Favorite episode of Season 21?
Favorite episode of Season 21?
Other urls found in this thread:
The one with evil cartman
Season was decent...needed more though
Put it down
Hummels episode. In other words, the one not connected to the rest of the season.
"I'LL put it down!"
"No one cares!"
Also the nursing home one.
Put It Down and Hummels
the whole KAHL scene in Doubling Down was pretty good too
Goth kids one.....oh wait
The Cats Don't Dance reference was great.
mike looks kawaii as hell
Mike prettiest boy
I like the one where they bash people no on the left wing of the political persuasion.
Post best boi
Post vamps
this is the content i want
put it down
underrated ship
pike is better desu
agreed but i just really like michael
mike and pete combat partners when?
I honestly think this was one of the best episodes they've had in a long time.
i dont know moss piglets maybe
i feel like they took themselfs to serious in this season
the game was way better written
and the heiman plot was to repetitive and came to an unsatisfying anticlimactic end and i feel like they jumped the shark with cartman somewhere
/r9k/yle was great though
The old folk's home doling out heroin
The only actually funny episode that season.
>mike and pete combat partners when?
Never ever.
Holiday Special
Goth kids > Vampire kids
heffalumps and woozles steal honey.....BEWARE
How does it feel being wrong?
Good season for kymanfags if you ask me
kyles jew laugh melts my heart.
alright dunno how many of you have seen the dev update so Ill give ya the jist and prep suggestions
legend/epic balance - worst case scenario is happening, cards are getting buffed but theyre still going to take up a shit ton of mats and are going to be as hard to get duplicates as it is right now
get this, stan of many moons goes from base charge damage 30 max damage 300 to BASE charge damage 200
games looking p2w if youre a f2p player the rank reset is march 8, stay out of legend till the meta sets
mystic users, half of you are fucked and half are "safe-ish"
powerbind and purify now cost 2 energy, purify now targets 1 unit per lvl
SO that means that fan/mys players need to find a new way to deal with mecha, probably transmog or cock magic if they get decent buffs from the update so not too bad
adv/mys on the otherhand is dead in the water, purify nerfs and shaman not being able to purify mind control is bad enough but powerbind being too expensive to deal with STG and mecha effectively means youre SOL unless youre ready to go for a lvl 6 fireball
so fan/mys look to replace purify amd powerbind since princess kenny and STG can carry the rest of your mystic cards
mys/adv look to move into scifi/adv since scifi seems to be redlynxs favorite theme
all f2p players wait for the march 8 rank reset and wait for the meta to settle, if redlynx sees no issue with the meta being p2w then just uninstall
all players save your mats right now and only request safe top tier commons, rares are getting changes as well so you dont know what youll be dropping and what youll be adding
ill be updating the tier list if im still playing by the time the buffs/nerfs settle
Ready for some based bro Kenny
Hoping the thread stays up for a bit longer. Gonna draw more Heidi.
The one with Stan's grandpa, it was the only episode where the boys did something. I hope next season will have more of that.
God damn, I love Creek. Shame the fanbase has brought in shit tier art and fanfics.
How else am I supposed to jerk off now? At least Pixiv will never be tainted.
>Adventure and Fantasy are widely recognized to be the best two themes
>Nope let's nerf Mystic into the fucking ground instead
I am now convinced that those devs are fucking retards.
actually mystic/fantasy is the current strongest theme combination
after this itll be scifi/adv or scifi/fan depending on other buffs
the purify and powerbind nerfs arent even the big problem, its the buffs that are going to warp the game and possibly make it full on p2w
so theyll either just let the main game be p2w and let f2p players enjoy the friendly battles with set card lvls or theyll make it easier for everyone to get epics and legends
Hummels and Heroin was great, mostly because i enjoy Stan episodes and wish he was the MC again. Only complaint i have for this season is the finale and Kenny getting sidelined (again).
In case any of you PD players want to read the update: forums.ubi.com
Real shame that they went full p2w, i enjoyed it while it lasted.
>mfw Mystic user
I despise Mystic as a Sci-fi/Fantasy user but this is way too much for you guys, especially with Adventure getting another buff with Stan.
"After all that weight, you're still flat, Heidi."
well she is of irish descent
What did he mean by this
>Rares, Epics and legendaries will receive powerboats whenever they level up
It is over, this shit is pay to win now.
You could have given any other butt,why did you have to give hers?
I just wanted to. Did you want Wendy's too?
We need more where are the Kyman fags
What the fuck.
>The bane of poisoners and spellcasters everywhere now has a static range of 1 meter. It also now has an upgradeable target amount - at level 1, it will purify 1 unit. At level 2, it will purify 2 units, and so on. The cost of Purify has also been adjusted from 1 to 2.
Boo Wendy boo
Why is it this game is plagued by energy hackers? they make it seem a bit fishy at first but give themselves away at the end almost as a taunt, by summoning 3 level 3 cards at once.
Hummels and Heroin and maybe Put it Down.
21 was one of the most disappointing seasons in years to be honest. (If your not counting 20) Here's to hoping 22 will be better.
What would a cupid me version of Kyle be like? I can't imagine him having one. The only other guy I see having his very own cupid me is Randy
Hummels & Heroine has been the only episode i've properly enjoyed for a few seasons. Felt very SP, nice and episodic, bizarre and OTT but with an underlying point about alot of nursing homes being like shitty prisons.
Most of their multi episode arcs are pretty shit.
What would you say would make Season 22 better, user?
Does anyone else think Matt and Trey haven't learned their lesson from season 20 and are banking on Trump getting impeached before season 22 starts?
Having Garrison nuke Canada created another plotline that'll be even harder to ignore than the plots they never finished in season 20.
now all you have to do is use poison and every is dead forever.
