>DBGT is a throwback about DB being an adventure and going to find the Dragon Balls like in the original series, without ALL of it being retarded power level bullshit like DBZ was
Fuck off. DBGT was a perfectly fine way to end the series, and no matter how asshurt Toriyama is, GT is still better than that Super trash. He's basically the George Lucas of anime.
Luis Hughes
>muh revisionist history You fags have been crying for 20 years about no one being the power level bullshit that GT caused. Oob sucks, Trunks sucks, Gohan is even worse here, Pan is annoying, even Vegeta is worthless, Base Goku > SS4 and power levels being shit AND not letting anyone but Goku do anything. Power levels at the end of Z were already fucked and GT just made things worse.
At least Super tried (not saying successful) to make other characters relevant again/close the gap (Krillin, Trunks, Roshi, 17, 18, Freeza, Vegeta actually succeeding unlike GT). Even Gohan coming to terms with being a failure and training again/regaining Ultimate with Piccolo despite jobbing is still miles better than cuckhold househusband Gohan from GT.
Noah Ward
It devolved into power level bullshit after like 13 episodes, with villains that were less interesting than half of the movies. And while the classic-style adventure format had potential, none of the characters were as likable or the adventures as creative as the early arcs of DB. Super may be flawed as well, but don't go full revisionist and pretend that GT deserves any praise beyond one or two concepts.
Camden Brooks
Mason Martinez
Having the right idea didn't make it bad, the execution did. Super being garbage does not change the GT in the slightest.
Grayson Lopez
>DB GT is genuinely awful while attempting to be a DB style adventure WAAAAAAAAH STOP CALLING MY GT BAD
Matthew Watson
>power levels Super saiya Blue vs kulilin,super saiya vs roshi,17 >At least Super tried Recolor,female Broly,copy and paste non-canon >to make other characters relevant again SHIT. >better than cuckhold househusband Gohan from GT. Pic
Hunter Perry
Defend this.
Zachary Williams
>without ALL of it being retarded power level bullshit like DBZ was You clearly didn't watch GT or this is bad bait, either way fuck off
Nicholas Lewis
remember that random worm that was stronger the freeza or how SS4 Vegeta struggled to hold a building while base Vegeta could destroy entire planets
Noah Jackson
No, Go Nagai is the George Lucas of anime.
Robert Roberts
I've never understood people's hate boner against GT. I've been rewatching it and I've found that most complains are: inaccurate or ridiculously nitpicky. Makes me wonder if the american dub changed so many shit for people seeing plot holes where there was none.
That is not to say the series is perfect, it does have its flaws like not very interesting battle choreography most of the time but overall is nothing really worse than anything within DB as franchise.
Goku's character is hands down better than Super's retard and Pan works perfectly well as the one driving the plot forward (I'd go so far to say GT's real protagonist is Pan).
The series also gives great closure to most characters, the major villains of each arc are great and SSJ4 is leaps and bounds a better transformation than Super's multi-colored hair.
Anthony Phillips
what i also liked about Super is how characters actually hang out and are friends. I'm rewatching DBZ in it's Kai form after more than 15 years since i finished DBZ, and the characters look like they hang out only when there is an actual threat. Bulma and co. didn't even know Goku had a 4 year old kid ffs.
Jackson Nelson
>"I only watched GT clips on yt and it's WAY better than supatrash bc MUH NOSTALGIA GLASSES"
Anthony Howard
>without ALL of it being retarded power level bullshit like DBZ was Isn't GT the show where every single random fuck in space is stronger than freiza/cell because they just had to make the show about goku still even if they turned him into a kid?
Isaac Perry
Not really. That is only explicitly stated with Rildo, the other minor characters they face through the grand tour arc are only difficult because Goku spends most of the fights fooling around. He only fights seriously against the major villains of each saga.
Luke Lee
>power levels power levels power levels dumb niggers and spics
Adrian Gray
>Dragon Ball great >Dragon Ball Z varies from good to spectacular >Dragon Ball GT varies from bad to incredibly awful >Dragon Ball Super varies from below average to incredibly awful they have the same lows, but there's one or two moments where Super has been better than GT(almost certainly thanks to the fact that Toriyama can still be right twice a day
Brandon Johnson
beerus and zamasu alone are better than all of GT
Ryan Barnes
Except the adventure was cut to make more room for power level wank, so it ends up falling flat in that respect anyways. I still think it was good and fun, and it had some good ideas(using oozaru for SS4 and killing off the dragon balls for the last saga), but it did have legitimate flaws. It wasn't just endless DBZfag circlejerking that gave it its poor reputation.
Kayden Hill
>>DBGT is a throwback about DB being an adventure and going to find the Dragon Balls like in the original series
For about one single arc (16 episodes), until Toei realised it failed and then GT went back to be a lesser Dragon Ball Z for the 3 remaining arcs. Also, when the "throwback" are literal retelings of the original DB (hi episode 7) with just different characters, then there is clearly something wrongs.
Daniel Ward
But it was bad They surely tried the whole DB feeling but even Toei couldn't resist to add some power level shit, see how there were individuals who had their power level near Cell yet the original series tells you that Frieza had an almsot otal reign in the galaxy
Worse, they badly chosen the protagonists >Goku, who is now a cocky kid who repeats the same line every episode >Trunks, who was added as the "Bulma" when it comes to fix shit yet he was useless in most of the scenes >Pan, which was added as this littl cunt who bitched about everything yet they always had to save her
Gavin Evans
>Goku's character is hands down better than Super's retard and Pan works perfectly well as the one driving the plot forward Lol nope, GT Goku is way worse and Pan is one of the worst things in the series. Doesnt helped that Toei fucked up so hard at not giving her nothing but the role of damsel in distress
Brayden Morris
>GT Goku is way worse Still better than retarded Goku in super
Logan Lee
Goku in GT is pretty mature and cunning while not being the one who causes most of the show's bigger threats unlike his Super's counterpart.
Sure, Pan doesn't get to fight much but she and her relationship ties with Goku are still a key part of the series and by far the best part of it.
Zachary Reyes
shit > super > big pile of shit > gt
Aaron Miller
>Goku left forever with shenron I can’t even remember why but it’s so fucking stupid
Wyatt Peterson
How the fuck did the window not shatter
Evan Gutierrez
Adrian Nguyen
>evil goku who ruined trunks's story
King of the Tuffles was a better concept.
Brayden Bennett
>muh evil guys come to earth because of me which is literally the reason he doesn't want to be wished back after Cell DBGT is essentially Toei rehashing Toei anime filler >Black Star Dragonballs attempt at dragon ball style adventure >Baby plan to eradicate the saiyans rehash (the original OVA came out in 1993) >hell bursts open concept already used in Fusion Reborn >multiple androids make super strong android Android 13 movie >lol goku fucking leaves doesn't want to return for the same reason after Cell is defeated (though this was also in the manga)
Nicholas Clark
Because Goku became one with the dragon balls so they wouldn't overused again.
So? Is pretty cool even if the animation is a bit wonky
Nathaniel Reyes
If there's one thing GT nailed than it's the ending
The Tournament of Power finally demonstrated that fanfiction with the same concept is better than current Toriyama's writing. Buu Saga was "Toriyama getting a few things right." Super is a natural progression of that by being unrelentingly awful.
Austin Reyes
keep seething gt spic, sorry your series was rendered as a simple alternate side story.
Justin Hill
>multiverse wew lad
Kayden Nguyen
>gt spic
Go fap to Gohan Blanco. GT made the controversial Buu Saga look good in comparison. Super made GT look good in comparison. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
The fact that it's "canon" makes Super worse not better because unlike GT it can't even be ignored. It alters the universe, which now consists of 30 planets, in ways that actually makes Dragon Ball worse. While GT was boring Super is offensive.
Ethan Jones
Similarly Super makes multiverse look better. It didn't seem like it was possible to fuck up a multiversal tournament but then Super came along.
Juan Harris
the first 16 episodes of gt (that funimation decided to edit into 1 episode) were fun
Bentley Howard
>While GT was boring Super is offensive correct
Levi Sanders
only in your head spic
Christian White
Their dance gave us a pretty fun skill in XenoVerse 2.
Carter Green
>makes multiverse look better
Jaxon Ortiz
>Is pretty cool sure pedro sure it is
Juan Cox
>the year of our lord 2018 >people still argue that GT is good and canon
Carson Perez
>Vegeta >succeeding
He literally got outlasted by Freeza and basically admitted only Goku could save him.
Also the only gap closing power level I liked was Roshi, simply because they made him strong with his cool techniques, which made sense and was a fun callback to non beamspam days of regular dragon ball.
Krillin/17/18 being as strong as they were was basically an asspull, at least Krillin didn't last to the final 20 or something for no reason. Made sense for him to lose first, unlike Tenshinhan.
Hunter Ortiz
thats not cool at all
Nathan Bennett
It was a mistake
Jordan Walker
Wait, that's what it was suppose to be?
Mason Hughes
>DBGT is a throwback about DB being an adventure and going to find the Dragon Balls like in the original series, without ALL of it being retarded power level bullshit like DBZ was
The concept was great but the actual show was fucking shit. I have watched it twice and everything falls apart once they introduce machine mutants. If they deleted Goku and made it Trunks, Goten and Pan in space it would have been a fun adventure.
Anthony Price
>Isn't SUPER the show where every single random fuck in different universe is stronger than frieza/cell because otherwise TOP would last 2-3 episodes?
Joshua Bell
DB went to shit after the Cell saga.
Juan Price
That one actually makes sense because these are the greatest heroes of universes with higher mortal levels. Even if they're not explicitly stronger than 7 they're going to be a cut above the rest when it comes to lazy guys like Freeza.
It's not even like it's just a random guy, they were all specifically chosen because they're the strongest of their universes.
Easton Howard
Only he did not. After 100 years, they are back. I am not sure how the ending should be correctly interpreted, but what we see is Dragon Balls being absorbed by Goku when he leaves with Shenron for 100 years, then he returns and Dragon Balls are again free to collect. It might be better if Shenron were to absorb them, but overall it seems that they simply took the balls with them and returned them after all negative energy evaporate from them. Goku basically became guardian for 100 years.
Josiah Perez
Are any of the DB movies/OVAs worth watching?
Jose Campbell
Path to Power, World's Strongest, the first Broly movie, and Fusion Reborn.
Joseph Wilson
It was fun
Aiden Butler
Connor Ortiz
That is exactly what happened so I don't see the issue?
Cameron Gray
They all look amazing in HD (for the ones available in that). The only real bad ones are >Lord Slug >Bio Broly
Jayden Hall
DBZ the History of Trunks was so well received it retconned the DBZ manga. In the manga Trunks gains SS1 through training with Gohan. In the OVA he gains SS1 after Gohan dies. In super the OVA is again referenced.
First Broly movie, he beatdowns SS Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks and Super Namekian Picollo effortlessly. Definitive DBZ