a modicum of peace between people. It's not the role of society to make people feel comfortable. I think society is changing in many ways. I can tell you one thing that I'm very terrified of, and you can think about this. I think that the continual careless pushing of people by left wing radicals is dangerously waking up the right wing. So you can consider this a prophecy from me if you want. Inside the collective is a beast and the beast uses its fists. If you wake up the beast then violence emerges. I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast.

His Twitter account is:

SJWs are planning protests against him on campus.

Other urls found in this thread:


Interesting development, especially out of Toronto, of all places

This is why they are doing it youtube.com/watch?v=f-7YGGCE9es

He is shutting down their march in to the university of Toronto by blowing the their Politically Correct BS to pieces.

We have to fucking support him!!!

The thing that is so beautiful about Dr Peterson is that his logic is just to damn good

CO: You have said that you don't believe that there is enough evidence that non-binary gender identities even exist?

JP: No. I didn't say that actually. If I'm going to be accused of saying things I have to be accused of exactly what I said. There's not enough evidence to make the case that gender identity and biological sexuality are independently varying constructs. In fact, all the evidence suggests that they're not independently varying constructs. I can tell you that transgender people make the same argument. They make the argument that a man can be born in a woman's body and that's actually an argument that specifies a biological linkage between gender identity and biological sex. I'm also not objecting to transgender people. I'm objecting to poorly written legislation and the foisting of ideological motivated legislation on a population that's not ready for it.

Send this guy some support or even blow up comment sections with fake profiles

He's getting crucified right now by Canadian academics and media.

Link to his Patreon for his YouTube channel

Yea no, this guy is just a bigot and a racist and it is time to allow for the younger generation who actually has to deal with the consequences of climate change to step up and have their say on the matter and we say that bigotry and islamophobia have no place in a progressive society and that arrogant WHITE MALES should not be allowed to hold positions in academia until we reach a post-capitalist marxist society where we can finally be truly equal and just and where we can allow the white man to have some say once they are a tiny minority of the population as they should be

Let's be honest, this sounds like "we shouldn't kill terrorists because then the religion of peace wakes up and starts using its fists". You can't say you shouldn't do something because you're afraid of retaliation.

He's still right of course.

Noice. He's the hero that we need. At U of T of all places.

Hopefully he has tenure, otherwise they'll be itching to terminate his position. There was an absolutely brilliant Russian professor at my university who was banished for saying one "wrong thing." Canadian universities would rather be filled with mediocre yes-men who toe the party line.

What we need to do is to write to the media and the academia about how we feel about this. Peterson know people are supporting him he don't need kind words as much as he needs some troops on his side.

I am reading this interview cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-friday-edition-1.3786140/i-m-not-a-bigot-meet-the-u-of-t-prof-who-refuses-to-use-genderless-pronouns-1.3786144

The questions are so retardedly bad that i can't even imagine what dimwitted fucktard asked them

>CO: Well, transgender people are ready for it and they have been feeling a great deal of discrimination and that's why they were seeking this type of redress in the law. Do you appreciate that?


CO: Professor Peet would like to be addressed by the pronoun "they" — do you accept that?

CO: In Ontario, the law states that gender is a "person's sense of being a woman, a man, both, or neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum."

CO: What you are proposing, that you will not use pronouns, may become something that's a criminal offense. Are you aware of that?

CO: And so how will you respond, when you are in that situation in a classroom?

The whole interview seems like one big attempt at making Peterson appear evil for not thinking that this gender nonsense is right.

Looks like he has also a Harvard Professor as well.

Big time academics in our corner is what we need badly.

"the beast" is what radicals refer to as "reactionaries"

"they're just afraid of change" blahblahblah

when really if you antagonize someone so much, keep spitting in their face, of course they're going to react

This. We need to support the sane with balls enough to stand up to the SJW insanity.

your logic/comparison fails, muslims are by far the primary victims of the violence of islamic terrorism

Press F to pay respects to the last WHITE MALE in Canada.

Nice pasta
Needs more diversity though

Bump for great justice

This is the person that is against Peterson. She, he or IT is also a professor

>I've got news for you, Prof. Peterson. Older White cishet abled men are expected to do inclusion emotional labour as an employment duty too.

>More than any other thing, ableism from my physics colleagues destroyed my peace of mind at work.

>Major traumas started my own academic anxiety. Before them, I didn’t have any, other than bog-standard impostor syndrome.

>Jordan Peterson isn't "courageous" for disagreeing with general public opinion on gender human rights protection. He's a despicable coward.

>Men like Peterson are hanging on by their fingernails to antiquated ideology because they're too damn lazy to upgrade themselves.

>They think that by getting shouty and bullying people they perceive as vulnerable that they won't have to put in any emotional labour, ever.

Are you in Toronto by any chance?

Not him, but I was a UofT student for years.

Jordan is pretty cool.

Yes. I've even seen this guy give a lecture to university students about career skills. The whole thing was basically red pill 101. He went on about how IQ is inherited and no amount of social engineering can change it. About the sexual marketplace and how women married to rich men have more orgasms. He even name dropped Hitler. I think he even (ironically) did a Nazi salute (but I might be misremembering; it was a few months ago). It was glorious. I was laughing my ass off the whole time. You could see the shocked looks in the faces in the crowd (political correctness is literally the culture of Canada and indoctrination begins in preschool).

Cool! And his lectures are amazing. Have yo seen them? Did you study under him? If they get him kicked off campus or anything like that then its over. Many of his lectures are dedicated to describing how totalitarian regimes form, and the very thing that he is talking about in the lectures are literally happening right now. Its fucking strange.

If we look at the twitter accounts of the people who are organizing this against him then its so obvious that they are bitter, resentful, majorly politically motivated. Or, its even worse, their political motivations are motivated by bitterness and resentment.

Look at this picture, does it seem like a nice kind soul? Here is here twitter twitter.com/MariBrighe
Or maybe this person twitter.com/iHateCogsci
You can see the fucking mental illness and the resentment lurking in their fucking eyes.

And these people are getting to fire a university professor? This shit can't happen.

I legitimately can't tell if that's male pattern baldness or just some new retarded hairstyle.

(((state-sponsored media)))

There is no saving him. Our populace got Sweden-tier indoctrination starting from pre-school going all the way back to the 80s.

Holy fuck my sides! That is hilarious. Was it recorded or anything? He records a lot of his stuff.

People just fucking handle his redpills. I am kind of surprised that Cred Forums haven't picked him up yet fully to be honest. If there is a truth or a redpill then he goes for it, and he does it without being rightwing or leftwing.

>(political correctness is literally the culture of Canada and indoctrination begins in preschool).
It has to stop now because its literally turning totalitarian. And its just like how he describes it in the lectures on the USSR and Solzhenitsyn.

At least they used the proper "he" pronoun.

>SJWS are planning protests against him on campus

The idiots can't understand he is trying to warn them. The day the right rises up against this madness will be the best day of my life.

The difference is, when the left rises up, fatties crush a police cruiser. When the right rises up, empires fall.

I was wondering when you fags would notice jordan peterson

>psychology professor
>right wing

I've seen it all

And are you going to try and deny that that is exactly what is needed at this point?

These people are pushing so hard so fast to force everyone to accept their way of thinking, and people are getting fed up with it. And it is so institutionalized at this point the only way to stop it will be to destroy the institution.

jesus christ

>The day the right rises up against this madness will be the best day of my life.
But that is exactly what he wants to avoid. If that happens it wont be any nice. But you got to wonder that maybe both the people in the far right and those on the far left both are more similar then what we want to think in the sense that they both want their own totalitarianism. In the end its the same shit with millions of dead people. A resentful and bitter rightwinger is just the same as a resentful and bitter leftwinger. Concentration camps or gulags, its the same shit in principle. So lets be reasonable and stop before we get there.

He is not right wing though.

I see a psychologist regularly and she's a hardcore conservative Christian. It's more common than you might think.

doesnt even sound like hes right wing senpai, just sounds like hes got something between his ears unlike these university sjws

their personal opinions are always surprising.

Similar experience here. My psychologist is churchgoing and pretty conservative. I've shared many of my redpill with him and even though he doesn't always agree, he always is open to considering them.

Cred Forums - the Beast

So there are quite a few people here that supports Peterson. Why don't we do something? Why don't we write mails to the UoT and other related institution that might be involved and and articulate our concerns properly so they know that there are many people who disagree with this shit?

Also, why don't we cause a fucking shitstorm on twitter? Gather the forces of Cred Forums and summon the Almighty kek and let those fucking leftist scum have it? Peterson deserves it for his brilliance.

The battle of UoT has just begun!

Imagine living in the 1950's-60's and being told that one day a mentally deficient 11 year old boy would be lauded for sewing a dress and putting on makeup so he can live out his princess fantasies.

We have to go back. We have completely screwed the pooch.

I like that idea.

I think it'd also be pretty good to flood jordan b peterson with positive feedback on Twitter. It doesn't have much traffic yet so we could beat the lefties to the punch.

I'm ready to cleanse with fire. I don't care any longer. The sheer lunacy of all of this just needs to be sterilized.

>Anglo Canada is fighting over pronouns
>They have no idea how much of a shitlord language French is
>We don't have that issue because that would mean we'd have to restructure our whole language
>He and She are the only two pronouns that could be used
feels good

I will never understand this common dissonance. My only explanation is that we can only parrot arguments for or against that we've read.

This is bizarro world.

They'll just invent new words. Gendered linguistics can't save you from leftist lunacy.

It's almost 4AM here so I'm going to sleep. Basically keep the thread alive/create new threads (i.e. "Battle of UofT General") so more Cred Forumsacks learn about it. Once the ball gets rolling Cred Forums will blow it out of proportion and we'll end up memeing Jordan Peterson into Prime Minister of Canada and Trudeau can go back to teaching remedial drama to gay genderqueer differently-abled transwoman Syrian refugees of colour.

Psychology is filled with people who are still scientists who reject what's happened to the field.

I'm in my last two months of a psychology degree and the field is fucked beyond repair. I see my classmates and I despair at what's going to happen to their future clients and if they go into research what bullshit they'll spin. Even at my university I've been marked down on assignments for referencing people my professors disagree with and for critizing the field of psychology in the first place.

Don't you dare disagree with me or have a mind of your own student! You must be a sheeple who tells us exactly what we've told you. Don't you even think about thinking for yourself. In fact don't think at all.

That's the best part. We're so crazy about French any change is almost impossible.

It's all a neat little trick.


I heard neurology has been under assault too

Case in point, don't you dare question the methods of the field. You have to think exactly as we say and can't say anything bad about the field at all

And another one, don't you agree with people I disagree with student. You must do exactly as I the authority figure professor say you must.

>psychology is a science
Psychology is literally a mall degree for people too stupid to become psychiatrists, no wonder its students are rabid SJWs, they obviously have no job and nothing better to do anyway

If I didn't know the context I would've thought this was an exempt from 1984

Neurology is harder to assualt because it's a hard science. In psychology a lot of it is fluffy wuffy fuzzy feelings. The field is FULL of women who have murdered it. I have spent my whole degree basically using the universities subscription to journal articles which are they themselves fucked to find information that really matters. Pic related

Lets fucking do it!

There are 3(?) fronts of attack
1. The institutions and the people working there. UoT staff, newspapers, organizations etc
We need to mail them well articulated respectful and formal emails with our concerns about censorship, how teachers should not be fired for SPEAKING TRUTHS, fear of the future of the universities excellence and values. They are there to teach, not to ideologically indoctrinate etc. More details to come

2. Twitter
Support Peterson. Debate the leftist and expose their bullshit. The more peaceful and and on point with facts and logic the better. As apposed to hate posting and that stuff. We don't want to be associated with "pepe" and hateposting, that is an easy way to get discredited. More details to come


3. There is gonna be a a meetup in 2 days where they might have around 200 people meet up.
Is there gonna be a counter protest? Can someone be there and record it?

We'll get a list with names and emails of the different people involved and suggestions for things to write and email them.

I have plenty of more to come with.

That sounds perfect!

The Battle of UofT has officially begun!



>Psychology is literally a mall degree for people too stupid to become psychiatrists

Psychiatrists are medical doctors. They're trained as physicians first. I hate the field of psychiatry it's fucked and filled with social control and made up mental disorders and it's the most loathesome of all the medical fields.

Psychatrists are doctors too stupid to become surgeons or GPs

>mfw canacucks are so retarded they shoot the messenger because the message hurt their feefees

Honestly, hes not wrong at all. I'm amazed they don't see why the right is starting to become vocal again.

I've read somewhere that they are trying to pass made up stuff as "neurology" so they arent changing discoveries just sneaking their made agendas into science

>It's not the role of society to make people feel included.
>That's not the role of society.
>The role of society is to maintain a modicum of peace between people.
>It's not the role of society to make people feel comfortable

So, how exactly do you "maintain a modicum of peace between people" when you actively discriminate against everything that isn't a straight white male? Am I missing something here?

Just like the blm niggers say, no justice no peace.

Racism and shit flares up every few decades. Then they realize how fucked up shit is when they cant blame minorities for all their problems, so they come begging for their scapegoats again.

Minorities are the only thing that keeps whites together. Unified through hate. There's nothing else that keeps them together.

that would make the rules of society ransom to the whims of the most volatile group. If you can't demand people to observe religious practice, then why must they observe practices of fringe groups?

There was still drag and androgyny back then. Only thing is no one stood up for their rights.

The only thing that's changed is public acceptance that they cant beat the gay out of their kid.

I'll have to watch his video later but the interview was good.

Well for one you cant force religion on anyone. Secondly those fringe groups aren't demanding you observe their practices.

All they want is equality. You do your shit, they do theirs, as long as no law is violated. I honestly dont know how the right manages to take this as some sort of personal insult.

By the way I just noticed doing a twitter search that the Peet person posted his phone number on twitter.

except they ARE forcing it you idiot. A professor doesn't want to use the new pronouns, career is put in hotwater over it. No law WAS VIOLATED.

Okay, there story so far

Based redpilled Professor Jordan B Peterson has finally had enough of the increasing political correctness that is creeping up on his campus. (and on western universites in general) He is a professor of psychology and his lectures deals with everything from psychometrics (aka triggometrics) to existentialism, to personality theory. ( youtube.com/watch?v=XY7a1RXMbHI&index=12&list=PL22J3VaeABQAhrMCQUa6sde_Y9DVbLYRv redpills/redpills/redpills/ )

He has spent a great deal of time studying how totalitarian regimes forms and especially the Communist/Marxist type. He is now seeing the exact same processes that took place in the USSR take place in Canada on his very campus and he is fearing for the future of society in general as it is ACTUALLY ABOUT TO TURN IN TO A TOTALITARIAN SHIT HOLE and its time to stop it. People are being censored, lose their job and so on for speaking their minds. This is not normal. (but on ideology it is)

So, he has made this video speaking out against the SJW infestation on UoT (its really good you should watch, like, subscribe and share and save the world! )

Then the SJW are now organizing protests, gathering the media, social media and so on in an attempt at getting Peterson fired, silenced etc.
The protest they are planning kike book com/events/169072846873969/

This is where we come in. We can't let UofT fall!

note it down now!

They are trying to force it to become law to use the new pronounces. That means that if you call a trans or anyone else who does not identity as as male/grill with the wrong pronoun you are breaking the law and can be put in jail or fined or whatever.

Some of the social justice warriors twitters and social media

It's really easy to find. But I'll write it down.

Well, he's absolutely right.

This is my life:

>born a straight, white, able-bodied male with no mental illness. Fucking great, right?

>except my parents were both fucking idiots, both substance abusers, both went bankrupt, got divorced, and abused me as a child

>grew up poor and constantly told the world is tough and unfair and I'd have to struggle hard to make it

>worked full time while going to university, shit was hard, still graduated with debt, had to work my ass off to get anywhere

>the whole time I went to university I watched rich Chinese kids drive BMW's with their parents' money and live in condos given to them by their parents, and rich brown kids from Brampton

>I finally make it, get a job earning 60K, pay off my student debts, start maxing out my RRSP, TFSA, and saving as much as possible, but still living like a poor student at the age of 30

>and it's been a decade of being told all day long every day how privileged I am and telling me to identify as a white male, and all my non-white friends just talk all day long about race issues, and all the women I know talk all day long about "muh wage gap"

>A decade of this now.

>Enough is enough. I used to be left wing. Not anymore. I'm a FUCKING WHITE MALE, and I'm going to act like it. I'm conservative, I'll vote conservative, fuck women, fuck shitskin minorities, fuck em all. I literally hate shitskins now, because I live amongst them and they are insufferable.

All this SJW shit has made me rage against all things left. I am a very racist and very conservative white man. I want shitskins to burn.

>the beast

The beast doesn't leave his mommy's basement.

I always liked prof. Peterson. I was expecting this to happen to him sooner or later. You folks really are going insane.

On behalf of my country I apologise unreservedly for producing this absolute cuck. I don't know how he slipped through the cracks, but I assure you all we'll be doing everything in power to prevent any more people like this surviving to adulthood.

Reminds me of the Gordon riots in that the repeal of the Popery act 1698, little enforced at the time, and the adoption of the Papists act 1778, would cause more anti-catholic sentiment with little to no practical returns.
When you create a protected class with privileges, you're bound to stir up resentment. The Trannies and co might want to dwell on the balance sheet of their actions a little before ploughing ahead.

It's interesting to note that it takes a well respected professor to point out the basics of divide and conquer to his peers. Most people who already know don't seem to need a Phd. Cheers.

fuck I tried reading the posts on the event page and it's just depressing. these people are completely indoctrinated it would be funny if it wasn't scary


Kek what a bitch

Been watching this guys lectures for months now. Based. Check out the maps of meaning series

Here ya go friends

You know whats so fucking sad? Peterson's logic and knowlegde just goes so far beyond that little negs head she don't even realize it. She is just trying to set up traps for him and make it seem like he was wrong for thinking and saying what he did, like he should excuse him self. What a fucking disgusting bitch. And the comes with a thoughtful reply and she can't even come up with a follow up question to that point because she is to fucking dumb to realize it. She should be fired. We should write a fucking letter to the owners of this radio show and share our concerns about this women lack of research, competency and integrity as a journalist/whatever she is and her bias and wrong treatment of Peterson. How can this shit go on? the interview was nothing but an attempt at make him seem foolish.

Do you think the higher ups in this radio actually wants that kind of radio?

Dear Cred Forums, lets write to this radio and tell them what we think of this radio hosts reatment of Peterson, her incompetence and clear bias. Do it with manners and respect and do it accurate, pls.

Honestly, that this is stuff that being thought in university is mind blowing. Like where the fuck else would one find this kind of stuff? They are absolutely brilliant and the best information on personal improvement and life lessons that i've ever come across. We should support this based motherfucker!

Notice how ALL she can say is "he is a bigot". There is literally no arguments, no logic or anything

What do you expect? They are mentally ill and should've gotten therapy. Honestly it should be mandatory to see a therapist before getting surgery and shit.

>mediocre yes-men who toe the party line.
That is literally any field

petition to get him fired.. for posting a series of online lectures? Is university in Canada such an echo chamber that they literally cannot handle another opinion?

>I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast.

I doubt it. Even here on pol you hear many """conservatives""" spouting retarded shit like:
>not all negroes/jews are bad
>it's ok if you have a little nonwhite blood in you, y-you're still white
>I'm only joking about being racist

These morons are more concerned about some asinine concept of morality and political correctness than their own race and culture. They don't have the character to defend the white world any longer.

This guy being a psych professor is more capable than anyone to BTFO libtards and anyone who tries to attack him.

I believe in this guy, I thought learning psych was bullshit until I did it for 2 years. Interaction with people became much easier and you become aware of more cues as well as some things which are borderline manipulation.

This guy has been doing it for all his life, fear him.

What i expect? I expect that journalist and hosts working for big and respected companies such as CBC would have a modicum of journalistic integrity and a responsibility to report on cases and happenings in a manner that is as objective as possible. And if those are requirements are not met then they do not have necessary competence to hold the position that they hold. And it was clear in this particular interview with Dr Jordan B Peterson that the person had not done sufficient research or even bothered getting the facts right before trying to make Peterson look bad.

And i expect that if they get at least 10 or 20 or even maybe as much as 50 or 100 complaints then someone in that company might have their brains somewhat in order and not affected by this retarded ideology and something will happen. They are there to serve the listeners and if the listeners give them some feedback you know its gonna have some effect? That is not to far fetched is it?

Look at what the SJW lynch mob does when they don't like someone, they take their rhetoric and sophistry and they send letters of complaints to university headquarters, they send mails to the media, they arrange hordes of people on twitter to shame, harass, make up lies and all that stuff in order to bully people in to submission. This is giving them a taste of their own medicine. Lets get a bunch of people writing complaints to this radio station cbchelp.cbc.ca/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=175187

Tell me if this is wrong. I don't think it is.

Sorry to break it to you like this but you are a fucking moron on the same degree that the SJW are, you are just the other side of the coin.

You aren't wrong, but clinical psychology is a pretty damn hard degree to finish, especially since in Canuckistan you need to finish your PhD to practice privately (it used to be like that at least, not sure if it still is now).
The problem with clinical, at least where I attended (Concordia, Montreal) class was majority women with really questionable sanity.

If you want to protest political correctness and uncuck Canada, just dogpile on newfoundland, the least politically correct place in canada desu. Labrador natives are afraid of newfies because of how much shit newfies give them, the one or two asians in the entire province always get mad because people point out their slanty gook eyes, three muslims (probably the entire muslim population on the island) were beaten up in the last month, some mudslime chick was told to remove the garbage bag from her head if she wanted to attend university and everybody hates cuckdeau.

This is why God Emperor Trump needs to become president and announce to a world a new Manifest Destiny. It is our god-given right to uncuck these shitty nations by any means necessary. This based professor would get a free pass.

So you're angry you had to work for a living? Or are you angry that some minority's parents worked hard enough that their kids would have easy lives and not struggle like they did? Or maybe you're angry that your parents were just gigantic fuck ups that you had to spend your life compensating for the waste of sperm that they were?

I dont get it. Why are you so mad? Most minorities deal with this shit every single day. And most of them have been dealing with it for generations upon generations thanks to racism, slavery, apartheid and all the other shit that the world (ran by rich successful white men, mostly), tried to keep them out of.

But you're so angry at what? Instead of sympathizing with people who actually know your struggle, you hate them. Fascinating.

yup, he's right we're all just fucking animals

why don't liberals recognize this? because they're playing god

>Sorry to break it to you like this but you are a fucking moron on the same degree that the SJW are, you are just the other side of the coin.

I like it how you've bitched the entire thread about how logical Peterson is and how SJW attack people with insults and ad hominem without counterarguments...and here you are doing exactly the same thing.

low-hanging fruit or rather fruit on a silver platter
he would never talk like this about anti-racism and NEVER EVER about anti-antisemitism

We still gonna do twitter shit? I've got one account that I can use for it.

Glad I never paid attention in class. All I remember is this fuck

What the fuck is "emotional labour"? I am so glad I go to military college and don't have to deal with this bullshit. We complain about having to sit through sexual harassment briefings but those seem like nothing compared to what goes on at civilian universities.

All the leaves ITT better show up to that protest and BTFO all the fat and ugly SJW basket cases.

Are you kidding? Its October. The only reason I'd leave my house for is to get a Timmie's

No. He's angry at people who are spoiled beyond belief painting themselves as the victims and whinging about how hard their lives are, when they have life handed to them on a silver platter. He worked and earned what he had, but people like YOU would rather defend worthless brown rats who dug themselves into the whole they're in and get all the help and attention anyway.



it's too fucking early for this shit already

>Most minorities deal with this shit every single day.

No, they don't you ideologically blinkered blathering retard. Ask them. Actually fucking ask your pet minorities how much racism they have personally experienced. You wouldn't dare, because likely none of them will be able to give a single example. Do it, faggot.

Meanwhile keep pushing your tumescent critical race theory, intersectional gender theories, etc, the building backlash is going to be glorious.


why are male psychologist so based?

-J. Haidt
-Kevin Macdoland
-Richard Herrnstein (bell curve)

why does pol hate psycholgoy so much? yet it gave so many basis to "scientific racism"

>Psychology is filled with people who are still scientists who reject what's happened to the field.
>I'm in my last two months of a psychology degree and the field is fucked beyond repair.


Psycholgoy is actually based scinece, its turnign into shit, but fiel like cogntivie psycholgoy are promising and SJW free, social psy is fucked doe

Go Jordan go! The man is awesome - very deep knowledge of literature, mythology, biology and of course psychology. Check out any of his lecture series on youtube - especially 'maps of meaning'. Ironically he started out studying Nazis as evil, but by being a truthseeker he's kind of a race-realist, though a Canadian one. That is, he mentions Ashkenazi Jews' higher IQ, but of course never goes the other way.

Anyway, love love love the guy, has lectures on the fascist personality (we're 'too orderly' - but he's Canadian, he /has/ to say that).

>Psychology is literally a mall degree for people too stupid to become psychiatrists


Psychiatry is the most bluepilled quasi sicence out there, psychology at least has cognitive psychology going on for it + psych tests, meanwhile psychiatry is an intelelctual chaos

>clinical psychology

that field is meh,and domitated by quasi sicentist like psychiatrist, try going into congitive science

Those Canadian reporters are school marms - I've listened to that show, and when they interview someone they disapprove of they don't ask questions, they scold. Laughable because they're so low-energy, and infuriating that they get away with it.

bump for psychologist of pol

not all - check out slatestarcodex.com, a based and vy smart young psychiatrist.

> actively discriminate against people of color
> in Canada

got some evidence of that beyond you somehow feel your life sucks?

THIS IS SLANDER, PURE, SLANDER against an honest professor

I posted a comment in the facebook protest event page and an admin blocked me within seconds.

Support this brave bastard

Choose exactly one

>So, how exactly do you "maintain a modicum of peace between people" when you actively discriminate against everything that isn't a straight white male?
Easy, you deport everyone else.

What a faggot

All of Atlantic Canada swept for Trudeau though.

CBC is the worst of the fucking worst, I'd honestly take any American network over those pricks.

Oh man, he's literally saluting A FUCKING LEAF. This must be the worse flag in the world.

>Tried watching Luke Cage pilot. Struck me as not v.queer, but that’s more likely a function of my ignorance of Black culture than anything.

Why do people like this exist

For anyone on kikebook, go to this event page for the planned protest and report it for harassment.

facebook / events / 169072846873969/

Also, like and share Peterson's page. Pic related

Watched some of his lectures on his youtube channel and he's great, once i get to the point were i want to get a postgrad overseas I'll definitely try getting under him.

Careful guys, (((they))) are getting involved now


Social psychology is russian psychology, of course it is filled with closet commies, and the worst part is that all of them work in education.

>Second, given the racist nature of Peterson's comments (both in that he has targeted Black student groups already and is going to release another video that we believe is going to focus on this, as well as the fact that denying and erasing nonbinary genders is part of the project of white supremacist colonialism)

Transphobia is now racist. SHUT IT DOWN

>Social psychology is russian psychology

u wotm8 ?

I was reffering to stuff German Jews started with gestalt psycholgy (=/=gestalt therapy). stuff like group beliefs, sterotypes, how they get enhanced by groups, conformnism thinkin (Asch experiment), 3partital nature of opinion (emotional, rational, behavioural) etc.

The fact that this part of psycholgoy is pozzed is because it is very influencal in politics and therefore its controlled by commies unlike for instance cogntiive psychology which is not that inteeresting for public

>stuff German Jews started with gestalt psycholgy

to be more specific, the paradigm of gestalt in social situations: group formation, confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance...that sort of stuff that was researched in the 1960s in america

Thought you were talking about socuo-historical/socio-cultural (not sure what's it's name in english) psychology, the one crafted by Vygotsky and Trotsky to mold the understanding of the communist man, completely denying human nature.
You are right about the way certain branches are overrepresented on politics.

>trannies and feminists
>thinking about their actions

hahahaahhaha theyre proud to have the power they have, and they think they are destined to rule us all in a communist totalitarian state.

Good man. I`m going to donate to his patron account.

There's always gonna be people who complain about shit. And my bad, didn't realize after effects of slavery were what niggers did to themselves.

I dont have to. University nig nog here that had to work my ass off to get to where I am. University of Texas with a year left to my first degree. Went to new York one summer with a couple of guys and got stopped and frisked outside a church. For just standing around talking with the guys.

But I know you'll somehow spin this to say I deserve it anyway. Because blind hate and anger do that.

i dont think you understand that the beast he talks about isnt us by a longshot. its a mix between the white working class and the refugees who wont put up with their bullshit once it leaks out of campuses and into the law of the land.

>Vygotsky and Trotsky

Lav Vygotsky? Ah yes, his books were crap, on Fromm level (Fromm and other "pschoanalystst" were crap), typical unsystematic long ass esays about nothing. Nothing scinentific about it, rare reference to data and that sort of stuff.

>Thought you were talking about socuo-historical/socio-cultural (not sure what's it's name in english) psychology,

the offcial term is just "social psychology" but its beign overused so it confuses people.

>You are right about the way certain branches are overrepresented on politics.

yeah. that is because not all findings create controversy - if you for instance learn that stereotype are a way a group learns you will conculed that sterotypes and prejsutice is legitimate. same as intelligence. that is why social psycholgoy and group difference psy ("differential psychology") is under big control of SJW and mosty in their hands.

That is why in general psychogoy is so pozzed - it is highly influental on publci opinion, its nothing new, here is adoc about H J Eysenck youtube.com/watch?v=1irJODW9atU

U a psychology student m8?

One of the many reasons you deserve this law getting passed

>I'm a demi-gender non-binary owlkin
>I would like to see the evidence for that existing

The factual way the world works is "ideology" to them... ffs this world

Yes, but just on my second year, so i have not yet delved deep into most branches. Currently being force fed a lot of psychoanalysis during classes and reading up on Jungian analytical psychology on spare time.

>tfw we are the beast
Feels good man.

