The cover for the gravity falls comic has been revealed.
Its out on July 24.
Will you buy it?
The cover for the gravity falls comic has been revealed
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Probably. Depends on if I have money to spare when it comes out. Maybe they can finally redeem Mabel's character in the comics.
Yes! I will
ill wait for someone on co to scan it but cant wait
still can't stand Hirsch politics tho and im not even a trump supporter
What i wanna know is if its before or after the finale.
I fucking hate when they make stories that happened in a period of time that was never present in the show. But considering how the characters are dressed,i guess its sadly before the finale
Holy shit this is still coming out? I thought that was canned with how long it's taken to come out. I mean the show ended two years ago.
Well, it says "Lost" adventures, so I'm assuming they will be events that took place inbetween episodes.
It probably won't fix any of the problems the show had
Nah, Disney is still milking that Gravity Falls train. They recently hyped up fucking reruns for the 2 year anniversary of the finale.
>pacifica on the cover with the main pines
Fucking Pacificafags get everything
>I fucking hate when they make stories that happened in a period of time that was never present in the show. But considering how the characters are dressed,i guess its sadly before the finale
So what do you mean by "That was never present in the show"?
As if that were a bad thing. This is one of these rare cases of pandering that actually improves the show/comic.
Fucking Hirsch. Disney would have kept GF going as long as he wanted, and he still rushed season 2.
They're sort've stretching the amount of things that could happen within a three month time span
Not as much as Phineas and Ferb.
Hopefully it'll be better than most of S2B, considering it takes place during that period of time.
>Maybe they can finally redeem Mabel's character in the comics.
I wouldn't get my hopes up
So from the cover and the fact that theres 4 stories i assume
>first story:dipper and mabel adventure
>second story: stan and pacifica adventure
>third story:Ford solo adventure
>fourth story:???
Kinda sad its before the finale since we know how its all gonna end. Also i guess dipper and ford just forgot to write these stories
If its set before the finale no development would matter because weirdmaggedon 2 is after the comic events
>no soos
Dont get your hopes up. Alex is still Alex.
He wasn't bad, but he was pretty much nobody's favorite character
It's a little bit lame that these are all set before the finale though, so no particularly significant character development can happen. Take Dipper and Pacifica, they will after this get to a point where they don't give a fuck about each other in time for the finale whatever happens in these stories. No one is allowed to grow. It's gotta be all filler by design.
Why does Alex hate romance? I know that love can be such a plot tumor sometimes, but when done right, it can be so great.
well there's always this, thanks Emmy
>it took Alex and his cronies two fucking years to come up with 4 stories
Jesus Christ, really?
Pacifica joining the twins on adventures would have been interesting. She's a foil to both Dipper and Mabel.
This sums it up pretty well actually. Because it’s set before the finale, There can’t be a new overarching story or BBEG, there can’t be any character development, and most importantly there can’t be any important or meaningful results or consequences from it. It’ll just be a giant pile of time wasters.
He doesn't hate it. He has a hard on for his bland generic waifu. He can't let anyone get between his self insert and blandy.
>all this fucking waiting for a cover
When will Hirsch stop fucking me in the ass
Also is this still going to be a series or is this literally it?
It'd be cool if there was a Simpsons comics-esque ongoing for GF but knowing Hirsch this is probably all we'll get for the next 3 years if not forever.
But we already have the perfect Gravity Falls comic.
Anyone doing the puzzle?
It would have been cool if Alex had rebooted GF through the comic and had people who won't hacks make the stories.
If that were true, why did he waste the entirety of season 1 on a “Dipper wants Blandy but he can never have her lol” plot.
I believe he said that subplot was basically filler.
Did you forget season 2?
>Takes place a few years after Weirdmageddon
>Puberty in full swing for both of them
>Wooden crates and guard dogs are the only things that can keep their libido in check
>Will you buy it?
Sigh, yeah probably.
