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heretic thou shall not lewd madoka

I want to protect Madoka


Muh doka

delete this

>he doesn't have homu headphone

Too bad Denon headphones are shit.

>inject nose in madocunny
>inhale with all my might
>it smells like strawberries, baby powder, and homu

Why she sits like this?

Nice to see that she got a high end specialised headphones for her, because most of the time they'll just find a generic cheap chink stuff, slap brand markings on and call it a day

>37,000 fucking moondollars
>paying 368 dollars for a pair of shitty headphones
I'd still do it for homu

I'm coming, Madoka!

Tripfags in 3, 2, 1

Do you think Madoka would be happy to see you posting pictures like this for everyone to see? You should keep those things private, no?

Very cute. I don't listen to music much on the go but those would be cute to have. The price is a bit much though.

Very odd. I started to type this out before you said that though.


>take a pair of run of the mill headphones
>put anime on the box
>call them anime headphones
>charge 370 moonbucks
The worst part about it is that they probably actually sell too.

About 4 minutes. Step it up fampai.

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How long did that take the first time?

Those uderwear they had made looks kinda comfy.

i don't see mami anywhere


>still replying in Madoka threads with lewd OP

Do those not look comfortable?

Somebody go to Madogatari, buy BD with concept movie and rip it.

one tripfag already been there and bought it iirc

They will sell.

I want to destroy those who sexualize the megucas.

but I know you have a lot of lewd kyoko pics in your storage

Is there a higher quality of those little transparencies somewhere?


Being homufag is suffering.

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            // 〃yr=ミ:、        !/行ミt     ', ヘ    <  FUCK OFF! >
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What makes you think that?

Incubators must die.

So I was looking in the archives because I know you admitted you have lewd images of Kyouko and I was going to tease you a bit, and I saw this old post of yours. I had forgotten it, which is a shame because it really is beautiful. Remember when we would talk about our meguca-based dreams? We should start doing that again. It is fun.

Should I say one I had with Kyouko and Nagisa back in May?

Well, it is really a discussion of our experiences with the characters. That isn't too off-topic, is it?

I'll take the Kyouko instead, thank you.

Already mine.


I don't care which one of you marries Kyouko as long as you are fine with me hugging her and giving her belly rubs sometimes.

