
>"Prepare your defences"
>You and everyone else picks heroes that synergise with one another very well, except one last person who hasn't picked yet
>Wonder which hero he would pick to cover any we-

I fucking hate these kinds of people

Other urls found in this thread:

that was me

Nah fuck that Torb is fine for defense

What pisses me the fuck off is if you have a Symmetra and a Lucio and this dumb motherfucker picks Ana

Even worse if you're on attack and he picks Symmetra

Even WORSE if he can't even be fucked to actually use turrets and just fires orbs

>bitching about a torb pick when there are far worse picks

The nigger could have always gone Hanzo

the worst part about fucking games like this is when people adhere to this meta shit in quick play where there's nothing to lose

for competitive fine whatever there's a "best" composition but let niggas do what they want when it doesn't matter


hanzo scatter arrow deletes people on a 10 second cooldown, sonic arrow gives your team wallhacks of everyone important and his ult builds fast enough that you can use it to initiate every fight and have it back by the end of the fight

I'm fine with that just to reiterate don't do it during competition.

That torb probably carried your ass.

Oh cuck off

>enemies got a pharra fucking shit up, ults every 3 seconds
>we got soldier and cree
>they do everything but kill pharra


that may be true, but only 1/1000 hanzos is actually that good that he deletes people instantly

I get that people like the weebs but holy shit if you cant aim play something else. like myself. Cant aim for shit thats why I play either reaper/cva/support instead of americree

It's even worse when your mccree is actually trying to shoot her, but he's doing that weird flick shot thing and misses 70% of his shots.

>he still thinks torb is bad

many players are, but the hero rolls in the right hands. plus genji's hate him

>oh no someone in my team picked the most OP character in any game ever
>oh no we're gonna win now fuck me

You are the true cancer, OP. End yourself.

>get gold placement
>been grouping up with people to try and get my medal to platinum
>career high 2496
>4 points short from platinum
>fucking losing streak starts
>go all the way down to 2100s
>finally work my way up
>get back in 2400s
>on a winning streak
>end up with 2492
>need one more game to get platinum finally
>"prepare your defences"
>3 dps, 2 tanks, 1 healer
>all dps players refuse to change to healer to help me
>ofcourse we lose the game
>we barely did any damage
>dpsfags flame me for not healing enough with lucio

I swear this game is programmed like this on purpose to not make me win

Wrong, scatter arrow is about as accurate as aiming your bow at the enemy's chest. So it might was well have a 60 second cooldown.

>tfw I cant play snipers or sharpshooter classes cause my hand flicks randomly.

Its the worst habit. Though I am getting better at stopping it.

recently my PSN account was banned for no reason, had to switch to a diferent account, went from level 58 to 1, and holy shit its hard to play, Torbs on attack like hot cakes, 3 bastions a widowmaker, and a hanzo on defense, I'm over here just trying to playJunkrat but it's fucking impossible, have to switch from Rhein to Lucio to Junk to goddamn 76, it's terrible, kill me.

Hey, as someone who has equal playtime in Dva/Reaper and couldn't aim for shit too, Hanzo is just a matter of practice, invest a few hours in him in QP and you can do at least SOMETHING too.
Literally anyone can get a kill with a scatter arrow aimed at the GROUND below an enemy, that crap deals up to 375 damage. 200-250 HP heroes just get instakilled even if you don't hit all the flak.

>Failed horribly in attack
>Time to defend

Never ever

I'd say the worst part is people who bitch in the chat about there being no tanks or support instead of just changing to one. Especially if they're just one of 6 offense characters on the team.

Hypocritical shit like that always annoys me, especially if it's someone who picks soldier literally every single round, no matter what everyone else is choosing.

Could be worse
I've had a bastion on Eichenwalde attack demand that someone pick Reinhardt specifically to protect him

>aimed at the GROUND below an enemy

You mean the ground below an enemy jackrabbit on caffeine. You might have a better chance killing him by trying to put 2 arrows in his chest.


>Get our shit kicked in on defense
>Team is thrown off
>Switch to lucio ask someone else to tank
>Positive mental attitude time
>Never got off the payload
>We won the match

Fucking love lucio

Nah, people don't move around that much unless you're actually aiming for zero suit Dva, Genji, Lucio or the likes.
Scatter is easier to aim at people that either are very passive, or that are trying to aim at you/your team too. Mercy, Zenyatta, any tank, McCree, Widow and Soldier are my favorite picks.

What's the beat way to train my hitscan skills so I can stop being a useless McRee?
Load up CSGO with special training maps?

Custom game with Ana AI & headshots only

I've bitched about no tanks/no supports before, but only when I'm the only support/tank and switching would just shift the problem.

That's definitely worse. Worst I've seen was a spy on TF2 bitching that no-one went medic, despite him being one of fucking 6 spies in a payload game.

Yeah, that's perfectly reasonable if you're already filling a vital role, it's when people bitch but refuse to do it themselves that it's annoying.

No, don't do that. You should only do that if you're already good with mccree.

What do you recommend then?

You can do nothing to Winston without your team.

>Even worse if you're on attack and he picks Symmetra

This can work on the first point of some maps (Hanabarbara) if the enemy has a Reinhart. Pretty good for getting past the choke and you can sneak in and plant a teleport.

No point in training your aim with games other than Overwatch since there's mouse input lag. Just keep playing him and get used to it

Torb in Hollywood Defense is a garanteed victory. There's multiple good turrent spots.

What? OW has input lag?

Unless they have a Rein and/or Zarya, who will just demolish Torb+turret. Or Genji/Junkrat.

Different user, but you should absolutely do custom game with Headshot only. But don't load up just Ana, get one of every kind of bot except Bastion.
It's very frustrating at first, but I don't really see why that would be a bad idea.

Yeah the devs even admitted to it

What? That wasn't even true on console before he was nerfed.

