Okay Cred Forums, what’s actually wrong with jews ?

Okay Cred Forums, what’s actually wrong with jews ?

Because from what little I know, it sounds like they have a culture which encourages them to be successful at business, and you whiners are just jealous.

They own many successful businesses ? Good for them ! Good for the economy, too.

Something I don’t get ? Illuminate me.

Other urls found in this thread:



Read that.

If you can't bother then you don't deserve to know.

They are anti-white, degenerate internationalist cultural subverters. Also they aren't successful at business, they are successful at non-productive things like financial trading and speculation, law, media etc.

They're just very selfish and also smart, but unfortunately for non-jews, that means slow hell on earth.

I understand both sides and am no mostly just an observer. Any jews in this thread I can ask some questions about coming home to Israel?

John 2:15

read that passage in the holy bible

What I don't get its why they're so anti white, whats their end goal of encouraging brown people to rebel and kill whites?, i mean most brownies can't tell apart jews from whites, they'll be fucked if all brown people uprises against whites. They won't even care if they come with they "I'm not white I'm jewish"

This is your average jewess

Also this desu

Essentially they are hypocrites of the worst order.

They do all of those things exactly as you said, HOWEVER

They do so by taking advantage of the freedoms offered to them by Enlightenment-era WESTERN philosophies.

The problem is that they do whatever it takes to prevent anyone else from having those same privileges.

This link is malicious you fucking pos

NY Jew here. People need a scapegoat, meanwhile I'm about to go to work and like most Jews go about my business instead of complaining and annoying others.

BTW I've followed Jeff Rense probably as long as many of you have been alive - I've liked some of his political ideas but the Jew paranoia is a fucking silly holdout from this mid-century mindset that all Jews must be liberal subversives. Many Jews here are voting for Trump.

I hope all the Jews leave Europe, which I'm sure many Europeans do too. We are not appreciated there, and they have new friends (Muslims) that will replace the professional class of Jews in their society, or so the media tells me.

BTW a lot of Jews here don't trust the media and have a lot in common with Cred Forums. Too bad nobody actually listens to us and just repeats the white noise of "bad degenerate subversive." A lot of Jews are mainstream liberals before Jews. Remember that.

No it's not faggot.

Oh I'm sorry, maybe AVG triggered your web browser

>The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:

>"I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, butare the synagogue of Satan."

They are hostile towards us, that's what.

They act on instinct. They hate us, and hate homogenous traditional societies in general because those are he societies that have shoa'd them. They are also a people without any real roots and don't see the goyim as being different from eachother.

Hah, the enlightenment was a fucking symptom of the westerners finally giving Jews a little room on the leash to exercise their superior intellect. It must have triggered the Christians very badly seeing blasphemous rational thought rip through their pathetic, paranoid, superstitious society. These proud Europeans worshipping a dead Jew, the fucking irony. All converted to a religion from the middle east - I suspect Islam will be next unfortunately, but I think many whites lend themselves to such rigid ideology. It is only a matter of time.

Spotted the kike.

Rense is one of the best news sites out there because nothing is censored or edited.

They are a folk without a country, they always were a foreign body, no matter where they lived. so every now and then a people became sick of them and threw them out.
That's why they were always pushing diversity and tolerance in western media, so that they wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb in the populace anymore.
Also they invented and pushed and enforced communism.

There is literally nothing wrong with Israel.


How can you repeat this garbage with a straight face?


>u r just jealous xD xD

Why can't you autistic kikes come up with anything better?

Yeah I am jealous because I am not an inbred ugly manlet with hooked nose a mutilated dick and an overbearing insufferable cunt jew mom.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.


until israel was founded, of course*

Pray to your lord for my destruction.

Excecise their superior intellect = taking control of the financial institutions to parasite off of people's labour?

BTW I don't support refugees and am getting all my Jewkin to vote for Trump. Pick a side goyim, are you with us or the muzzies? You can keep the leftist Jews, they are traitors and will suffer internally.

So I suppose the rise of the British Empire was the result of Jewish bookkeeping, following your logic?

>getting all my Jewkin to vote for Trump


>because nothing is censored or edited.
That's not always a good thing, but OK.

on the off chance that this isn't a baitpost.
welcome to Cred Forums

Nothing is wrong with the jews.
A lot is wrong with The Jews.

There exists a small cabal of people called the Global Financial Elite, who have ridiculous amounts of power, and influence in governments all around the world.
They own a lot of the media and any semblance of plurality is destroyed when their goals align (see hillary campaign)
They own a lot of the corporations producing things, so they can change products and prices to their liking without having much competition.
They own a lot of the banking system and for example the US federal reserve, which effectively controls the government by controlling their money supply.
They are known to deliberately destabilize countries not giving a shit about civilian casualties, to further their economic agendas.
This has occurred so many times, that some of these people (george soros) have become de facto persona non gratas, meaning that they aren't allowed in some countries any more.

