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Video Games #3525
Video Games
Why does The Crew look better than Forza Horizon 3?
Does Cred Forums like it?
Why isn't Cred Forums hype?
Why is there no MANSERVICE in DOA?
Advice for new PC gamer
Redbull me on BF4
Hocus Pocus confirmed for Kingdom Hearts 3
That guy that plays hood music over the mic
Rez Infinite
When you say 'PC is objectively more powerful than consoles', you are wrong on two accounts because:
Don't mind me, I am just sitting here as the best DLC ever created
Is he our boy?
What is the videogame equivalent of this comic?
What are some games with satisfying, gorey combat like the Witcher 3?
What is your opinion on Mai Natsume and her becoming playable in the next BB game?
Please say something nice to Kumatora
Deus Ex:System Rift
ITT: your sister's favorite vidya
Tekken 7
What level can you stomach?
Why is there no black guy in XV?
Let me shill a little bit, and maybe we can have an actual discussion about this game this time
What name do you use when playing RPGs?
According to Cred Forums.. They don't like open world games
What was the last game that TRULY impressed you with its graphics?
Super Battle Droid, Take him down!
Can we have a civil Final Fantasy XV today guys
Yakuza 6
I've noticed that my friends that drive shitty cars have shitty tastes in vidya and I'm not sure if it's just a...
I hate this, Cred Forums.... I have no games I want to play
WEBM Thread
Who is
Is steam refunds like piracy? You'll buy it if you like it
Look at this cat
So what the fuck is up with Rockstar Games?
Why does Cred Forums hate Bloodborne?
ITT: games that make dumb people feel smart
SNES needed special chips to compete with Genesis
Opinions about new raid?
Do you think Battlefield 2 will take place during World War 2?
So how's that game coming along, Cred Forums?
What went wrong?
Always hear how good this game is
What is wrong with the indie game scene?
Top 5 Games Thread
Got around to playing this recently
Game tries to be funny
Pokemon Uranium
Redbull me on Ubisoft
Sonic Mania
Is online shilling real?
Any good games on Unreal Engine 4? Or is it a shovel engine?
First game is awesome
What do you use for gaming? Why use shitty amd and nvidia when you can use voodoo
Princess Maker 2 Refine coming to Steam
So what was actually the reason Nintendo didn't do these things?
Truly 10/10 games
So I just started playing WoW for the first time ever
Redbull me on this guy
Is it bad or is just a meme?
Persona 5
Misunderstood masterpieces: MGSV and MGS4
Vaporware and kickstarter scams thread
Game has two wikis
"Sony stole the casual audience from Nintendo"
How does Cred Forums keep their healer in check?
What the fuck was Telltale thinking?
They fucked this game
Peach is looking quite lovely today, wouldn't you say?
Spidey '17 comes out
What does Cred Forums think about rimworld?
The journey is over. YOU stand before your creator...
What is your Mom's favorite video game?
What are some WW2 games that take place in Japan - but youre not a soldier?
What game you playing right now
Are you good at video games, Cred Forums?
Keyboard/Mouse vs Controller?
Steam is now Cred Forums
Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh, Luigi?
Alright, Cred Forums
Where were you when a C'tan oneshotted a biotitan by touching it?
Microsoft market game the wrong way
How do you like your Poison, Cred Forums?
Years of Service
K-On on Steam
Are you a sci-fi or a fantasy guy?
Silent Hill
Geralt doesn't even feel like Geralt in this game,but a mixture of Shepard and Batman...
Which one is the best Digimon game and why is it Digimon World Data Squad?
Second game in series
So now that you can install and play DS ROMs without a flashcart, what is your excuse for not having a hacked 3DS?
No Forza 3 thread? Has the early access unlocked in any regions yet?
Ace Attorney Thread: Justice Edition
Shiny hunting was a mistake
Your appointment to FEMA has just been cancelled, I have yet to speak to the senator about the matter
Has anyone on Cred Forums used a Revo k101? If so, what are they like?
Emerald Herald > Firekeeper > Plain Doll >>>>> Maiden in Black >>>>>>> Gywndolin
I can't decide
What are your thoughts on Isabelle from Animal Crossing?
PS4 Pro
SPAS-12 is double barrel
Hidden Gems
What games can I survive a nuclear attack in?
Select your character
Would you help to save Bunnylina?
