What can we learn from this movie?

what can we learn from this movie?

capitalism is evil

That Americans like long straws.

milkshakes are tasty

Being poor is optional.

Jews are greedy and kill good Christians

holy fuck what

That there will be blood

Damn. I need to start reading awful middle aged black women books

that the oscars mean fuck all. DDL gets best actor but the film gets 0 awards.

>film gets 0 awards
because without DDL it's shit.


>gritty Desperate Hoodwives

It got Best Cinematography, fuckwit.

Oil is the earth's blood

It won two and it was competing against No Country for Old Men for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay all of which it picked up since it is an objectively better film.

How not to destroy a great premise and first act by making it about some local church, adopted boy and long scenes that are as exciting as watching paint dry. Still want a movie about oil prospecting set early century that is Kino. Gold mining too for that matter. No movie has ever pulled it off in my opinion.

Daniel was a self-made man who loved proving others that he can be successful more than actually being successful. That's why he didn't want to sell the company to Standard Oil, because his pursuit of wealth helps him to live with himself and his inner ugliness. I think he hated Eli because deep down they were very much the same - two professional liars who needed each other.

that paul "classic" dano has such a punchable face.

i don't get the love for this movie. it's good, sure, but far from a masterpiece, i wouldn't even call it great. it's been 10 years and people are still gushing over ddl's performance, top kek, what the fuck was so special about it? paul dano was terrible and his character eli was godawful and caricaturish.

Good post.