B-b-b-but urien will save SFV!

>b-b-b-but urien will save SFV!


Other urls found in this thread:


Sakura is the only one who can save SF5.

There's no fucking way that's real


Jesus, what the fuck is going on

is the red a hurtbox and the yellow a hitbox?
if so, and if this is real data, then it's retarded.

if its fake, then making this image was a waste of time.

Hugo will save the game.

There is yellow on Cammy and she is doing fuck all, I'll let you figure out the rest.

You guys really play games with retarded hitboxes like that? Also why does Cammy not have hurtboxes on her arms or head?

SF was always shit

wow i missed that.

and lol how is this game even happening in 2016

God damn thats one fucked up hitbox


hitboxes like this is why all new 3D non 2D street fighters are absolute trash.

>Crapcom in charge of making fighting games


So he's billy from KoF now?

I'm afraid I have some bad news for you...

i dont know how the fgc and regular evo top 8 players can stand it. are they allowed to talk shit about it, or will their sponsors leave them if they do?

how do they like this game? same with gootecks and mike ross, how the fuck can they keep playing this piece of shit

They're on Capcoms payroll.


>3D non 2D


>moebait shotoclone
>saving anything

just a heads up. VF5FS is now backwards compatible on xbox one.

netcode hasn't aged well though.

He's just a sprite baby.
Don't listen to him.

She is fun to play, hopefully she will still hit like a truck in 5.

Hasn't the update not actually come out yet? I imagine there will be some changes to Urien from what they released with the story mode.

so this.... is the power... of Capcom

Just dropping in to say we don't have these problems in smash lmao

>She is fun to play
Good news, Ryu is already in the game and top tier even. No need for Girl Ryu.

its not live version. from cracked/unlocker version tomorrow we see the real deal

Tell that to G&W

Thats because Smash is one big problem

If you were pretending to be retarded you should've compared to her Ken rather than Ryu. Maybe next time.

Nothing can save that heap of garbage anymore.

Update comes out in two days, this shit is the hacked/modded pc version

This is fake

You have enough other problems to deal with.

>Jigglypuff Back Air.gif
>Roy Dash Attack.jpeg
>Ness's grab.png
>Yoshi's dash grab.bmp
>Marth Grab.tiff
And that's just melee
Don't even get me started on Ryu or Bayonetta.

Is this real?

So is capcom going to do any character balancing after capcom cup or am i just reading rumors?

Like is there any way to make shitty characters better?

>no drinking

What the fuck did I just read?

Oh god yes, yoshis grab is one of the most alkward hitbox screwups ive seen, that and marths grab is equaly as bad

I don't think it's really comparable a single hitbox on frame 40 to OP's pic

Smash 4 is shit hitboxes the game.

They'll just make Sakura a nigger lover like they did Karin. Fet out while you can.

What are you even talking about?

>cant play the videogame until you face talking to that one sperg guy 3 times in a row

dropped lmbo

It's called "incompetent game devs get whipped by Japanese overlord Ono who actually has no idea what makes a fighting game good and just sees its superficial qualities and knows that it's a cash cow".

In other words, dev'd by marketing.

Believe it or not, its somehow better in that aspect than previous games.

No, but Yoshi's Melee dashgrab is.

Why even mention Bayonetta at all then?

>When a Smash Ball appears, the game is paused. All participating TBC members play rock-paper scissors. Whoever wins gets the Smash Ball. Everyone must do nothing until the Smash Ball is broken open and used. NO ATTACKING THE PLAYER BEFORE THEY CAN USE THEIR SMASH BALL.
Even if the entire picture is just a joke, who the fuck would even come up with something so stupid?

I was remembering pre-patch when her hitboxes were much larger and ridiculous.

G&W's shield

Tfw Game and Watch would be pretty decent if he had a functioning shield and could L cancel

>When a smash ball appears, players must play Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets the smash ball. The game will then be unpaused and the player who lost is not allowed to do anything until the smash ball is broken.

Oh fuck off with that shit. Game and Watch doesn't even have a fucking shield.

t. Smash comp. player who happens to main G&W

Literally only her upB got reduces hitboxes, and no by that much, well that and her bullets, bu those are ranged attacks anyway.

He has some pretty fun stuff

That would imply that Smash is a fighting game.

>tfw you realize those aren't hitboxes

>implying only figthing games use hitboxes
Don't be silly user, stop pretending to be retarded.


>That Hitbox

Fucking hysterical


>dev'd by marketing.

>win rps
>unpause game
>beat him to a bloody pulp as he's not allowed to do anything about it

What if there was a fighting game that didn't have these silly problems?

look again

If you say smash, I'm gonna kick you in the shins


Pfft, weakling. You can't see that it's his Ki that's so sharp, that it can only be seen with the trained eye.

Oh, you mean Blonde Ryu. Totally different than Ryu, you're right. My mistake.


Hitboxes usually lag slightly behind the actual animation. This is one part of the chopping motion of the attack. If you saw the entire attack's hitbox it would look less silly.

i don't understand the image

is... is the yellow bit supposed to be a hit box? that can't be, right?

The Hurtbox is even
more funny the more I look at it.

*kick you in the shins*

Nice, keep up the good work.


I can't believe this is real. It has to be a 'smash babies' joke right?

>thank god KOFXIV and Tekken 7 will lead into the new year of fightan games

2017 is a gun be blessed year

Imagine being the guy who has to post this in every single SFV thread. What miracles run through your cosmic mind, friend?

>there are people here right now who claim to "love" fighting games but won't play KoF14 because it's not as graphically impressive as it could be


Is this image real or fake?

The yellow around him is His hurtbox, the red the hitbox

The long horizontal yellow one is the proximity block trigger which force cammy to enter blocking position if she is inside it and is moving away from Urien

Well yeah? I don't play games that have shitty graphics. It looks ugly and lazy

someone explain this. Can he get hit in any of those yellow areas?

