This is why Black Panther is important

This is why Black Panther is important.

>radically pro-woman
wtf does this even mean?

Why is having fucking products as role models so important for americans?

Because none of them have fathers.

Next you'll be quoting infowars


one film isn't going to raise their average IQ above 80

That burn.

It's meant to be a snarky reply but it's essentially true.

Yeah, that's exactly what they need. More self esteem

This is actually sad.
Are all the people that say X killed my childhood when some new reboot or whatever comes out fatherless?



that may be a nice thought and all, but it's buried amongst all the race baiting shit that even CNN has participated in. it's almost effectively moot.

i just want to know if Disney is giving the 25% profits or not

black children are going to be really disappointed when they find out African is actually an AIDS infested shithole

christ couldn't we just have 100min without thinking about bullshit?

I actually agree with all of those points

kill yourself, weeb

it's a bizarre moral relationship

when christian morals ran high, no one would let their kids, or even they themselves, watch and follow people that didn't strive for high ideals. so attacking one's character could really hurt. then christanity was attacked, morals mattered less and even the idea of being less-virtuous seemed cool.

now that some opinionated crybabies got into social power, there's a new morality that has to be enforced and we all have to suffer thru it. i hope the pendulum settles soon

Black kids aren't the ones shooting up schools, obviously we need more white superhero movies to combat their low self esteem.

Seriously though, is black insecurity this real or what? Who gets an ego boost from a super hero flick?


>Yet another political bait thread

I guess it's important that black kids have a figure to look up to instead of an absent father or the local drug dealer.

you baiters have taken over this board

It's also anti-white