>At least Pixiv will never be tainted.
I just want the kids being kids again, less adult moments and more focus on kids like clyde etc...
This is why some Japanese artists left Pixiv when the site became more accessible to english-speakers.
>more focus on kids like clyde
I hope the speculated Liane/Clyde's dad relationship becomes true. It has so much comedic potential.
More kids being kids and less arcs. Heidi wasn't the problem with 21. The ARCS were the problem.
True Creek has a lot of shitty content creators but they also have some of the best I've seen in the fandom
What the fuck are those eyelashes
>more focus on kids like clyde
We can only wish
Bullying clyde is acceptable and should be encouraged.
clyde only has one testicle?
New threads:
It was mentioned during the gossip report in Quest for Ratings so it probably isn't true.
he's supposed to have a colostomy too
why isn't there any fanart of kyle's skin completely covered in scars since he had a reverse negroplasty?
Even though Cartman is overused I'm all for a running plot thread where Liane dates Clyde's dad and Clyde and Cartman become step brothers. Clyde is waaay better as a new foil for Cartman as opposed to Heidi
Why do the devs hate Mystic so much?
you'd think that tumblr would have hopped on that by now
Nah, any artist caught doing that would get chased off Tumblr.
Fair point. It'd still be pretty funny to see in execution though.
chased off for what? Wouldn't criticising that artist be body shaming?
So uh...
This isn't surprising at all.
>Trey: "We wanna go back to our roots!"
>Executives: "We'll give you 20 million dollars if keep using your show as a mouthpiece for our political agenda"
It isn't surprising considering how he's already a cuck.
Remember how the S21 finale had that thinly veiled exchange about "no you can't kill the president, not even joke about killing the president, they can do to you what they did to kathy griffin"?
I think they noticed that they were falling into the same trap again and wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again by finally killing garrison off, but the network said they weren't allowed to do it since it would be depicting the murder of a sitting president
Also you got to remember that Matt and Trey have hated Garrison for ages and don't think he's funny any more. Having him around now as the president must be a real bitch for them.
I definitely remember them talking at some point about wanting to kill garrison off years ago
It'll be interesting to hear what they have to say about this season in the DVD commentaries.
How so, Clyde was Cartman’s biggest butt buddy back in the day even before Butters.
enjoy your stay
I am definitely not leaving now this has happened
Was this before or after season 21? Because this is everything i want from them
This is exactly why the games were so great. It was back to old South Park again.
After season 20, before 21
perhaps all their 'kids being kids' ideas went into FBW and they were creatively drained by the time S21 started so had to resort to lol drumpf some weeks
Is this bestiality
I wish they dragged on kyle cucking cartman a bit more
its a metaphor
you see cartmans superhero alias is the coon short for racoon
and she kisses a tuby racoon symbolizing cartman infront of a mopey kyel
there is. one artist in particular draws him with every scar he would have accumulated over the course of the series and people eat it up. cant find the artist rn though i think they deleted their tumblr
Kyle is for me.ME!
I cant decide who the cutest boy is, there are too many contenders.
For me its between
Craig is the odd one out of that list. Not to say he isnt cute but he doesnt fit in with those other boys for some reason
Because he is the only one who wouldn't be a twink. He's gar but without the twink.
The boys are only for lewd!
I thought Kyle didn’t have freckles, didn’t Cartman point that out in the gingers episode?
Don’t know why but these designs keep reminding me of One Direction.
Clyde is the cutest boy for obvious reasons. After that it would be a close call between kyle, kenny or butters.
Mine is
Same. Those are my favorite boys too. I am so jealous about Matt and Trey and the rest of the South Park team being able to work with cute boys all day.
that's such a cute kyle
i'm not too fond of when people make his bangs flat but it can be pretty cute.
post more kyles
Because its Kyle's theme and hes a jew
It was all shite
South park is really bad now but all this relationship drama seems to be really popular with low iq people
so i guess matt and trey know what they are doing
I loved the hummels and heroin episode. The little detective boy was hilarious and super cute to watch, the animations and appearances of the mascots and hummels were great, and it overall felt like an older episode where they took a simple concept like "drugs get in through old people" and took it to absurd lengths for comedy. That's what the show does best.
I love Heidi so much, I wish nice Heidi stayed and Cartman died and Heidi became a main character for a spinoff called "Heidi's show".
Is there any word on this yet? I got given a season pass because my pre order arrived late. But so far all they've released since October is that challenge room thing.
Who the fuck knows honestly. I've given up on it.
Is this an accurate depiction of what the main 4 look like (even though Sheila pointed out it was a bad drawing, she did recognize her son right away)?
Yeah I'm pretty much at that point. I thought they might release it in March after the final Assassins Creed dlc. But then I remembered Far Cry is also out that month. So they'll probably just keep pushing it back.
Why not take the depiction of them from the grounded vindaloop episode?
Or the episode where they're played by real-life adults and I don't feel like looking it up.
What cruel parents told their kid to audition for the part of Cartman?
The one that wanted money
I bet they were just nephews and kids of people in the office
Ever see Bruno? Hollywood is filled with parents who don't give a shit what their kid is in as long as they're in it and getting paid.
It's probably just random kids/relatives of staff
have more qt kyle
he's the best boy!!
typical ubisoft
kymanfags kind of ran away after an... incident
so is his kill count truly higher than cartman's now? I forget if Cartman actually killed anyone with his little Cthulhu romp
kyman is shit and the incident did everyone a favor
pic related endgame
post marjorine
best girl(male)
Cartman killed people with Cthulu but the death toll was never mentioned.
The Canadian death toll was 1million+ with thousands more expected to die from fallout.
without starting a shipping war itt: why do creekfags especially despise kyman on a visceral level? it's just a ship and it's not even posted a lot here
honestly cryle is a great ship
I agree
There isn't nearly enough of it.
I don't like the ship for a lot of reasons but it's more about the PEOPLE I've met who ship it. Ships are fictional and you can do you but the shippers on the other hand can be pretty rude and gross.
I think I may have unironically outgrown SP. That election season was so monumentally garbage that it beggar's belief. It even somewhat pandered to me as a Dane and it was still terrible.
I was in a lot of the s21 and shipping threads and I'm assuming you were too.
Looking back I think the problem was that kymanfags developed a bit of a victim complex between their ship getting shit on and creek dominating the threads. There was definitely an initial overreaction on the kymanfags side and it just kind of fueled a fire that didn't need to be there in the first place.
With that out of the way, Kymanfags know that a lot of people hate kyman but like you said it's still just a fictional ship and not worth starting flame wars over.
I hope we all get along better in s22. or at least just give up and spam cryle.
Season 21 was an improvement from the 2016 season, even though that's not saying much. I'd say there's still hope for the show.
Of course, the show is so different now from the first ten seasons that I don't blame those who jump ship. It's the same characters, same setting, but a different cartoon.
I sure was in them. Everything that happened was so blown out of proportion that it made for a hostile environment that was unfortunate. I was sorta thankful that everything died off when the season ended and saved everyone the headache.
It got ludicrous.
You can dislike ships for whatever reasons that you want, just don't be a cock about it.
>I was sorta thankful that everything died off when the season ended and saved everyone the headache.
Me too. I'm telling you, s22 can be a new start.
Then again most Cred Forums fans of south park hate SP ships in the first place so we may all be fucked.
I'm interested to see who comes back to the threads/discord when s22 pops up. If they do.
the problem is whenever you used to post a kyman image, you would immediately get shit for it
it's gotten better now, but there were a few anons who specifically came after kyman fags. I don't know why the whole shit was blown out of proportion and then that whole /trash/ thing happened. i think it was just a few specific anons starting shit. there really aren't that many kymanfags to begin with anyway.
I have a feeling that some of the more hardcore shippers switched to tumblr. Except for the two-three kenren posters, they would get eaten alive there.
I hope all the artists return too, even if they're shitty.
I personally hope the cynical assholes who write post after post that the show has become garbage and they're never watching it again stay true to their word and avoid the threads.
The trash thing was still pretty funny in retrospect. It was basically marriage counseling between kyman and creekfags. Ship posting as a whole died down after that anyway though because the arguments annoyed the hell out of the non-shipping average Cred Forumsmrade.
I always had a good time in the threads-- Kymanfags or not. The regulars were usually very nice. It felt like a little microcosm.
the trash thing was great
what ACTUALLY happened was that a creekfag would just be posting creekshit and talking with other creekfags then a certain kymanfag started talking shit leading the whole strawpoll which lead to a full mess of people who just hated shippers altogether and refused to post about anything other than shippers leading to more and more threads getting deleted
and now its this kymanfag victim complex when they were the ones that started it in the first place
fucking take some responsibility and stop pretending like it came out of nowhere and only creekfags were starting shit with you
people really seemed to jump on the creekfags for starting shit when it was really the kymanfags jumping in to be obnoxious
man i should just keep posting kyle
I apologize on behalf of the kymanfags.
It's true but we just have to accept that kyman is an unpopular ship and not take the haters personally. Even if they get rude and insult the shippers themselves, this is Cred Forums and it's really better to just ignore that kind of stuff instead of fueling any bs flame wars.
it was mostly two things, kymanfags crying about having a target on their head despite only a specific group shitting on them
and that specific group of anti-shippers who shat on EVERY shipper here
the only difference between kymanfags and the rest of the shippers is that kymanfags take it personally like a certain little ugly ginger would
are you insinuating that red-haired people have sand in their vagina? I bet you're posting from Canada, you bigoted trash.
That is racist buddeh
This creekfag accepts the apology. I don't have anything against you guys except for the actually bad ones. I've gotten along with plenty.
I'm surprised to see that Kyman is almost universally disliked on Cred Forums when tumblr has a pretty big following for it.
Tumblr actually has a fairly large kyman-hating population. Not as big as the kyman following probably but it's still there. It's a Jewish, usually uke-fied character being shipped with an anti-semitic douche. of course tumblr gets pissy about it.
I guess I don't use my tumblr enough to catch that drift. The people I DO follow are bananas about it. My research is flawed.
Yup. For every, say, 3-5 kymanfags on tumblr there is at least one disgusted anti. And things can get as heated and reactionary as they did in these threads. Luckily on tumblr nobody is forced to post in one contained thread and everyone can just stay in their groups so you don't see as much back-and-forth ship warring.
I feel enlightened.
literally what did kymanfags do
there were like 3 of us
it's like another shoah, stop persecuting my people goddamn creekgoys
you started pushing this "all creekfags are dirty fujos" which lead to the strawpoll that revealed the opposite and then started going full victim over it
thats what you did
here we go
we're all dirty fujos we're shipping boys lmao ship wars are faggotry and fujo is a term of endearment
I demand reparations in kyman pictures for my pain and suffering
Still one of the best episodes of the last five years.
you say that now but when someone calls kyman a fujo ship you go apeshit and pretend it has some sort of logic and has actual canon legitimacy
a fujo ship by definition being the standard "lets ship two characters who hate eachother because gay XD" pairing that plagues all forms of animation from naruto-dbz all the way to south park and capeshit
Well all (well atleast all same sex ships) are fujo ships so i dont get what you mean by that.
not if theyre canon
cryde is cute!!
Thats your own definition user. Plenty of fujos ship creek, kyman and style
Maybe kymanfags are actually getting annoyed with you because you seem to think your ship is superior to theirs? Why cant we just get along. I dont drag anyone elses unless im joking and you shouldnt either.
>pretend it has some sort of logic and has actual canon legitimacy
there's nothing wrong with posting/discussing "evidence" of the ship though, even if you disagree with it
clyde goes great with bebe
>tfw your mom marries one of the creators of one of the most successful television shows of all time
This kid knows he has the life
What they need to do is what everyone else is saying. Less focus on the adults and more on the kids (other than Cartman and Kyle).
With all due respect:
Why are all South Park fans huge faggots? I like the show, but everyone here seems to only be in it to ship crudely drawn 9 year old boys together for some reason.
I wish I knew pal. I'm just here to discuss the phone game until the next season starts.
I hate this shit so much
why can't two characters just hate each other without becoming a fujo target
I'm looking at all of the other production photos from this episode and I swear the kid playing Kenny is a girl.
Ask Matt and Trey why they keep pushing kyle and cartman into shipbait scenarios.
Maybe theyre fujos too
Got the live action reenactment cast as well.
Aww where did you get this pic theyre so cute
I wonder what they look like now
I never felt much shipbait from kyman though
I don't know maybe because hate ships aren't really my thing I just don't notice this stuff
Why south park is so shit after they made garrison trump?
No more parodies, no more 1 episode ends, just a large season of shit and made cartman a woman
I'm not sure about Matt and Trey SP website and Twitter LOVE reposting this scene
A lot of it for me is Cartman always focusing his efforts on annoying, picking on or pissing off kyle which i think is adorable. Like him giving up the chance to make a million dollars in the faith + 1 episode and throwing a fit when he realized kyle wasn't interested in the bet anymore. Or him using his one wish from saving the town from hippies to make kyle watch him play with his new toy truck. Or how he always tries to get kyle to suck his balls or put his face in his ass. Its not specifically "hate" its more that cartman is so concerned with picking on kyle or fucking with him.
>they posted it AGAIN
the absolute madmen
>didn't have to follow the link to know what it was
I'm pathetic
How come Kyle isnt as alpha as he used to be?
I prefer over as how the kids actually look.
is just a joke.
he was never alpha
hes always the bitch of the group trying to ruin someone elses fun
kyle defended judaism so much that he turned into his mom
We never asked for this character development but we just might get it
Craig with almost anyone expect tweek is a great ship
presenting: a pair to break the fanbase
Craig with all the boys is my fetish desu
craigs spoken for
>all the boys
at once?
I can get behind this.
Good shit
Wasn't he in Craig's gang a long time ago? He never said anything and eventually vanished from the group.
But Tweek wants to be Wendy's gay best friend, not have her steal his boyfriend from him.
rip cryde
they were good friends, once upon a time
he showed up to be metrosexual with them then left
Thankfully fbw remembered that they are friends craig comforting crying clyde in mephistos lab was pretty cute.
There's like a 1% chance I'll ever finish this so I'll post it again for those of you who missed it on Valentine's or whenever. It's some Candy.
Also this alt that I cropped and didn't save in full view. Not that it's hard to paste it over the other. I'm just not gonna bother with it right now. Honestly think I prefer these expressions/this dynamic.
oh fuck yeah
best ship
He sat with them a few times during lunch in the earlier seasons, but that was before the group was solidified to be Craig, Clyde, Jimmy and Token.
there's the patrician het ship
No show should ever have 21 seasons and still be tolerable, never mind pretty good. How do they manage it
Wait I thought Stan was conforting him, was it actually Craig?
pick one sweetie
oh ho?
>valentine's candy
candy is great senpai
This. It felt like Season 6 again with Tweek being paranoid over something.
you mean hetero kyman?
Its probably the only show to run that long and still have the creators heavily involved.
what did cartman mean by this?
was it gay or vanity?
its called being gay4pay
purposefully ambiguous but definitely presented as a "cartman is gay for himself" joke.
cartman is probably gayish though
was he paying himself?
If wendy left stan for cartman stan would an hero
no he was paying cupid me
you know different characters which is why you can use them both at the same time in phone destroyer
Tweek's anxiety and paranoia being handled in a more realistic manner was an interesting change-up to how it's usually done.
these pictures get me every time
same here. they're perfect.
phone destroyer isn't canon
Who was actually comforting him in the lab?
Cupid Me is a character on the level of Mr. Hat. He's a delusion, an extension of Cartman's psyche.
I wonder if they'll confirm this. It has moments like when Kyle says that everyone knows Gerald was skankhunt42 and none of the other characters reacted.
can't find a good pic but yeah, it was Stan
no hes a character on the level of mitch conner
hes a separate identity from cartman who cartman interacts with as if he was a real person
anything cupid me wants has no affect on cartman or his own personality
thats why you dont see cartman being attracted to men
Holy shit, dude.
God Wendy’s such a bitch.
i want to kiss clyde
sorry craig you chose your man
hope is up for next season.
No i was talking about the other scene
craig split his affections, hell be cuddly and cute with tweek but a bully to clyde
pretty nice
She's cute even if she did tell me to go back to the tire fires of Cred Forums
you'll have to link or something because idk what you mean
wow it's still up
...this was before season 21
I'm a retard, sorry i remembered wrong.
it's ok bugboy, some day you'll get your best friend back
Mosquito has a great design
Randy needs to stop existing
are you chey? I won’t tell anyone you’re here
fuck off fagpir
No dice, he’s the normie favorite right after cartman
Normies ruining everything again
This thread is a vamp thread
>post yfw season 22 is about Jason
Trey himself admitted that he relates more to Randy than Stan now that he’s a middle aged father, which is part of why Randy gets so much screen time nowadays
It’s ok anons he already got him back offscreen.
Craig's gang episode with Craig and Clyde being BFFs when?
I hate that they’re still not doing that plus they’re keeping their relationship vague.
Craig and Clyde are the only 2 people who have an arrow between them on the FbW whiteboard but nothing written.
Fucking when.
Also, have Cartman and Henrietta interacted before?
Can vampires get boners?
This will never happen. The show thinks Craig can't be shown without tweek anymore, even if they are not funny.
If something goes inside their buttholes yes
rumor has it we get an announcement next tuesday
>DLC arrives just in time for next Halloween! Betcha can’t wait.. well, too bad, you’ll have to!
How long till we get kyle booty again lads I need my Jew butt
Is pete good enough?
He's tall, thin and currently hairless (due to age but still) Craig is definitely a twink.
Tweek’s part of the gang now though.
Just like when the DM invites his girlfriend
hes a kid, by your definition (save for the tall part which is one of the things that isnt a twink trait) every kid minus cartman is a twink
It's the other way round. Craig didn't sit with his group and the main boys at lunch for the rest of the season after Put it Down. He was always be sitting with Tweek, who doesn't seem to have a set group to hang around with.
Who's the cutest SP kid?
tweek, then kenny, then butters
Cartman’s cuteness is underrated though
pic related
If you google Grounded Vindaloop Live Action you can find a bunch of behind the scenes images. They are adorable.
Got a Kyle done for tonight.
el abominacion....
>get game hoping for a lot of Mysterion
>Mysterion is shoved to the side
>Mysterion based content featuring him protecting his sister is DLC
Being a Kennyfag is suffering.
Oh hey dude you’re still around! Do you just come for South Park threads or are you into other Cred Forums stuff?
I go to other Cred Forums threads too, and it's nice to see you!
That really was bullshit how Mysterion lost the spotlight. He was front and center in most of the promo stuff ffs
there should have been more mysterion stuff than creek
Glad your back! Your going to do more Kyle right? We are at a severe lacking!
>based Goths BTFO Kenny
Agreed. I like Craig and especially Tweek but I feel like they are replacing Kenny.
pls post more kyle, I need more images to protect
that's the cutest kyle i've ever seen in my life
Goths always win baby!!
Reminder this is what Kyle would look like irl
Soon, I will!
Nice, he could gain some curves when he gets older.
Kosher trap dick?
Enjoying your Saturday night?
>implying Mitch Conner isn't a character on the level of Mr Hat
Mr Hat too was shown acting as a separate identity (when he saved Garrison and Chef from prison), as well as a part of Garrison's gay self. The answer is both. Mr Hat, Mitch and Cupid Me are all separate characters meant to play around with the idea that their "owner" is gay.
>you don't see cartman being attracted to men
You do, actually. He's a lot like Stewie from Family Guy in that sense. He's a character that is used for gay jokes the most (not counting adults).
That was the case in s20, but I don’t recall it in 21.
The FbW arrows only mentioned members of the gang in Coon and friends as hanging out together, while Moss Piglets had Clyde sitting between them so it’s more like 50-50 I suppose.
It definitely happened in s21 too, Moss Piglets' assembly shot was the sole exception. Fujos like to screencap every bit of background Creek which makes it easier to notice.
I think the show could've done more with the Heiman/Creek parallels if Craig still sat with the group, but I suppose people would've complained even more if Creek was more prominent.
But doesn’t it work well as it is, Craig’s willing to sit alone with Tweek for his comfort? I highly doubt Cartman would have ever sat with Heidi away from the guys. But they do seem to be treating Tweek like a girl in some ways, maybe to lampshade him being worse than background tier for so many years.
Anyway at least it doesn’t seem like the relationships between anyone changed, so that’s good at least.
actually cartman did sit with heidi in assembly on one or two occasions
Fair enough. It'd be nice for Tweek to get some real friends besides Craig though. It's a little sad that he didn't have connections with anyone else on the FbW's whiteboard.
At least Heidi had friends to hang with before Doubling Down.
where is that from?
Kenny Dies, season 5.
What is the incident you guys are talking about
i wanna know too
Fuck off.
was it that bad
I'm a kymanfag and I've no idea what you're talking about
>Jason doesn't care about politics and doesn't hare his parents views
>Kyle does nothing but whines to Jason about how he's an evil bigot and should be more open minded
>All this petty hatred from Kyle gets to Jason, and ends up making Jason become a skinny Cartman that hates jews and hippes
>Kyle once again creates a monster
Please let it happen
Don't make us ship Kyle x Jason, now!
Because these threads are not exactly about south park, it is just fujo shit being spammed and fags/girls fighting over it.
same here but it is better to join the Cred Forumswmblr Cred Forumsws group on PD. at least there you can talk about the game without this faggotry.
I honestly want Jason to point out how kyle has a way fucked up family than his and how Kyle is an overall preachy dickhead. i can see Jason pointing out how Kyle's dad is a troll that bullied a woman to commit suicide, how he had a brother that fucked a teacher and caused her to commit suicide as well and how both him and his mother ended up causing Canada to be bombed just because they both get easily offended over fart-jokes.
Jason then take a massive smelly fart on Kyle's face
Did someone ask for my favorite trap?
Posting in (somehow) still-living bread.
Why do japs always make beautiful art of Crack ships?
>hippies, jews, justin bieber
cartman did nothing wrong
Kyle's hat is a tribute to El Chavo's hat, the protagonist of the worldwide acclaimed mexican sitcom of the years 70s
Right but that’s different from the lunch table I’ll say.