Yes he can!

Red is hitbox

Yellow is hurtbox

you can hit yellow to cause damage

No, the yellow is his collision box. Green is hurtbox.

there isn't any good looking 3d fighting game

The big yellow one isn't an hurtbox it's definitely for proximity blocking


ITT: people that don't know what they're looking at get triggered

What about the other frames of animation?

No, the yellow one on Urien's body is his collision box. As is the one on Cammy's. The long one is indeed proximity guard.

>Game has subpar graphics but everything else is great
>Drops it immediately

just how pathethic can you get ?

Not the other guy and I don't play SF much, but weren't the only differences between ken and ryu their ultimate and super skills?



>we hate competition and fun: the post

they seem like fags. No competitive strategy allowed! What a joke. And then only one character, after banning a few? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Post your normalfu

Is Tekken 7 any good? Might jump over to that when it comes out.

>everything else is great

How do you hold a charge for tackle after doing fireball?

>tfw you won't have Sakura's 3f close standing fierce back when she is added to the roster
On an unrelated note SF5 neutral is trash.

Is this bait?

You mean after the air fireball? You just hold back straight away, it is one of his easiest set ups off cr.hp

Yes it's good same with KOF 14. Both potentially good games

That's what the vast majority of air normal hitboxes look like in SF5, jumpins are just weak in that game.


>he thinks its not



That list is shit-tier.

What about ripping his suit?
That's not a thing anymore?

>we don't have these problems in smash


>mfw fighting laura as alex
>just spamming cr mp and she cant do shit
feels good man



>Street Fighter V is more for casuals

Is it really? Cause I was wanting to try it but haven't yet cause I suck at fighters.

Accurate list

Technically it was never actually implemented, not sure if even mods got it working perfectly

However the model will still be in the game as you face a naked Urien in his story mode. And it won't be his story costume as pimp suit is. So who knows

delete this

>connection with opponent was lost
I got four rage quits in one day. Why is this still an issue? Why does the game immediately jump back to the main menu as if nothing happened, especially when one player has such a substantial life lead? Why don't fighting games take a quick second to determined what just happened and award the victory appropriately? Its crazy to me to think that there's been so little done in terms of curbing rage quitters.

Yes, SFV is INCREDIBLY simple. Even the combos are braindead.

Who cares? Tears are more valuable than points.

>retards still cant distinguish hitboxes and blockboxes
Please stop trying to pretend like you know shit about fightan

>not sure if even mods got it working perfectly
It was alright


Didn't he spaz out after though? I remember some youtube video of that

what time does the update drop?


Why do Smash fags think they matter? Who the fuck makes these retarded ass posts? Do SF players enter Smash threads and do these retarded drive-by comments? Aren't you ashamed? Or do people who play kiddy party games competitively not know what it is?

Not that I remember, but it might be a different mod

Depends on when server down time ends

when is the server going down, it's not appearing on the twitter

found it

Pretty good list


>Why don't fighting games take a quick second to determined what just happened and award the victory appropriately?
Get life lead, quit, free win


Don't remember the exact time
They're usually in the mid-afternoon for EST

That might be a different one, pretty funny though

>dick bulge v-trigger

I'll never stop laughing by seeing Marvel 2 and USF4 on that list.

How does anyone think Garou is a good game?

This button and standing fierce are the only buttons I use to win the Gief matchup

why are you so fucking triggered kid lmao virgin

that's not a hitbox, it's yellow

Why not?

This is literally the only button Necalli has

That's because she's not blocking

>Jab Fighter V

>thread full of people acting smug because they have no idea what they're talking about and are mistaking the proximity guard box as the hit/hurtbox

why do I even go into these threads

kevin has a stun infinite that is just cancelling one move over and over into super, all of tizoc's grabs can be teched out of even his super, generally awful balance.

>Do SF players enter Smash threads and do these retarded drive-by comments
all the time

Would pick that over Third Strike the Three Viable Fighters game.

You're acting like standing heavy kick doesn't exist.

3S actually has more realistically viable characters even without Kuroda autism

Speaking of which, when is the update dropping? Like what time?


Thats not an otg.

The victory should never go to the person who disconnected. What I'm saying is that if one player had a life lead when the other disconnected then that first player should at least be considered for a win. Hell, I had three of those rage quits happen less than a second after the KO appeared. How has the server not determined who was the victor at that point? What's the point of an always online infrastructure if it's still based off of peer to peer connections?

>3f stand jab aa and wakeup
>Crouching hp
>heavy kick
Necalli has pretty solid buttons all around

It has parries and that invalidates any good stuff about the game. Any form of instablock is trash if the game's paradigm isn't built around it.

I'm getting reminded of those fucking vanilla MvC3 hitboxes.
Wolverine's divekick hitbox which is roughly the same size as the screen, and Zero's Jumping H which had a hurtbox the size of a peanut.

>Why don't fighting games take a quick second to determined what just happened and award the victory appropriately?
Most do.

is there an sfv lobby up rn, or?

go on

fucking cancer

Jesus Christ, is that real?

I'm genuinely curious, could you name some? I'm planning to get Killer Instinct on PC soon since I played it on a friend's Xbone and I enjoyed it a lot. Is KI one of those games?


Remember me?

Accurate, dont see any major flaws.

>Crouching hp
Holy fuck no.
That shit is so bad it the active frames are only 1/3 of the startup farmes and it's unsafe

>Necalli has pretty solid buttons all around
Yea if you can get close enught to stand right in their fucking face all the time

nigga what the fuck is wrong with your hitbox

KI does, SFIV does, KOFXIV does.

I was under the impression that it was tomorrow, not today. When they do, servers go down at about noon Eastern and come back up at around 8.

>Yea if you can get close enught to stand right in their fucking face all the time
His dash is stupidly good for a reason. if you are at mid range you are using vskill or dashing in

Crouching hp on their wakeup you goon
You can cancel it into stomp

>Yea if you can get close enught to stand right in their fucking face all the time
Good thing Necalli has great tools for getting in or forcing the opponent to come to him

God fucking shit i hate Ryu so fucking much in this game
>His jump hurt box is non existent
>best fireballs in the game
>good normals
>shits out necalli levels of damage from the start of the game with a 3 hit combo

Nerf this piece of shit Peter

>not SF5
Why am I constantly finding more reasons to dislike this game?

>Game thrives on momentum and oki
>Give him a parry in addition to his dp so you're always on the backfoot as he wakes up

The jack of all trades, master of all.

This isnt 3s, parry actually has startup frames, unless the Ryu is trash he wont use it on wakeup

Its a juggle, normally you wouldnt have enough advantage to pick up the juggle but the aegis bounces them high enough to continue the combo.
A real OTG will pick up from a knockdown state.


doesnt look ugly at all man. It has a lot of detail but you cant see it on youtube or stream. Gotta see the game in person. You are just parroting

Only 3f

he's still not as retarded as characters like mika and nash

nash isnt even in top5 when you ask pros

So if you meaty properly then you'll be active before parry can start


>won EVO the largest tournament of all time

Yeah sure

If he's dp'ing everytime you can block and fuck him up with a crush counter
Im not saying Ryu is bad but its not like he has a perfectly safe wakeup game and parry in particular is absolute dogshit

>every character that wins Evo is top 8


The same guys who said Mika was garbage?
The same guys who didn't even think anything of Ryu?
The same guys who denied Karin being top 5 despite everyone using her from day 1?

Nobody will ever be as retarded as Mika but he sure as fuck has better buttons then her
Nash isn't even top cancer anymore.
He has been pushed out by Ken

>clayfighter 63 1/3


That doesn't mean anything. It just means that the best players are playing the character

Ryu, Chun, Ken, Necalli, and karin are all better than Nash. Nash was considered trash until they saw infiltration play him and everyone copied his style. Same with Bison considered broken before but now he is considered low tier

way to debunk bro. its like you hate bullshit or something

A shit character isn't winning the largest tournament of all time with the greatest players ever, let alone making multiple appearances on top eight

That's exactly what that means

I can't believe it.
They fucking did it.

I was waiting for years for this character to come back, and while I see his 3S iteration is still the best for multiple reason, I overall enjoyed his playable version in the story mode.

But apparently Combofiend doesn't want people to have fun with the game. So, guess what he did? HE NERFED HIM FOR NO APPARENT REASON.

His f.hk CC now launches the opponent on air, which is a huge nerf because before he was able to just crumple the opponent. This is a huge lose of combo potential for the character, and potentially damage output as well.

His startup for lots of normals has been increased, which makes him even worse in a meta where you need reliable AA normals.

They also decreased his walkspeed, because this is fucking Combofiend, the same guy that nerfed DeeJay in USFIV instead of giving him actually needed buffs.

It's like I'm living the beta days again. Characters getting nerfs over nerfs for no fucking reason except for Combofiend's dick asking for them.

You know who's the fucking worse of all these guys? The fucking cucks who still defend Capcom, Combofiend and SFV as fighting games, as game balancing guys, as developers.

Fuck Ono, fuck Combofiend and fuck SFV.

Oh my god
Is the yellow Uriens hurtbox
The red is the attack?
Jesus god


Now you feel what i feel at the moment they decided to make regular flashkicks on guile not invincible.

Why cant he have what ryu has?

Yellow is proximity block. If Cammy is holding backwards in that range she'll
go into a block animation regardless of whether Urien's attack connects. It's what keeps you blocking forward moving attacks rather than walking backwards until they connect.


>that last clip
>banana hammock CONFIRMED

no 3f jabs and 3 vbars makes him another useless dlc character.

And ch on block, dont forget.

Pls ignore Karin's reversal and Chun's unpunishable sbk

who cares about big proximety block, projectiles literally force you into block from full screen

My dick is ready

>5min ago

not in the top 5 does not have the same meaning as shit character

>unpunishable sbk

Is this some secret new attack I've never heard of? All of her sbk's are massively unsafe on block.


>tfw i said birdie will be shit tier when the game released because no reversal and no 3f jab

Everyone said i am a shitter and that he is really fucking good, meanwhile everyone sees him as low tier nowadays and no birdie ever manged to win jackshit.

>tfw said guile will be shit because no 3f jab and no proper reversal

And here the shitters called me wrong again, and yet as it turns out i was correct.

had to screenshot a youtube video but this one for sure

If you're a tier whoring casual out for some easy wins, it might as well be.

EX pushes you too far

isnt flash kick a reversal

Nash is easily top 5, though.

It's easily stuffable.

the only invincible one is ex, others can get stuffed

If you can't punish ex SBK there's something wrong with you. What character are you using?

Nope. Top 5 is Chun, Ryu, Ken, Mika, and Necalli.

Not really

then why were there 3 nashs in top 8?

Why hasn't Nash won anything since?

Throw invincible but non ex can be beat out

Because its the first year of the game and not everyone is in their groove in this one tournament
Are you going to say ryu isnt top 5 because there wasnt a Ryu player in top 8 Evo?


You realize that was just one tournament, right? One. I know, it's the only one you've heard of. It's fine if you don't follow the scene, but then don't pretend you know what you're talking about.

Here, these are all the CPT tournaments that have happened and that will happen this year. You will notice, I hope, that they are more than one:

>anything outside north america or asia mattering


god damn i hate this move

That can't be real.

