Is Overwatch more fun on PC or console?

Is Overwatch more fun on PC or console?

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I don't even know why they bothered with console

Only played ps4.

Mouse and keyboard would probably improve the experience.

There will never be mods.
There will never be dedicated servers.
There will never be a competitive scene.
Why even play it on PC?

Like with most FPS, PC. The controller isn't a good fit for FPS as it stands.

Ethier way it's fun.


>I don't even know why they bothered with console
Even at a glance you can tell the game was designed from the ground up with consoles in mind.
>matchmaking, no private servers
>6v6 only
>no voting, kicking, 'join as spectator'
>no modability

While I've only played it on PC, I don't know why the even bothered with PC. It's a console game through and through.

Better controls, more support from the dev
I have nothing against the console releases but I think it's going to deal with the same problems TF2 had for the X360 and PS3. The cost and verification for updates will cause them to release less updates or adjustments for those systems.

Why would you play a fps on console if you have the option to use a mouse

Granted TF2 (pre crates/ F2P) had no way to maintain cashflow like OW can with it's loot boxes.

>Playing FPS games with a controller.
>High levels are full of XIM4 users.
>Way behind on patches, still uses 20hz servers.
>No community to speak of since nobody uses voice chat.

I think I'll stick with the version that won't be abandoned by the end of the year by both Blizzard and the fans.

I want her to eat my burrito

being behind on patches is not really blizzard's fault, blame the Sony & MS for having each and every patch be verified along with blizzard having to pay both of them to host the patch on their networks


That doesn't change the fact that the console versions of the game will almost always be out of date compared to the PC version.

>it's the controllers fault I can't aim

every time.

uhh its exactly the same ????

>console game has aim-assist
>torb was nerfed because console players can't hit a stationary target
>pharah is a top-tier pick because its difficult to shoot her on consoles
Keep being delusional

They literally nerfed a character just on consoles.

The pc version will have an active community for a longer time.

>top tier
It's shit on console too

At least now she is.

>The controller isn't a good fit for FPS
or strategy
or rpg
or mmo

Overwatch isn't fun at all

On consoles, aim assist is comfier and it is to competitive on PC.

It's not that bad for a lot of RPGs, though

I got it for the console because my friends saod they would and I was desperate for an online game to play with them all. Only one of them ended up getting it and he never plays it.

That's funny. My friend who is a dedicated Mustard race came over not long ago and I passed him the controller for Overwatch on Xbone. Him playing looked a lot like that.

As someone who plays Overwatch on PC and on Xbone regularly, I can tell you that it's all in your head. There are shitters and tryhards on any platform, and cherry picking doesn't change that.

But controller is great for RPGs & MMOs. Neither requires precision camera work or many buttons unless you're playing excel garbage with bloated abilities.


It's better on PC and has more players on PC. But get it on console if all your friends are there. Otherwise go PC.

>Owning Overwatch
7/10 had me rused for a bit.

>Dumbed down for console
Gameplay > story in rpgs every time.

It has more players on PC because the game is free in Korean and Chinese internet cafes

On consoles 90% of Diamond League shitters are Keyboard and Mouse using tryhards

Blizzard games are almost always more popular on PC.

>no hotkeys
>shit at menu navigation
>good luck typing out anything quickly

Your friend probably is too trained with a KB/M method for fps games.

I have this same problem, I do get over it after some time and adjusting sensitivity settings

A huge reason is because the game is free in Asia on PC

all games are free in internet cafes

It's a good way of padding the numbers too

I say console because the skill level is much lower. You won't be seeing aimbit level aim from dedicated players. You never really have to fear those characters who are deadly with good aim

Action RPGs are still better with a controller. The lack of need for precise targeting means the only benefit to kb/mouse is extra buttons. And anything that uses more than button combos can cover is just bloated shit you would macro.

Most people use mics with voice detection these days. Menu navigation & hotkeys are a matter of how the UI was designed. Something like FFXIV tends to work better with a controller for most things, where WoW would be better with mouse+kb.

PC if you've already built a mega one, you only have to buy the game and you're set. Consoles have to pay half the game's price on top of the base price just to play for 3 months.

I sure got fucked in the ass when I bought this game for PS4.

>be shit
>get matched with shit players
MMOs like WoW make up the majority
mics require party/raid,the numerous chats need kb
doesn't FFO have ridiculously long global cd?

With the low-ping servers that might have been true but with the better servers on PC, it feels like a properly funded TF2 rip-off.
But with waifu


It's not free, you have to pay ~$5, and Blizz gets to take home a portion of all profits for a given month.
Same shtick with the special edition copies of League they give out to Internet cafes and PC Bangs.
You only get them if you agree to a half a cent - a cent on every dollar of profit to Blizz and Riot.
Which, for proprietors, makes those sorts of places easy cash even with the 'free' tax taken out

I don't know why but I bought a ps4, and most of the time no one talks. I hear mostly heavy breathing of fat kids or some kids demanding shit as background noise.

I remember I bought the ps4 for the exclusive bloodborne game.

>buy console for exclusives
>company uses that money for more exclusives
fking stop

I have played both versions quite a bit. If you really want to be part of the hardcore top players and into the high competitive scene, go PC. If you have lots of friends that you like and prefer to play with on console, go console.
In terms of skill, PC will always have a higher skill cap then consoles, but to say that there are no skilled players on console and that everyone plays like what is shown in webms is plain stupid. I will admit though, that there is more of a gradient of skill on PC then there is console. On console you are more likely to find people who just plain suck like shown in webms simply because a controller can be harder to use than point and click for many people.
On PS4 in season one I topped out at top 268. I played only with my younger brother who topped out at top 68. in comparison, on PC we are both diamond but play nowhere near as much as we did in season 1. So it can be said we just aren't as good on pc, we haven't really played shooters on PC before ths, or that it's easier to achieve greater status on console if you are decent with a controller.

I don't.

I forgot to add about meta changes between the versions. Console players tend to drift towards characters that require less aim and skill, but this isn't really an issue at higher level play. But play stlye of certain characters also change because of console controls. You will see alot more McCrees on console who simply flank and sneak around to go for the stun+fan combo than actually head shotting on console, but there are some skilled players who do both.
On consoles Widowmaker is essentially removed from the game completely, you won't ever even see her in quickplay, and is usually just a character there to troll and lose.

On the subject of turrets, I think the nerf was a little too strong, and hurt higher level play. But I see why they did it, because certain strats were unbeatable for shitters on console. It is sad to see that some of the meta of higher level play be reduced on consoles because of this, but it's not like Symettra and Torb are commonly picked at a high competitive level anyways.

Thanks for the blog post

Console with keyboard

its like bots but with xp and less being hit

thanks for the shit post.


>Reaper can dodge shots without using wraith
>Roadhogs actually miss hooks
>Zarya can actually dodge shots
>Seeing McCree isn't the end of the world
>Ana misses her sleep dart
>Lucio is extremely hard to kill

but cons are:
>Nobody can kill Genji either (you can't correct your aim to match his jumps with a thumbstick.)
>Pharah is equally slippery and frankly unstoppable with support.
>Symmetra's turrets literally can't kill anything
>Torbjorn is just awful all-around.
>Hanzo and Widowmaker are strictly inferior picks to McCree.

Because I don't have the option.

I started on PS4. The community, the meta, and the gameplay experience as a whole was fucking insufferable. So I swapped to PC. Haven't gone back since.

What's the difference between an internet cafe and a PC Bang?

Honestly I had lots of fun playing on ps4 during the free weekend, but I'd pick the PC if I had to choose for obvious reasons.