2 years and I still like this show a lot.
Moved onto Star but I'll probably get it day 1 desu.
Its whatever.
If only
CO: I bet these are just gonna be low stakes in-between stories, lame! ugh, filler! Nobody can die! What’s the point?
ME: comfy little adventures with characters I like in a world I love for a show I miss? Sign me the fuck up!!
I’ll buy it. Even if it’s just goofy jokes and little stories this show has a lot of nostalgia for me, and I want this in my collection
The OTGW comic was in-between stories and it was great. Vs the Korra “continuation” which was fucking stupid. I think they’re doing the right thing not trying to make a comic compete with a TV show
I try to collect as many non cape comics as possible and enjoyed gravity falls so it’s very likely. Hopefully the art is good.
Alex Hirsch is such a cunt waffle
My Man!
BTFO'ing ship fans is the funniest shit Hirsch does. If you're really butthurt by that you are a fucking baby
it just comes off as petty
fuck sake I was thinking about buying it for a second.
>the key that never came up
I'd rather see all this shit in the series but it's clear he stopped caring pretty much, after the fact realized it was his golden goose, and is trying to hang on in every way possible.
It's going to suck to see presumably great episode ideas in comic form.
If you’re legitimately upset about someone saying your ship won’t be canon you need to get some real problems in life.
I think someone said it looked like a hardcover graphic novel
If making a cartoon is the lazy alternative, why did he want to quit after one season?
Q: Have they gotten past the sex scene and back to the boring plot?
t. boring and sexless
>It's a little bit lame that these are all set before the finale though,
That is unfortunate.
Fuck, I forgot all about grubermeister and all his faggotry. I miss /gfg/ not him though
I wouldn't say that, because one of the biggest problems of WPII was how little Mabel actually grew to care for Dipper. He was always making sacrifices for her while she gave him nothing in return, and it got so bad even the show called her out on it. All they needed to do was to show her actually returning the favor to prove that she does in fact care for Dipper, but they never bothered with that. Which is why Mabeland had that whole flashback sequence, because they botched their relationship so hard they needed to actually IMPLY that they cared for each other. They had so little to work with they had to make shit up to garner sympathy.
As long as they focus on their relationship more rather the two being on their own paths then it would make it somewhat redeemable. Not by much, but it's something.
My man!
I hope that at least one of the adventures is after
Or an epilogue
That is so 2015.
What an atrociously embarrassing post.
I think It fits OTGW because the characters cant have adventures after the finale. The GF characters can since they will come back next summer
The Korra Contiuation was fucking stupid because both Korra and the writers were fucking stupid, it had nothing to do with when it took place.
I want to say Virgin Hirsch and Chad Roiland, but even then Justin’s show has become unrecognizable compared to how it was at first
Well that’s what happens when you have Dan “Everyone must be a despicable sad sacks like me” Harmon write your show. There’s a reason he was kicked off Community you know.
I'm going to buy it. I'll pre-order it if I can
Ten pages of plot 30 pages long sex scene
>Buying on release,
>Wanting to preorder
>Not waiting for a scan to come up, reading it online to see if you like it, and then deciding whether or not to buy it
You know what they say about fools and their money user.
Slightly bigger size
By all accounts, if Hirsch didn’t like the fact that Pacifica had more than one dimension in the mansion episode, wouldn’t he veto the script, or at least lessen the shipping material?
why is Cred Forums so obsessed with Padippica? is it because they self-insert as Dipper and dream of getting a teenage bimbo bitch who's, like, really good on the inside or whatever?
On the one hand trips, but on the other hand defending the behavior of a crybully cuck.
I just like Pacifica because she got more development than Mabel. Sure it was only in 1 episode but it was more enjoyable than like every other Dipper-Mabel interaction.
And here I was thinking it'd do a ben 10 alien force and be like 10 years later
I wonder if the four stories will be wholly original or will be resurrected plans from the series that didn't make it into the show due to time constraints.
>Is obsessed with how Shippers feel and are affected by things
>Calls other people Babies
Glass houses user, glass houses.
>I like things!
He's just trolling. We're literally on Cred Forums and you cant recognize trolling when you see it.
The only reason to buy this comic would be to burn slowly that offspring from the dullest franchise in the history of cartoon franchises. Seriously each episode following the Pine twins and their pals from the mystery shack as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of after effects, all to make mystery unmysterious, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Alex vetoed the idea of focusing on paranormal stuff; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his Twitter account. Gravity Falls might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Xfiles show in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the characters were good though
The lines are dreadful; the characters were terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a new character might have been useful to the plot it was instead turned into a comic relief.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that happened. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Hirsch's mind is so governed by pop-culture references and dead memes that he has no other style of directing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Gravity Falls by the same Pendleton Ward. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are watching Gravity Falls at 18 or 22, then when they get older they will go on to watch Adventure Time." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Gravity Falls" you are, in fact, trained to watch Adventure Time.
>I have to strawman everyone else to make my contrary opinion look super rational and normal because not only do I have to state my opinion, I just haaaave to get recognition for it!
Yeah that’s pretty embarrassing I’d say.
Haha i like memes too dude
You are the reason for which garbage like the Ducktales reboot exist.
Don't even care for Padippica, I'd rather even have Wendy, but Hirsch's attitude toward that shipping and NWM in general is just mindboggling. It's like he refuses to acknowledge he (or more likely, one of the writers under him) struck gold with an episode and is doubling down hard on the anti-shipping meme.
He is unequivocally the biggest douche in the universe.
If you care this much about seeing two cartoon 12 year olds fuck you have clearly never had sex
The most offensive thing you can say on Cred Forums is “I like this.” Everyone will have an autism fit
Can't wait for it to be eventually canned because Alex is too lazy to write stories for it.
Why are you making up quotes by Pendleton? It’s okay to have your opinion but you totally undermine your argument with completely fabricated bullshit quotes. It’s just lazy
>trying to use the Harry Potter meme on Gravity Falls
Steven Universe would be a more proper comparison since it really is the most fucking boring thing ever "animated".
These shows are comfy PRECISELY because they're over.
If you want endless reboots or spinoffs don't complain the plot and characters turn to shit afterwards.
For every old show that get a remake, a new show doesn't get made.
Cred Forums's kinda made the word comfy obnoxious
>Ooga booga shipping shipping muh dick
Go jump on the third rail.
>why is Cred Forums so obsessed with Padippica?
I can think of two very big reasons.
Jeeze, it's just a joke you guys. I love Padippica too, but try to lighten up.
No room for Pacifica interaction but you can bet the farm there will be a scene where the characters screech about a certain Cheeto Benito.
Just fucking DIE irl already you hack manlet.
Why is there always an different flavor of autism spammer on Gravity Falls threads
I'm intrigued. And curious.
>wanting more romance/shipping
Disgusting. Even Hirsch focused too much on stupid romance shit during the series, despite him constantly being against it through his tweets. I wanted action and mysteries goddammit, not Mabel and Dipper's Summer Love Fest.
The less romance shit in the comics the better.
excited but i hope it does two things
>one keeps being fun and well written
>does well enough to see the universe continue in an xmas special that helps resolve mabel storyline and character development
I wish we got word of what artists are going to be drawing it. I hate off-model comics with various different artists.
>Pacifica on the cover
haha time to be disappointed!
When I saw the news I thought Disney had finally broke down and released a DVD set, was a little deflated when I found out it wasn't that. I'm gonna have to either make or buy some bootlegs at this rate
But anyway I'm still excited for this. I'm definitely going to get it, kinda hope this isn't the only one there will be, but I guess you can't have too many and still expect the plot to realistically take place in one summer.
He already gave more nods than should be expected since all that happened was that they didn't loathe each other for half an ep. I can see Wendipfags being mad way more than this.