ITT: Power Level stories
Hahaha check out this game
What went wrong
Replaying FFVII for the 100th time. Every time I play it I find more and more translation errors...
Tfw your childhood account is gone forever because it didn't make Disney enough money
Do you play with the 3D on or off?
How good are you at fighting games
What's the verdict? Is it shit?
Game recommendation thread
Have you ever made a character you just can't help but stop playing every few minutes and fap over?
Tell me Commander, if your Federation is so good, why are there no good Star Trek videogames?
Do you prefer realistic female armor or do you like the fantasy ''cover the nipple'' armors in your video games?
What game is an example of unfair difficulty?
Gaming related things that makes you laugh
What publishers do you boycott and why?
I love to reload during a battle!
All racism aside do you think it will be good?
Why cant nintendo just make a traditional console again?
Sure, go for it
Is Overwatch more fun on PC or console?
ITT: games that pushed gameplay forward
Anyone else preorder?
So am I the only human being on the planet that actually enjoyed the action Resident Evil games?
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
What's gaming's greatest mystery?
Ll > lV > Brotherhood > Syndicate > Revelations > 1 >SHIT > Unity > lll
Motoko on the cover
Speccy thread
Earth Defense Force 5 / EDF 5
Would you play a game based on Kung Pow?
Ninja gaiden black
What went wrong?
Post the game you're playing RIGHT NOW
Trails of Cold Steel 2
Has a game ever made you cry before?
PC gaming on a couch is more comfy and much better than playing on a tiny PC monitor
The only thing I'm good at in life is video games
Times you griefed others in an MMO
Let's discuss video game girls. Which one is your favorite? Do you love her?
Itch and Scratch Game
What went wrong?
Whats wrong with this picture Cred Forums?
Name ONE game released this year that didn't disappoint you
Skyrim character thread
330 employees
Around 2001, be little 11 year old shit
Games with underrated shotguns
Cred Forums I don't understand, who are these people? They were pretty good when OneyNG was on their podcast...
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Cresh Bancancoot
Why is this allowed?
What do you think of Amy Rose, Cred Forums?
Ubisoft developing for the NX
What can devs learn from the failure of Street Fighter V?
What made the original armor so perfect?
What is with the normies' insistence that games must have characters that look exactly like them or else it's not...
One of these threads
WoW - Legion
Why was the radio in GTA V so shit?
Profligates like you belong on a cross
Shrek's broken """"game"""""
Alright, Cred Forums. We have our iconic classic songs, but what are some games from this gen with great music...
V drawthread
So we have 20 underage schoolgirls, you can romance every single one of them
Will this surpass Undertale?
Make this vidya
Why is gun-fu so underrepresented in videogames?
Last TV show/movie watched and last game played is now into a game
Melee weapons
Lava level
Say something nice about Kaede
You have 10 seconds to be as reddit as possible *keep it vidya*
It wasn't that bad
You guys remember that lisa thing that was like undertale but actually good?
Have you ever played video games with your parents?
ITT: Characters you want in PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale 2
Is this the most overrated game of the gen?
Webm thread: shitty gameplay edition
Hello, going to drop some info, up to you if you want to believe it or not
Only 1 male born each 100 years
What is your opinion on this?
Made 20 years ago
You've been in a coma for, quite some time. Yes yes, you would like to now how long, i'm afraid it's been, 9 years
Is it wrong to care about trophies/achievements?
Fall is here. Are you cozy, Cred Forums?
Sonyggers will never have graphics this good
Why didn't Gray Fox just Rules of Nature the Rex?
When did you realize Kojima was a Hack?
What's the most money you've ever spent on a single game?
Go to subway
ITT: Rename to something Gen Z friendly
Beat a super long story driven game
Cringe thread
Are shooters here to stay? What will be the next genre that will take the video game industry by storm?
You are now are that Five Nights At Freddy's has
Remember Guitar Hero and Rock Band?
Lost password for SE ID
Did you know?
Mfw there's no Nep thread
Name 1 (one) video game character that can defeat the Nightman
More old zones than new
E3 2017
Gta IV is better than gta V
Game gets remade with no extra content
Gravity Rush 2
Buying into the PS4 tomorrow morning after my first and only class of the day ends
So PCbros you finally ready to apologize about halo 5 and forza? Its not too late to join Sony bros :^)
What are some good games where you can use Pole-arms?
Why did Pokemon Go flop so hard?
