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Anime #1476
Is there any news about the King of Fighters anime?
Dragon Ball Super: Anime and Manga discussion thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Has an anime ever made you legitimately laugh out loud?
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #5
Princess Mononoke
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1684
4861# TJD daerhT esenapaJ yliaD
Name ONE thing 4Kids did that was actually an improvement over the Japanese version of YuGiOh!
Why is this allowed in a japanese magazine for children?
"XXX is the next Miyazaki!"
Will Nihei ever make anything good again?
Shingeki No Kyojin
I heard a little girl
Worst fucking ending ever was not worth all those episodes
Stop calling me waifubait!
Yuri on Ice Pre-air Screening
What is Ryuko good for?
Fate/Stay Night
The doll is the best girl
Manga Thread
Danganronpa 3
Oh, hey user, have you filled out that club registration form yet?
How would you get out of this situation?
Why don't they just ask Jojo to use his camera powers to see what Kira looks like now?
Kantai Collection/KanColle
Who would win in a fight?
Villains that were the heroes all along
Girls und panzer und /ak/ Thread
Windows has detected a virus in Patamon.exe will you delete the file? Y/N
Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
3x3 Thread
Favorite underrated series?
What is Cred Forums's opinion on Mumen Rider?
"ufufufufufu, wow user, really? You were serious? No way I'm going out with loser like you!"
Why does everyone obsess over imoutos?
Claim your Waifu
Monster Musume thread
How to make Isekai good
Did they fuck yet?
Don't mind me...
Sunoharasou no Kanrinin-san chapters 1 and 2
Dance with me Cred Forums!
Dragon ball super
Well, I love you, user!
What the fuck was his problem?
Coach i'm dying
You are given a time-machine and a one-time-use device to brainwash Kishimoto
Re Zero
To Love-Ru
Your Name
Your Lie In April
Dragonball Super
Should oppai be allowed on small girls?
Weekend's here, let's party the night away! Post gif/webm of dancing animu grills
Why is she so perfect, Cred Forums?
ITT: Doggos from Animu/Mango
Trying to start subbing as a hobby
I want this to end like School Day's
ITT: Villains that would've made better good guys
Danganronpa 3
Rewrite of the Life
Am I gay for thinking that Mizuki is cute?
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Hey there fellas
Why is she such a mattress actress?
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #4
Digimon Thread
Now that the dust has settled what is the final verdict for this anime
Yamada is literally saving Kyoani. Everything good made in the last 4 years featured her as the main director...
I do believe quite a few were overjoyed about the second season annoucement
Cropped Hentai
Is working in real life as fun as it is in anime?
Strike the Blood II
Storytime: Konjiki no Gash!! AKA Zatch Bell: Volume 20
The UC Strikes Back
Worst OPs & EDs
ITT: Your favourite Gurren Lagann references in other anime
Dragon Ball thread
Gay horse gay horse
Love Live! Sunshine!!
New game
JOJO thread
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
I will post this every day until Christmas!
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Nichijou would've succeeded if there was more yuri bait with these two
Who was the waifu of this season Cred Forums?
Danganronpa 3
Buyfag Thread
Danganronpa 3
ITT: characters that ruined a good show
What the fuck is her problem?
Nenecchi has had enough. She's debating on Sandy Hooking Eagle Jump. Should she do it?
Why aren't you giving your waifu the home she deserves Cred Forums?
What's arguably the best Kyoto Animation Anime?
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Summer 2016 AOTS
What did he mean by this?
I've put off watching this entire thing for years because I assumed it was just generic garbage. And sure...
I want to fuck her to death
Girls und panzer and /ak/ thread
Why don't they just ask Jojo to use his camera powers to see what Kira looks like now?
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Mob psycho 100
Yuki Yuna/Nogi Wakaba/YuYuYu/NoWaYu Thread
Precure Thread
[HorribleSubs] Kyoukai no Rinne - 50.mkv
Hajime Ichinose
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Ne ne junon boy, it's Saturday!
The promised neverland
Danganronpa 3
Who is your studiofu Cred Forums?
What's the best part of Sayaka?
Is he a virgin?
Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Love Live! Sunshine
Scanlation Thread
Fight scenes
Things that have been lost to time
ITT 10/10 EDs
Post em
Military pilot suit
Is there such a thing as 'too flat'?
Say something nice about her
Blue or Red?
Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
Help Cred Forums I'm torned between these two
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Love Live Sunshine THE END Memorial thread
Fantasy on the rise
Dragon Ball Super
Characters who did nothing wrong
What do you feel when you see this nugget?
What does Cred Forums think about junketsu no maria?
Why haven't you reincarnated as a low-level dungeon monster yet, Cred Forums?
What's the least known manga you are reading Cred Forums?
/spg/ Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
Now that the dust has settled, what is the consensus on Bleach?
Danganronpa 3
Qualidea Code
I Am A Hero
I want to sexually FUCK Kobeni
Why is there no anime about the Bible yet?
Captain Tsubasa Volume 14
Love Live Sunshine
Kantai Collection/KanColle
Where were you when Shinkai saved anime?
Shokugeki no Souma
What the fuck did I just watch
Fall 2016
My wife Koito is so cute
Ace Attorney
Overlord thread
Prison School 229
One Piece
Left or Right, Cred Forums?
Berserk 2016
Goblin slayer ch.5
Favourite Studio Ghibli Movie?
ITT: MCs better as a girl
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1683
Post only anime that gave you one or more of the following symptoms:
Violet Evergarden
Tokyo Ghoul 94
You're allowed to pick one
What would sex with Haruhi Suzumiya be like?
Unusual manga/anime stylization/design that you like
2 cups, 1 girl
Danganronpa 3
[Hitoku] Kuromukuro - 25 [720p]
Ange Vierge
Digimon Thread
OVA IN 2017
Can you resist a big, soft pair, user?
91 days
Magi 322
Why do so many people like this stupid cunt
In this thread we have conversations through pictures
Why isn't there any good, new anime?
ITT: No fun allowed
Tsukihime remake
Why isn't Iori the most popular idol?
What was the point of this character?
Will we ever get an adaption?
Itt old Cred Forums gems
This is the ideal female form
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #3
Can we get a Cardcaptor Sakura thread?
How good is the Umineko anime Cred Forums?
What country has the best taste in anime and manga? Definitely not Japan
Danganronpa 3
Not sure if anyone remembers the manga Otaku no Musume-san...
Who was your first ever anime crush, Cred Forums?
Monster Musume
Who was the target audience for this show
How did you guys stop fapping to loli...
Macross Delta
Will you watch it?
Whats your opinion about this show ?
ITT: characters that did nothing wrong
It's time
I can't wait for 2017
Berserk has really gone down hill. This is worse than dragon ball super art
Dead Cred Forums memes
Name a better OVA than this
What girl has the stinkiest feet Cred Forums?
Should KyoAni stop making anime movie now that Koe no Katachi bombed?
Strike the Blood
Why is Cyan so perfect?
Danganronpa 3
It's coming back
Miyu > Kuro > Illya
Is there a more comfy anime than this?
Grand Blue
Was Re: Zero a masterpiece? How original it was? Will Japan ever top it?
Daily reminder that Japan has the shittiest taste in the whole world
Dragon Ball Super
There are 0 (zero) threads about the main (true) heroine. You made Emilia mad by not wishing her a Happy Birthday...
So did the anime skip around a lot and leave out a lot of stuff from the LN or have I not watched all the episodes...
Chocolate or vanilla?
Non Non Biyori Repeat Ep 13 (OVA)
Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
Shingeki no Kyojin
If you have an autistic daughter like tomoko, what do you do?
[HorribleSubs] Handa-kun - 12 [720p].mkv
Was Cell the best DBZ villain
Bully Thread
This is your date for the night
JoJo thread
Harem thread
Yo im gonna kill myself in 3 days or so. what should i watch with these last hours i have left...
Who are the cutest, dumbest girls you know?
So by now you guys have probably seen the GITS teasers from paramount pictures. They look alright...
Danganronpa 3
Forced animation
Digimon Adventure Tri: Confession
Is Mashiro-tan the cutest loli?
That was unexpectedly good and the ending made me a bit sad
Time Travel Shoujo
Be original
I will post this every day until Christmas!
Oyasumi Punpun/ Seinen Manga by Inio Asano
Girls with nice hats
Kyochuu Rettou Chapter 15
You now remember lucky star
Hear all the praise this show gets
Love Live! Sunshine
Today officially marks the sixth year since Heroman has ended
Gup - /ak/
Oh never talk again to me
Girls und panzer and /ak/ thread
Girl of the season
Weekend's here, let's party the night away! Post gif/webm of dancing animu grills
Danganronpa 3
Say something lewd about Hanako
Top 20 Mecha Pilots
Do all 11 year olds in japan have child bearing hips?
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Sad Panda
K-On!! is a better slice of life than Aria
When are you too old to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Frid/a/y night osu
JoJo Thread
No one knows what it's like
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #2
[HorribleSubs] Momokuri - 25+26 [1080p]
Am I cute user-kun~~?
Buyfag Thread
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara
Is this accurate?
Characters Cred Forums loves but are too shy to admit
Choose one
ITT: Couples that didn't wait until marriage
4 episodes in--what's the appeal? Everyone seems like a massive cunt other than the spiral otaku girl...