>tfw sfv has really made you appreciate tekken 7

i'm happy we have a cab too.

Cammy and Leona's daughter when?

Never ever

>no melee
>FGCucks in charge of doing anything right


They got Karin in, anything is possible

Fans had been asking for Karin for a long time, though.

karin is alpha, not ex

And people have asked for ex characters for a long time

They still don't own her, the guy who wrote that sakura manga does

>great dash
>high mobility
>low risk normals
>two V-Triggers per round or four V-Reversals
>potent zoning game
>Infiltration referred to Nash as a "cheap character"
Yup, totally not Top 5 material at all.

>no 3 frame normal
>no true reversal
>no 2 bar v meter

At least two of those are needed to be top 5.

>>no melee
Its right next to League of Legends and Crash Team Racing

>looks like a chop
>it's actually a headbutt

>They still don't own her, the guy who wrote that sakura manga does
Quite repeating that BS, it's not true and never was.

>10/26 characters viable

sounds pretty good actually

All this theory crafting is meaningless
People said Ken was ass when they looked at him on paper and now hes an easy top 8

Nash has a 2 bar v trigger amigo


>JoJo that high
>dragon ball in "into the trash"


Funny how despite all of Capcom's attempts to remove SF4's emphasis on light attacks having a 3 frame jab is now one of the most important factors in whether a character is good or not.

>no samurai showdown

Karin only has one and is easily top 5.

You must be 18 or older to post here

Try again. Top 5 is Chun, Ryu, Mika, Ken, and Necalli.

>samurai showdown
Atleast learn the correct name of the game you are dickriding and pretending to play before posting.

Which top 8? Evo?

Nash has been a very rare occurrence on top 8s ever since.

TGS Premier had zero (0) Nash players on top 32.


ayy u rite u rite

ecks dee
Do you also get on to people for typing hadouken instead of hadoken

Underage pls go

How do I cast hadoklet?

Fine then.

First Attack: Zero Nash players at top 8, winner was Rashid

East Coast Throwdown: One Nash player in top 8 losers side, was eliminated right away

Japan Cup: Zero Nash players on top 32

Thanks to Infiltration being so good, people all around the world studied Nash and figured him out, now Nuckledu, a Nash main, is constantly investing on his Guile and ends up using Mika more often than Nash in tournaments.

Yes, yes I do actually.
Proper spelling helps others understand what message you're trying to convey.
If you're asking me how to perform a hadouken, I will ask you what you meant. There is no such move in Street Fighter.




Still can't believe he cried, probably got him some extra donation cash tho

>Thanks to Infiltration being so good, people all around the world studied Nash and figured him out
This. Honestly, most of the Nash doing stupid well comes from infiltration

I don't think anyone else has consistently done that well with him, Du is probably the second but he also plays mika a lot. He is a good character and one coming up is likely but he certainly isn't that strong

how do you get thong.

My nigga.

Didnt he get banned from NeoGaf for that?

It does tho, and even worse at that. The only difference is the hitboxes in melee are circles

>tfw I was disappointed with the starting roster and how zangief plays and burned out quickly so I only have enough fight money to buy two characters

M-mabey I should pick up KoF...

What a schock that negro mod did.

Yo I need the full story here

Any tips for a shitty Balrog player?

pick someone better

Jojo anime fans are all underage facebook faggots.

>no 3f jabs and 3 vbars makes him another useless dlc character.
Ken has 4f jabs and 3 v-gauge bars

Max let the word nigger slip out while playing a game.

Nash is the easiest of the top characters to use.

Max said "nigger" on stream because he was being silly combining words together. He combined ninja and ginger and came out with nigger, didn't realize he said it until a few minutes later.

SJWs shit all over him on Twitter for being a horrible racist because someone made a short video that just contained him saying "nigger" and spread it around as much as they could. It really got to him because, in his words "people aren't going to care about the context or why I said it, only that I said it", and he almost started crying on stream before going to break.

He is definitely a strong character, but his lack of any reversal makes him struggle against certain characters like Laura and Mika when they get in even once.

He isn't like Chun-Li, who can play any match-up exactly the same way and still win every single one.

The same goes for every other character, except maybe Ken and Mika to an extent, they all need to adapt to each match-up.

Unless Urien is like Chun-li, and can win any match-up by doing the exact same thing, he will probably be considered mid or high tier at most like every other character, but this is an unfair comparison, because we really don't need another Chun-Li in the game.

Suit ripping is sorta in, but it looks like its an easter egg with his CA burning it off:


Not sure if the requirements to do this are known, or if it's random/intended to be in a future update.

>people aren't going to care about the context or why I said it, only that I said it

The sad thing is that this statement holds water. What the fuck is wrong with people these days


Shouldn't it have come out ninjer if he was mixing words?

Be a dong master

>People who is telling shit how it is got banned
>those panzy views on the left
What kind of shit forum is that?

I remember Liam from 2BF said Cloud Niggers in their Star Fox LP and I dont rememebr him getting much shit over it

He's really worried about being labeled that nigger guy

People went out of their way to make him look bad and only posted the nigger part out of context

he can't lose that dosh bro.
and reputation is a reason killer.

>Cred Forums can't read hitbox data
>gets up in arms
whats the point of this thread?

That's what I thought too. I initially thought it was ninja and dagger, but he says it was ninja an ginger.

No one cares about Liam. He's shit.

Yeah, mostly because that's something in our society that's going to follow him around forever. People are gonna just label him a racist because he said nigger. and this could seriously affect the job offers he gets since someone could always accuse his boss of hiring racists, and since he does work for video game companies making trailers and doing writing, it could be a huge problem.

I was a diehard SFfag ever since SF4 came out but after the disaster that is SF5 I actually started to branch out to other games in the genre and I've found myself liking them even more than I liked SF5.

In a way, I have SF5 to thank for driving me towards games like Guilty Gear or King of Fighters or Tekken, all of which I play and enjoy more than I did any SF game.

Neofag is the SJW asshole of the Internet.

I remember Liam saying "swing first nigga, swing first" next to Woolie on the Astroman LP.

>boot up Xrd on PC
>keep getting destroyed by everyone online
I'm dying to ditch SFV aswell but damn is it rough on beginners.

Fuck off Cred Forums


>Muscular Blair.

Well, that's new, but I prefer normal Blair.

Best Friends play are only 3/5th of a channel anyway

Fuck off Neofagger

I got murdered by some slayer called mr twinkletoes and we were chopping it up.

Turns out he's been playing GG for 10 years

This is exactly what you don't do when you fuck up. When he said it he should have just gone "oops sorry guys" and then moved on with the stream

The more you respond to it the bigger it becomes

When the devs running the show are so incompetent they can't even bother to fix clipping present in still fucking frames, then the game is fucked.

That's what he did. Moved on with the stream, ended it, when he woke up in the morning, his twitter had blown up. He didn't stream that night, and the following night, felt he had to address it, did it briefly, didn't bring it up again.

You ain't lying brother. I was lucky, I had a small local scene of decent players that I could play frequently and git gud with fast. Even though that game has an awesome tutorial, you'll get destroyed by any mildly experienced player

Max is an idiot. He never should've apologized to begin with. Anyone that watched in context knew it was harmless. The white nu-males and dumb niggers on social media got mad because they purposely ignored the context. And now he gave them the win by crying like a bitch on stream.

>those teeth

jesus fucking christ capcom

everything seems to be in order here

>le hitbox shitposting mayamay xDDD
You've done this with every attack that has a motion to it where the hitbox comes before the arm stops moving. See Gief and Sim's jabs among other moves.
Kys retard.

doesn't matter he isn't gonna risk fucking up his rep over it and his money

Responding to it would only make it blow up more, it adds fuel to the fire as now there is more to talk about

His answer isn't going to please people who were offended, people who hate him won't care and people who didn't know would find out. There is no win for him, so don't

On CPT's current standings's top 32 there are:

4 Nash
4 Chun-Li
2 Ryu
2 R-Mika
4 Necalli
4 Ken
2 F.A.N.G
3 Cammy
1 Dhalsim
1 Alex
2 M.Bison
1 Ibuki
2 Laura
3 Karin

The number is higher than 32 because there are players who use multiple characters, but it is still very varied if you ask me.

I don't know why this game gets so much shit for being unbalanced when the picks are so varied.

people are just memeing, SFV is GOAT fighting game material

Is that you Capcom?

Balance is the last of SFV's problems.

Sure, but not doing anything about it won't help anything either. I do think it's unnecessary to be so shaken up about this, because anyone who just flat believes that he's a racist was never going to support him or his content anyway, but taking a minute to address it and say "I didn't mean to say that" is probably necessary. Granted, I don't think he should have apologized necessarily, but PR is where the majority of his income comes from (twitch), so he needs to cover himself and make sure he doesn't lose that.

They ow her and the mangaka owns her too. Like the EX characters are jointly owned by both Capcom and Arika (the team responsible for SF2, Zero and many other Capcom classics).
Actually the EX characters were designed by Capcom artist Edayan.

>no Birdie
>no Juri
it hurts a little

>1 Alex

>2 Laura
muh girl!

>I don't know why this game gets so much shit for being unbalanced
Anyone who says this is just an idiot. SFV has issues but the balance is the least of them


Problem X

He actually uses more Alex than M.Bison now.

Because that's Brawl and by extension Smash 4 - which aren't real fighting games. Melee was, however.

>no Birdie
>no Rashido
>no Gief
>most of the lower number picks are people's secondary they use through pools or as a pocket
Balance my ass.

Wait, what did he do?

never mind I read the thread

It's funny but that fear is exactly why that label may stick. You can't show weakness or apologize to SJWs. They don't have compassion or empathy or else they'll just use their newfound position of power to make an even bigger example out of you.

I think they get off on it.

>Sure, but not doing anything about it won't help anything either.
>but taking a minute to address it and say "I didn't mean to say that" is probably necessary
You didn't present anything to really prove this but he needs to do pr when he doesn't.

Doing something would not change the situation outside of letting more people know he said nigger, which is worse for him. No one will ahve their mind changed about anything. Doing nothing means people eventually stop caring about it as there is nothing else to it, kappa will just move onto the next blow up

Does anyone have Yun's palm strike hitbox in 3rd strike?

>but PR is where the majority of his income comes from
Do you know what PR is? I don't think you do

The majority of his income is from entertaining idiots, they will like him even though he said nigger by accident which anyone a big enough fan to donate will forgive him for. Anyone else is just leaping on the drama train

There is a Rashid (John Takeuchi) and a Birdie (Alucard, who also plays Balrog) who are one good result away from reaching top 32.

And I can easily see John Takeuchi making it, because the kid is really good.

>tfw gief will never be good


>how do they like this game? same with gootecks and mike ross
>tfw Excellent Adventures became shit ever since they switched to 5

> SF4fags are the new 3S fags

It just keeps happening. It never fails.

The only hope for Gief is if Itabashi somehow wins 1st place in a ranking event.

But I really don't see it happening to be honest family.


I mean if you tried to jump in from that distance you're a fucking retard anyway.

You have two choices when you are a known face in the FGC.

You can either
>Talk up the biggest game on the scene, making the community larger and bring more money you can earn into the community, especially for yourself
>Don't do this and make less money playing more obscure games
I wonder which will be more popular.

Gootecks and Mike Ross have always been sellouts, they also sell tutorials for cash and tried to push tutoring. Why are you surprised?

Takeuchi got damn lucky and he'll have to get some continuous results in order for anything to happen less he becomes the next Pepeday. Alucard almost only plays Birdie in pools and early brackets.


>entire game is strike/throw mixups
>game dominated by braindead strikers and strike-grapplers
>fireballs are almost (keyword: almost) useless
>Somehow Zangief STILL manages to be worst in the game

I honestly wonder what the fuck is the point of SFV.

The only thing I don't like about SFV is the dmg output, Why the fuck is more than half my healthbar gone just from a 3 hit fucking combo just because I didn't block the first hit.

It makes comebacks feel impossible.

>Dominated by strike grapplers

50% combos is in most fighting games except for shit like Blazblue and Skullgirls.

It's meant to be more like ST but they didn't know shit about what made ST good

Sometimes it is hard to tell in these threads if people are just completely stupid, just aren't up to date and repeating what Cred Forums said a few months back or just trolling

I'd consider most of the top-tiers strike grapplers even though they don't have command throws, just because going for a frametrap/throw mixup is 90% of their gameplan.

>community is full of rapists and people who don't shower

why don't you wavedash into some soap

Because you fucked up doing something unsafe, got baited by a counter hit setup, or failed to anti air.

Damage from light starters is shit. If you get hit for that much damage you had it coming.

>alf my healthbar gone just from a 3 hit fucking combo
>It makes comebacks feel impossible.
I want you to sit and think about these two points together for a little while, I'm sure you will figure it out

>except for shit like Blazblue

Please enlighten us as to what made ST good.

>missing the point entirely

Multiple viable playstyles.

>Alpha 3
>the game that has infinite custom combos
>top tier

As long as those playstyles were O Sagat, Vega, Dhalsim, and Balrog.

How to spot someone who doesn't play fighting games and is just parroting everything. I bet you like 3s too.

>infinite custom combos

So does Garou and VS but you don't hear anyone complaining because just like in Alpha 3 it's not likely to happen in actual matches even if you are aware of them.

Don't forget infinites in UMvC3 and in JJBA yet those are in high tier.

A game is more than just if infinites exist or not.
UMvC3 doesn't deserve to be that high

>anime only fags boogeyman
>autistic and edgy contrarian that will shit on jojo just to be different
I'd rather have neither of you faggots, kill yourself.

And SFV doesn't?

There are lots of good fighting games.

SF5 is just trying to ape ST.

Uhh.. Yeah.

It's widely known that alpha 3 is broken as fuck.

Just spectate some games on fightcade if you don't believe it.

>storyfags fuck off and watch a movie, we're playing VIDEO GAMES
>It has good gameplay? Who cares MUH GRAFIX
bravo Cred Forums I love you

>Just watch people
Why not play the game to verify how broken it is?

Why don't most people realize most fighting games are broken as shit?


Karin has both a 2 bar trigger and a 3 frame normal.
And I thought her EX was a true reversal, but since I'm not sure I won't argue on that one.

t. someone who has never played A3

Vampire Savior's infinites are limited to a handful of characters and are high execution. You can't seriously compare Jedah's J.HP infinite to Alpha 3's VIsm stuff.

What do you think you can zone in SFV or something, don't be silly!

It is, full invinsibility from meaty/grabs and all.

As in watch the people who do the specific broken v-ism shit that I'm talking about

You can play it sure but you aren't going to know the set ups that make it broken if you don't even think it can be broken.

And no shit, there is exploitable stuff in the majority of fighting games but its relative.

ok stay ignorant

I don't waste my time on it, alpha 2 is a much better game.

It's baffling how you can be a rowdy like Daddy and get away with it. Meanwhile, everyone hates Lowtiergod for pretty much the same shit.

There was also a podcast talking about The Hateful Eight where he just dropped the word "nigger" twice

>pot 6P
>not 6K

V-ism infinites and extending them afterwards requires:

>The combo
>The juggle
Here is the kicker though
Continuing the juggle after V-ism requires hitting a 1 frame window repeatedly because it's a glitch

You can compare the infinites because it's not easy.
V-ism is broken as shit but not for the reason you posted.

My point is that watching alone doesn't teach you anything and it's more than likely that you are just looking for an excuse to not play the game.

Which is fine if you don't like it.
But there's nothing stopping you from also using that kind of tech to win if you think it's unfair or something.

ISDD is actually good at fighting games, is actually joking most of the time, doesn't RQ and will actually accept when he fucks up. He is actually pretty normal when he isn't on his own stream, seemed a bit shy if anything on WSO commentary

LTG isn't playing a character, he is actually that terrible a person

I really am happy I haven't bought this game, good lord what a disaster.

t. bronze shitters
t. silver shitters

Point and laugh at the 09er

No server maintenance this time?

Do you say this about every fighting game every time you see a questionable hitbox?

>Chris j.CD

Heinous. Absolutely fucking heinous.

You do realize that a frametrap/throw mixup is a fundamental part of 2d fighting games that ALL characters make use of, right? You might as well call the entire cast "strike grapplers" then.

I know people are disappointed in SFV, but it's significantly better than anything else that's in mid tier

all throws are suppose to be knockdown states.

>single hitbox on frame 40
Try on frame 4

and don't get me started on A2 custom combos. I love A2 but custom combos were a mistake.

>1 Alex

I think his point is he is never actually grounded so it doesn't count, though it is a pretty pointless distinction in this case

Their ultimate, V trigger, v skill and playstyle have been different since Alpha 2. Ryu was made parry/ fireball heavy and Ken was made dragon upper and whirlwind kick heavy.

t. shitter who isn't master and already won EVO2017 by the travelling to the future on his self-built time machine.

Fucking scrubs man, I swear.


>purple raging storm for geese
rock confirmed never

>Good thing I didn't buy a game I'd never invest the time to get good at because I didn't take the time to research that the OP's image is based on a pre-release build of Urien that was hacked into the PC version

>no Juri

What costume do people want to see made by the winner of capcom cup?

Crouch cancel glitch =/= Vism

Congrats on proving you know nothing about the game and just parrot shit without any understanding.


wait until his dog dies

Infiltration might have one but he hasn't been going to much lately

>1 Alex

aw yiss

I just hope he got lazy so those events he attends will actually be exciting.

On the other hand, EVO 2016 proved he doesn't need to practice anymore.

I'm pretty sure capcom asked him to not show up anymore because he'd end up winning everything.

i mean he already won two premiers and evo for fucks sake.


My dad is ono and I can confirm this, capcom have the power to make sure he doesn't go to more events. they have Juri at gun point

Not even close

I wonder how fucking retarded this looks like when he gets hit in game.

>There's something busted about this game
>But you're wrong about identifying it, so joke's on you!

but that doesn't dispute the apparent problem of the game being busted

No Rashid? This makes me sad.


Nothing will save this game for me until Gief stops being the worst character in the game by a wide margin. He's in the same tier as FANG and Rashido but he is so much shittier than either one it's ridiculous.

That looks more like Wolverine's divekick if you ask me

>Make false claim
>Get proven wrong
>Goes full damage control

CC is also a 1 frame window on every hit and requires an elaborate setup.

Stop pretending you have actually played the game or know what you are talking about.

Red is the moves hitbox, green is the hurtbox for urien, yellow is proximity block, if the long yellow box touches cammy's yellow box she'll block when the player holds back as opposed to walking backwards.

Itabashi and Mago just had a set where Itabashi was dominant. Don't let your projections about character strength prevent you from playing the character you want.

>Why the fuck is more than half my healthbar gone just from a 3 hit fucking combo just because I didn't block the first hit.

Too fool dumb nerds into thinking the game is faster even though its not

>urine thread is full of smash babies

rly makes u think

Itabashi is also a madman. There's a reason there's only two Giefs and that one of them mostly plays Ryu. Risk/Reward with Gief is fucked out the ass when paired with his shit buttons and shit mobility.

It's no surprise a bodily fluid is enjoyed by Smash players, considering they use that like it's cologne

>There's a reason there's only two Giefs
Off the top of my the notable ones are Itabashi, Stupendous, Giefkid and Snake who is a big baby and cried while the others got good. There is also that good British one but I forget his name

>TFW Cred Forums is more reasonable about the whole Maximilian situation than most of the internet

Stupendous is worse than Ita and SE by a large margin and GiefKid is a literal who that only got a name for himself for bodying that tranny so hard she unga bunga'd in real life. And if you notice their sets, they all have to make huge reads for proportionally little. Gief is fucked up.

that wasn't even me you retard

you can't just choose not to acknowledge something because it's a glitch even though it still affects the game. they're not ACTUALLY infinites in practice, of course, but they're still prominent youtu.be/Eew6CSbgMCs?t=491

I like that it's universally accepted that Smash players are fucking filthy.

The only people you see trying to debate this are, surpirse, other Smash players. And even among them there seems to be some kind of a divide.

>N-no, it's just the Smash 4 players who are disgusting. We Melee players actually use the shower, and be it only to take a dump in it.

literally best fighter

>He's still going after getting utterly BTFO
TOPKEK, the damage controll is real

You were still wrong about there being only two, now you are making excuses. Kinda just shows you don't really know you giefs.

> huge reads for proportionally little
Yeah, gief gets so little of an spd especially if he gets two good reads in a row. And just nothing off that super as well. The game is just all unga bunga

16'er BTFO

can you explain what makes A3 good, then?

It is a SJW safe haven, muh boogieman or not.

How has the FGC responded? I mean, most of them are black.

I imagine most of them laughed it off since it clearly was just a slip.

beating shitters like you

post cfn/fightcade

Yeah, it seems nobody actually cares about it except the people who make it their life's mission to be offended.

It was very obviously accidental.

>mfw local scene banned Smash after the venue owners got so many complaints about the noise and smell

kikoken you dumb bitch

Why is this a thing? I like Smash, but I don't understand why it attracts that kind of people.

>Melee is such an intense game the players yell and sweat uncontrollably
I don't see the problem
As long as these motherfuckers wear deoderant

If they did they might not have been banned, but it was a restaurant/bar. Even though everything was held on a seperate floor from the normal customers it was still bad enough that they had to be kicked.

Most of the funky smell at tourney venues and cons actually comes from bad dental hygiene. It turns out that hundreds of people talking in a relatively small space lets out a lot of bad breath.

They should make ads where Star Fox shows them that washing their teeth is cool.


idk how he did that......he fucked up so hard

Sf5 hurtboxes are absolutely ridiculous, no wonder you can literally go trough them with some attacks



Other fighting game players do the same, but they aren't so notoriously banned because of hygeine issues.


He was just shouting random word strings together. Watch this one.

This. Holly fuck the show is absolutely garbage right now. That last USF4 episode was ducking cool thogh

Look here

Dumb phoneposter.

>he never posted it


Where do you think you are?

It'll get better if they add character select, about 20 more characters, and the usf4 matchmaking system

I love me some Kenneth Bradley.

where is original Marvel vs Capcom?

True. I'm kinda relieved because I'm shit at Alpha 3. Always liked Alpha 2 better anyways.

Gootecks just doesn't pull his weight. Capcom Pro Talk is the new hotness.

No the yellow box is the damage box and the box is the box and green is a box therefore hit box red which is blockbox!

If you want to do SFV whenever my CFN is IMashReversals. I'm not on very often though.

Can't promise when I can do games (full time job/family) but I like when people on Cred Forums actually want to play something.

This man is about to educate you on fighting games and Dragonball Z. How do you respond?

>character isn't even out yet
>people are taking broken as fuck story mode imports as gods word


you gullible fucks

I make sure my breath is OK and my underwear clean.

Accept it. I got to play Kbrad at my locals once and he was a cool guy. Completely stomped me with his Cammy but I got one game on his Decapre.

Sorry, no Jims

>I-its not out yet!
>I-it'll be patched!

Holy fuck the damage control.

>Mike Ross retweeted the clip of Max saying "nigger" in jest
>you will never be cool enough with the FGC to drop the n-bomb and get away with it

Awesome, added you to my favorites. I'm EllisFreeman

Keep an eye out for future SFV threads whenever you're free, because sometimes even shitposting threads turn into lobby threads. mahvel_baybee hosts a few and usually posts with a trip on so ask him about a lobby if you ever see him

I've seen him around and done some games with other people from his threads. Had a really fantastic set of Chun mirrors with YouMadHermano.

Add me on psn too. Psn is also IMashReversals. I also play 3S.

Didn't john win a CPT event with Rashido?

It's fucked how at a glance anyone would say SFV looks better than KOF but when you inspect closely with an image like this, the opposite is true.

OE or Fightcade? I've got both

OE. It's less of a pain to get set up. I'll try to be on sometime this weekend for either game.

Karin got paired with Birdie for SFV in the story mode. Birdie is basically her slave/punching bag, but people took it to the extreme, so now Karin is considered to have been "blacked" by Birdie.

>A shoryuken writer browses Cred Forums

sexy as hell

SFV moves better than KOF14, though.

It does look better, though. Ken's face actually looks fine, it's just that his grin during the character select screen has been horribly modeled to the point of being grotesque. Same goes for Ibuki during her win screen.

When SFV's art department fails, at least the game still has details and nice effects. KoF has nothing.

it didn't even take that. Existing in a game with a black character is enough to be considered "blacked", and of course that naturally makes all the other male characters in the game "cucks"


KoF has better character designs imo

and the models aren't bad, they're just average. Nothing is offensively ugly at least. I wish the animation was less choppy

Any EU up for a few matches ?

SRK is just a bunch of Capcom shills who closed down their own forums in damage control.

It's a thing because the FGC wants it to be a thing.

I'm pretty sure if you went to any video game tournament it'd still stink of unwashed B.O. since gamers in general are nerds that practice bad hygiene but because smash is honing in on the FGC's action, they need to push a narrative that gives smash players a bad name.

I mean, you think it's a coincidence that you only heard about this after Melee got into EVO?


They did it to themselves.

Too bad that's really all it does better

is he afraid of a bath ?

>Ken's face actually looks fine

>KoF has better character designs imo
Not really, but that's not really a point you can debate since it boils down to personal preference mostly. SF has all the iconic characters, however.

>and the models aren't bad, they're just average.
I disagree. Everything lacks details and is poorly animated. Especially the facial animations look stiff and uncanny. There are no cloth physics either. You can't even say they tried to go for an anime look in 3D because GG did this so much better, it's not funny anymore.

Oh god, I had been looking for this video FOREVER.

It does look fine outside of the character select screen.

Not him, but it was common knowledge that Story Mode Urien would be different from fully released Urien. Same thing with Juri.

A hitbox like that can pass in story mode because it's fucking STORY MODE

Doeant make me wrong though.
So never

>KoF has better character designs imo


>heavy breathing
>freak out over fucking nothing
>the sperg pitch in his voice
This is not legit, right? I mean, come on.

KoF14 has a 50 man roster and atleast they all look consistent and blend well with each other and the background. SFV, despite launching with only 16 chars, manages to look really inconsistent with weird faces and hair styles and poses all over the place. Then there are the backgrounds that harm the frame more than they help. It's visually a complete mess. The animations are good but the hit spark effects are way too cranked up.

You had two chances to prove me wrong and wasted both of them on memery.

I accept more greentext and reaction images as further signs of your defeat.

gg no re

That's a really good design. Acquire taste.

What about it is good?

Noone has to prove you wrong, you prove yourself wrong

That's about as much evidence as me posting a LTG video and claiming that everyone in the FGC is an angry black man who gets bodied online.

Everything. The creepy eyes. The skin tone. The color composition. The depth of clothing. Why would anyone hate that?

>manages to look really inconsistent
I've seen sncucks try to push this one for a while. just not true

Meanwhile compare these two. We have a oddly bishi ps2 model, loads of colour and weird anime shit next to an okay ps3 Joe. These two don't fit together at all

>KoF14 has a 50 man roster and atleast they all look consistent
Consistently shit.

>blend well with each other and the background.
Isn't the latter something you DON'T want in a fighting game?

>SFV, despite launching with only 16 chars, manages to look really inconsistent with weird faces and hair styles and poses all over the place.
Some of the facial animations do look funny, but they are usually outliers. The rest is just variety, which I have been told is supposed to be a good thing.

>The animations are good but the hit spark effects are way too cranked up.
Too cranked up for what? To play a match? I don't get that at all.

Yes they do. The actual proportions and color tone and so on are alike. Meanwhile compare Ibuki to Ryu. Or Chun Li to Ken.

The dude is a literal sperg, look up Nesshelper.

Pic related, it's the guy.

I accept your apology.

Delusional smashkid Melee has the shit with your Foxes and Falco the fuck out of here

None of that says why it is a good design, though. You were only describing it. Poorly, I might add.

Nobody is going to kill you if you use complete sentences and sound reasoning.

>SF has all the iconic characters
Too bad they're so iconic they're stuck in their roles, and the only deviation from that is fucking FUBU wigger alt costumes. Also the newer characters in SFV are hardly noteworthy and Necalli is about as potent as a castrated cuck with his tubes tied.

People stare when you talk to yourself in the mirror bro