Are there any games where I can play as a dancer?
It wasn't that bad
Should shotguns be realistic and work at a long range or be nerfed to be only close range weapons?
Score One for the Republic
ITT: bosses that could have easily wrecked you numerous times in the game but didn't for stupid reasons
Already deader than KI
What games are even coming out in the last few months of 2016? All I can think of is
Reminder that the Marathon trilogy are still the highest-brow FPSes ever released, and nothing else even comes close
Steam avatar
How can Western Devs even compete?
Hey Cred Forums
WTF was his problem anyway???
How do we fix pharah without removing her from the game?
Gal Gun: Double Peace
Is Reapfield the best Overwatch meme?
Has anyone here played this?
P (art) 1
Reminder that this happend
Now that the dust has settled, let's face it, it was pretty good
The Great Debate
Who's your favorite video game youtuber? Pic related for me
Red flags
I love the new pokemon
Post yfw PCucks will never, EVER get Nioh
Can girls love other girls?
Friday night game night
Are people who say RE4 "killed" the series the most colossal faggots ever to exist?
Can someone explain the appeal of pic related to me?
What game can you sacrifice yourself for your husbando?
And now, he's here to fuck US
Will you be buying Sun/Moon?
Are the Metro games any good (redux)?
You're not gonna support this game, right?
Why is this allowed?
Save Room / Calming music in Vidya
How are you supposed to defeat a time stop boss if she fought seriously? She can just stop time kill you...
Why is this allowed?
Post cool mods
Weeb game
Youngest Final Fantasy protagonist
What kind of videogame is this?
Atelier is literally neptunia now
What does Cred Forums think of Battlefield 1?
Really like the stories and writing and character interactions of this game
Why are pic related so underpowered in vidya?
What games let me catch a predator?
They are the real villains
What is the best SubWeapon and why is it Axe?
Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Fusions/Video Games Thread
Lon Lon Ranch hasn't appeared in a Zelda game for years
ITT: games that had no right being as good as they were
Who is the Kaworu x Shinji pairing of vidya?
What would you do if you were in Mai's situation?
Is this the hardest Resident Evil game?
The Witcher 3 or Bloodborne
"Hold Ctrl to crouch"
Despite everything, it's still you
Was it the worst GTA or the most overrated GTA?
Better Atlus Director: New or Old?
Vampire The Masequrade: Bloodlines General Thread
Nintendo has 3rd party by the balls once again
So this is the power of PC gaming
Piracy is dying
Every single NPC in the last game you played has just been replaced by the War Boys...
Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator
Is there a game where I can manage a colony of apes?
So the power...of the PS4
So whats the appeal of overwatch? game is boring as fuck and just as shallow. Limited as fuck maps...
So over at /vr/ and /qa/, we're discussing sone possibilities of allowing 6th gen into the board
Cred Forums The Musical IV - A New Hope
Who is she supposed to represent? Or is she an amalgam?
Why do people pretend The Witcher games are anymore a "real" RPG than the Dragon Age games?
That guy who choses Mario when playing Mario Kart cause he's the protagonist
ITT only top tier games
It's true
Come home from work
Cred Forums will defend this
Steam Refunds
What games let me play as a cute girl ?
Daily reminder to sit up straight playing vidya
What's next after Dark Souls 3 DLCs?
Steam profile cringe thread
If this is the worst final fantasy, why is it so good?
So at the risk of getting a lot of hate, I just want to say that this game seems to suck from what I've played so far...
Ace Attorney Thread
Holy Shit, this remake sucks
Two DLC's
Why did he stop making video games? Where did his passion go?
How hard can it be to make one game? It's been almost 10 years already
This is your wife Lucina. You haven't visited her in a while. You still love her, don't you?
Itt: post a photo and others recommend you a game based on that
Vidya drawthread
Does Cred Forums like this game?
ITT: Characters that are literally you
Why aren't there any good Bleach games?
Mfw bethesda officially stated new vegas isn't canon
What went wrong
Where did it all go so wrong?
What are your top 5 favorite games from pic related, Cred Forums?
Screenshot Thread
See a friend launch a shitty game like CSGO on steam
As a PC gamer this is sadly accurate
Anybody else losing any sense of hype/hope for the NX due to the complete lack of information?
Yfw your pawn don't get hire because you're still a console poorfag
''crash is boring''
One Way Heroics
Oh user! You're still alive. Listen, there's a guy here who wants to DEAD RISING THREAD...
Never Forget
Better combat
Do I have to play DC 1 to play 2?
Nah Pat I totally didn't load my team with ringers you just salty as fuck
What were they thinking. 1-10 how bad did they fuck themselves
If you were to pitch a videogame idea to a publisher, what would your opening statement be?
Well Cred Forums?
Games are more expensive than ever
Looking back, what is the most fun you've had in a video game?
Post beautiful melancholic music from games
Cred Forums meta thread
Will there ever be another game like this made again?
Why are visual novels not considered games by Cred Forums?
Ive been tricked for the last time nintendooo!!!
Would you want it?
Put your heart and soul into bioware
Forza Horizon 3 thread?
Why is gamefreak making her move so sexy?
Hey, Cred Forums, I just got the turtle beach x12 and been loving it but was wondering Cred Forums's opinion on it
What's the last comfy game you played?
The strongest character is the protagonist
Lets get a cringe thread going, start with a classic
I saw people talking about a Russian game dealing with open world, resource management based on paint(?)...
Game is on Nintendo DS
The game forces you to kill women and children
Got a ps1 that dident work so i got another one and it works. they wouldent let me return the one that dosent work...
Want to (re)play KotOR 1
Hey I last played Tales of Symphonia but are there any later good Tales games?
Why did they ruin Paper Mario this bad, with the cancer that is Sticker Star and Color Splash?
What games are set in feudal japan?
So Cred Forums, since it is not only inevitable but already here
This steaming pile of shit is coming out in two days
Places in games that you want to visit
Battlerite is on steam right now, anyone play it yet? Looks kind of fun
Best GTA ever
Anyone in the mood for a filename thread?
Why does Peach date Mario when he's the ugliest man in the Marioverse?
Change difficulty from normal to hard
Is this a good pc?
ITT: Best Deals you ever got on Steam
Just replayed this. When are we getting a sequel? What can be improved?
So I beat Persona 5
Boss encourages you to do better throughout the fight
Most OP gun in online gaming history
Play Crash
There's only about 1 week before the new patch hits in FFXIV, have you prepared yourself for it user?
Does the PS4 have any games?
Complete Las Vegas mission
So has Cred Forums finally accepted that Persona 5 has the best battle music ( AND FINAL BOSS MUSIC ) in the series?
-"Master Chief, mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?"
What went wrong?
It has a comfy character creation screen
Cred Forums says wonders about a hentai VN
Which pokeboy would you "catch"?
DPS rankings after day 1 of Emerald Nightmare (Heroic, 75th Percentile)
After Fallout 4, will this be any good?
So... is Virtual Reality still a thing or has it become a dead meme?
Crack when?
Warcraft Legion Suramar Edition
Spam launcher like a fucking retard
The UEF, Illuminate and the Cybran have joined forces to invade the universe of the last game you played
Super Mario Maker Shill & Chill Thread
Most of the criticism DaS3 gets is also valid for this game
PSP Appreciation Thread
Show me your Morrowind receipt
Why is this white human female the princess of a bunch of mushrooms
Nintendo Sony Superdisc
Is just cause 3 any good?
If pokemon were real, and you only had 1 masterball, who would you capture?
ITT: Bethesda makes New Vegas
Do you play vidya to fill in some kind of void in your life? Have you found other things to fill in that void?
ITT: Post the best game in a series
Hi Cred Forums, i need some game recomendations for the upcoming winter!
Play as a girl so I can look like a proper semen demon as I play
Game has Wilhelm scream
Boss is frozen in ice
Pirates BTFO
All confirmed Civ 6 leaders so far
Consoles are superior to PC's, the only good thing that PC's have contributed to gaming is the first person shooter
Which guy has the largest dick
ITT: Vidya characters you can NOT stop fapping to
Hope you fed it the correct foods Cred Forums
How do i get a job at a data entry center or a call center...
It was surprisingly good. Are we having a sequel?
What does Cred Forums think of the koopalings?
The monsters have turned into cute girls. Do you still hunt them?
Log into game
What the hell is happening to Pokemon?
New gameplay footage
Rogue Galaxy
Blizzard ditching the name ""
Do you still truly enjoy gaming Cred Forums...