Also, set it up for Skirmish rules, otherwise you're in for a world of pain.

>for no reason.
Sure buddy.

I've had entire evenings where i've been the one to change to tank/support because nobody else will. I don't mind doing it occasionally but i refuse to be the support bitch every game because nobody else will do it.

How many frames?

>that feel when I'm really in the zone and score good headshots as McCree all the time
but most of the time I'm so average as him, I wish I could be good more often. Why does it gotta be so random for me

I'll play whatever character I damn please, thank you.

trip jokester

this is fine by me, as long as you keep that attitude in quick play. ranked is reserved for people who know how to play at least 1 hero from eacy category, and are willing to adapt to a good team composition

t. bronze rank

I dont understand people who main or like """"can't""" play more than one or two people, Pharah, Junkrat, Rein, Lucio are the people I pick usually and even then I like everyone else I just switch characters if we need too

Like how can people just play Genji every game and sometimes go like Roadhog

I just hate this, if you literally have just practiced a DPS hero so you can pretend to be as good as your favorite twitch streamers then don't go ranked. Play other heroes too so you won't have situations where you pick the third dps every other ranked match and people argue and create a bad mood and fucks it up for everyone.

The problem is not switching when needed to, hell when I see no tank I am terrible at tank, I fucking tank.

>fps on console

What is the meta for overwatch

>Quick Play
>Prepare your defenses
>Pick McCree
>Rest picks are fairly balanced: Reinhardt, Reaper, Ana, Lucio and Genji

>Match starts
>Reaper pulled by roadhog instead of teleporting behind enemy lines
>Reinhardt keeps lowering his shield to hit the tracer in the face whenever she comes close
>Lucio is constantly on speed boost mode
>Ana can't hit with healing shots unless you're standing still.
>they're all above rank 200

Hanzo has always been an op beast for me.
Aiming isn't even a concern with his wall hack.

Thing is he doesn't get many eliminations, usually only 10-20 for a decent player since he's a one shot kill character, while someone like soldier can just tag everyone once and get 50 eliminations.

Why was your account banned?


Gonna use that one.

2 dps, 2 tank, 2 healers is the most common and consistent one. 3 tank 3 support is a newer meta but it's hit or miss

more importantly, switching to counter the enemy team. If they have a Pharah that is never killed, then switch to a hitscan hero so you can kill her.

As for tanks, don't go Roadhog+D.Va/Winston. It's pretty much essential for at least one of them to be Zarya or Reinhardt, tank is useless if they don't help negating damage. D.Va can of course negate damage to some extent but she is very easy to counter so she is unreliable. She's mostly helpful to delete Reaper shots, provided somebody will actually kill him while she does it.

>playing Winston on hanamura attack
>finish the game with 4 gold medals
>get carded for damage blocked
>zero commendations
Well fuck you too

>someone picks Ana

I love how people think they need to play the meta like they're grandmasters playing against grandmasters.

And then they bawl tears when they lose in platinum league because t-torb ruined everything.

>play on KOTH in comp
>guy takes torb
>we all clench our buttholes
>"hope you know what you're doing torb"
>torb is a mother fucking killing machine
>barely any turret kills, just runs around shooting everyone himself
>constantly keeps assassinating the enemy healers, gets most kills, potg
>we dominate 3 - 0
I'll never forget you torb guy

You are at a serious disadvantage if your enemy team picks 2 tank 2 support for maximum survivability while you only have 1 tank because someone thought Torb was more important even though the only people who have trouble with a turret are console players.

New meta is more like 3 tank + 2 supports + Ana desu, it is pretty much built around having Nano boost up all the time.

Roadhog is more of a crowd-control type of a character than a tank desu, he's basically a DPS with a high health pool. + Winston is a perfectly viable dive comp though - I've seen teams made exclusively of highly mobile characters steamroll other teams just because they flew right over the chokepoint. (Dva+Winston, Pharah+Genji, Mercy+Lucio)

> + Winston is a perfectly viable dive comp though - I've seen teams made exclusively of highly mobile characters steamroll other teams just because they flew right over the chokepoint. (Dva+Winston, Pharah+Genji, Mercy+Lucio)
But this requires good coordination which you won't find with randoms even with voice chat. It's better to just stay to the safe meta in that case.

Fuck, all you need is one good dps and none of that matters against platinum kiddies.

All you really need to do is pick off 2 characters and it becomes 6v4 and then make up doesn't fucking matter anymore.

I'm not saying there isn't an advantage to the meta, i'm just saying it don't mean dick when no one knows how to turn around or listen for footsteps.

>What pisses me the fuck off is if you have a Symmetra and a Lucio and this dumb motherfucker picks Ana
>getting mad at that guy
>not BEING that guy

Fucking Halo did almost irreperable damage to my aim and I've spent the last 15 years of my life trying to unfuck it.

This. I've saved many matches by switching to Symmetra just to blast through Reinhards shield with my huge balls and scaring him (and his Bastion buddy) away.

Also, I have been thinking, would having Ana taking up one of the DPS spots be a bad thing? So you pretty much have 1 dps 2 tank 3 supports, but Ana will focus DPS unless your team really needs patching up. Her DPS is great so I'd love to experiment with this.

>team comp don't matter much if the enemy team are actual braindead retards
Well, duh

Actually come to think of it, most the time it's because these niggers don't protect their supports from tracer/reaper/genji.

A torb in that situation is ideal.

I'm proposing a meta for shitfucks. Have a torb protect the rear.

>playing with a junkrat who keeps throwing nades at Zarya and super charges her the whole game

>Get in
>tracer on enemy team
>Nobody can kill her before she hides, recharges her rewind
>I leave game

why don't you kill her smart guy

worse is when you play with a junkrat who does nothing but stand as far back as he can and lob m1 grenades vaguely into their team, only to have the damage instantly healed by their lucio/mercy/zenyatta and converted directly into resurrection/sound barrier/trancendance juice

then comes the inevitable
"lol i have gold damage my team sucks"

>"but I have gold damage!!"
delete medals

>pick McCree
>delete Tracer from the game

Yeah, I fucking hate the usual "I got the gold in damage" cop out. Junkrat is good but you need to be right in their faces getting kills.

>tiny hit box
>Fast as fuck
>Zips instantly out of your aim
>Does shit ton damage the moment she gets to your side or back
>Manage to get her to half or quarter health ZOOM she recalls her health while I'm still dwindling.

>Someone picks a fantastic healer that can 3shit squishies and harass tanks, group burst heal, and has a gamechanging ult she gets every 30 seconds
Don't see a problem here.

And yet she can't deal with a fucking turret.

>dude why can't anyone kill this tracer fuck this i'm out of here
>of course i can't do it either hehe~

Flashbang+headshot deletes tracer from the game. Same with helix rockets.

>What is Winston
Roadhog also works fine.

With Winston, she can just stay out of his tickle ray reach and even within reach, she can take off most of your health before laughing herself to death.
Roadhog works 75%, but that nagging 25% is when she spams her Recall and gets out before the face scrap hits hits mark.

>she can take off most of your health before laughing herself to death.
I've never died in a Tracer 1v1 as Winston.

because you can land either on a good tracer

Tfw my Wingate in comp is sub 50

Somehow I'm still higher than I calibrated at

>losing on defence
>change to Mei
>always win

Unless your entire team is a deadweight, Mei wins.

Mei is probably the player I hate playing against the most. Especially the ones that freeze you, THEN WAVE, and shoot you in the head with an icicle.

Mei nerf when
>Literally cannont die unless the entire team gang rapes her, even then she still has a chance to bullshit her way out

McCree shits on her, but far too often the McCree will neglect to focus on her.

It's kinda crazy how she went from being pretty useless to being a monster just because her ult became hard to avoid and charges super fast

Honestly I think It was the ult buff itself that made he relevant in the meta.
I've been playing Overwatch for some time and I rarely saw a Mei before the patch.

Welcome to the forced 50% win rate.

The only way I've ever countered her is with Hanzo scattershot at her feet, and throwing everything I have at her with Junkrat. And those only work if she doesn't encase herself. Her Ult freezes faster than Rein's charge, her gun freezes at some ridiculous range, and she's just overall a hassle to deal with.
Playing her, I can just do whatever and survive. Almost always win.

>it's a torbjorn's turret denies pharah's ult game


So pick Reinhardt and shield Bastion. The moment enemies start shooting, bring down your shield and move away from him.

>Ulting anywhere near a Torb turret
That's the same as ulting when a Rein has his shield up

Another dumb fuck thinking positivity wins games.

>Prepare defenses

>The most defensive of heroes is not good for defense

For fucks sake why arnt peoplemad about this. Why are they just accepting that torb and bastion are shit, if genji was nerfed the smallest about entire board goes into shitstorm.

But youl be fucking lucky to even have three people discuss how to the fix the hereos so bad that even quickplayers dont use them

How do I git gud with Winston?

>Thinking mental attitude matters
>With a game that requires a degree of skill
>Also completely relies on the contribution of the rest of your team

You need to go absolutely fucking bananas on the enemy team.

I played against an offensive Torbjorn on KOTH last night. He didn't even use a turret and kicked my team's ass

>dink running tracers with mcree on the daily

Git gud

Jump behind the enemy team and give their snipers and supports the hot monkey dick.

Left shift, E, hold M1, Left shift again when at low health, obtain health, repeat process.
When in ultimate, hold LMB in people's faces.

Junkrat's bear traps.

Know when to use his bubble because the cooldown is ridiculously long, jump away from your enemies before it's too late because he's an easy target while jumping, you don't want 10hp left when doing it

having a zarya helps a lot if she puts a barrier on you while you jump in

i actually really like symmetra on 2/3 of Ilios. She's useless on well but she can set up some decent traps on the other 2, and she has some fantastic tele spots on lighthouse

So pretend you're D'va with a shittier damage and survivability? Then knock punks off cliffs twice per match?

Basically, yes.

A torb that can aim is p.god-tier desu, 2 kills means free health for him

Or two team mate deaths. Dude is like a ghoul.

Good torbs are stellar on attack, they put their lvl2 turrets in interesting places, otherwise they just drop a lvl1 and blast your face off with the rivet gun.

Then you have torbs who just drop it on the payload or point and have it explode in their face 2 second later.

>all-torb teams on Gibraltar

>tfw team has 2 dmg 2 tanks and 2 open slots
>pick healer and assume the other guy will too
>picks Pharah
>"Can we get some fucking heals?"
>"Healer do you're fucking job"

I hate this shitty game.

>went from 3229 to 2990 in one day
>literally on like a 20 losing streak
>nothing I can do about it
what the fuck is this shit. I ALWAYS pick the hero we need to win and communicate. This game pisses me off so much sometimes, it is literally 90% about how good of a team you get, some matches you can afk and still win, others you can play your soul out and still get steamrolled. Haven't launched in 2 days because of how much this turned me off

You're supposed to be getting a 50/50 win/loss ratio regardless of your uber skill and shit team mates. The game is mechanically balanced that way and does a fine job of predicting outcomes.

wtf I hate blizzard now

Yes, you can easily land flashbang+headshot on a Tracer. Or shoot her down to ~60% health and kill her with helix rockets to the feet. Or just hook her.

Are you complaining about your own bad aim or about Tracer's abilities?

