Lets post some comics, Cred Forums

lets post some comics, Cred Forums

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>Something something Barneyfag

>posting without a comic

for shame

What was this artist? Remember his shit everywhere

so thats where the face came from,

this has legitimately happened to me

this feels like the brawl in the family of a shittier universe


blue2 never ceases to amaze me











>On X-Box


I would have shit myself laughing at this in 2005.

>ww2 was the last war ever

how delusional do you have to be to believe that

Is this the new LOL thread?

these are embarrassing since the US has been at war for like 17 years now.



That's not remotely what the comic is saying, but nice asspained deflection.


Somebody should shop some drone footage in there.

what is it fucking saying then
"the previous generation enlisted in the army and the current generation is not" makes absolutely no fucking sense




Actual kek







>tfw we will never get Bayonetta or Cloud in a BitF comic ever

Well, at least it ended in a bang. Still doesn’t make the pain any less tolerable.

Clearly that couple ate those mushrooms.

This comic was good at making the worst fucking arguments ever. "It's not Shakespeare so it's shit" is something no one says, though if you make a similar, less retarded argument you end up saying something like "I'm too busy watching any other battle shonen to begin to dedicate my time to Black Clover." Which makes sense.

Another gem was "don't hate on me for drooling over cute anime boys because you jerk it to Cammy. I bet you feel this small."


Absolutely heretical

MMMMM dat's some good cringe

You know, he'd look like less of a jackass if he didn't list Christians as something colleges are against. Now it looks like a strawman meant to highlight his paranoid and persecuted feelings rather than any situation based on reality.

Does anyone have any other of this guy's comic? Specifically the one where the guy wakes up jerking off to Dragon Force? I can't find that one anywhere.

Depends on the college. You will get laughed at for being a christian if you're in a liberal-blue college.
I'm yuropeon so I could be wrong though.

It just wouldn't be right if this wasn't posted.


this was made by the same guy who made the Godzilla NES "creepypasta"

Joffrey got what he fucking deserved.



You motherfucker

No you won't be laughed at for being Christian. In my experience, the douchebags who laugh at Christians are also the Dawkins style douchebags who know that Islam is the most harmful of all religions and those "Islamaphobes" are stilll welcome in colleges. This God is Not Dead "persecute me please" attitude is ridiculous.

>that hand rub
I see he's now fully embraced his jew hating alter ego



This is your mindset


>anime is shit compared to classics
>Just threatens him with a knife
>boy you sure showed him

You can really tell this was made in the 2000's by tween/teen weebs.

Really, it is a mix-match depending on two things. First, yes it does depend on the college. Second, depends on just what we mean by "Christian." There is a difference between someone who simply spends on hour on Sunday in Church than say your Mike Pence or Jerry Farwell and associated acolytes.

Anyways, my contribution to bring thread back to its regularly started topic.

He even hates on the ADL now.
Someone has to stop that madman.

Interesting. In my experience the Dawkins style christianity-hating atheists are also pro-islam.
It's the same when I've met feminists. They love islam for some reason.

Same thing I do. only the cardigan is different color and I have a matrace to make it easier to lay down for longer . Wow my life is a comic.

>In my experience, the douchebags who laugh at Christians are also the Dawkins style douchebags who know that Islam is the most harmful of all religions and those "Islamaphobes" are stilll welcome in colleges.

That has not been your experience, and those dickheads absolutely love Islam.

Nor is that "Dawkins" style atheism, because Richard Dawkins himself actually hates Islam (and radical feminism), while nuAtheist+ types can't get enough of either of those things.

It's bizarre to see Ben Garrison go from threatening to sue moot for memeing him into a Cred Forums hero to embracing the Cred Forums hero he wants to be. He wants to pander to the audience that lovingly called him Ben "pull the trigger on every nigger" Garrison.

>Dawkins douchebags actually love islam
>Dawkins style atheism doesn't hate islam
>Dawkins himself actually hates Islam
What the fuck is going on here? Are you not reading?


>search "Christian"
>42 results
Is this what it's like to be not welcome in the most liberal colleges?

He was just waiting for the right moment to play his hand.


Is he retarded?

>But Starbucks has been actively hiring veterans since 2013–- 8,800 to be exact.

this one nearly killed me the first time i read it

I think that one was in response to the CEO virtue signaling about how he was going to hire tens of thousands of Islamic rapefugees, which obviously never happened because those people obviously have no intention of ever working.

He's a talented artist who puts a lot of hard work into not being funny.


>tens of thousands
It's 10,000, just like they vowed to hire 10,000 veterans a few years ago. Why is everything so overblown?

>big bin laden

Who would win in a fight, Ben Garrison or David Horsey?

Non-waifu DC is actually okay.

>Rage comics

The far left doesn't seem like a problem at all. Like what the fuck, this doesn't outline any real problems, just "there are liberals on social media saying they don't like things and that's literally making me the real victim".