Dr. Kermit doesn't look like his voice.

I though an older balding guy, with thick glasses… (or a green fuzzy amphibian)

Nice try, google. No one out-shitposts the leafs.

Its nice to see the thread is still alive!

Here is another news source going against Peterson torontoist.com/2016/10/u-of-t-trans-rights/

Its fucking insane how hard they are trying to shut him down.

>comments are closed

hahaha! Of course!

And these are the authors

S. W. Underwood is a PhD student in sociology at the University of Toronto researching at the intersection of gender, family, and sexuality.

Sociology PhD student at University of Toronto. Masculinities; queer & trans/gender studies; family; sexual/intimate partner violence; critical cultural studies

Ben Vincent is a PhD student in sociology at the University of Leeds, UK, researching how medical practice and queer communities impact non-binary identities.
Queer, NB, sociologist. PhD on non-binary gender identities. Views my own, pronouns: they/them

Its time to make a new mail and twitter accounts...

>implying the "beast" won't be locked away

It's the right side of history that owns the army and police, shitlord.

Time to go beat up the protested and prove him right.

Yeah historically the army and police have never overthrown those that supposedly control them after all.

And yet it's one of the only areas in Canada right now that's very anti-trudeau.

Why would Atlantic Canada vote conservative after conservatives buttfucked the entire region for decades?

Bump for Dr. Peterson, massive respect.

Looking forward to part 3: tactics

Get him to run and shieeet

I think a lot of people who get into the field are exposed to it through being troubled in their own lives

i sent him a heartfelt message Norjbrah

I wonder if 'Red' will be there.. That's her turf if I'm not mistaken.

Finished his part II and am going back and listening to the first part. Dude is fucking on point. He uses razor sharp logic and articulates his stance in a at these fragile SJWs can't even. We need to support him.

Typical kike behavior


University of Toronto is definitely her turf. I've personally been yelled at by her.

A leaf that makes Trudeau look like a vapid moron.

So anybody with a functioning brain stem?

>"Stop being so left-wing or else the right-wing will reawaken and kill you."
>guy gets paid to regurgitate something Cred Forums figured out years ago
Okay neat.

His ideas are not revolutionary for Cred Forums, but this thing is starting to blow up in Canadian media and it's a huge opportunity to red pill normies in Canada. There are literally no other voices of dissent here.

>I'm not willing to mouth words that I think have been created for ideological purposes.

So he must naturally be atheist. Clearly religious words were created for the ideological purpose of praising imaginary gods. Probably anarchist too since any words created for the purpose of any government institution falls in that category. Which begs the question of how he obtained a PhD? Somewhere in the course of that time he's had to subscribe to the ideologies of the field.

>In Ontario, the law states that gender is a "person's sense of being a woman, a man, both, or neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum."
>JP: Yes. That particularly statement I regard as logically incoherent to the point of dangerousness

Then how come nothing they've tried has fixed the issue of men wanting to be women and vice versa? Medicine fails, therapy fails, what do you to fix this issue? The fact is, men identify/act like men, women identify/act like women, or they're trannies/whateverthefuck-kin. There's no illogical argument there unless you can prove their gender identity is a ruse or cure them of their illness.

>I don't believe that it's reasonable for our society to undermine the entire concept of binary gender in order to hypothetically accommodate a tiny minority of people.

Your society isn't undermining the concept of binary gender. Its accepting the fact that there's other shit.

His arguments are shit. But I do agree there shouldn't be any bill forcing you to call a tranny anything besides what they look like. If it looks like a dude, its a dude.

The radical left wakes up the radical right and civilization collapses again. Were long overdue for it anyway.

This. We've been writing about this shit for years. What has the world come down to that Cred Forums is a bastion of free speech, sanity and tradition?

It's ok. Normies will listen to him since he's a liberal tenured professor with a PhD. We, although capable, don't yet have that kind of appeal or credibility in the minds of some who are still beyond our reach.

Normies will reject Cred Forums out of hand no matter what gets said, go-betweens with academic credentials backing them up are necessary.

This guy is a godsend for Canadians. I hope he does you guys proud, you deserve it.

Fucking based. Should have went to UofT. Here in UBC are all left wing and politically correct cucks.

Are you guys seriously not going to get on this train simply because a bunch of faggots on a radical message board have been saying the same thing through memes and picture drawings??

This, we need credible people saying it. Not some fucking losers on an anonymous shitposting image board