Live tling chapter 21 of grand blue from Korean scans rather badly
This will be last chapter I translate until at least new chapter (10/8 or so) as another user wanted to do volume 6-current chapter on friday to saturday.
Then you guys can join us on suffering boat waiting for new monthly chapter
Text: Last chapter summary Text: The lord said to the famous intellects Kouhei and Iori Shinji: Fill this pot up with water without using your hands Text: How will these two Text: answer the lord’s question? Iori: Then my lord… Kouhei: Bring out the tiger from this cover Shinji: hey you guys Ryuu: What are you guys saying all the sudden
Cooper Perry
Chapter 21: Otori
James Ross
Kouhei: Escaping from reality obviously! Iori: What do you mean PaB style Otori? Shinji: Don’t be so restless Ryuu: We will explain it now Shinji: This time, we will be drinking from this pot together Ryuu: Since we came to training camp Kouhei: Hmm, hmm Iori: We are all in it together, aren’t we Shinji: But theres a problem Ryuu: Its hard to find alcohol that could equally satisfy everyone’s taste Kouhei: ah Iori: You are right
Owen Martin
Text: Each individual’s alcoholic preference differs from one another Text: Type, Brand, whether if its carbonated or not, drinking style, ect Text: It really is hard to pick a booze that will satisfy everyone’s taste equally Shinji: Well, wouldn’t it be rather sad if everyone’s experience differs here? Iori: Maybe you are right Kouhei: Since its the booze that would represent our memories here at training camp Ryuu: So we thought Ryuu&Shinji: Lets go with booze that will get everyone equally wasted Iori&Kouhei: Isn’t that equality bit weird!?
Leo King
Shinji: So we are all going to pour alcohol down here in order Ryuu: Anything is fine so please start off a small speech Iori: start off? Hair: They say that you start off with a cheer before you drink in Otori Shinji: Stuff like “We dedicate this towards the beautiful island and the ocean” Iori: Really Shinji: First we would like Ryuu: Say something a bit serious Shinji: I am really thankful that we, who are all of different origins, Ryuiu: are all able to ride on the boat and drink from the same pot all together like this
Ian Adams
I've been waiting for this for the last 24 hours.
Isaac Torres
Shinji: All of us here are people who share the same interest, friends that is Ryuu: Even if we may split up walking our own path Ryuu: Our time together will never fade away Shinji: So for this to become everyone’s memories Ryuu: Please do not forget this day!
Adam Martin
Text: Spirytus (96%) Text: Spirytus (96%) Iori&Kouhei: Are you guys retarded-!! Kohei: How is this youthful memories! Iori: We won’t even have the past memories left over Text: Should I add one more bottle Text: This is great Glasses: I will never forget the time I spent with you guys!!! Text: Spirytus (96%) Iori: Then why are you pouring that in!? Kouhei: Do you really intend to remember this at all!? Glasses: Hey izuma Hair: oh
Carter Bailey
Xavier Mitchell
Glasses: What’s wrong Izuma? Hair: Well Hair: Its hard to say.. Hair: I love chemistry and Hair: I have only been studying chemistry until now Hair: So I can’t really say something nice here… Hair: Since I can’t… the best I can do is… Text: Ethyl Alcohol (disinfectant) Iori&Kouhei: Don’t put it in-!!!!!
Hudson Jenkins
Glasses: Hahaha, just kidding Hair: Stuff like this would only dilute the concentration Text: Alcohol content 80% Kouhei: Its even higher than disinfectant alcohol…!? Iori: This can’t be something you can drink…!! Iori: If we toast with this, we might really die…!! Kouhei: Then…!! Iori: Pretend to be calm and add some water… Kouhei: To bring the concentration back to safe level!!
Jose Lee
Glasses: Then you guys go ahead Kouhei: Yes~ Iori: Okie~ Text: Alcohol vapors Iori’s Eyes: Stab Iori: M-My e-eyes!? Shinji: Gyaaa!? Iori: You okay!? Glasses: Ahh….I am alright Hair: oioi, what are you doing
David Wright
Iori: Sorry…. Glasses: No, don’t mind it Kouhei: You aren’t mad? Hair: Theres noone who would get upset over stuff like this in PaB. Kouhei: Senpai… Iori: Then we will be adding as well Hair: Oi, Iori you bastard Glasses: What are you trying to pull? Iori: But you were okay with being hit!? Kouhei: You guys are getting upset over weird things!
Elijah Turner
Iori: T-then at least Kouhei: this will.. Text: Awamori (60%) Hair: Hmm Glasses: Well, its on the line, but approved Shinji: Hold up you guys Ryuu: Say something before you go Iori: Oh yea, thats right Iori: Why are you like that Kouhei Kouhei: I can’t think of anything to say… Iori: What. You are bad at something like this? Kouhei: What shall I do… Text: Save me Rarako-tan
Dylan Martin
Iori: How about you just introduce yourself Text: Since we are just freshmen Kouhei: Thats right! I can do something like that! Kouhei: So, should I say my NAME, HOBBY, and CATCHPHRASE? Iori: That should be enough Shinji: Then you freshmens Ryuu: Say something Iori: Yes Kouhei: Alright Iori: eh-...
Colton Ross
Iori: For me, thanks to this circle, the stuff I’ve been hating... Kouhei: IMAMURA KOUHEI Iori: ….I came to understand the appeal of it Iori: At first I was just dragged along… Kouhei: ANIME AND GAMING Iori: ...came to understand that it was a good thing Iori: From now, I will give more effort and… Kouhei: KOUHEI ONEE-SAN, PLEASE MARRY ME Iori: ….so I will give it my all
Alexander Peterson
Text: Stop fucking around, bastard!! Text: Gyaaaaaa!! Kouhei: The hell are you doing!! Iori: That’s what I should be saying! Shinji: That was a pretty good speech Ryuu: For them to demonstrate and show their growth of bond together… Text: Clap clap Text: Woa… Text: That’s right, that’s right
Adam Murphy
Shinji: Okay, everyone has their own alcohol right? Iori: To top us off this much Kouhei: Its at the limits of surface tension Kouhei: If we don’t decrease the amount even a bit Iori: Our lifespan may take a hit Kouhei: Now that its come to this, we have no choice Iori: Do you have something good Kouhei!? Kouhei: ah, its bit of a forced but.. Kouhei:pretend to be drunk and spill it!!
Josiah Miller
Iori: Good, lets go with that Kouhei: Don’t mess up Iori: Same goes to you Iori: Oops… Hair: Oi oi Kouhei: Eya~ I’m so wasted Glasses: Careful Kouhei: Not even a drop… Iori: was spilled…. Hair: You guys didn’t even drink yet Glasses: Could it be they got drunk off atmosphere? Iori: Shit! I was an idiot to listen to you!! Kouhei: Then do you have any better idea!! Iori: Of course!
Captcha fucking me over again
Kayden Cook
Text: First, prepare an extra cup Kouhei: oho, and then? Iori: Then put some water in Kouhei: hmm… Iori: And then spit out the drink in your mouth into the cup secretly Text: Put the drink in your mouth Text: Then spit it out while pretending to drink Kouhei: oho…!! Kouhei: Genius! You really are the Kanto’s best! Iori: Ufu, don’t praise me like that
Isaiah Taylor
Iori: I didn’t know…! Iori: It would turn out like this..!!
Daniel Brown
Shinji: Then let us drink Ryuu: Since its been shrinking Iori: What are those guys saying Kouhei: How much are we going to suffer taking that dow- Text: Its evaporating-!!? Iori: Drink two of this!? Kouhei: Gasp Kouhei: Kitihara, I found the real Otori method!! Iori: Really!!? Iori: Then if we show this… Kouhei: We are free from this place!! Iori: Please look at this senpai!!
Austin Sullivan
Text: Miyakojima’s Specialty! Otori! 1( The leader toasts then take a shot 2) Then members all take a shot 3) President then take a shot again 4) After leader enjoys it change roles 5) Repeat 1-4 \as much as there are participents Shinji: It’s like this huh Ryuu: Then… Ryuu: We should be toasting at least 12 times… Hair: We won’t have enough alcohol then Glasses: Should we put in everything we have around here Kouhei: It was out of my prediction…! Kouhei: For something to turn out like this..!!
Eli Moore
Iori: Whatever, we are already used to drinking strong booze!! Kouhei: Really Kouhei: Whats more important is Iori: The endurance to not get swept over even when we drink!! Kouhei&Iori: Eyay-! Guys: Go you guys! Guy: You really are our juniors!! Aina: The familiar sight suddenly… Nanaka: Everyone looks like they are having fun Aina: how calming
Matthew Hughes
Shinji: Huh? Ryuu: What is it? Shinji: We are out of booze Iori: Already!? Aina: Well if you drink like that… Shinji: Then I will be depending on you guys on groceries Aina: Sigh… Okay Ryuu: Sorry Text: Since everyone else is drunk Aina: Its gonna be difficult alone so help Iori: Huh? Ah, that’s right
Asher Moore
Iori: ...okay. Lets go Aina: Hold up Aina: What the hell are you thinking!? Text: Do you have any common sense Iori: Ah, sorry, I forgot
Adrian Flores
Iori: Are we not going? Aina: I wasn’t talking about seatbelt!!
Bentley Evans
Iori: Are we not going? Aina: I wasn’t talking about seatbelt!!
--- rip
Jaxson Torres
Text: Spending a night in southern island you visited for first time- Text: If you look around Text: There’s sky full of stars… Text: The high sky and open sea really does give huge sense of freedom… Text: Is it because of this that...
Dominic Lee
Can't wait for chapter 24(trap meido) and chapter 25(kouhei seiyuu sign).
Carson Torres
Text: No, I am not a pervert Text: This idiot came naked Aina: I really can’t believe it!! Iori: I just forgot Iori: Don’t be so mad about it Ryuu: huh? Shinji: What happened? Aina: This guy got out of the car wearing that! Iori: It was warm so...
Nathan Barnes
Kouhei: Well, can’t be helped Shinji: Could it be the sense of freedom only enjoyed at the resort Ryuu: its a common occurance. Aina: WHy is everyone on Iori’s side!? Iori: But cakey, think about it for sec Aina: What Iori: Southern islands Iori: Starry skies Iori: driving with a guy alone Iori: Isn’t this the very youthful memories you were talking about Aina: If the person wasn’t half nude pervert,yea Iori:Is that so, sorry Aina: Do you understand now? Iori: But even for me, going into the store fully naked is a bit… Aina: It didn’t mean to take off more clothes!
Ethan Allen
Aina: Also, you guys don’t even need to take off your clothes when you are drinking Aina: Don’t look at me with the expression of “Why are you saying stuff like that”! Azusa: Well, well, drink this and calm down Aina: Really… Azusa: Ah, thats my-
Luke Williams
Azusa: Oh! Aina: Was there something in there? Shinji: Its the leftover from Otori Azusa: Its watered down by half though Kouhei: But its over 30% even then though
Sebastian Smith
will mc make love to chisa
Owen Bennett
Aina: Hey, Iori Iori: What is it Aina: Iori is really Aina: ….dull you know Iori: What are you all the sudden Iori: How am I dull! Aina: You are! Aina: Because… Aina: You really don’t recognize my appeal you know Iori: ...huh?
Christopher Miller
Text: Why is that cakey saying lines from “good! Memorial Mamiko” Iori: What are you saying really Aina: You know, I Aina: gave it a thought Aina: Since Iori is so dull Aina: Nothing I say goes through Aina: So, it leaves me no choice but to take action Kouhei: Hey, cakey, are you maybe… Text: That’s path to TRUE END Aina: I can’t hold back any longer!! Aina: If it doesn’t go through no matter what I say then-
Jace Ramirez
Aina: Take it off now that I am looking at you
Carson Butler
Kouhei: So that’s what she was talkign about Text: Shes trying to say stop taking off clothes Iori: No… Iori: Something feels off when you say it like that… Aina: Oho, oho, so thats it Aina: Then I will Aina: Pull it off for you!!
Leo Green
Iori: wait! Calm down… Kouhei: Oh, stay strong, Kitihara Aina: You are next, Kouhei!! Kouhei: What!! Aina: That was dangerous… Kouhei: To change that much after one drink...
Aiden Davis
Kouhei: Its your fault for riding in that car naked!! Iori: Then why didn’t you go with her! Aina: Found you! Iori&Kouhei: Shit! Iori: Its a truce for now Kouhei: Tch, can’t be helped
Brayden Walker
Why does the moon look like an eyeball
William Rodriguez
I'm dying
Lincoln Adams
Iori: Sigh… Kouhei: Yare yare… Kouhei: Damn, there isn’t any TV signal here Text: The anime rebroadcast… Iori: But you recorded it already Kouhei: Bastar, don’t you know the importance of not missing it Iori: Nope Kouhei: But looking back, I thought Iori: huh? Kouhei: I didn’t know I would join a circle like this Text: I wouldn't even dream of it a year ago Iori: I do think it suits you perfectly though Kouhei: Are you trying to start up a fight, bastard
Mason Brown
Kouhei: I only joined this because I was tricked by you! Iori: hm….what do you mean tricked, other people are going to misunderstand Kouhei: Are you trying to say it wasn’t? Iori: Nope Kouhei: You have a loud mouth… Iori: But you achieved your dream though Kouhei: What!!? Iori: You said it when we first met Iori: That you thought dreamlike lifestyle would be waiting for you in college
Caleb Davis
Iori: Isn’t this kind of like a something out of a dream? Kouhei: ...yea Kouhei: It really is.
Jacob Hughes
Oh my
Wyatt Cox
Kouhei: Even though its rather a nightmare Iori: Right Aina: Eya! Just give up! Iori&Kouhei: Kyaaaa!
Cooper Sullivan
Text: After 3 days Text: departure flight Ausa: Huh? Chi-chan, what’s that? Chisa: I printed in out at the convenience store Nanaka: ehe~ You took nice pictures Chisa: The quality is good but...
Austin Bailey
Tyler Garcia
Azusa: ...there is a huge contrast Nanaka: I like both of them though Azusa: Well, these really capture our essence after all
END chapter 21 Well theres my final chapter for now.
You guys will be catching up to current chapter hopefully at friday, when the other user comes back from work to translate vol 6-chapter 27 in one go
Hope you guys enjoyed it
Asher Howard
Thanks user.
Mason Campbell
Thank you, my man.
Jaxson Smith
For future threads (friday) so the chapters can be tracked back
Chapter 10-15 Chapter 16-18 Chapter 19-20
Chapter 21
Adam Ross
Daniel Hill
looks like Cakey's making her move
Ryder Walker
damn, the little bitch is a lightweight
Easton Smith
>Aina: You really don’t recognize my appeal you know Come on Cakey, he turned down Azusa, what chance do you have?
Gabriel White
look at Azusa getting her hands on the goods
Dominic Howard
This series is so wonderful, it's going to break my heart when it gets an anime and the threads are ruined.
Jace Thompson
one good thing to come out of anime would be C H I S A images
Tsugumomo threads are already ruined by shitposters and anime isnt even out yet
Easton Hernandez
Oh hey, you forgot a couple panels.
Zachary Evans
FUCK I copied it off wrong and left this portion out Iori: But its okay like this Kouhei: Since its gonna be quiet now Iori: What the Kouhei: Are you already sober
Adrian Thompson
It's as if the entire country of Canada descended on the threads as soon as it was announced, I'm still mad about it.
Levi Bailey
Ayden Peterson
>People sometimes mention Baka Test in the threads. >Just now I found out it's by the same guy.
I'm an idiot.
Oliver Lee
Decided to make a transparent on my own, from volume 5.
Andrew Cruz
If you get rid of the bubble I think it can be used as image macro
Nathaniel Green
The bubble in its entirety or just the text?
Evan Ortiz
Entirely? So it just points
Thomas Brown
Entirely? Then like this?
Tyler Collins
Kayden Reyes
Aussie you mean?
Christian Hughes
Aussie shitposting is like performance art and it's occasionally a lot of fun, Japanese and Israeli shitposters are pretty good too, but Canadians are a tragic people, they ruin everything. I think it comes from the fact that their representative to the world is a weed smoking closeted daddy's boy. I know everybody hates Cred Forums but if you do go there it's shocking how often a stupid, irritating, joyless post has a Canadian flag on it.
Aiden Diaz
>going on Cred Forums
Lucas Price
This election cycle has been a lot of fun, and I cut my teeth on Cred Forums nine years ago so I don't even notice the shitposting half the time.
Henry Thomas
A bigger version of that pic already exists, done from the volume raws.
Easton Rogers
Damn thanks
Has there been one with flustered chisa
Ayden Cox
Yep, it's in this very thread. I did and posted both on the other thread.
Jackson Morgan
Oh the one posted is hq one, not Korean one?
Brayden Scott
Yep, sure is. The one in my folder has exactly the same weight and size, as you can see on pic related.
Landon Bennett
Ryder Ross
Oh yea. The whole hilary calling trump white supremist and Pepe becoming mainstream symbol right
Owen Reed
That's when we knew we'd arrived, but it was bonkers even before that. It's truly amazing to think that even though we feel like we're constantly besieged by normalfags and Cred Forums has fueled internet culture for the past decade, nobody knows how to deal with a bunch of idiots who find racism hilarious. The "serious" candidate for the most powerful office in the free world has commentary on the importance and danger of a badly drawn cartoon frog on her website.
Elijah Taylor
Entire election is a meme I can't believe the final candidates are those two even now to be honest. Media falling for pepe meme was really surreal to see as a person who was more familiar to meme. Maybe this is how noral professionals feel when they see their relevant field on dumbed down agenda fueled news I guess
What a load of shit presidency is going to be
Elijah Powell
It'll be good television, and I think the world needs to be terrified of America again.
Robert Ortiz
Blows my mind to think a fucking cartoon frog used to represent autists who want to kill themselves have now been used as tool for propaganda
We will be seeing pepe in textbooks aren't we.
Mason Parker
This thread is less about the manga than grand blue is about diving
Lincoln Ward
Oh my.
Brody Nguyen
This fucking guy
Logan Brown
>cakey will never rape you Why live?
Aaron Morales
Another transparent. Aina this time.
Joshua Ross
Thanks for the translation; god speed, user.
Blake Sanders
I wonder if this is how it felt for some of the WWII vets when they saw "Kilroy was here" in there grandchildren's textbook.
Colton Rogers
anime by SHAFT when?
Joshua Miller
So this is what it's like for a wizard to fight off the demon king.
Asher Harris
Lincoln Rivera
Joshua Parker
Chapter 10 is up, by the way.
Cameron Williams
absolute madman
Kayden Rogers
>famous intellects Kouhei and Iori One page in and I've already lost it.
Nathan Rivera
My man.
William Phillips
>punching each other in their sleep Unrivaled friendship
Why would he need to? Anyone here already knows about it.
James Edwards
I'm just here to read up on Jin's work, not shill. I'm pretty sure many already know about the release though. It's been uploaded to batoto as well.
Nathan Cooper
Hq scans and better translations/sfx trans
Parker Hall
Thanks for your work guys, all of you.
>mythical levels of drinking >brovalry >crossdressing >stupidity unbound Is this the first chinese cartoon where I can actually relate to the content?
is this the first
Elijah Young
Grand blue is Isekai fantasy
Landon Johnson
It's selling pretty well in Japan so SOON
Imagine all the Chisabutt
Eli Thompson
No shit user, the point is that everyone already knows what they're doing and where to find it.
Josiah Edwards
>omnipandering >crossdressing >idiots >two guys who constantly fight but are nevertheless great friends >all these backstabbing gags Don't know how you didn't pick up on it sooner.
David King
It's a common trope
Evan Nguyen
You say "it's" when I listed five different things that, taken together, are a big clear flag for Inoue's writing and comedic style. It's not as if I said something as generic as "they both feature a male MC and a tsundere love option."
Michael Scott
Hey that covers this Manga too, except chisa really isn't a love option, those two ARE fighting over something, and chisas dere only comes out during diving
Mason Edwards
>chisa don't exist in this world
Why even live
Liam Green
Go to your nearest diving store and maybe you'll find her.
Blake Allen
The portal to her world is approx 300 m underwater, go see if you can find it.
Dominic Thompson
You too
Caleb White
3 more days
Josiah Anderson
How long untill they fug?
Jacob Carter
His complete 180 here was one of the best moments in the series for me.
Parker Gomez
>implying autists like us wouldn't do a 180 after you see someone share same interest
We would be stuttering though as opposed to kouhei who goes for the throat
Noah Jenkins
Is there bigger version of this
Colton Perry
>no worst girls >Chisa still best girl
Why is this manga so based?
Michael Perry
Was he considering her as a potential route or did he really just want to talk about anime
Austin Wood
Why is Cakey so cute? I was really rooting for Chisa before, but now I'm not so sure.
Mason Ramirez
I think he just wants to show off his collection. He's been very faithful to 2d throughout the series.
Jaxon Wilson
Chapter 20 nigga
Anyone but chisa (abc) is a sin after that
Austin Phillips
Will Aina's friends appear again after chapter 10?
Oliver Barnes
I want to know more about Cakey's friends like why she even has any
Jacob Richardson
You will see them again on Friday Chisa cake face too
Wyatt Bailey
No bully
Bentley Cooper
Volume 6. We also get to see Kouhei's seiyuufu.
Brayden Sullivan
>It's thursday >That one translator user said he'd do the rest tomorrow or saturday
Angel Gonzalez
I'll probably get started at 8PM PST tomorrow night at the latest.
Jack Bailey
it's going to take a long time to go through and translate it, may as well wait till saturday to view the thread anyway.
Jaxson Stewart
would I be right in thinking that one of Aina's friends gets a drink dunked on her head in one of the later chapters, or was that someone else?
Asher Anderson
well time to drink until then
Isaac Kelly
We were on track to 1 chapter/week before this
Now you guys are getting all chapter under a week
Jonathan Nelson
Started this earlier today after seeing this thread and holy fuck, this manga is amazing. Thanks for the translations.
Noah Turner
Different girl from oumi they meet during festival
Dominic Cox
Bitches and whores, you'll see.
Bentley Reyes
Tomorrow's the catchup day, 5 chapters with each of them being roughly 40-50 page each, so we would need 2 threads. Don't miss it m8
Daniel Morgan
Part of the excitement is being part of the thread though. Like when hox was dumping punpun and when monthly biscuit hammer threads were popping up starting from the ice girl revenge part
Ryan Anderson
I'll keep an eye out, thanks for the heads up.
Liam Nguyen
Its the power of autism my friend
Ryan Thomas
are you going to be using subject titles?
Landon Cooper
It goes beyond just shared interest its implied that she actually did the VA work for Kouhei's favorite character under a pseudonym
David Myers
did it really? where?
Nathan Campbell
I think you're getting her mistaken for her older sister.
Dominic Garcia
>all these fake spoilers
all be dispelled tomorrow anyways
Justin Parker
Das krazy mane I will prepare my body
Dominic Jackson
Sure, guess I'll just do the generic Grand Blue or something.
Alexander Anderson
With bitches like these, no wonder no japan kid wants to ger near a woman.
Kanaka is really cute thought.
Chase Thompson
He has learned from his past mistake, Himeji.
Dylan Garcia
I wonder if this was the first time cakey saw a penis.
She does not look surprised.
Ryder Reed
you will see why they were bitches in ch 22 or so
Daniel Walker
I imagine she already saw it fucktons of times since chapter 10
Andrew Diaz
I'm fucking excited to see the last thread tomorrow. I've only looked at the raws, but jesus christ it's going to be amazing.
Dominic Moore
Those threads have all been great, and I'm happy you guys didn't get all bent out of shape about it.
Luke Butler
There's really nothing to get bent over about. Any group that thinks that they rule the world is retarded. Groups that purposely step on another's toes though are just as worse.
Jace Diaz
All true, but that never stopped anybody.
Nathan Long
Liam Morales
Yeah, you're right. I'm just glad people are loving this series though. It's a lot of work to push 50 pages weekly, but goddamn it's good.
Henry Lopez
Michael Rogers
I legitimately still don't understand what the punchline was when this happened
Christian Roberts
Iori couldn't chug Sho Chu.
Andrew Taylor
Whoops, wrong manga.
Mason Bennett
wrong image
Daniel Garcia
They're a bit like a zoo, and that's why I love the series.
Carson Morgan
I fucking hate monster titties
Matthew Lewis
That's quite the mistake.
Blake Nguyen
>Weavel My favourite.
Christian Nelson
is that samus?
Liam Gutierrez
maybe the tennis club guys used her as their personal cum dumpster? She does have low self-esteem after all.
Actually, isn't this after the bit where she cried that her mental album was full of censors after running with them at the beach?
Logan Garcia
Yeah. Between chapters I sometimes do doujin requests if I have enough time. They're pretty easy compared to an actual manga so I can push one out pretty fast.