They had the opportunity for 2 seasons to point that out, probably could make him friends with Wendy or something.
Your pic is missing a link between Craig and Clyde, if only I knew what they wrote there.
FUN FACT: Desmotivaciones.com isn't a trustable source of information
imp tweek/youth pastor craig card releases when?
Now take off the double chin... he a qt
But it is true!!!
And is so obvious
Yes. Matt stone and Trey Parker are huge fans of a 70s mexican sitcom. And that type of hat is only a Chavo thing.
judging by how his succesfull future self looked it is my firm belief that cartman would be nr 1 on the list if he wasnt fat
just another way he screws himself over
well considering that his mom is the hottest slut in town and his dad is a successful big football player, he could end up very attractive
I feel that only regulars from the old threads/discords would really know.
Tensions had been boiling between Kyman and Creek shippers for several threads (basically that Kyman sucks and its shippers are ugly, abusive lesbians/fujos) until someone made a poll asking about the gender and orientation of Creek and Kyman shippers. In the poll, Creek shippers were mostly gay men and Kyman shippers were mostly lesbians, and then all hell broke lose. A thread or two was kept on /trash/ for Kymans and then it dissipated and they migrated back to Cred Forums. There was also a faction of anti-shippers that hated both Creek and Kyman that I forgot to mention. Things have been quieter since, and I hope my post doesn't change that. That's your /not spg/ lore of the day.
so a bunch of autist homosexuals got flustered the assumptions about them were found out to be true
Kyle fucked up harder than ever before this season, so it'd be really annoying if he learned nothing from it and went around meddling again. Even his mom mellowed out a lot after the movie.
Cute thing to note, Wendy was the one to run after Tweek looking concerned when he left the fake breakup.
I will never understand why lesbians would be into boy love
Also as an attractive straight kyman fujoshi that poll couldve easily been a falseflag. No idea why people were so autistic about it. I doubt there are that many lesbians hanging out in these threads.
Of course he doesn't which is why Jason needs to put him in his place and beat the living shit out of him.
can i ask why gay men are better than lesbians? Theyre both gross and perverted faggots
its a "I have been found out" kinda deal i think
I'd kindly advise you all not to stir up anymore bullshit than you already have. Lest you wish for the threads to die (Again).
Has Jason ever talked in the show? The only time I remember him talking was when he was the elves' shopkeeper in the Stick of Truth.
Anyway, I'd prefer Kyle learning his lesson for a while and keeping his mouth shut through the next season. He'd have less reason to be in the spotlight and the others can have more focus.
>couldve easily been a falseflag
It obviously was.
I think I found out how clydes sister looks
in a deleted scene in reverse cowgirl there's a teenaged girl looking kinda like clydes dad with glasses and all who sings at clydes moms funeral with a similar voice as clydes mom by trey parker
i was a neutral party creekfag. i don't want to see that mess again.
Huh, I wonder why she's never been shown in any of Clyde's family photos.
>the great /not-spg/ slash clash of 2017
Nevar forget. go down with your ship
Hummels and Heroin. It felt the closest to older South Park. Instead of some bloated political commentary, it subverts that, and is just classic South Park weirdness. Fart jokes and lots of music included.
el atrocidad...
Blessed. Who ever posted this please give us more jewty
How do you guys feel about the mobile game dying next week?
The ammount of faggotry is this thread and these type of situations are the very reasons threads like this should be deleted or sent to trash.
The devs made some pretty abysmal choices.
>never happening
feels bad
>Stan of many moons has a whooping 200 damage base stats. His abilite basically kills everyone in the screen aside from tanks.
Nerffing mystic again and also making epics and legendaries more powerful will kill this game and only whales will be left.
>Fantasy has the two best assassins and the best warrior in the game
>lolnope let's nerf Mystic again
>oh and let's turn Stan of Many Moons into a living Arrowstorm
wait what
Mystic is OP
I look forward to its death
I can't believe how Stan of Many Moons went from shit to a monster literally overnight.
the witch episode with heidy being late killed me
that said, its kinda garbo
I feel pretty bad because i'm finally getting all my cards into level 5 without a single epic/legendary in my deck and without spending a single penny - For all of it's flaws PD was a great game to play without spending nothing and it had the South Park charm i still love.
>MFW got Stan of Many Moons out of a locker literally yesterday
I don't have a single legendary and I've played people with 3 or 4 of them in the same fucking deck
O also feel absolutely but blasted because I invested so much time on it but now payed cards will pretty much dominate the game. I hope it dies as fast as it was launched.
Even my Mystic-hating heart doesn't think it deserves this.
because gays are just dudes and lesbians are abusive cunts
the majority of spousal abuse comes from lesbians and homosexul men are the least likely to divorce beating out the fuckin hets
gays are comfy lesbos cant help but start shit
case and point the kymanfag that ALWAYS brings up the socalled kyman hate
>nerfing the 3 main spells of a spell-heavy theme when said theme is not even the strongest theme of the game, and arguably only the third best
>leaving the strongest theme untouched
>making one of the legendaries a living arrowstorm
I believe those devs are monkeys.
What the fuck happened to this thread
Right and he called her girlfriend in FbW.
She’s on a missing poster in FbW, I kinda think it was just for that ep?
Why the fuck didn't anyone say Scott yet?
But other than him I'd say Tweek and Kevin.
I don't even run Fantasy really because I haven't found myself comfortable with strategies for it yet but it's looking like the only thing people are going to run anymore.
it's still shit in comparison to the earlier seasons
literally why? definitely need some background information of why Kyle is wearing female underwear?
no sci-fi is the best theme to look into
its un-nerfable since every PD dev runs it
basically after this update every theme minus mystic will be playable if you pump money into the game
otherwise youre sol
I knew redditors bitching about how bad epics and legends are was going to end up with something like this so now we have to deal with the consequence and that consequence is being unable to get to legend anymore as a f2p player
I run Sci-fi myself. It's never let me down.