I wonder if he goes to Cred Forums too.

Liberals staying shit on social media gets you fired nowadays.

>gone: internet free speech
funny for pepole who unironnicly wanted net neutrality to pass


Or maybe businesses don't want to be associated with people who call MLK Day, Nigger Day on facebook.


Don't you know the far left has all the power in modern society?!


People on the Internet be racist, yo.

>that comment section
Jesus Christ.


So is Milo out of a job or did he successfully find a niche as a shock jock somewhere else?

You know that this means that refugees need more support, right?

Their targets are inefficiently leftist programmers and academics, though, not people who scream "nigger" like it's a getting laid spell.

No you won't, that's the dumbest shit I've heard all day.

No, it means that both "black history month" and importing hundreds of thousands of Islamic migrants are both massively unpopular, despite how hard both are shilled to be "good things". Both videos were official "google spotlight" videos.

>not people who scream "nigger" like it's a getting laid spell.
You realize that the people who do this are almost universally niggers, right? Have you even ever seen a white person call a black person a nigger?

There are instances of it, like a few months ago one of the English Uni's Student Councils attempted to bar the Christian Union from the annual freshers fair because of its 'inherent colonialist heritage' offending people, but IIRC they were (rightly) told that this reasoning was bullshit and just used to mask a bias.

And they attract more opposition than supporters. It's like a customer survey where people are more likely to express distaste. I didn't know these existed and when the black history month thing started name dropping people I haven't heard of, I wanted to give it a thumbs down.

So you see a student group trying to exclude a student group get shot down by the actual academic super structure. It actually proves that Christian groups are protected.

>Everyone I dislike is part of a Jewish Satanist Communist Left-Wing Conspiracy

The degree to which people will go to maintain the idea they are the opressed underdog is frankly incredible. no one can seem to accept they're actually on top.

I think he's running his own media website now, but I don't keep up with him. I only hear about him when SJWs sperg out about him doing literally anything.

He's getting groomed to take over for Rush Limbaugh's once Rush croaks.

Right, and with all the power of a presidency, house, and senate, all it takes is a screaming, blue haired shemale to take it all away.

>He's trying to defend the obvious Neo-MArxist dickheads trying to push people out of universities.

>wrote an article that stated feminists are going by destroy video games "like the giant flying saucers in Independence Day"
Yeah, sure glad he saved video games with that gem.

El oh el


Let's post some comics. Code for self promote my terrible doodles.

>"don't come to our event, it hurts out fee fees"
>pushing people out of colleges
You're going to find a way to feel oppressed.

The elected government is nothing compared to the universities, the press and the judges, and those are blue hair-friendly.

You'd have to accept the existence of the patriarchy before you even begin to humor the thought of a systematic promotion of a gay dominated world. It's a good word though.


It's a joke, user.

Jokes are fundamental twists on existing information, most of which are based on real-world principles. Because the patriarchy is a fictional concept created by angry feminists, it does not exist, therefore the term "gaytriarchy" cannot be a joke in any capacity.

Is it though? Ben Garrison views the world through hyperbole and uses hyperbole to express what he feels, not how things actually are. It's hard to tell what he thinks as I know he knows Europe isn't an Islamist continent, but he sees the presence of Islam there as a problem. Where he sees the "gay community" in the big picture of the forces that are oppressing him, no one can be sure.

I'm pretty sure hydras don't exist in real life either, user. Try to contain your autism.

Less politics, more comics.



>Literally a crying statue of liberty
top kek

>Barneyfag: Origins

>good things are always popular

3AB, is that you?

Man... All this comics sucks.


The point is more "hating third world immigration and black history month aren't 'controversial' opinions, they're massively the majority opinion."

But both are also idiotic things to support.


>minority things
>not liked by the majority on youtube

There's a difference between merely "not liking" something, and actively disliking something. Some people don't like pineapple on their pizza, but I doubt tens or hundreds of thousands of people would dislike a youtube video promoting pineapple pizza.

When stuff like shirtgate happens, maybe you need to consider that it isn't "liberals saying things on the internet."

When you grasp at a non-issue from four years ago, maybe you need to reconsider how you perceive the power of "liberals saying things on the internet".

you understand there's a difference between 'majority opinion' and 'the majority opinion of a single website's userbase', right?

Are you saying that Google and YouTube's userbase has a specific political leaning that's significantly different than the general population? Or are you really desperate to pretend that these opinions are far less popular than they actually are?

I'm just saying, the phrase "youtube comments" evokes a certain feeling from people for a reason.


I just wanted people to post comics why has it turned into this

Because whenever Cred Forums makes bait, people inevitably fall for it.


someone got kicked out of a college for wearing a santa hat in school the day before winter break.

it's not uncommon.

Overdone on purpose.