Explain my two day loss streak

>be rein most of the time
>attacking on eichenwald
>someone snatches reiny before i could
>oh well, guess ill go dps
>game starts
>our reinhardt is terrible
>always charging into a chokepoint and not even oinning anyone
>trying to hit a goddamn phara
>charging into the abyss
>the enemy zarya, mei and soldier have no trouble containing us
>get rekt
>tell him on team chat he should let me be rein
>doesnt answer
>again this asshole is rei
>again hes fucking garbage
>get steam rolled
>tell him hes a terrible reinhardt
>"and your point is? I wont learn if i dont use him"
>on competitive

Gas them. Gas them all.

>playing numbani
>team struggles to push cart to the end, leaves 3 seconds on timer
>enemy team cruises through and leaves 3 minutes
>second round, given one minute
>cap point and push all the way to the end in overtime
>switch to defense, shut the other team out

I don't get this game sometimes.


Thats only applicable if you have a competent hazo, which is rarely the case. Out of 10 matches ive had with a friendly hanzo, id say only 2 or 3 hanzo was alright.

Well its not perfect.
I was sitting on something like 60/40 before they removed total matches played to obscure the fact.

>2 separate games in a row the Mercy disconnects then rejoins after the defense was already fucked over

>play healer 3 games in a row
>everyone once again instalocks whatever the fuck they want to play and expect the last two people to be honor bound to pick healer
>fuck you guys I'm not healing again
>get called a piece of shit all game with everyone critiquing everything I do
>gold elims and damage pharah
>we still lose because everyone acts like it was my duty as the last pick to heal and they refuse to switch as a matter of pride
I'm so fucking sick of this. I was 71 in season 1 and now I'm 2500 and I can't fucking get out of it because I'm forced to heal half the time.


I always pick random for the sake of fun.
You losers can fuck off with your 2/2/2 nonsense.

People who don't realize you should have 2 healers are just retarded.

Torb is pretty goddamn useless dude. Any decently organized team can run his turret over easily. Maybe if you're in quickplay and the enemy never bothers him but goddamn, any other situation makes him crazy weak.

Solo skill really is a small factor in this game.

Odd thing is this morning I played 3 games and got steamrolled hard after hitting a new career high yesterday. I couldn't see anything obviously wrong and all the teams were solo Q players, they just seemed to have way better ult synergy.

Also fuck 3 tank 3 support meta, this game has so many garbage dps characters it's annoying.

>not getting a card for jump jet kills

>Be Pharah
>Get the Direct Rockets card with 68% direct rockets hit.
>Our team's Lucio gets 4 commendations just for standing around in heal mode
>Their team's genji gets 3 commendations for reflect kills

Life is painful

So don't play competitive retard.

because they picked the role no one wants to play.

the enemy team doesn't want to vote for the other team

Git gud fggt

>Torb "turret picks off the almost dead" Jorn carrying anybody

Jump behind enemy team
Tickle them for a bit
Make them turn aroud
The rest if your team shoots at them while theyre tryijg to kill you
Jump back to your team
Bubble shield
Rinse and repeat

>heal every match, forever, for all time
>enter season 2 at 2680
>stop playing at 2400
It's like the game balances for me to carry retards every single fucking match. I have had one team where my mates picked, played, and countered well. Every other one may as well have been 5 genjis against a team of winstons.

Do everything a complet asshole would do until they switch off genji, snipers, and lucio.
Then go hog to deal with their now bulkier close range damage characters.
Revert to monkey if they change back.

>tfw tracer keeps zipping around like a cockney mosquito
>occassionally teabags like a cheeky cunt
>switch to Pharah and stealth behind her as she annoys the tank
>direct hits for days
>snipe the fuck out of her when she blinks
>(Tracer) has left the game

Lucio and Zenyata can be genuinely fun to play. And Symmetra and Ana too.
But I can't wrap my head around Mercy. No matter how hard I tried finding a suitable play style for her, I did not succeed.
She sucks against a half competent opponent who knows they most focus her first and foremost.

Mercy inherently draws attention because of her heal beam and giant wings. Meanwhile, Ana and Zenyatta hang back and snipe and are hardly the main focus while Lucio is on the front lines dancing around bullets and healing everyone instead of one person at a time.

>Mc Ree

>voting for a person on the other team
>voting for anyone except yourself
PLEASE tell me you guys don't actually do this

Get out of Participation Tier, then. Tracer shits on Winston. Tracer shits on everybody but Torbjorn. She's one of the best characters in the game and needs her blink CD increased.

>play bastion
>do almost nothing the whole game but die, maybe get off a pick or two
>steal the POTG with an ult

Sad thing is, for Mercy to be the most useful you kinda need 2 healers. Because the Mercy NEEDS to hide when she sees that shit's about to go down.
For example, you're almost winning, final point, enemy team is holding back for a while, about 40 seconds left. The last push IS coming soon, and they'll rain ults all over the place.
Mercy? Mercy needs to go somewhere quiet and hide. Hide and let everyone on her team die, then fly in and ress everyone.

This is why I prefer to play Zenyatta. Genji and Tracer try to pick you off? E + M1 headshot + V and they're gone. Enemy team tossing in every single ult? Experience tranquility.
Not to mention he has the best voice lines in the game.

Death is whimsical today.

>play bastion
>pick a nice spot
>melt most of the other team
>move into a little room where nobody expects a basty
>rinse out enemy team
>get fucked up instantly

BWEE BWEE BWEBWEEEEEEE immediately makes people look for you and flank you. Especially if you drive out in the open.

>me ooga
>team booga

>this happens
>guy picks torb
its console where his turrets are useless now

Yeah, and the other team were pissed off and on the lookout.

>Team keeps losing
>still getting potm

it's a bittersweet feel

Maybe you should git gud

>do that
>"fuck you mercy, potm-baiting bitch"

Wew lad


Go fuck yourself Boa.

I've started picking Ana every time when on Attack in solo queue. Solo queue Reinhardt's NEVER FUCKING PUSH but Ana's ult will pressure them to do so.

Pharah fags are the biggest pricks when it comes to that shit. Beg for heals when theyre halfway across the map from a healer. and contribute jack shit for the team. I cringe everytime someone chooses that dumb cunt on our team.

I refuse to heal Pharah, Genji, Soldier, Reaper, Bastion, Mei, D. Va, Roadhog, Widow, or Tracer.

As it should
T. Player of all of them

I should add onto that list anyone who spams "I need healing!" I heard you the first time and I can see it on my screen. If I don't immediately heal you, I'm either respawning/too far away or I'm healing someone else (usually the tank).

It's not enforced in comp

>I refuse to heal these people because some of the people who play them are mean to me
I hope you realize this makes you look like a bitter passive aggressive cunt.

Nigger, most of that list can fucking heal themselves when I'm not around. Genjis and Pharahs typically run ahead and Widows just hang back. D. Va has her mech and magic shield. I'm not going to risk my life and the team's to heal you.

Even then, most of them have their own heal (Soldier, Bastion, Mei, Tracer and Roadhog), are mobile enough to disengage and pick a medikit (phara, Genji, Reaper, D. Va and Tracer) or are just snipers who are in the back (Widow)

PTR notes

Widow maker scoping animation is faster (from .5 to .3)

Junkrat's ult deploys faster

Ana's ult takes 20% more to fill up, but her grenades went from 3m to 4m explosion radius.

I wish blizzard would change medals shit for a proper scoreboard like TF2 , you get all your detailed shit at the bottom , and you get POINTS / DEATHS next to your nick name and ping.
Why Blizzard , please be competent at something and change that hideous medal stuff.

I'm not gonna pretend I'm an amazing Rein, but fuck, it hurts to not be able to play him when I want to because some retard is using him and is fucking up

>Playing Reinhardt on Volskaya, Defending the first point
>Charge and end up behind the entire enemy team
>They're all bunched just in front of me
>Our Mei puts an ice wall between me and them
>Hit nobody
I may or may not have been just a bit annoyed.

Mei, the hero who helps the enemy team instead of her team.

i wish i getting dat 50/50 last night with one other friend we went 1-5-2 it was awful. I do count one lose on this hanzo who refused to switch and couldn't hit anyshots he got his ulti once. It was like playing a man down the whole game and we almost won that one.

>he doesn't play with teammates that intentionally don't heal themselves if their healer is nearby to let them build up ult

I honestly would rather a Hanzo than a Torb.

The thing about Hanzo is shitters play him because it's easy to accidentally do good with him, they're just super inconsistent because they never learn how to actually properly use him. Torb is legit fucking useless in plat and beyond where everyone and their mother knows how to deal with him. I'd rather a hero you can accidentally save the game with than a genuinely wasted slot.

>playing junkrat on hanamura defense
>put a trap and mine up on the high entrance on the right
>symmetra puts turrets that cover both doors
>everyone who tries to flank gets melted and everyone who goes in the front door gets fucked by our damage boosted bastion
>people keep going into my fucking trap constantly

i swear to god the enemy was braindead but fuck me if that wasnt fun as hell

Mei? Helping the enemies?
Nahh... you're seeing things.

Guys this point system is not fun or I just don't get it cause it seems to be fucking me
>Place high gold at like 2420 or something like that
>Play games with friends group of 3 one is plat one is a bit below me in gold
>When we win they both get 35 points I get 25-30
>when we lose they lose 20-30 I lose 30-40
>One time internet shits one me in middle of match. I am able to reconnect within the time limit. Lose a close match they lose 30 points. I lose 80 FUCKING POINTS.
>never have left matches early ever. First time it happens i reconnect within 45 seconds still lose a shit ton of points

Now instead of being close to plat like when i started i'm all the way down too 2200 and still only gain 20 points per match where friends still outgain me. I don't understand.

>that one Junkrat who brags about all the damage he's dealing
>all he's doing is charging the enemy healer's ults

Is it me or are good McCrees almost non existent in gold-plat? I met one god tier one, grouped with him for a day and climbed 500 rating but after that he rarely logs on and when he does it's just to play quick play. Other than that, the very few people I see who pick McCree end up being useless. Soldier is pretty much the only hard counter to Pharah in this skill range.

There's a hidden personal elo based on your performance and stats. If the game thinks that you play like a 2200 but you're in 2600 you'll lose more points than you gain to try and balance you back into "level". It's not perfect, but it keeps shitters from climbing into much higher ranks than they deserve.

What determines it? Not him but it feels like my rating loss is completely random sometimes. I'll go on a win streak, lose one and then suddenly drop 40 rating and then have a 50/50 winrate for the rest of the night but only lose 20 when I lose.

>Soldier is pretty much the only hard counter to Pharah in this skill range
Anyone who can aim is a hard counter to Pharah.

>play junkrat
>zarya walks over my corpse with a bubble

It changes after every game. And it's determined by the character you play the stats you achieve with that character + time spent on map + score eg: 3 - 1.

If you're playing Mercy, damage isn't calculated as heavily, but healing obviously is. If you're only healing 5k in a 5 minutes game for example, the game says you play like a 2200 so your personal elo is 2200. Now the next 5 games you do like 11k healing in 5 minutes, well it thinks you're a 2800. So you'll get more points until you hit that rank. Works the other way as well.

That was my point, no one can aim here so no one plays McCree and the only time Pharah dies is when I put discord on her and focus her as Zen or our shitty Soldier uses his ult.

Underrated post

Man thats kind of shit. Just from the fact i love playing with my friends and we have a lot of fun but its just winning to me now means great next loss i lose that and more.

People who say the game is forced 50/50, how the fuck does that even work in competitive when some players are ranked higher than others?

It doesn't. The highest ranked person on Overbuff atm is a Roadhog/Zarya main with an 87% winrate.

I'm in plat and have a 73% winrate with torb

You do not account for all of the torbs now do you user?

What's your time played on him in season 2?

I imagine that it's because a suspiciously high amount of players are getting win-rates between 40 and 60 percent. As in, an absurd majority, with barely anyone having less or more than that.
I'm thinking the game itself tries to balance this with the matchmaking, putting a bunch 60% winners with the 40% winners and so on. This obviously isn't a guaranteed way of balancing, hence why the really, really good players can break out of the 50% winrate and get to 70%+.

>A Roadhog fucking main is the number one player in this game
Holy fucking shit. You'd think people would know how to deal with him at such high levels.

>fell from rank 2450 to 1400

what happened

Get good and stop picking tank/support.

>when your team picks 2 tanks, 2 healers and 2 dps
>have to choose between being bullied for picking a 3rd tank and bullied for sucking at DPS because you never play them

B-but I only pick dps heroes, sometimes Reinhardt when we need him or Ana the best solo healer

>go 2 tanks 2 healers 2 dps
>get stomped
>6 man team of jank
>completely pulverize opponents

lol you suck

I hope to fucking God you're not one of those Reinhardts that block 40k damage and feel good about themselves.


>when your team picks 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 1 dps
>have to choose between being bullied for picking a 3rd tank and bullied for sucking at DPS because you never play them

>getting mad at people for picking Defense heroes on Defense maps

>solo healer
This is why you are losing

hey thats my thread

Its because the more organized you are the easier it is to disrupt you. They just have to break one piece and the whole machine falls down.

When your random they cant easily disrupt you. No one part has the ability to drag down the others if lost.

>If we dont know what we are doing, the enemy can't anticipate our actions.

I'll probably never not play quickplay because niggers never learn. Almost every game I have been able to I set up a trap+mine almost right outside their spawn and almost every game it goes off and I get to kill a squishy and taunt after. They never remember about the passive skill Junkrat has where he drops grenades on death and walk into it. They never remember Zarya powers up if you shoot her shield.
Given the choice to be pro and play against competent people or play against shitters I'll pick shitters all day long and if that makes me a shitter then so be it.

This is actually very true. If you do something unexpected all the enemies plans are for naught. This is why every so often in football games you see really weird plays that come from nowhere.

>tfw that useless Hanzo is on the enemy team for once in ranked
>you're genji and Hanzo is easy as fuck to kill as him
>he didn't change the entire match despite doing fuck all other than freeloading on a zarya ult
I can just imagine the delicious bickering that went on in their team chat

Junkrat's just Demoman with less relative durability and faster reloads, and playing Bastion like pic related seems to work out better; there's only so many places to hide in the environment but if he can dictate terms of engagement that's a fuckload of firepower they cannot perfectly counter.

Snipers are snipers, it cannot be helped either way.

I actually like when this happens if the one doing it is the reinhardt and I'm Ana. I get 50% ult charge just from healing him, right there at spawn

You're worse if you pick Junkrat for control point

If you have premade then the 50/50 system can't do anything about it, if you are great players then you are great players

>why are you so mean?

Blame Blizzard for permitting substandard class choises

Yeah. The only people who are over 70% winrate are people who usually play in a 5-6 team with friends so theyre not exposed to the retards.

>play solo queue only
>pick only Zen
>calibrate at 3150
>get masters

How can anyone take comp seriously?


>people rage pick widow
>when they are being slammed to shit by rein and gorilla grod
>expecting anything other than a beat down
Widowmaker and weeaboo samurai need permanent deletion

>that one guy who rages at people for not joining teamchat

tracer ever being in range of flashbangs

n1 Cred Forums

>that one person who instalocks tracer/reaper but still can't harass shit
>sticks with team instead of back line harassment

>that one guy who tries to micromanage everyone's picks
>doesn't realize that at anything but the highest level of plays people are better off playing what they're good at

I don't give a shit if you think McCree would be a better choice right now than Reaper or Winston over D.Va, chances are they picked that hero because they can actually play them.

>No tanks
I play on Xbox and there's always somebody playing D. Va or Roadhog.

>put somebody to sleep
>team instantly wakes him up

>"guys we have no tanks or support"
>check their career profile
>hundred hours as mccree and hanzo
>not even 1 hour as any tank or supp
This game isn't for you

I can't get to the back line as reaper. It just takes too long for him to flank safely and there's always a mei or someone waiting to try and fuck you
Its easier for me to just go on the front lines, help bully the tanks, and be sneaky when its time to ult. I'm probably a shitter but it tends to work out

>be me
>"Prepare your defences"
>all faggots pick meme heroes because reddit and the faggot seagull say muh synergy
>i pick what i can play best pic relate
>all faggots forget that is the skill that carry you not the muh synergy
>end up carry 5 faggots
>this fucking game and the stupid people that play it

Are the servers shitting up for someone else than me?
I had sudden lag spikes that made my team chimp out on me because I made it 5v6 with everything shitting itself, and it's only with Overwatch I'm having problems.

No worries, that's how you are intended to play reaper really. If you flank with him and you are deep in the back line you don't have escape options besides turning into a ghost and to hope everything ends up a-ok

>Nail a genji going RYUUNOFUCKYOURSELF
>McCree try to cave his skull in with a bullet
>Miss and hit his foot instead
>Enemy Zaryah instantly bubble the genji

It's hit or miss. 40 ping or 200+ and no exceptions in my experience.

Use of the word reddit in this thread: 1
Poor form

>just hit 2800, on a great winning streak
>playing Lucio, Junk, DVa mostly
>having great games

and then

>suddenly hit a losing streak
>absolutely sour teammates
>horrible comps
>enemy team are from fucking NASA
>go all the way down to 2500
>one last game before i quit comp forever
>we get a hanzo and a torb who says "you all suck so im gonna play whatever and carry"
>we lose

i just want to die desu senpai

that's cause blizzards servers suck ass. Every time I get disconnect as mercy, its when the perfect revive opportunity pops up, that would have swung the fight around.

welcome to blizzard games
when you go on high win you will get one of those games that no matter how good you are you wont carry it basically you are force to lose

>forced 50
dota 2 shitter plz leave

>enemy team has zarya
>your team has a

Besides Reaper who the heck counters Zarya?

is this not the best skin for mei?

U dumb nigger i got 150 hours in and my stats are almost a perfect 50/50

It was literally 50/50 for awhile there

Dumbass nigger

Roadhog also works.

>their zarya somehow has constantly shields on everyone. always.
>didn't even notice we had a zarya
>our zarya is afraid of her own shadow and hasn't shielded anyone
>this has happened to me more then once

I just don't know anymore

You just need to focus the zarya, she's weak as fuck without charge

But having a dva on the team, or a shitty roadhog means the zarya will usually be on full charge 90% of the time with a new ult every two minutes



In my experience mcree and Zen are good counters.

I remember when double zarya was horrible

>Playing ranked
>Stevooo is on my team
>Oh no
>He picks Symmetra on defense
>we lose

>Picks Symmetra on Offense
>We win

I don't know how the fuck he was Master. I think he has like 200 hours on her.


Oh wow suck skill.

wanna give you link to iddqd game where he is on glory winstreak and he get match with 5 low diamond shitters vs 6 master
after game he check some profiles and see that this guys are even bigger trash than expected

it was a game that he had to lose no matter what

there is no forced 50 but games like this happen when you go on big streak
reason is shit mm combine team mmr if you are good you usually play in one team with people bellow you and if you are good you carry
this happen a lot especially if you play in non rush hours or if you queq with other master
combine team mmr is the most shitty mm known to online gaming the only games that i know that use it are Heroes of the storm Smite and OW since you say dota dota-league used this mm 10+ years ago its outdated and pure shit its a moba mm system that the top mobas now days dota and lol do not use i wonder why?

Clearly more than you faggot

In addition, Mei.

>countering the hero with one of the few abilities that counters her ult - ie the only reason people play her

>t.ass blasted zarya/roadhog main

Ooo good one

Actually user a good meow can fuck any character on the roster up i beleive.


Fuck widowmakers so hard. If they are not demolishing your team because nobody bothers countering them, then they are on your team wanting to be the good widow failing miserably. Like holy fucking shit just delete her from the game, she provides NOTHING of value

>Playing a game online
>Pick a mode that isnt ranked and made just for fun
>One guy on your team takes the game way too seriously and starts having a tantrum and blaming people for him losing at a children's video game

Don't be that guy, user.

>she provides NOTHING of value
The smug satisfaction of raping her over and over as D.Va or Winston is something of value

>thinks torb is good
>thinks ana isn't a good secondary healer

a good mental state will improve your so said skill. period.

>The only reason people play her

Her shields are more important.

>capture the point
>team consists of Ana, widow, bastion, symetra, hanzo, and me as rein to try and make up for every other character that wont step foot on the point.

I really wonder whats going through the other peoples minds when they see shit like this. "gotta use my main every single game!" and then proceed to do nothing all game.

Other way around friendo

>Ana finally meta
>Meta shifts from 2/2/2 for the first time
>Ana immediately nerfed






I don't even think the "50%" win rate is real. It might have been real, and that would have been better, if it weren't for the fact that matchmaking is fucking broken in this game.

A good match would be where neither side can tip the scale for 5 minutes or so, and everyone collectively congratulates each other for a great game where each side was evenly matched.

Instead I'd say I hop on, win a game with some fair resistance, then lose for 10 games straight. I'm at the point where if the first thing I do is win, I just sign off, because it's almost guaranteed I'm in for shit after that.

1/10 chance of a evenly matched game. 9/10 chance one team is completely out of the other team's league, while one guy on the team spams NIGGERS AND JEWS and GOD YOU GUYS ARE GARBAGE PLAY BETTER.

>Quick play
>One player that INSTANTLY picks hanzo before anyone else picks anything.

>go torbjorn
>team yelling at me
>have gold damage, elims, objective time, and damage done
>we win
>still getting shit on


>Fire off Junkrat ult
>by the time it starts and gets to the point every enemy team is scattered or dead
>spend all of the 7 remaining seconds trying to find someone to use it on
>find their mercy hiding by herself
>Mercy player: "fk you"

>quick play
>complains that other people play heroes they find fun

faggots cry about Hanzo
what if he is master hanzo and carry

the only thing hanzo carries is the gold medal for deaths per match

Because 99% of Torb/Sym players on KotH are hot garbage and they aren't paying enough attention to you to realize that you're not one of those.

you mean damage for shooting at rein and zarya shields

>have a friend who is actually really good at Hanzo
>sucks at everyone else
>has to endure constant bullying even though he's owning as Hanzo

>junkrat does his trap shit right infront on their door, clear as day
>suddenly a glowing zarya runs around the corner
Junkrat will always be shit aslong as zarya exists

haha bro just having fun bro hahaha man its just a game

Except there's a clear difference between that and playing a character who you want to play. For all you know he's really good at Hanzo.

He's not that bad on ilios, you can place turret on areas where the enemy team has a hard time doing anything about it. But you need to actually get the point first before being able to deploy it

Unrelated to the thread but shit man KQ looks so cool. David production did a good job.

start at 04:37:30
twitch tv /buds/v/86114648
and this is one of his weak hanzo games im to lazy to find some of his good ones
remember kids its the skill that matter

I've literally never gone over 100 ping in any other game in the past 4 years I've been using this one internet provider, but in Overwatch it's common for my ping to spike to 1000 every day.

Blizzard servers are constantly shit.

>Mei, Roadhog, and Zarya are all counters to X
reminder that this isn't real advice, it's the Dota 2 equivalent of "ward his jungle"
All 3 of these piece of shit characters pander to overweight fatties and are top tier in pubs. "Just pick the 3 best pubby heroes in the game, they counter (meme DPS carry of the patch)".

I've played Torb on defense and do great. The trick is to remember the turret is backup, not your central damage dealer. Torb gun is fucking insane.

Tag someone with beam and move behind wall you can continue healing without los

What boosting site/service is best to use? And approximately how much will it cost to get from 2791 to diamond? I'm not wasting anymore time on this coin toss.

>wolf hanzo

I hate that skin so much, it's the ultimate tryhard skin

>insta lock mercy
>people still complain and tell me to pick lucio/zen
I only pick the nigger in koth and thats if the other person picked zen.

I normally pick Genji and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Don't even choose him because he's played by somebody's favorite Twitch streamer. I just enjoy being a cyborg ninja, deflecting bullets and holding the point while dodging and throwing ninja stars.
While my team manages to get killed because we have two Widowmakers or some shit.

I do play other classes too.

Albeit, I've had retarded teammates who have trapped the whole team and I as Mei with an ice wall while Junkrat blows us up.
Or bragging about being a good Zarya and essentially doing nothing the whole round.

>"I play who I want it's just a game bro I'm just having fun why are getting mad over a game"

Kill yourself

>They aren't counter because I don't like them

Too bad

I would love the option to queue for roles like in WoW; I only like playing tanks and I hate when two people grab them before I do.


That would limit things. Not all teams use 2 dps,2 support and 2 tanks.

>highest burst healing in the game
>counters Transcendence and any channeled ult
>respectable single target damage
>can heal anyone she has a line of sight too
>her ult charges incredibly fast and it can turn the tide of any battle so long as you got one not retarded team mate
>literally her only requirement is having the ability to fucking aim
>brain dead faggots throw a shit fit when I want to play her instead of Mercy or Lucio every single game

>good composition, we're doing well
>some rough spots but we should make it
>2-2 on ilios
>our mccree switches to widowmaker and our zarya too junkrat

As someone who usually plays healers, I appreciate a new spin on the typical support


Puny American detected.

Ana is my favorite healer but she is pretty bad on defense. When they trap all of you in a graviton surge you'll want transcendence, not nano boost

agreed. I also enjoy shooting my team and being rewarded for it

Bum for curiosity

any Console Overwatch player??
what do you guys use??

>have an attack sym
>people on the other team shitting on the guy
>proceed to shit on the other team with attack sym
eh it can work faggot

At that point you're meant to re-consider your own pick. You should always pick your hero depending on the value that hero brings to your team. If your team consists of braindead idiots, you won't be valuable as Rein since your team won't make use of your shield anyway. You're much better off picking some other hero you can be more useful with. Either pick a hero that goes well with one of your teammate's, or (if they're beyond retarded and can't do any teamwork at all) picka self-sustaining hero and just focus on staying alive and getting valuable kills. It's not guaranteed to make you win the match, but if you do it right it should at least have a positive effect on your winrate in the long run.

>a degree of skill
are you fucking retarded?

>looking at the wall afk
>turret doing all the work
what an amazing character

Then you're a worthless player and I sincerely hope you never touch comp.

I do play comp. I usually insta-lock Zarya, Winston, or Rein I'm rank 2900

U trash

>Playing Torb on Egypt
>last capture point on overtime
>4 enemies plowing down the lane
>immediately get sleep darted by Ana
>my turret gets all the killing blows anyways
>PLAY OF THE GAME has me with my eyes fucking closed

it may be bullshit but I'll be damned if it wasnt funny as hell

Not him but you sound like your clearly assblasted because you can't deal with those two classes. I bet you play Hanzo faggot.

How was she nerfed? She's OP as fuck ever since that %20 firing speed.

>t. Hanzo shitter who barely got bronze in kills because he manages to pop his ult when the entire enemy team was unable to move.
Sick anecdote bro.

She's nerfed in the new PTR that went live today. They're trying to nip 3/3/0 comps in the bud by making her ult charge slower.

>playing attack Sym
>wait till last point
>we just got wiped
>but I'm still alive, with ult
put tele at the edge of a cliff at the start of the map

I do this in quick play and brawl whenever there's a new one that lets me use her and the amount of asshurt that you generate in even Brawl is hilarious.

I did it in comp

You absolute mad man.

Holy shit this. You survive as Mercy by not making it possible for people to shoot you. If you're behind a wall with your team in front of you then you won't die unless it's a brawl or your team is bad at aiming and can't kill someone before they run past everybody.

Enjoy the nerf faggot. Hope this tank stack meme ends because of it.

>Widow buffed
>Ana nerfed

Yeah, the tank stack meme is going to be hurting now considering that Ana was integral to it.

>gets easily harassed and can barley defend herself
She's like Widow but with healing and actually useful sometimes

Oh gee I'll have to work so much harder to get those ult charges from my duel healing and damage now. What a shame. No point in even using her improved grenade now if you cant charge that ult. Not like you can use her improved grenade to charge her ult in any way

Havent played the PTR but in the last update did they reduce the cool down on Zarya's shield abilities? It certainly seems like enemy Zarya's use them really often

The fuck you guys have against D.vas versus Zarya?
Any D.Va worth her mech knows to force Zarya to pop the bubble before ulting.

You know, I used to be a very fair player who let everyone choose their heroes and went my mains, or just went D.Va/Reaper which are my best ones.
Then I realized that even if the whole comp was closed, someone would switch over to Hanzo. One time I saw a very solid 2/2/2, lacking healer, so I went Lucio to compliment the Zenyatta - and he switched over to Hanzo upon seeing my pick. That was my fucking limit.

Now I'll always pick Hanzo first. Because fuck those Hanzo mains. I'll switch to a tank after one death, but I just need to force them to play something else.
>implying that Hanzo mains just won't pick Hanzo too and complaim about 2 snipers