Name ONE (1) game series that have no humans in it
Haydee: The Shillening
Jak vs Ratchet vs Sly
Vidya lceberg Thread
Posting this like yesterday~ let's have a nice thoughtful discussion on one of my favorite rhythm games of this...
Dragon Quest VII
I've never played RE4, is this port alright? I don't have a PC that can run games
ITT- God Tier Triple-A titles
Take my unwanted games lads
What did they mean by this?
So litterally anyone connected to my wi fi can broadcast YouTube videos to my Xbox one...
Video Games you Cannot Discuss on Cred Forums
The Assassin's Creed movie's historical sequences are all in Spanish
What went wrong?
Tfw no slightly chubby gf to play arenas with and get stuck at 1600 while cuddling and having ruthless brute sweaty sex
Senran Kagura
I do mean this seriously. What the fuck WAS her problem?
Leave the PC to me
SMT IV Apocalypse Thread: Still waiting for EU release edition
Now that the dust has settled, what's your honest opinion on Undertale?
Is Witcher 3 the best game of the generation?
Japanese bird cooking spaghetti
FUCK right the fuck OFF with that ending
ITT: waay overrated games
What is the scariest thing in 40k?
What games do I get to experience a nuclear attack? Real as possible
So are we going to address the most recent NX rumors here on v?
What are some games that involve clowns?
Friendly reminder that if you cant FC or near FC songs on the hardest difficulties in rhythm games youre a casual...
Koji Igarashi was inspired to create Symphony of the Night after seeing Castlevania in the bargain bin
Playing FO: New Vegas:
Thoughts on Death Star DLC? Need to know if its worth the money
Older sister always comes to watch me play random soulsborne game
Post vidya songs that go well with this
Why do people pretend that Fallout 1 and 2 are better than New Vegas?
Your friend liked a shit game
Ashley is ____
Mother Base
Name some games you can just sit down. Bonus points for sitting down and smoking
Can you fit your entire steam library on one HDD?
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Cred Forums? It has actual graphics
PlayStation Plus Price Increase Tomorrow
Game lets you snipe a boss killing him in one shot and avoiding a long boss battle with him later
No WoW 2
Symmetra is now your love interest. How do you proceed?
How did this game develop such a cult-like following? Are people still defending the Nu Male's Lies...
What does Cred Forums think about Hidden Palace Zone?
What are some games were I can slay monster fucking shits while enjoying it?
PC Gayman thread
Finally got around to finishing Spirit of Justice. What are Cred Forums's thoughts on the final case in the game?
Meanwhile, in yharnam Cred Forums
Saving the game requires a consumable item
So what are the recommended versions of Kingdom Hearts?
Sale of your life
It seems like i encounter myself again in the realm of the living
ITT: video game characters who are you
You guys will argue over anything
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
Why not sell cheaper games and more DLC?
Do any of you play Destiny? Do you love Rise of Iron as much as I do?
Why do girls love Portal?
What were they thinking?
Daily reminder that if you haven't done an all boss deathless playthrough (including DLC) you're a hopeless casual...
Save one
How do we fix millenials?
How do I fucking kill it?
Haven't played a RTS since AoE 2 and Warcraft 3, is this worth playing?
Naughty Dog stream now
The last game you played now has the subtitle 'Black Ops'. How much cooler does the game sound?
Lightning boss
What went wrong?
Facing the final challange , lvl 310 boss
Who's your favorite edgelord in vidya?
When are we going to see the rest of halo on pc?
Where can I learn about how the lore/story of the Dark Souls games connect? Particularly 1 and 2
Why the fuck did she have to kill herself ??
Seriously what the fuck
How it is that this franchise is not exploited to make an RPG?
Cred Forumsidya drawthread
Dad walks in
Hacked my n3ds. Updated to as instructed by guide. Nintendo just pushed an update notification...
"Imagine a world where sequels are banned. Would this not be a beautiful place? Sure...
Luna's ugly as hell thread continuation
Yfw Quiet is actually Chico
What went wrong?
Wii U emulation
Imagine that Pokemon franchise has monthly updates to balance the game and trying to make all Pokemon available
Would you play a standalone coco game?
How is emulation coming along?
Ha ha ha
Harry Potter MMO UPDATE
Battlefield 1 will only have NINE (9) maps at launch and SIX (6) gamemodes
Then what's the fucking point? It's the ONLY thing this shitty handheld has going for it...
Anyone looking forward to Skywind?
Cossacks 3
Just picked this up, what am I in for?
This is Lukako Urushibara, say something good about him
Your opinion on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?
Why didn't he shake that old man's hand? Is he an asshole?
He doesn't put any effort making his own custom characters
What is the Jumanji of video games?
Why aren't you playing me yet user?
All these newfags pretending they're Dead Rising 1 fans because of the rerelease
Meanwhile in Cred Forums-mansion
Learning AIs in Q3
Post some good games about dreams
How can this super thin lass be classed as a heavyweight?
It's been a year since this came out, it was quite a suprisingly great experience ?
Has a videogame ever made you cry?
Does Cred Forums like Batman: Telltale edition? Why is Catwoman such a tease?
I'm warming up to it. It doesn't seem so bad on its own
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse
ITT games that are better than their reputation on Cred Forums
How can I stop videogames, Cred Forums?
Go to Far Harbor because this girl I know nothing about suspects she is a synth for no good reason and went to a...
Play Doc
Yesterday we had a good Rocket League thread
Instead of patching in support for 4K, Sony decides to release a new console
New Senran Kagura to be revealed in the next day. 2017 title
It's Over. Our Dreams Are Ruined
Miyazaki bluntly replied, “Yeah, we’re already working on Armored Core.”
Post em
What's your idea of a "perfect" video game industry?
Da jews were superscientists before da ebil nazis got em!
I never played Atelier games. Are they any good? And which should I play on PS3?
Hilary Clinton is the reason for censorship that held gaming back from reaching the general public...
What's the point of this game?
Melee HD when?
Are you pc master race , Cred Forums ?
Your GOTY when you turned 18
Make this vidya
NX is literally Wii U 2.0
Which ones fanbase is the most obnoxious?
God of War 4
Gal Gun: Double Peace
"it's our biggest world we ever made!"
Forza Horizon 3 PC port is a mess
Which is the best Cred Forums?
What does Cred Forums think of this game?
What's your favorite title screen/main menu, Cred Forums?
Look what I found
Dishonored 2 new footage
Bake me a cake
Do you keep your Steam library organized? Post the categories you use
Dawn Of War III
What a fucking disappointment
So, did or didn't she know that Joel was lying to her?
You are now gay. Post your vidya character you'd be gay with
Casual games that are considered hardcore
People say new Pokemon look like shit
Place your bets
Is this the first time Mario has ever fought an "evil" Yoshi? Those exist now?
Bandai Namco Announces “Dragon Ball Fusions” International Localization
I fell for the VR meme
Can we have a sports games thread?
What do you think if ff7?
Just picked this game up few days ago and o boy...
Another Sif clone, bravo From Software
B-b-b-but urien will save SFV!
Buyer's remorse thread
Anyone actually play this?
We're doing a nep thread right neppers
Do you like my ribbon?
Has a video game ever made you realize you could have done more with your life?
Civ VI - Trajan leads Rome
So Cred Forums, waiting on anything to happen in the world of video games?
Let's try this again
Media create sales
ITT: Games you highly suspect have paid shills
What do you think of this series?
The things Youmu's sword can't cut are next to none
Why do we hate him?
Hows the game development going?
Name a SINGLE video game character who's as cool as Knuckles
Deus ex
Game has lovecraftian themes
My theory is this
Did he kill himself?
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
"PC Gamers are like racists"
Remember when indie video games developers were against censorship and political correctness in video games...
Persona 5 debuted in Japan with 337,767 Units Sold According to media create
Divinity OS2 thread
Cred Forums, what is the greatest game ever created?
What games have dominant, attractive women in them that AREN'T the player character?
This worth buying? never played any sims games before
3x3 thread, r8, h8, deb8, but especially r8 because if you don't the threads fucking die
Cred Forums hates Battlefield 1 for having black characters cause MUH HISTORICAL ACCURACY and MUH SJW REVISION
Good morning
We all know Quiet is one of the worst MGS characters with an objectively terrible character design but has there ever...
What will be the next casual fad after Pokemon Go?
You know, I could deal with Genesis if he was less of a super special OC and more of a really strong renegade...
Microsoft is now pushing OEMs to sell 'PCs' that are locked to only run Windows 10 to prevent attempts to remove the...
Soooo, what happened, what do we know?
This game is gonna give me a anger induced stroke.rrrreeeeeeeere
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue