Simple yet complex question

What's the best way to decrease poverty in a country?

Kill the poor

print money

Just print more money what the fuck is the problem

This is why niggers and generally non whites are so poor.

The question isn't how to decrease poverty dumbass. The question is how to increase wealth.

Make robots kill the poor

> make the poor kill each other

Just raise the minimum yearly wage to somewhere in the neighborhood of $45,000 a year. Boom, no more poverty.

Basic income.

Free market capitalism.

in America just get rid of the niggers

We need mo' money fo' dem programs!

Low taxes so companies will settle there and bring more jobs

Don't know about the best, but 1st post is defiantly the fastest way.

>The question is how to increase wealth.

Exactly this

It could work somehow if the programs are focused in training skilled workers.

It help if the government have a deal with industries

mexicans are disgusting animals. they may aswell eat spiced excrement for sustenance. even then it would be too good for them.

Free market capitalism and eugenics.

Lack of capacity for delayed gratification is why poverty exist, or at least threatening poverty as a poor person living within their means can have a decent life.
So, there's only one answer, any other is beating around the bush.

Slaughter the low-IQ.

>President of mexico visits Cred Forums

hola muchacho, como esta fuck off?

quay :)

the only way they can redeem themselves is going to war with muslims and african niggers

pic related

Institutions. Read "Why Nations Fail".

Instead of paying welfare Queens, use the money you would just handout for free and instead give it to businesses to hire more workers. It's second grade spongebob

this or redefine the meaning of the word poor.

Well, we really should push for intensive human genetic modification. Mass murder isn't really feasible on a planetary scale.

Simple yet complex answer, by increasing wealth and prosperity.

>Just print more money what the fuck is the problem

Hello Weimar Republic. How's your money printing regime going?

You need low IQ people to do shitty jobs though.

It also depends in what country you're.

kill the mexicans

That's right.

No men no poverty

>pic related

>High IQ people are incapable of sweeping a floor.

Birth Control is the only proven way to reduce poverty.

Attract foreign investments

Fight corruption and remove parts of bureacuracy making investments more attractive.

>make everyone protestant
>create a culture that values hard work and not machismo
>give people access to credit
>create an educational system that isn't based on socialist values

that's literally why mexico is poor

Giving money to the poor encourages them..

Nature is both.

>Start building a wall
>employ the impoverished and pay them minimum wage
>Make your neighboring country pay for it

Nordiccountries bros are right

But this first

build something
doesn't matter what just pick a huge project and put people to work on it
think dam or pyramid
something more labor intensive then tech heavy
dig a canal

an economy works because people and money move

give them a reason to move

hey there

Cut support

also kill all narcos. what's the point in opening a small business if they're going to take by force all of your earnings.

Hey Mugabe, how's the famine going?

remove the private central bank

>Hard work

Nice try, Shlomo

Open markets. Free choice to trade as you wish for any price, but no theft, physical harm, or deceit. Government has to be more transparent and less open to corruption.

and of course, no one who isn't white or east asian.

Stop subsidizing poverty and stop penalizing work.

They don't want because they can have better jobs

Jobs that produce exports
Jobs that build infrastructure to sustain
Good wages as to build up disposable income
Good education based in vocation, stem, and basic civics
Government that can respond quickly to the needs of the people
Short government terms to prevent corruption and accumulation of power
Nationalism that is kind yet firm and puts your people above others

also, no central banking. the only currency the government can issue has to be borrowed against something physical that can be returned on demand in exchange for the associated currency. and low taxes that don't penalise financial services or large corporations. it should penalise quality of life directly.

you dont. otherwise everything will collapse. and people wont work.

t: economy pro

Are you American with a proxy?

increase wealth

Sterilize low IQ people.

kill all the white people

Five easy steps:

>1. Decent, transparent, and easily enforceable contract law
>2. Anti-corruption purges in government
>3. Strong yet lean state apparatus concerned almost entirely with providing security and a fair and functioning court system rather than handouts or regulation
>4. A strong Civic Religion (ie. America's Constitution worship)
>5. Low taxes and regulations

Basically, you want to minimize government corruption and collusion that negatively effects the free market while at the same time reducing the rise of warlords and gangs from filling the "power vacuum".

Property rights.
Stable currency.
Low government participation in the economy.
Very simple and unchangeable tax code.
Be Christian.

Or we can just remove googles and tell mexicans to fix their own shit (close boarders for Europeans)

1. genetically modify the poor people AKA africans, indians, and alike to have higher iq
more intelligence = less poverty
2. turn that country into communism under the leadership of a white or an asian president

to do anything else, you have to first do this

seriously, all poor countries are just poor because stupid people live there. ofcourse they will all blame white people's exploitation and oppression. nobody wants to admit they're just stupid.

Show them the light.

Be very strict to everything

Death penalty for anyone who smoke or drink

12 working hour, 6 day a week

Very smal labo law and no union

No retirement, old man must work if want money

Very little tax and government not spend

Promote the honor

Lower taxes and government intervention

Silly Japan, you aren't China

You say China
If no strict then no country surpass China
USA surpass world because strict
China surpass will USA because strict
Promote the honor

Invade your neighbour, take all of their shit, repeat.

Your question has too many necessary steps to say them all in one post, but here are a few

1. Create foundation of uneducated work force with reliable forms of income through exploitation of natural resources or inexpensive manufacturing.
2. Focus wealth generated by these industries on education reform making sure not to fall into the college trap that is America (if you're smart enough for college we will send you there if not send them to trade school)
3. As disposable income of general population begins to rise create opportunities for self owned businesses to flourish thus creating a vested interest in the health of a community in those who own said businesses.
4. Create programs deigned to improve the quality of life in poverty stricken areas focusing mostly on volunteer support and community outreach.

The important thing is you want to create a population of people that have the income and the desire to better their community, that promotes the betterment of people's condition and the best thing is you don't have to pay as much thanks to the general population being in charge of financing these programs. Change doesn't happen in or generation


Or in our case

Break away from your home land, take all of their shit

This is what we do here

You can't.
For welath to exist - poverty must also exist.

Prevent the brightest minds and strongest bodies from hoping the border northwards.

hang all thieves, mafia fags, traitors and occupants. repeat untill success