>"If these manchildren are watching Gravity Falls at 18 or 22, then when they get older they will go on to watch Adventure Time."
Alright that was actually pretty funny
>a writer had a planned idea for a character, made an episode about it and moved on, and doesn't want to appeal to the fanbase's whims
Shipfags, ladies and gentleman.
Shit taste
dare I ask the ones involved?
I would be so glad if this happened
Literal time-skip Dipper, Pacifica, and Wendy.
scanning won't be necessary since there's a kindle version on amazon
More like, they created an episode that captured the mysterious and adventurous nature of the show perfectly, using a character who had been slowly showing signs of being less of a bitch throughout the second season, and ending with her promising to redeem herself as a better person. Also with a Bill hint dropped at the end for good measure.
Then, she disappears for the second half of the season, most of the episodes degrade back into boring slice of life with touch of supernatural garbage, and when she finally does reappear, she's regressed completely back to her season 1 self, doesn't do shit to redeem her family (in fact, they somehow end up being the only ones in town completely ruined), and the Bill hint is never elaborated upon.
Great writing you Hillary voting piece of shit.
Pacificafags are fucking delusional.
>in fact, they somehow end up being the only ones in town completely ruined
To be fair, they're only "ruined" to the point where Pacifica can "only" afford to keep one pony.
Has anyone scanned the coloring book?
Most waifufags are
So, I'm guessing Alex blew the Fox deal.
that or it could simply be Fox lost interest because the hype about Alex died down
Again, he blew. Alex let his hype die. What a hack.
Lol I hit a nerve. When was the last time you felt a woman’s touch user
>Alex wrote an episode I love!
>Alex also wrote an episode I don’t love!
Verdict: SHILLARY!!!
Are you clinically retarded. That’s a sincere question.
>Great writing you Hillary voting piece of shit
What did he mean by this
He never pitched a show to fox. He explained on twitter. He’s been workin on movies. Good move too, Fox is shit now
>Hirsch is opposed to romance bullshit
Completely agree, but it would've been great if he had remember that when the cartoon was being ruined by endless Wendy episodes.
Good on based Alex for not having to cave in to these worthless specimens shitty pair, though if I was him I'd tell them that Dipper or Paz was gay just to leave me alone.
t. Dipcifica shipper
>tells pathetic shipfag to sit the fuck down
Wtf I love Alex Hirsch now!
That's what I was thinking, like what the fuck happened to his project with Fox, I know he's also working on that detective Pikachu shit.
Lol no he isn't. He got kicked off that project as well.
>The press release also indicates that Gravity Falls writer Alex Hirsch didn’t have a hand in the final script, as Nicole Perlman (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Letterman himself are credited with the final draft.
Embarrassing! I guess it was the Padippica shippers fault here too huh Hirsch fanboys?
>Alex hates romance in his series
well now i know the ending will be disappointing
i dont really care if pacifica and dipper end up together since im not an idiot boy whos obsessed with pairings,but it is a shame they didnt interact more. The manor episode is my favourite and their interactions my favourite out of the whole show
I'm the only one feeling sad when i'm seen Gravity Falls stuff?
I remember hyping about it when it was announced. now it's over since two fucking years old...time goes really fast...
Same as you man.
My ex was a fan of this show, she left me just after the finale...each time i watch it, i have a painful reminder of my past...back when i was still happy and wasn't caring much about my future.
It's really weird thinking of how old Gravity Falls is considering it still feels pretty new.
Everyone is always surprised that Adventure Time is already 8 but GF is only 2 years younger.
Pacifica got some decent character development during season 2A. Golf War had her and Mabel kind of ending their rivalry and Northwest Manor Mystery had her forming a very believable friendship with Dipper.
