Tomo-chan wa Onna no Ko!

Title: Did something happen to you?
Panel 1:
Tomo: Hey, what's with your cheek? Did you hurt it?
Jun: Huh? Oh, heh...I tripped and fell.
Misuzu: *Snicker*
Panel 2:
Misuzu: You really are a klutz.
Panel 3:
Jun: Ahahaha, yep! I better be more careful!
Panel 4:
Misuzu: What's he laughing for...he really killed the mood...

Oh, I thought it was misuzu all along.
I was about to sell all my JunxTomo stock.

so he won?


He got beat up and probably had his DS stolen. He's lying about it and Tomo sees through it and is probably going to go murder those bullies for touching her bitch.

It is rather obvious that he lost and is lying to weasel his way out and probably fail

The scary thing is how easily tomo reads him. Jun stepped up his game.

Reminder that he paid her back by taking care of these guys.

All he's done is pay her back. There's a volume extra about it.


Please call me when Carol is removed from the manga so it can be decent again.

shes been gone for a while pal

she hasn't showed up in the past like 30 strips

you have shit taste though

But will she stay gone? This is the important part.

how about you stay gone, pal

sorry mate i think she'll probably shit up chapters in the future

Montage soon.

>We will get to see Jun fail horribly at karate.

>yfw Jun's hand lands on Tomo's chest while sparring, and he finally figures out Tomo's a girl.

They both read him immediately. What a nice friendship.

Misuzu didn't seem to have noticed.

Misuzu immediately understood something was off.

This. The only thing she reacted to was his awkward laughing which ruined the fun of her gloating thinking he's a klutz

The real question is, how the fuck can Tomo still read Misuzu, but not Jun?

This shit has been dragging for a while. Tournament arc was a mistake. This Flashback arc is a mistake. We've had zero progression for months now.

>Every tomo thread whiner is the same

KyoAni adaptation soon.

Misuzu is so cute

>This Flashback arc is a mistake
You are a mistake

I want to fuck this boy.


the nahaha's are off

Add some words anons.

Yeah like those guys stood any sort of chance.

Can someone add "Wow, you're such a fag."

Please? I'm on a shitty mobile.

>dat misuzu in panel 2
How does he keep doing it? How does he keep one-upping the cuteness of his smug loli misuzus?

Shut up mom.

>Your ass. Now.

Here you go user.

>not "user-kun"

I gave the nigga what he wanted, I was gonna put user-kun in there but I don't care enough to remake it.

>no nahahaha
Tomo is angry

Still looks good. Thanks, user.


That is fucking gay. Stop putting it on everything.

>not being gay

>not bueno


Thanks senpai


You mean pues. "Bueno" just means "good." Don't try and fuck with my spanish.

go make me a taco you fucking spic

Bueno can be used as "well" depending on the context. Well, closer to "ok" but the usage is similar.



He did though, Misuzu got BTFO.

Tomo didn't buy it however.

Why did she believe him the next time he said he fell?

Extremely good question.
My best guess is some kind of "so clost you can't see what's right in front of your face" thing. Even that doesn't really cover it. At this point, it seems like he's retconning months upon months of idiocy on Tomo's part.

>We've had zero progression for months now.
We've had zero progression since the beginning.

i guess this guy didn't change much

that blood-lust in tomo's eyes. she's going to make him quest for his stolen gear and kick ass.

Post last chapter

He's not even a spic, any spic knows that "bueno" has more than one meaning.

Of course beuno has more than one meaning, but pues is obviously correct here. We don't need to make this into a whole thing. "Pues" works as a stalling / thinking exclamation, "bueno" does not.

How are you gonna lose to a girl?

I hope you like it.

>Tomo gets Jun's DS back
>Bullies assemble a bigger group to get back at Tomo
>Tomo fights back but is hurt badly
>Jun goes full alpha mode and joins Tomo in taking on the bullies

Something like this.

I think she is so concerned with trying to fuck him now, she doesn't see some signals.

>Misuzu totally ain't the mastermind behind it

And this is when Tomo goes SSJ.

>"Pues" works as a stalling / thinking exclamation, "bueno" does not.
I have bad news for you my friend

>inb4 "bueno pues"

jun got stronger, tomo got more dumberer. likely due to dicklust and hanging around dumb people.

Seee, el español es demasiado flexible como para andar diciendo "esto es así y hay que escribirlo con estas palabras".



They hurt Jun pretty bad, and he's clearly stronger than Tomo when fighting without a ruleset.
Yeah Tomo had a good chance to get whomped.

That's what I thought as well. He didn't walk out unscathed even though he's supposed to be really strong in street fights.

Why is kid Tomo so cool? I think I am gay for her? Does it even make sense?

Allure of confidence. Works on both men and women.
Also you can't be gay for Tomo if you already know her sex, unless you're a girl (> )

Like user said
confidence is sexy
i hate myself

Eh, getting hit is expected. He came out of it in fairly good condition all things considered

So basically this flashback arc is being carried by smug loli Misuzu and the hot mom.

What series is this?


>They hurt Jun pretty bad

Not really

>shows the same amount of damage as his opponents
>they got rekt and terrified into submission
He's lucky he didn't get knocked the fuck out.

He fell after whooping ass

what kind of mother would tomo be

Holy shit Tomo's death stare is real.

This is what I don't get. If he's such a badass why did he take so many punches and hit to his face and head. They don't look more beat up than him. What a stupid guy.

So does even misuzu feel bad for him, or is she just shocked that he laughed?

It's not satisfying when the person you want to provoke doesn't get angry.

>6 vs 1
>probably have weapons
>still wins
user, jun is strong but he doesnt have ki.

Meant this for

>5 of them look just as bad as the 1 Jun

"And virgin. Pft."

She'd be a casual mom that encourages her children to break their legs

A good mom.
>Plot twist: she doesn't marry Jun in the end, but Senpai instead.

thats it
those are the last words you will ever utter

I hope you get a brain tumor


The four panels are the same size - I've been thinking about cropping the comic to each panel and dumping them all into a folder, then having a random generator spit you out four random panels to give you a page.

Could give you some good ones, could be a mess, probably both. Could empty the speech bubbles and tag the panels by what characters are in them to guarantee you a coherent page that you could like, decide the speech from the panels context.. but that's a lot of fuckin' work.


Flashback is one of the best arcs so far.

I hope Misuzu cuts her hair short again.

Me too

when was this?


>this is a fan art.

>Shota Jun enduring loli Misuzu's scathing insults for three months.

I wish I were him.

Why did I think of CWC?

I would consider naming them all 1 2 3 4 to get some semblance of pacing.
you could probably script it with imagemagick, too. pretty easily.


Anyone got the full pic?

I think it's high time someone makes a montage of all the smug in this manga

I meant collage

>I fell.
>same thing he said all those years ago
>Two of the bullies seem to be the same bullies that beat up Jun when he was a kid
How deep does Fumita's lore go?

>Misuzu is perfect
>Loli Misuzu is even perfecter

It's surprising that he used to write so much porn.

>used to


Tomo realises that Jun enjoys being beaten and is disgusted with his masochism.

>I just tripped and fell
Jun sounds like a beaten housewife.

Most domestic abuse is against men. He sounds like a battered husband.

It's actually about even between the sexes according to crime statistics.
Most domestic violence is two way.

a qt tomboy will never call you GameBoy! while pushing you to succeed and better yourself and eventually fall in love with you

>Most domestic violence is two way
Almost heartwarming, isn't it? Makes you think it's couples with a dynamic like what Jun and Tomo have.

You call that a "dick"?

There can never be any domestic abuse in their relationship because it's only training

Are you sure? She seems to hit him a lot and he hits her back too. Her dad and mom have a much better relationship.

>and he hits her back

Yeah, it's all cool, just training. Sometimes they get too eager and enthusiastic.

>Dad literally turns into a puddle of goo in front of his wife
>Better relationship.


A hint of what he will be like when married to Tomo?

>Better relationship
>Dad gets so embarrassed being around his wife that he literally spends all of his time in the dojo

If this wasn't a manga then Tomom would have left him ages ago. I'm not even sure how he managed to make Tomo. Tomom must have raped him.

If she teases him enough he can't control his horny level. It's canon

At least he married her and doesn't hit her. Jun also runs away from Tomo..
>refer to the wet shirt incident.
>refer to the skirt incident
>refer to the wet hair incident
>refer to the sports bra incident
>refer to the cross dressing incident


Jun DOES exhibit some symptoms of battered spouse syndrome.

How violent will the sex be?

High Impact Sexual Violence

>Runs away

No, he hits himself.

This most recent update reminded me of the groping incident

Why is Misuzu such a little goblin?

Yeah, it seems in the past Tomo and Jun had the opposite personalities. Remember the part when they were catching bugs? ch. 414??

>Tomo is smitten with Jun and acts weird around him.
>Young Jun is smitten with young Tomo and acts weird around her.

The only wrinkle is that young Jun never knew Tomo was a girl.

sadist bully wants to break a cheerful girl the manga. its a good mma manga