To be fair you can't go through life fearing saying THAT word that will trigger someone.

he was in my class and he told me why he wasn't in class.
they didn't expel him or anything they just told him to fucking leave.
still pretty fucked up.

That's so uncommon, I've never heard of anything like that before.

That's an incredibly tame example.

That doesn't make any sense. Santa isn't even a Christian symbol.


aw man, I know how you feel
I go to UC and a dude got expelled for misgendering the professor's cat

Where's the part about students getting kicked out over Christmas stuff?

I don't know, I'm not that guy.

are you sure there's not just a no hat policy in class? That's not uncommon at all. Maybe the professor of that particular class just thought it was distracting.

>Maybe the professor of that particular class
*are islamic terrorists waging a war on Santa Claus because they know Islamic holidays suck

This is comic Platinum Gay.





>rape culture
Really makes you think huh

>enlisting for raping villagers and in return getting fucked in the ass by viet cong tigers and NWA elephants

Really oodles the noodles.


Ben Garisson makes leonardo da vinci look like trash. He creates a direct line into the collective subconscious of mankind. The subtle artistry makes me sigh with joy

I will never not laugh at "Gas the Bikes, War Race now"

Did you know metroid was a grill?



He really deserves his own art museum. He will definitely be the defining artist of this century.

Anyone have the comic about the bitchy girl, the weird guy, and the insane asylum patient? The one done in three parallel columns.

Why wouldn't you want a federal united police force?

Because it would take away from state's rights and be a bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic mess.

The problem with federal anything is our federal government is a shit show.

Yeah let's get universal health care, great idea. Except no, because the VA health care system is a fucking crime against humanity and not one person who has had to deal with that mess would wish it on anyone else.

Well that was a fun thread while it lasted..

I don't understand, the fun is just getting started.

Don't you like funny comics, user?

>autistic screeching

ok there is no way in hell ben doesn't come to Cred Forums.

I do agree with this to an extent.

I hate political comics... they're unfunny and manipulative. When you blatantly label everything, it's like explaining the fucking joke.

What tipped you off?

Ben doesn't make political comics, he presents the facts of the situation that the NWO doesn't want you to see, in an expertly crafted visual medium.

den oudda den breddy gud :DD

This hurts me every time I read it and I've saved it


this lacks a sneed or steamed hams reference

> Wall Street hates trump
> Never mind the fact that his administration is packed full of wall street executives.




University of Wyoming?

I'm pretty sure horse cocks are a lot more popular

not that I would know anything about that...

It stopped being funny user,it stopped being funny.

Holy shit I actually laughed at a rage comic

I'm sorry you hate fun.

why does he always draw hillary loosing a shoe?


>Cap proceeds to describe his enhanced strength and reflexes
Holding a kid like that is a good way to mess up a kid's brachial plexus "super mom"

Got the irish one? Where he sends attack dogs at bullies.

My almonds they're... AHHH.... MY ALMONDS!!!!!

"Warning: Almonds exceeding operating parameters"

"Warning: Almonds exceeded maximum capacity. Automatic shutdown engaged."

"Please stand by"


Fucking hate this argument of 'Tax cuts are giving to the rich'. No. It's taking less from the rich, big difference. And the reason why the middle class and poor don't benefit from the tax cuts as much is because the rich are paying +90% of the taxes to begin with.

"Unable to reboot almonds"


No shit, if you have 90% of the wealth you should be paying 90% of the taxes.

They pay less as a proportion of taxes compared to the amount of wealth they control in this country though.

Guy on the right is pretty spot on. Also they are for the protection of all those people on the left when a robber or rapist attacks them.
I think NRA members have saved several lives and stopped many shooters while no members have been terrorists or mass shooters.

this is pure art.

Wealth concentrates upward in every society. Without the government redistributing it through taxes and social spending then you have a permanent aristocracy, and a collapse of the consumer middle class which our economy relies on to to function.

All the same, it isn't "Giving to the rich"

No, it's just making them pay less proportionally.

The same people who make that argument do the whole "tax is theft!" in any form anyway.

Lincoln was an infamous tyrant who jailed his political opponents, suspended civil rights and waged war on his own countrymen over a completely legal secession.
Not the best example, Horsey.

Why does nobody called this soyboy out on his "fat shaming"?

It is exactly that.

You can't tax the poor because they'll starve and die, so you either tax the upper or middle classes, and if you're not taxing the upper classes you're taxing the middle classes because we haven't actually had a budget reduction in over 20 years.

Letting people keep more of their money isn't "giving it to them", it's "not taking it from them."

>Oven with a sign for jews

It's the little things.

you cheeky fucker

God, Horsey is such a fucking faggot. I've never seen him ever be even remotely correct about anything.

wow something good in a sea of trash. thanks for the post

I would've gone with NBA team, but apples and oranges I guess.

i love this one

It is when you cut services more than you're letting them keep.

>Colored people
>People of color

>legal secession.
The South's secession was by definition illegal.