I'm f2p and do just fine. I AM trying to branch it out a little from the run of the mill Adventure cards. Shake it up a little but I'm not entirely sure how to experiment properly.
right now everythings good but come this update its all going to hell
sci-fi is safe tho, since release sci-fi has gotten nothing but buffs and nerfs to its counters, first regen, then purify, and now another to purify and powerbind
fantasy is right after being the theme with the safest top tier cards
after that its adventure which is so basic they dont need to see too much change
basically if youre in anything but mystic youll be fine
I need to build up my stock of Fantasy cards by grinding a little more first. Wew. Thanks for the advice though!
have a kyle
I help ya out and my reward is worst boy?
dude weak
I'll keep playing Mystic just to spite the fuck out of the devs.
who your best boy senpai
let me make this right
it's not much but
fuck yeah yaoi wendle X stan is qt af
Since Stan stayed with Wendy when she was Wendyl, does that make Stan bi?
well cartman went all the way to calling him gay so I dunno
Doubling Down was probably my favorite episode of the season. I enjoyed it overall, but the last episode was such a massive let down until it sorta poisoned the whole experience. Another season, another disappointing finale that shows that seasonal overarching plots go nowhere. It had all the cleverness and subtlety of a fucking clip show for crying out loud. What a disaster.
Matt and Trey apparently said that Stan was the most likely of the main four to be gay
But in reality it's more like this
>cartman the guy in the group who has kissed the most girls
>gayer than kyle the one who cant manage to hold on to a single girl
yeah fucking right
I'd put Kyle under Kenny on that list. All the boys have acted a little gay at some point. The straightest South Park character by far was Chef, and he dead as hell.
this thread has been an adventure from start to finish
There's nothing gay about being in touch with your feminine side. In fact, it shows you're comfortable enough with your masculinity that you don't feel threatened by acting a little more feminine from time to time.
id love to get in touch with your feminine side user
This pretty much. That's how I approach some of what I do.
i'm gay tho
top, bottom, or skank?
bottom as fuck. i'm comfortable enough with my masculinity that i don't feel threatened or uncomfortable with the fact that i have a highly feminine side.
bottoms are qt tho you dont need to be masc
its not super desirable to be a feminine top
>tfw just got my second SoMM
Just in time for the stupid balance update.
which is why i don't even bother being a switch desu
i had problems accepting bits and pieces for a spell when i was younger.
>he things a lvl 2 legend is worth anything
oh user so cute
switches are aids incarnate anyway dont feel bad
>he doesn't know about the upcoming ''balance'' update
so knowledgeable of you, user!
oh I do, your lvl 2 SOMM is still bitchmode
a legend at lvl 2 is worth a common at lvl 5 and the best players are at the lvl 6 point with their commons
Oh so you don't think having a arrowstorm as your charge ability AT LEVEL 1 WITHOUT UPGRADING EVEN ONCE is worth it?
no arrowstorm is fucking garbage
NO ONE uses it in legend
I know what people use and don't use in Legendary, but a fighter who has an arrowstorm as his charge ability is pretty damn good.
yeah its pretty damn good at lvl 3 where that arrowstorm becomes a fireball but before that its JUST arrowstorm with counterplay
Just saying user: gay for money is still kinda gay.
not really, a boy living in a trailer park offered a ton of bank for some gay shit is just survival
id say when it comes to gay stuff stans the most open to it due to his whole cissy shit, after that is r9kyle, then comes the incidental gay shit from cartman and kenny
both of them go gay4pay kenny just asks for monetary value while cartman gets favors
>win match
>opponent tanks hard and fast with a minute left on the clock
>"good game!"
Took me longer than I would like to admit to realize that Sharon attacks by throwing tampons she plucks out of her vagina.
those are actually the ones she buys in that indian episode no one remembers
Yeah I know, the Cherokee hair tampons. She even shows one clear as day on her card's artwork.
>wiping the floor with someone
>game disconnects me at the last second
>it counts as a loss
But nope, let's nerf a theme that doesn't need nerfing instead of focusing on making our game functional.
I meant gay as who has the most attraction to men, not who has the last success with girls
so kyle being the only one of the main boys to not ever have a steady gf is the gayest and showing clear attraction to his "super boyfriend"
stan right after him but less gay due to having a gf
cartman after him not showing any attraction to any males and being shown attracted to multiple females
and finally kenny the horndog again no attraction to other males
How is Cartman "incidentally" gay? As much as a qt Kyle is I don't see him turning gay just because he's a robot.
Are Timmy and Butters the only kids that call Cartman "Eric"? Just noticed that.
On a regular basis, I think so. Them and Heidi.
cartman has never and will never show actual romantic attraction to another man
hes incidentally gay because hes put into gay situations without his knowledge of the act being gay
him putting butters dick in his mouth wasnt out of homosexual arousal it was stupidity and the desire to humiliate someone else which INCIDENTALLY put him in a gay situation
and robots always go prison gay, just wait in a few seasons kyles gonna be acting strangely around kenny
When Professor Timmy calls Cartman "Eric" it sounds similar to when Professor X calls Magneto by his first name
That gif gets me every single time
what about when he jacked off ben affleck?
another incidental case
not only that but it was jennifer lopez/mitch connor so that would make mitch bisexual
cartman clearly was annoyed at being in that situation and disgusted when he realized what was happening
what about when he jacked off to being assfucked by cupid me?
what about while you were masturbating and a guy popped up in the porn vid but you were already cumming?
are you a faggot now cause of it?
cupid me is a different character than him and he was paying the debt to cupid me, in fact most of the time he deal with him he acted the EXACT way a straight man handles having a gay man be attracted to them
that episode provides the MOSTt evidence to cartman being a clear heterosexual saying this as a homosexual man myself
what about if a guy pops up in your mind right as you cum?
incidentally gay unless you conciously have feelings for the man
so if youre jacking it and as you cum you think of a time when you were hanging with your bro for some reason then whatever but if youre jackin it and you start dreaming up about how tight and hot your friends ass is then yeah thats pretty fuckin gay
that being said calling cartman gay for jacking it is like calling yourself gay cause you cum to the feeling of jacking off a dick with your hands
bet youve tried to suck your own dick too
Jimmy calls him Eric too.
I think Cartman's sexuality can be best labelled as "fucked up".
What if when you cum you think of your friend jacking himself off
no his sexual orientation is heterosexual, being in relationships with women and shown being attracted to women multiple times
the sexual situations hes put in are just south park
like when randy made out with that indian, the dudes fucking married with kids theres no way hes gay because of a south park situation
gerald on the otherhand was shown being full on gay during the hot tub thing with shown conscious attraction
thats the difference between south park incidents that happen to be gay and full on concious homosexual behavior
how many times have you watched your friend jack off? god damn man so much lust for your own friends
>needing to watch your friend jack off to know what it would look like
then its not thinking about it its fantasizing about it
isn't fantasizing just a type of thought?
>not wanting to watch one of your friends jack off
>jacking off in the same room as your friend but not interacting at all
is there anything more gay?
>not jacking each other off
none of my friends are cute blond twinks so no I wouldnt want to watch any of them jack off
no theres a difference, when youre thinking about mathematics or rational thought you arent "fantasizing" about them youre thinking about them but when youre thinking about how sexy your friends cumming face is thats a fantasy since you dont actually know what it looks like
that's straight because straight guys all jack off and you're just helping each other out with something you already do on your own
why do you people have so much trouble finding cute blond twinks
none of my friends are cute, its not my fault
all the pretty boys can sense when their booty hole is in danger so they avoid the chance to even meet me
feels bad man
I had a wet dream about my best friend once but I genuinely don't understand why because I'm not gay at least I don't think I am and I don't have any feelings for him at all. Was my mind just fucking with me or what?
>hey stan
>yeah, kyle?
>have you ever, y'know...
define "about my best friend"
what did the dream involve?
Sometimes your brain attaches itself to things that are familiar to you. That don't me you're gay, bud.
well maybe you should give it the fap test
if you can think about what itd be like to give him the ol fucky sucky and you enjoy the fap then maybe youve found the guy thatll turn you bi
I remember it so vividly. We were at a hotel, then we french kissed, then we jerked each other off then I woke up confused as hell.
Thanks for the reassurance.
I mean he's a cute guy and all but I don't wanna suck his dick. I'll still give it a go tomorrow tho.
>hes a cute guy
oh dude youre a butt pirate who wants to give him a reach around while you violate his boipucci
the rejection as a top stings more than anything as a straight guy
such a sad road youre looking down friend
the fap test is rarely wrong. godspeed.
aw shit that picture's kawaii as hell
go on
Wendy calls him Eric to him but calls him cartman when he's not around
fuck thats cute
No! Butters is too pure!
best girl(male) is kenny
butters doesnt have a cute hairline naturally to pull off a femboy look
>w-well, yeah, kyle, it's kind of hard not to when you get hard in bed. Why, don't you?
>yeah, but... I don't know if I'm doing it right
>how dyou mean? you're using your hand right?
>yeah, just I don't know if I'm doing it the right way or not
>well, I mean... I could show you... i-if you're cool with that
Fucking nerds.
tweek and craig are cute! cute!
Yeah he has spoken a few times on the show. He has that unique voice to him
how did tweek get in craig's house?
he gave him the key to his house for whenever he needs craig
imagine having a bf like that
What an awful suit.
Good on him for getting a used wife instead of new at least.
honestly feel like being the one who gives care is more satisfying than the one who receives it
it's an easy way to ignore your own problems by focusing on someone else at least
>almost bump limit
I'm proud of you, user
I dunno if its about problems, I just think the feeling of making someone else feel warm is more emotional to me than someone else sort of prying into my well being
like I find it annoying when someone asks about me or tries to look after me or whatever but I like the feeling of doing it myself and seeing the person be happy with it
kinda weird I guess
Everyone’s different in that regard I assume
I like being emotional support for someone but I also don’t mind being supported myself by someone who cares and asks me about that shit
south park
>stan yells RED ROCKET when jacking off
>stan yells RED ROCKET when jacking kyle off
Cute thread boys lets do it again sometime soon
>you sure you’re okay with it?
>yeah dude, it’s alright
>see, Kyle? It’s just like this
>oh wait, I’ve already been doing it that way this whole time! God that’s so embarrassing, you got your dick out and everything
>it’s pretty easy dude, I don’t know what you were worried about
>I just wanted to be sure, I guess... but what are you gonna do now? Are you just gonna stop?
>I dunno man, since I’ve started I kind of don’t really want to stop
>hey... have you ever wondered what it would be like to do it to someone else?
>I mean, a little bit maybe... why, have you?
>do... do you wanna try it?
Good job, lads. Maybe we can save our comments, questions, and fan art and have a nice monthly South Park thread until the season 22 premiere.
how will i survive until then?
do a series rewatch
Only Tweek is cute
Craig was a fuckin asshole to my new kid
After all these years these two still manage to have the best interactions
one of my personal favs