Films a woman could never understand

Films a woman could never understand.



>directed by a women


inb4 master and commander

She may have directed it, but that doesn't mean she understood it.


Is this movie fapworthy?

She literally understood the novel better than the author did himself. Perfect adaptation.

mater and urbator

no and it's not good

time bandits

my fiancee really likes this movie, dont know if she "understood it" to your standard.

hello pleb

hello pleb


Nice film

Fucking Denis is an sjw, I knew it.

>woman goes to job interview
>guy says "are you sure you're not going to get pregnant right after we pay to train you then we will have to pay for you to get maternity leave"
>girl bitches about how sexist he is
>she gets the job and then gets pregnant
What did he mean by this?


This film isn’t even good. Villneuve’s worst film.

It’s trash masquerading as art from the most overrated director working rn

You utter, UTTER moron.