Because of the fact that the jewish tradition instills in people a knack for economic success, and in historical times only jews were allowed to do banking things, a lot of "old money" meaning long lines of billionaires, including the GFE are jews.
Hence people (including nazi germany and mentally lazy right wingers nowadays) blaming the jews as a whole group for the wrongdoings of the GFE.

This is kinda like blaming all black people for the actions of niggers, or blaming all white people for some having held slaves some time, or all men for some being rapists.
It's a copout if people are too ignorant to actually research the details.

-Checked- XYZ4 -Bolivia-

he is trying deflection to subvert. dont you understand them yet??? it is laughable


Is there any chance of a jewess being honest about stealing my seed for the chosen ones?

I tried in the past but struggle to live with a woman who continually tries to manipulate me when I know exactly what she is doing but cant call her out or else we break up because of feminism

I'm already in Israel though.

they sheeny cursed the whole world

I agree with this post and lament the fact that many Jews have lost their way to greed and worse yet, cunts like Soros. Their backwards ideology will fuck us all.


This won't get many (You)s , but you're absolutely correct.

Yes, blame Jews for the actions of Islam, makes sense.

Constantinople fell bc of Jooz, did U kno?



Alright, that’s what seems to makes the most sense.


It's a good post, but try reading my first reply to the thread.

The link goes a bit more in depth about the GFE and the world's most influential and powerful family.

I think it's jealousy. Jews are genius and have a tribe mentality. They can literally outsmart nearly any other group consistently. So for that, we hate them.


>Constantinople fell bc of Jooz, did U kno?
Actually Jews did open the gate of Constantinople to the Turkish invaders. They did the same thing in the Muslim conquest of Spain and during the Crusades.

But the Jews in your country seem pretty fine to me Nigel. They vote leave and bully Labour for a living

Christ why are they all so ugly? They litteraly look like the meme joo with the nose and all. Is this how most Jews outside of Israel look like? They're not even Haridi

It's unfair that jews are able to LARP as whites.



As a jew I can definitely testify that we are way better than the goys in everything and that dealing with goys on a daily basis stupefies me to a point where I have to talk with another jew for at least an hour to get back my mental capacity back.

The goys are just jelly because we are the real master ethnoreligious group.

Not fair Abraham, you guys have Ruskie superman blood in your veins.

this guy is such a fucking loose canon.
he's like the trump of left wingers.

except like.....

dangerously retarded.

1. Taking interest on loans was illegal in medieval christian and islamic societies
2. Unless you were jewish
3. Tons of greedy people secretly 'converted' to judaism and pretended to be jews in order to loan out money for interest; one example for this is the german Rothschild clan from Frankfurt, whose original name was the german name 'Bauer'
4. These converts are not biological descendants of Abraham, hence they are not biblical jews, and the blessings God extended to the offspring of Abraham do not extend to them

Basically, the jewish identity has been hijacked by extremely greedy identity thieves.

While tru, we Russians do slav Israel up. It doesn't explain how even Mizrahi Jews look like actual humans and other Ashkenazi Jews look like humans, those things look like the caricature of a jew... That's some spooky shit.

Melbourne Jew here.
You're right on point, it drives me nuts to see Leftist Jews try to subvert Judaism to make it fit their true religion, Leftism.

German jew here.
My blood is boiling with rage when i see that people are getting nationalistic and holocaust denying becomes ever more prominent.
Bomber Harris should have finished the job.

Why? Come home Moishe, let Hans' get their country back on track.

>can win noble prizes.. and subvert and make nukes

>can't rebuild a fucking temple

cant you see how fucking retarded the jews are....or is it a ruse.... really makes my brain tendrils sprout.

Thanks for the link m8

>not knowing about our masterplan

I was arguing that Slavic blood makes you folks look handsome, as compared to the ones residing in the west.


Oh we know


>Financial Trading
>Not productive

Giving necessary supply of monetary funds to highest quality economic subjects (companies) is not productive.

Marx please...


KeK based Israelis

Friend, not all of right wing are mindless antisemites.

Some of us work for a living..

We sure can destabilize the entire west tho.

why dont you destroy the kabaa then mf instead of destroying nice peoples stuff


Thank you for posting it burger.

> Pick a side goyim, are you with us or the muzzies?
shill detected.

All foretold 2000 years ago.

The 'jewish king' in the days of Jesus Christ, Herodes, wasnt jewish. He was an Edomite from the neighboring Edomite tribe, a tribe that had been at war with the jews for a thousand years. The romans put him on the jewish throne as a typical divide and conquer move. There is a reason the romans and Herodes mocked Jesus claim to kingship and wrote 'king of the jews' on his cross.