Keep in mind what was going on in the rest of the show at the same time - On the romance side of things you had Dipper confronting Wendy about his feelings, getting gently friendzoned, and ultimately getting over his crush and his interaction with Pacifica seemed to be a natural progression from that. You also had episodes like Society of the Blind Eye and Not What He Seems appeared to be dramatically shaking up the status quo. Paddipica seemed more than plausible at the time.
... then season 2B happened.
What was the actual reason of the show not continuing ? even with Bills dead, they could have a ton of stories, since Bills wasn't the cause of the weirdness in GF.
Summer was over, the twins had to go home.
...I'm really hoping this show will have a sequel, it really deserve it.
Dipper could have stayed, and was about to... If Mabel hadn't convinced him to stay with her by being sad.
He's too lazy even for those standards.
Because HE can never have her
After 2B all I can feel is complete indifference. It was so much trash. Like instant shark jump.
Dropped it when they aged them up.
>expecting someone sponsored through patreon to draw kiddie smut
But then you'd just get endless Mabifica/Billdip spam, both of which are infinitely worse than Dipcifica ever was.
>Pacifica is the only non-Pines on the cover
I can hear the ion cannon charging...
So is Alex involved or what?
I hope he learned his lesson from the show and has taken a hands off approach to GF.
At least most of the incest and triangle fags never thought those things would happen and aren't constantly mad about them not happening. Though Mabifica, I know Mabificafags harassed Emmy C over the coloring book on twitter so I guess they're crazy too.
>Tron Uprising
It aint much, but its something.
>Alex has written all 4 stories.
>Yet he couldn't be assed enough to illustrate all of them
What a shame
Lets wait until july then
Where do I get the rest of it? Reddit stops at page 44.
It's still ongoing
Unfortunatley yes. The opening panel is the entire cast of GF, even the villains and monsters, glaring angrily at the reader and screaming "IT WAS HER TURN".
what was the point of the nametag in just that episode?
This, the RS ones were horrible
I hate how obnoxious this is written
They lost their home but it was overshadowed by the pony gag, which just makes it feel weird they'd do that at all.
I wouldn't be surprised since it's not on TV, if he'd put some political shit in there. You can guarantee his pokemon autism will leak into it.
>At least most of the incest and triangle fags never thought those things would happen and aren't constantly mad about them not happening
Of course not, but why would you want to validate them? They're already insufferable enough knowing they don't have a chance. Can you imagine if you gave them even a shred of a evidence, much less make them come to pass? It would be Korrasami x10 Kaio-ken.
Yeah, it really drove home that Pacifica was firmly back to her season 1 character. Looking back on it, nearly everyone regressed back to season 1 when it came to character development by the end of the show.
Yep, Dipper even lusting after wendy right before the apocalypse
Wasn't that Northwest Mansion episode written after the finale?
>I bet alex was too lazy to write the stories
>Alex wrote all the stories? What a control freak, when will he learn to delegate?
>Alex didn’t illustrate them? What a lazy hack! He should do everything himself!
Jesus Cred Forums will use any excuse on earth to hate this guy. It’s like the manzi white knights still haven’t moved on
I miss this show so much, thank goodness Disney noticed the growing fanbase
The funniest part id the attempts to paint him as a virgin beta, when its know that he gets a shitload of pussy.
was it? seems dumb to do the finale of a continuity heavy show before an episode halfway in the season
>>Alex wrote all the stories? What a control freak, when will he learn to delegate?
this isn't even a thing, everyone wants him to write them, fan writers or guest writers suck
I also wish he illustrated them though
Even if it were he'd have had to know Pacifica was going through a redemption arc because it was in his mind ever since Golf War, and if the finale was written before golf war i give up
Thinking on that, it'd explain why it had the quality of Season 2A after the string of mediocre or bland episodes in B.
Even Between Friends is the limit Area can go before her patreon gets nuked, any younger than teens is gonna cause her to get barred from her source of income.
Probably a while.
Why? Do you have any examples of Alex actually drawing? He’s always been more of a writer/Director/voice guy. I didn’t know he ever drew.
His sketches of the characters, the ones that aren't memes or for twitter, had a nice style. I remember seeing his Season 2 poster sketch with the monsters surrounding the portal and I liked his Dipper, it wasn't far off the mark of how they look in the series either.
With comics like the Kaboom ones you get ugly off model retarded looking designs that change multiple times before the comic even ends. If Alex or a few series boarders did the art it'd keep it safe from having outsider art.
Pics or it didn’t happen. Alex doesn’t draw as far as I can tell
Threadly reminder that the reason season 2B sucked was intentional and it was because Hirsch wanted the final fourth of his "Twin Peaks for kids" to be as bad as the final fourth of Twin Peaks
What a tool
He had to create his characters somehow, the fuck are you on to where you need a source that a cartoon creator draws?
You can be a cartoon creator without being good at drawing? That's good news for me, at least.
I hope it's not the case or i will spite on his face, and his mother grave.
If that's the case then the finale should've been god-tier to make up for it, and it wasn't.
Of course it's possible, just look at Penndetlon Ward or Matt McGroening, all of the animation gets outsourced to Korea anyway.
>Alex doesn’t draw as far as I can tell
that depends... Will Wendy and Dipper finally get together in it?
Do you see Wendy anywhere on that cover?
after that ending?
cant spoil the plot
I hope you're right.
why did she never return his affection? he was in love with her and did a lot to help her throughout the summer and save her life. She owes him a relationship
It's funny, for a guy who hates Pacifica, it's weird that she's on the cover instead of Wendy.
That's like saying Gideon is owed a relationship just because he heel turned for Mabel at the end.
Oh, you deluded fool.
>Joe Pitt made the cover
Really makes you think
This takes place before the finale, so no.
Does it have Rick and Morty easter egg
I'm sure there is
It's in an old /gfg/ thread same as the one with mabel on top of dipper standing on his shoulders with the grappling hook
>She owes him a relationship
Calm down Mr Nice Guy.
I would like to see adventure stories of Wendy tagging along helping out. Maybe she even borrows Dippers book and finds some shit under her own house.
I remember this with Stephen King and Harry Potter.
>Disney series
>Box sets
When you think about it, the entire ending and Weirdmaggedon was the "It was all a misunderstanding!" trope. And that's really kind of dumb.
There had to have been a better way for it to happen.
Each night I pray to a God that I don't believe in, begging that He might go back in time and slap Alex Hirsch around until he decides to make three full seasons of "Gravity Falls" and a TV movie of "Weirdmaggedon" as the finale.
Just think.
Alex looked at 2B and Weirdmaggedon at the end and thought "Perfect!".
I'm convinced that 2A and 2B were meant to be a fuller Season Two and Season Three, but Alex hedged his bets and broke up with a 10/10 to shorten the series.
I should bookmark the places where he said the series would be (1) a three-season series and (2) two seasons and a television movie.
At least Mabelfica had more then one episode to work with.
I wonder what is Alex's goal with this. Is he hoping to do more comic work?
Pacificafags BTFO
No, he didn't. He himself has mentioned in numerous interviews that the finale's delivery was severely flawed. The problem rested on his perfectionism and poor work ethic more than anything.
Stop riding Alex's dick, user
Let him be
That's it, son. Meet me in the den.
that's weird
i was in a bookstore just yesterday and they had an entire shelve of gravity falls books -- not just these comic book (-s), but pretty sure there were also novels.
I guess all this stuff was released earlier in russian.
Why would someone expect that? Even if she's a side character or a protagonist in some (if one) of the stories, canon already proved the Pines family will have 90% of the focus. Also, I'm sure Alex hate anything involving Pacifica and shipping by now and I can't blame him for that.
GF shipping wars were bloody years ago.
Anyway, not buying that, I'll just wait for some user storytime.
Highly doubtful. "Into the Bunker" ended that