What are some movies about the eternal friendzone?

What are some movies about the eternal friendzone?

>gay poots

She probably misses Anton too much to get close to another man.

Will /ourguy/ ever catch a break?

Just give up on women Riley it's not worth it, get a sexbot you can afford it.

Why is Riley getting cucked everywhere?

>Mfw theories about the origin of the universe all wrong
>We actually live in Riley's personal hell as extras



Riley's going to choke her the fuck out.

I pooted myself

>pathetic soycuck trying to act like Chad
>choking a bitch with his twig arms
>posting pics of his vegan skeleton body
>trying to hide his subhuman receding hairline
You can't BECOME Chad you dumb fucks, you're born alpha or you die a beta

>gullible Cred Forums falling for weak bait again


>all feet are wierd

>the weak should fear the strong

t. soyboy

Riley is /ourguy/

it's the influx of drumpftards.

>the weak should fear the strong

Qué patéticos son los tiraflechas, no existe el femenino de ídolo, puesto que es una palabra neutra (sirve tanto para masculino como para femenino). Da la sensación de que vamos a tener que conquistaros de nuevo, a ver si a la segunda aprendéis bien el idioma.

>he's like fucking 40 years old
How can one guy be so fucking beta and desperate to look manly? He's like Dan Bilzerian looking for approval from strangers only instead of paying whores to fuck him he fights with little kids and "chokes" women who would never even think of fucking him