>Spidey '17 comes out
>Peter can listen to his mp3 player as he does missions / free roams
Post the music you'd want to listen to as the great Spider-Man.
Also late-night general Spider-Man vidya thread.
>Spidey '17 comes out
>Peter can listen to his mp3 player as he does missions / free roams
Post the music you'd want to listen to as the great Spider-Man.
Also late-night general Spider-Man vidya thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Easy, Danny Elfman's themes from the first 2 Toby films.
>unlockable Peter costume
>just walk around NYC pedestrian style
>ignore every mission and nearby mugging
You can't burn mp3 music with the ps4/bone. That is why mgsv doesnt allow you to play your own soundtrack while on the hell.
This may be so, but that does not prevent you from listening to music as you play.
Mp3 player
Yeeeaah no its not 06 user kek
>but that does not prevent you from listening to music as you play
I hope they pull a Groovitron and when you start doing gif related, everybody dances too.
>open up music on your smartphone
>listen to music as you play
Are you fucking stupid or something
I found out that you can actually listen to spotify on the ps4 while playing any game you want since the last patch.
Wouldn't mind the licensed songs from Raimi's spider man movies appearing in the game, but this is definitely something to listen to whilst web slinging through NYC.
The only right choice
The entire die antwoord catalogue plus all of the things prior to die antwoord such as max normal
>you cant "burn" music
>not "rip"
Drown thyself
>Animals as Leaders
Fantastic taste user
>You will never be 7 years old again watching this show on CITV on Saturday morning
>Spider-man games will never be this charming and stylish again.
Whoever decided that the Tony Hawk guys should make a Spidey game was a fucking genius.
>tfw new spidey movie won't have the amazing score from that trilogy. Even 3 had a pretty good chaotic sounding version of the theme. shame about no elfman though. His avengers 2 themem was good too.
Every non-movie Spiderman game is just a mishmash of "hey, remember all these villains?" What will it take to have a decent story and isn't just Spidey villain whack a mole?
Only one thing I can think of:
hahaha nice
spotify app console