What would it take to for cartoons to resemble this again?
Just finished the first episode and what are your thoughts on this?
Post your favourite character who is 155cm or below
Why can't more girls be soft like Nikuko?
Will KyoAni ever recover?
Can we all just take a moment and appreciate the brilliance of Akira Hiramoto's art in Prison School...
ITT: it's 1996
Name one anime, LITERALLY JUST ONE, that is better than the masterpiece that is Girls und Panzer
Retro Cred Forumsnime Thread
Dragon Ball Thread
Well, do we?
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love! Love!
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
You will never beat up and rape Louise
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Girls that would like it in the pooper
Truth time:
JoJo Thread
Danganronpa 3
Fill in the bubbles with text
OTP thread
Which turd is the cutest Cred Forums
How did we go from this
Will your idea become the new pasta?
Why are mecha musume series more successful than traditional mecha?
91 Days
Do you rewatch anime?
Spoilers should be out in 12 hours or so. Cochlea this time?
What's wrong with this girl?
Hyouge Mono is a better SoL than K-On!
Danganronpa 3
Who would survive this battle ?
If the Highschool of the Dead manga was to continue, what would you like to see?
Dungeon Meshi – Kitchen Battle #2
Its 9/23. Emilia-tans BIRTHDAY !
Pokemon Generations Episode 3
Thunderbolt Fantasy ep. 12
Storytime: Konjiki no Gash!! AKA Zatch Bell: Volume 19
Is this character a culmination of everything wrong with current Evangelion?
I recently fapped a lot to pic related. Is her show worth watching or nah?
Dream Festival
Why is KyoAni so good at creating plot?
Was it fujobait?
Yfw Cred Forums is getting shut down
Ange Vierge
Megumi / Saekano thread
Is crunchyroll a good way to support the anime industry?
Harem Endings
Ghost In The Shell (2017) Movie thread
How is Space Patrol Luluco such a comfy show to watch?
Danganronpa 3
Danganronpa 3
Find a flaw
Captain Tsubasa Volume 13
Fall 2016
Open door
“Dragon Ball Z represents the journey of the black man in America.” - RZA
How would you describe this child?
Monster Musume thread
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1682
Are we doing it right?
Kumamiko: *1,809
Gakkou Gurashi 50
Maji de Friday
/spg/ Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
ITT: awful shows Cred Forums tricked you into watching
Which series is better?
Quality Code
Do you guys like cunning and manipulating princesses or kind and gentle ones more?
Find a flaw
I stolez Megumin's panties!
Danganronpa 3
Makoto Shinkai's 'your name.' Anime Film Earns 10 Billion Yen in 28 Days
Would you eat a cake if a cute boy dressed as a maid filled it with his hot, sticky cum?
Natsume S5 PV
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread
Does Symphogear getting two new seasons mean that it will be split cours?
Hatsukoi Zombie
Battery - 11 [720p]
Saki: Tanoshii
Just finished "the best anime movie ever". I've watched the rebuilds before the series and EoE, found 2.0 awesome and 3...
KanColle/Kantai Collection
ITT anime that will NEVER EVER be subbed
ITT: Shows that need a second season and will never get it
Papa! sing me a song
It's 2016 and the anime industry still has yet to produce a work superior to Neon Genesis Evangelion
Still cant believe this is not Hentai
Sex scenes
You are a cute girl and in this situation
Who is best mahou shoujo and why is it Ayumu? Season 3 never
Danganronpa 3
Why do women come up with such stupid shit?
Waifu appreciation thread
ITT: Post husbandobait
I bet not a single one of you faggots can defeat her in battle
What does wearing anime spats feel like?
Pick your apprentice
Danganronpa 3
Digimon Tri Universe: Applimonster Kokuhaku Thread
Dragon Ball Thread
Someone explain the plot of this show in words even a retard like me would understand
New three leaf bd is out. anyone subbing the short OAVs (there's 3 6 minute ones out now)?
A fat faceless man is molesting your waifu
I want to physically fuck this vampire
Berserk 347
Seiji-kun's Revenge gets an anime adaptation by Silver Link airing Winter 2017
Yep. Fucking called it
You used to like Punpun, Cred Forums. What happened?
What's your favorite Naruto doujin?
What do you call this kind of character?
What are these brats talking about?
Drawfag Thread 1866
Kyoukai no Rinne getting third season
What is up with Japanese and German words? Why do they like inserting german words in anime so much? To sound fancy?
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Have you lost your way, Cred Forums?
Danganronpa 3
There's no way they'll get through the whole game in 24-26 episodes going at this pace
What's the most pretentious anime you've ever seen?
Shingeki no Kyojin
How do you feel about these spicy wolves?
One Piece
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue