Sunoharasou no Kanrinin-san chapters 1 and 2

Dumping chapter 1, which has been typeset, and chapter 2, which has been translated.

I was going to ask the scanlation thread about my typesetting, but it died at 50 or so posts, so please feel free to criticize it. Feel free to correct my translation as well if anything's wrong, it's a bit wonky again this time around.






What is this even about?







And that's chapter 1.

/ss/, basically.

looks good, cow tits always please me

s 管理人さんはなんでもできて寮のことは全部一人でこなしている (熟す)
Caretaker-san is very capable, and handles all the work around the dorm on her own.

s よしっ

s 美人だしとっても優しい
She's beautiful and very loving to boot.

s ただ。。。
It's just...

s あーきちゃん

Too big

Thank you for posting this.


s あ あのっ
U- um-

s その。。。 あき。。。ちゃんって呼びかた
The... the way you're calling me Aki-chan

s やめてください。。。
If you could maybe stop or...

s えー かわいいじゃないですかぁ

s あっ いけない!
Ah, oh no!

s 東京に出てきて今までとは違う生活
I left for Tokyo for a life different from what I had before.

s 男らしくと思ってきたけど。。。
I thought I could be more manly, but...

s やっぱりここでも
No surprise that, here as well,

s このままなのかな。。。
things could end up exactly the same...


s いや。。。
No, no...

s くじけるのは早すぎる!
It's too early to lose heart!

s まだ1日しか経ってないじゃないか!
It hasn't even been a day yet, right?

s 変われたら管理人さんとだって。。。!
If I can change, even Caretaker-san might say...!

s いいよ亜樹君。。。
Go ahead, Aki-kun...

s うおおー!!


s まず男として頼れるところを見せなくちゃ!!
First off I've got to show her I'm reliable as a man!!

s ふんふん

s 管理人さん手伝いますよ!
Caretaker-san, I'll help!

s このカゴに入ってるのを干せばいいんですよね!
What's in this basket just needs to be dried, right?

s ん。。。?


s こ これって。。。!
Th- this is...!

s あーきちゃんっ

s 手伝ってくれるのはうれしいですけど
I'm glad to have your help but

s 私のは私がやりますよ
I'll do my own laundry, thanks.

s あきちゃんのエッチ
Aki-chan, you perv.

s ど。。。 丼。。。!
Ri- Rice bowls...!

>huge tits
Count my dick in.

s それじゃあ あきちゃんはシーツをお願いしますね
Well then. You can do the bed sheets, Aki-chan.

s アッ ハイ
Ah- sure

s ふんふん

s うわっ わっ
Uwa- Wagh!


s さっきは失敗したけど
I screwed that up just now, but

s 雑布がけくらいならぼくにだって。。。!
Even I can handle just mopping the...

s あっ 廊下はワックスが。。。
Ah- the hallway's freshly waxed so...

s 大丈夫ですか?
Are you okay?

s 大丈夫です!
I'm fine!

s 男らしくなるって
I'm determined to

s 決めたんです。。。!
be a man, okay...?

s ぼくは小さいころからずっとお姉ちゃんに  女の子みたいだって言われて。。。
I've always been called girly by my sister since I was little, and

s そんな自分を変えたくて一人で東京に出てきて。。。
I wanted to change this about myself, so I moved to Tokyo to live on my own and...

s だから。。。!
And that's why...!

s 。。。背伸びしなくても  いいんですよ。。。
...You don't have to force yourself...


s 気付いてあげられなくてごめんなさい
Sorry for not noticing

s 私もちゃんと考えなきゃいけませんね
Perhaps I ought to reflect on this myself.

s これからは
From now on

s あっくんって呼びますね
How about if I called you "Akkun"?

s 管理人さん。。。!

s あっくーん

s あの。。。

s できればこういう子供扱いも。。。
Could you maybe also stop treating me like a child...?

s あれ。。。?

s ダメです!

s あっくんはまだまだ子供なんです!
You *are* still a child!

s 背伸びはダメなんです!
I told you to stop forcing yourself!


s どうしてもと言うなら。。。
Well, if you're that insistent about it...

s 。。。あっくん

s 今年入ってくる子男の子なんだって!
What the heck, the new kid's a boy this year!

s ほー

s 珍しいじゃんか!
Well isn't that unusual!

s したらセンパイがビシッと
In that case, as his senpais,

s キョーイクしないとな!
we've got to set him straight, right!


s オトナ扱いって (x3)
"Treat you as an adult" (x3)

s 田奈町中学生徒会  きたーく!
The Tanamachi Junior High School Student Council has returned!

s あっ。。。

Since I have the time I might as well dump chapter 3 as well. No translation though

I think I'll dump other chapters as well until I get bored






Man I've been beating it to that doujin of this for a while now without actually knowing what it's from.


That's chapter 3. I thought I'd dump chapter 4 as well because chapter 3's a little scant of /ss/.

chapter 4.




I think I'll stop at chapter 5, getting a bit sick of captcha's shit




Last chapter I'm dumping.








that's it.

Thanks man. I'll be looking out for more.

Thanks. That was cute.

Thank you for that. SS is the best.

This girl might just be best girl from the little I understand

/ss/ is a wonderful thing.

Not with that chest.

You understand a a school girl's thighs and ZR?

How can a girl be so shameless?

Desperate christmas cake.

Figured I'd dump what I have (almost two pages). I probably won't continue today though.
s ほっぺにチューしてくれたら  オトナ扱いしてあげますよ
Kiss me on the cheek and I'll treat you as an *adult*.

s オトナ扱い!?
As an *adult*!?

s よ よし 一人の男に。。。いや オトナになるんだ。。。!
  A- alright! I'm becoming a man... no, an adult...!

s 田奈町中学生徒会きたーく!
The Tanamachi Junior High School Student Council has returned!

s って
(I said, but)

s 玄関でナニやってんだーーっ
What the heck are you doing in the entrance!?

s ストップストップストーーップ!!
Stop stop stoooop!
s んもーっ! えっちぃのはダメって言ったでしょー!!
Sheesh! I told you to quit doing such perverted things!
s 未遂ですよぉ<3
Nothing happened, though.
(It was a failed attempt.)
s 未遂でも!!
It was about to happen!
(Even failed attempts!)


s 私たちも全員彩花さんの被害者なの
We're all fellow victims of Ayaka-san here.
s 変なコトされなかった?
Did she do anything *inappropriate*?
s ヘ ヘンって!?
In- inappropriate!?
s もうっ 言わせないでよ恥ずかしい!
Hey, don't make me say it, it's embarrassing!

(this last line I'm not sure of at all.)
s 男の子だったらあんなの絶対オチちゃうよねぇ。。。
If you're a boy such [absoluteness?] would have ended up falling, right...? (??)

This might be an euphemism of some sort but I think it's more likely I'm making some stupid beginner mistake in reading it.

Again, I openly invite someone who actually knows Japanese to feel free to 'steal' the series from me, I feel like I'm doing it a disservice. Anyways that's it for tonight

yes with that chest tbqh

Why is adult UMR so sexual

>Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me.

>changes her あいs to ええs
>uses なあ instead of ね
>addresses Aki on a last name basis with no honorific

Basically Minamoto.

The art style kinda reminds me of Nora Higuma.