Finally got around to watching it after all these years.

What the fuck? This was better than anything i've seen up until this point. What happened?

That's because you've watched less than 50 anime you fucking newfag

Your standards are hilariously low, that's happened.

It is up there in the best anime in episodic format to ever have been made, certainly in terms of the quality of production if nothing else, even comparing only among other OVAs the animation is second to none with a diversity of styles and huge amount of talent. The only argument I really ever see against this show is "lol so randumb xD".

These are also not arguments what you vomited here.

Good point.

It's the best anime of all time. First you watch FLCL thinking it's the best thing ever. Then you get into a bunch of other anime, including all the most obscure shit. When you come back to it, you realize it's legitimately the GOAT.

My favourite anime progression as proof:
FLCL -> Eva -> Trust and Betrayal -> LOGH -> Mushishi -> Tatami Galaxy -> Only Yesterday -> Utena -> Eva -> FLCL

It's condensed gainax in a shot glass for quick consumption. Hipster weebs hate it for not being as sophisticated and obscure as their favorites like monogatari or prisma illya.

read the manga its mad

I watched FLCL when I was a kid (14/15, dunno) and it was awesome. Then I watched again as an adult and realized the anime was about puberty and not "lolsorandumbxDD".

The original synch-point dvds are some of the best looking dvds out there.

I probably would have hated it as a teenager but watching it for the first time at 24, I have to say it probably is my favorite anime (not based on a manga)...but I like things that make me nostalgic for the past I never had.

Mamimi > Haruko

Monogatari and fate are both way more popular than flcl

My opinion of FLCL is never lower than immediately after a rewatch. The more time that passes since I last watched it, the higher it rises in my estimations. Its heart and charm lingers far longer than the meories of the many jokes that don't land.

>Mamimi > Haruko

Whats the best rip to download?

Best anime.

Definitely worried about the upcoming sequel, though. Can't think of any reason for this to have a sequel.

Yeah, animation-wise, anime hasn't gotten better than FLCL.


Why does my download look like it's blurred in Photoshop?
