Cred Forums
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Anime #1473
Joukamachi no dandelion
Re:zero ending
Can we at least agree that this is the masterpiece of our time?
New Utada Hikaru video
Why are competent, non-fanservice female warriors so rare?
Danganronpa 3
Reminder that Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge is still AOTY
I will post this every day until Christmas!
Danganronpa 3
This is the superior Subaru
Post yourself as an anime character
How can anyone hate this child?
What am I supposed to do with a maid that refuses to work?
Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
Monster Musume thread
Tales of Zestiria za kurossu
I've read up to chapter 79 and can't find the rest. Hoe does it ends? He stays with Fujiwara, right?
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that ReZero is AOTS, if not AOTY?
Why are they so perfect together, Cred Forums
Kumo desu ga, nani ka?
So we can all agree that this is AOTY right?
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Shingeki no Kyojin
Bleach's Story
Sad Panda Thread
Let's be honest with ourselves here: Is he ever going to actually release the last Evangelion movie...
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums - Results
Dub thread
Why is this allowed?
"That's All This is Story is About"
Subaru is an angel!
Help me Cred Forums I'm in love with emilia
Danganronpa 3
Was this a metaphor?
Childhood is when you idolize One Piece, Adulthood is when you realize that Bleach makes more sense
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
The Pillar Men has invaded the last anime/manga you have watched/read
Fukigen na Mononokean
What a cute little girl
Uramikoi, Koi, Uramikoi
One Piece
Why wasn't this the next madoka? What went wrong?
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums - Results
Which ara ara would you ara?
Walk into your house
Dragon Ball Super
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Macross Delta
Girls und Panzer, GuP and /ak/
GAINAX Director Yamaga-san confirms a Top wo Nerae sequel is in the making
Mikoto thread
Will KyoAni ever recover from Koe no Flopachi?
ITT: Villains with stupid plans
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #5
The Promised Neverland
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Would you be interested in a manga that's about a group of kids (possibly some school club) who get together and watch...
I want to protect this smile together with Cred Forums
Active Raid
Kuromukuro thread
How did the summer season go for you, Cred Forums?
Danganronpa 3
Love Live! Sunshine!- Hajimetai N Story Edition
Is this series worth getting into? I enjoyed Yu Yu Hakusho
Why is k on so boring?
Touken Ranbu in 2017
Stalker Thread
This girl steals 100 yen from your wallet
Bating out secondaries:
Black Lagoon
Is today the day we save Kakeru?
Mob Psycho 100 : D-1 before Episode 11
Knight's & Magic Series to Have 'Important Announcement' Next Week
Which anime girl do you want to push you around and bully you?
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Make a sports show
What went wrong? Why did the two parts flop so hard and get tore down by critics?
Why don't I see Cred Forums talking about this? It's one of the best in the anime industry...
Captain Tsubasa Volume 10
Is this actually good or is it just a meme show?
When will the heart pupils meme end?
So are you guys ready for Top wo Nerae 3 by fucking JC Staf?
What did you think about this show Cred Forums?
Battle Shonen Manga
What's your opinion on Texhnolyze?
Danganronpa 3
Akame ga Kill
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums - the true one
Koe no Katachi manga deserved better adaptation
Date a Live 15
T f w no gf to watch anime and manga with
We're near the end of the season. I don't think Cred Forums has had a clear consensus on AOTS yet...
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums - Poll
How is your country portrayed in anime/manga?
Kantai Collection KanColle
Lostorage Incited WIXOSS
This is your gambling opponent for the day
Oversimplify the plot of your favourite anime
Feeding time
Why characters who commonly use handguns as their weapon are such edgelords?
Oda can't achieve anything as impactful as Ace and Whitebeard dying for years now
Why didn't they just transform into SSJ Blue?
Show me at least five examples of uncensored human female genitals depicted in a non-pornographic anime...
Was this the peak moment of anime history? Will anime ever be able to reach anywhere near to this?
Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
How overrated is CC?
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums
Do you have any OTP's that most people don't know about or even remember?
Yugioh Arc-V
Remind me again, why do we think Mob is AOTS?
It's Initial that we discuss the "D"
I never thought I would want the guy friend to win mc so bad
Dragon Ball
I really dont like him
I haven't watched anime since 2012
Grand blue chapter 16
Cred Forums, show me some of your favorite manga cover(s)!
What are some other times the worst girl won?
Howl's Moving Castle
Megumin Thread
Magi 321
What was the point of the tan?
Best psychological manga or just pretentious shit?
Webm thread
Did you cry to toradora?
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For /a
Name a better harem series
What is this outfit for?
New Game
Danganronpa 3
What was this supposed to prove?
OP features literally NO animation
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Macross Delta
How does this make you feel?
According to Watashiya, Kodomo no Jikan is not meant to incite arousal for the reader
Was a kid the last time I watched eva like 15 years go. Misato was the hot care taker back then but now...
So she's a retard?
How does this shit not have an official list of all the monsters?
What was your first anime crush?
The original Sento
Yoko is the sexy animu character by which all
Oh shit, why was i kidnapped from my own world
Christmas Cakes are for
JoJo Thread
A bit from the pokemon novel based on the original anime series
Your favorite catch phrase?
Why the light novel re zero is better than the anime?
Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums
Love Live! Sunshine!
Tales of Zestiria the X
Just watched the entire series and it was surprisingly excellent. Why don't you guys ever talk about this?
Danganronpa 3
Why are girls with low intelligent the best?
One Punch Man
ITT: The strongest character of their respective series
Ange Vierge
I love you, user
It's a Polnareff episode
What are some other times the best girl won?
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #4
Shill it on Cred Forums
Since Cell had Vegeta and Goku's DNA does that mean he could've become a super saiyan if he had lived...
Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
What would you do if you met a genderbent version of yourself?
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
How can a season 2 for FLCL even work?
Has everyone else given up on the Amagami Challenge by now?
Would you get behind Rem and Emilia fusing to become perfection?
Gomu gomu no
Is there anything more broken than the ability copy someone else's ability?
Girls with guns
The announcement should be around now probably. Please be s2
People waited for Kizumonogatari for years
JoJo Thread
Monster Musume thread
Danganronpa 3
Why is the forbidden love between an imouto and her onii-chan so beautiful
You can only pick one
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Sakuranbo Syndrome
Anime reaction pic thread
This happened four years ago and anime still isn't over
Tamamo blown out
Ara ara~~~ user...
How would you rate it?
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Is he "our guy"? How would you fell if he'd praise Your Name?
Loli love reptile
The best comedy are the ones with moderate to low animation budget. Y/N?
Im like 15 episodes in at jojo and when will caesar start stopping the time?and where are the ghost wrestler dudes?
She walks in beauty, like the night
ITT: overrated shit
Someone explain
Is this the greatest surprise plot twist in all of anime?
So now that we're getting legit insights now
You wouldn't fuck your senpai in the ass
Okusama ga saitokaichou
Watamote Thread
Dragon Ball Super
91 Days
Buyfag Thread
Who is the best storyteller
Why wont Kiyoshi realize that Hanna is the one for him?
Danganronpa 3
Was this the greatest death scene in anime?
Shingeki no Kyojin
This is one of the most universally acclaimed anime movies
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
My Hero Academia
How is it possible to be this cute?
There once was a man named gold Roger who was king of the Pirates. He had fame, power...
My Hero Academia
Storytime: Konjiki no Gash!! AKA Zatch Bell: Volume 13
Violet Evergarden
Look at THIS Nep
It's saturday, time for a Frenda thread
It's Saturday, time for fun threads
First episode of this airs at 6 anyone going to watch this?
Are there any characters with canonically large dicks?
14 years old
Weekend's here, let's party the night away! Post gif/webm of dancing animu grills
Love Live! Sunshine
JoJo Thread
I will post this every day until Christmas!
What was his initial plan?
If Panty Anarchy was your date then what would do?
How do you feel about Space Battleship Yamato 2199?
[HorribleSubs] DAYS - 12 [720p].mkv
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Tenchi thread
Danganronpa 3
So is there any real relationship to GitS or nah?
Short hair
Stupidly cute love shit
Illya thread
Does Cred Forums like bugs?
Kimi no Na wa
Hibike Thread
We were little girls 12 years ago
Story Time - Joshi Kouhei by Matsumoto Jiro
What do you guys think of Coptic-Japanese?
How much value do you put into visual direction?
Japanese salaryman reincarnated as a german loli general
Danganronpa 3
Villain allies with the MC later on
Would you your own sister (male)?
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #3
Based mc, is there anyone more alpha than him?
One Piece
Aku no Hana Thread /anh/
One of the most selled books are isekai and highschool
Captain Tsubasa Volume 9
Meta Thread
I think we all can agree glasses are the ugliest accessory a character can have
Keions are for ______
What is Cred Forums opnion on Ginga Tetsudou 999?
Love Live! Sunshine!!
"Itadakimasu", Imouto says as she starts licking your ear
New Golden Kamuy chapters are out
Is there any scientific explanation why shinka is so sexual...
Kuroko no Basket
Anime has ruined me
Danganronpa 3
20 smartest anime and manga characters
Mob Psycho 100
Hitori no Shita - The Outcast
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Shokugeki no Souma
Qualidea Code
So, it looks like the next Pokemon anime will be a harem
How is your country portrayed in anime?
Meta General
Kyoukai No Rinne
Celeste Andrews
Kantai Collection KanColle
One Punch Man
Is this a good body type?
Cred Forums moments that most people have forgotten
There are people who actually believe Aqua isn't Kazuma's endgame
How do you guys decide which anime are you gonna watch next...
No 3X3 thread
I let the other thread die, I apologize. Gonna dump the rest of these Bocchi chaps instead of waiting
Girls und Panzer und /ak/
Is touken ranbu Cred Forums now? is it all over?
Yotsuba Thread
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
I want to breed with Madoka while grabbing on her hips!
I command you to post your waifu
Anime character has birthday and blood type
Are you one of these people, Cred Forums?
Why do people think Casca is black?
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
Ange Vierge
Can we please end the shitty heart-pupil fad already...
Exactly ten years ago, today, Welcome to N.H.K. aired its last episode
Why doesn't anime have more main THICC girls? It's criminal
91 Days
Who is the Moot of anime?
Yotsuba edit thread?
Fairy tail 502
I've been watching this Cred Forums anime... What went wrong???
Nanatsu no Taizai 192
How does this fat fuck have a top tier wife?
She's homeless, Cred Forums
Didn't know shitgatsu author wrote a football manga 7years ago and got a sequel out
Yotsuba is not impressed
Desperate Housewaifus
10/10 Anime Sacrifices
You will never be confessed by a gyaru
Is Koe no Katachi failed? What's the review?
Why is this combo so perfect?
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Monster Musume
Someone seems to have brought you a present today, aren't you just so happy?!
Who's the bestgirl of Miyazaki's movies?
Hestia is Bestia
Arachnid 64 scanlation dump
I really do miss the look of cel
Episode 3 is out ; Better animations
What's wrong user? Can't even win against a girl?
ITT: Moments where you dropped an anime
Anyone else been following BanG-Dream? Apparently more info was released today at TGS. Made by Bushiroad...
Why are they wasting someone screen time on these bitches? I could care less
What went so wrong?
Ore no Himekutsu o Haite Kure
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Has there been a more D'awwww worthy moment in Cred Forums history?
Defend this
Why as Shisui such a Marty Stew?
This is your date for the night
What anime has the best Fight Animation?
Secret S/a/nta - The time is now
Why has Cred Forums declined in popularity over the past few years...
Eden Radio
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1675
Emilia is best girl you have no reason to hate her
ITT: post the best girl from the year you were born
This is a japanese sword (male)
Reverse traps are the cutest
Pokemon Generations
Tomo-chan wa Onna no Ko!
Who is the best anime kitty?
We have to figure this out. Is Guild Girl becoming the Dark Lord. And If so how will this play out with Goblin Slayer...
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru
Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel
Date A Live
Since 404 girl died can we get thread in her memory?
Member Rem?
ITT we summon the newhim
Hey look it's UMARU
Unusual anime opinions
I don't really understand the point of this character...
What do you guys think of loli senseis?
Considering what we know about Ako, how attractive would she be in real life?
Post pictures of Cred Forums
Is Gochiusa what you call a good anime?
Ookami Shounen
What the FUCK was her problem?
Waifu Material
Danganronpa 3
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Show me your moves Cred Forums
Objectively one of the best Naruto characters of all time
I miss Flying Witch so much
Please describe this child
Am I a weeaboo?
Biggest asspulls in anime/manga?
Which KyoAni eyes do you like the most?
New Game
Why are there so many girls being sexualized in anime nowadays?
Do you fap to your waifu?
Time Travel Shoujo
Danganronpa 3
Grand blue chapter 10 #2
Do your thing, Cred Forums
I will post this every day until Christmas!
/jojo/ - dumb asshole edition
Shokugeki no soma thread
Sad Panda
I set one monster face down in defense mode, and end my turn
Panty or Stocking?
Which anime is a deconstruction of its genre?
Friday is here, let us party the night away! Post gif/webm of dancing anime cuties!
Japan's thoughts on TTGL
Is there a such thing as Too BIG?
Overlord general
When was the last time an anime made you Cry?
Girls und Panzer, GuP and /ak/ stuff
I need to go out for a bit. You can take care of my onee-san, right?
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue