It wasn't that bad

It wasn't that bad.

Other urls found in this thread:

It was mediocre at best in terms of gameplay. Story, art and characters were all irredeemable piles of shit though.

It wasn't that good either. Too short and way off thematically from its predecessors.

It wasn't that good either.

Well, yeah... now that Halo 5 exists.

THIS game at least had split-screen, a good story, and all of it's gamemodes at launch. MP was a mess and that remained it's major flaw for the duration. I also remember the music being pretty horrible for a Halo game.

>fps on console

No, It really was just that bad.

The only thing it has over H5 is splitscreen,.

>a good story

at this point I would not be surprised if Microsoft kills off everything 343 has done to this series when their next title fails, and Halo goes on indefinite hiatus.

I liked the campaign and the MP was awkward in a good way.

Halo 5 had an awful campaign but better MP (probably out of all the Halos)

If you have a mouse you don't need aim assist. Controllers use aim assist and no one is complaining beside PCfags using mouse who have no business in a console thread.

>Halo 4 had a good story

Compared to 5 it's good.

Halo 5's story is like bad fanfiction.

It was fucking shit

They're equally fucking garbage fanfiction

It's just that one fanfiction uses existing characters and the other uses OC's

We're comparing it to Halo 5, here.

Don't they have another trilogy planned?

Yes it was

>it just feels like you're that badass

It kind of was though. I remember the only thing that didn't drop the ball was the OST.

Halo 5 was so bad that it somehow made 4 retroactively better.

so congrats

You must have way different tastes than I do because I hated 4's campaign so much, yeah 5's is a fart in which nothing happens but I rather have no progression than whatever the fuck 343 tried to get going with 4. Not to mention I just think from a gameplay perspective that 4 is almost painful to get through.
Those fucking bullet sponge knights, the ancient humans forerunner war(fanfiction-tier drivel someone needs to get fired for this shit), the level with the mammoth, the fucking gondola level. It is hands down the most dis-pleasant experience of a campaign in the entire franchise in my opinion. The worst thing about 5's campaign is its short and nothing really happens.
Well also no split screen (another genius decision that should be rewarded with some sort of unemployment)

>split screen when the Bone barely handles the game as it is

4 is way worse

Perks, killstreaks, kill-cams, loadout primary secondary and nades, custom classes,etc.

Halo 5 might have pseudo-ADS and climbing but at least it's back to classic AR/pistol starts, power weapons, and map control

>All of this effort to make a game easier for casuals and feel like they're good at a game

Funnily enough 5 has the lowest aim assist compared to the other halo games, but slightly higher bullet magnetism

I think it takes just a little bit more actual skill, because you don't automatically lock onto people anymore when you aim at them

5's campaign is objectively worse than 4's.

They made no effort to make the Prometheans fun or interesting enemies.
The squad system is broken and really just unnecessary.
The focus is primarily on fireteam dindu rather than MC.
There is bunch of levels where you literally don't do anything.
The mindbogglingly stupid story to the point where I physically cringe whenever I think about it.
The misleading advertising.
The degradation of the artstyle, even from 4's standards.

I hate Halo 5.

>Story, art and characters were all irredeemable piles of shit though.
Damn, you're so wrong.

Not him, but the art design of halo 4 (and 5) is fucking terrible. The new characters aren't really great either aside from captain lasky, and he's just an average dude. They fucking BUTCHERED the didact's character and turned him into a cartoon-tier evil villain who goes on evil speeches when the main character is around, not to mention his terrible neck-tumor vampire teeth noseless human design

they were lad

It permanently lowered everyone's standards and made normalfags not like halo anymore

>They made no effort to make the Prometheans fun or interesting enemies.
Seriously. Give me back the flood. I don't want the flood back but they're better than those bullet sponge fucks.

>made normalfags not like halo anymore
and this is somehow bad?

I played local multiplayer recently and it was more fun than I remembered. Where 343 really fucked up is in the infrastructure for the gameā€”the ranking system, the lobby, the missing gametypes, the features that were delayed until it was too late, 343 blowing their DLC load within a year. And or course sprint was still shit.

Yes, a game being shitty enough that even normies who shovel shit like CoD and Asscreed into their mouths don't like it is very bad

I've only played the single player but it's good for a console fps, and bad for a Halo game. Graphics are stunning at points. Tron weapons are pretty satisfying.



If you like low res pixelated textures with poor filtering, blurry skyboxes, terrible LOD where objects turn into muddy poo at more than 20 feet and grass/foliage dissapears after like 4 feet

Halo 4 looked like ass not just because of the art direction. They blew their load on the lighting and had to scale back everthing else's quality because of it. And then the lighting didn't even look good, so they toned it down for 5

Halo 5 makes Halo 4 look like Shakespeare

They're equally shit because you can't go past rock bottom

I bought halo 4 on launch day, played through it once, then didn't touch it for probably 5 months (I've played it since then for legendary achievements and it's been just as bad) I was legitimately confused about what the fuck I had just experienced. So fucking bad. And halo 5, the same thing happened again, played through campaign once, haven't touched it again yet. Really dreading having to go through on legendary one day. At least the multiplayer in 5 is actually good this time, too bad it took nearly a fucking year for it to get to that point and there's no split-screen.

aim assist is a necessary evil for consoles

there's a skull in CEA that disables all aim assist for all weapons

you can't hit shit

Halo 4 had a great campaign but the worst mp in the series. Halo 5 has a great Multiplayer but the worst campaign in the series. I dont even know what Halo 6 will be like

Worst game in the franchise if you don't count Spartan assault and it's sequel.

How was Halo 4's campaign great again? I just played from start to finish on monday, and not only was it boring and repetitive, it lacked friendly AI in many areas, Promethians and their weapons felt like ass, story made no sense, the characters and dialogue were shit 95+% of the time, and it encouraged you to hide behind cover and shit, unlike Halo 1-3. Only redeeming factor was a tiny bit of dialogue from Cortana that reminded me of how she used to act.

I quite liked the plot, and i thought the prometheans were fun to fight (not as much as covies), though i will concede that some of the dialogue that didnt come from chief cortana or the didact was shit and the promethean weapons are shit in 4. 343 really improved them in 5

Spartan assault was ok, its my least favorite though

>Halo 4 had a great campaign
Do you shit where you eat, too?

>have a random grenade in hand
>beat the guy who has been pushing your shit in since you met him just by pressing a button to put the grenade on him

Tell me what you liked about the story.

Yes, typically you want normies to enjoy and populate your game so you can find matches.

>MC wakes up just in time to be sucked into a forerunner planet where UNSC dudes have also been sucked into and Covenant remnants also have been sucked into just as Cortana is going into rampancy and the planet also has the didact sleeping on it

Would you mind telling me what you dont like about it? I liked how they handled cortanas rampancy and how they tried to humanize chief

this this this

Is it just me, or are the prometheans even spongier in 5

Of course it wasn't. Every game isn't as bad as Cred Forums makes it out to be.

It's still sub-par for the series though, ESPECIALLY relative to the year it came out.

IMO, 4's story is way worse, because it retcons shit, and changes character's personalities.

Halo 5 does't suffer from that and actually executes on what 4 was trying to do with that stuff well.

From a purely narrative standpoint ignoring the retcons/character personality stuff, 4 is a lot less bad then 5, but it's still not great

Halo 5's MP is actually great though

The climbing in 5 is fine though because Litterally the only problem with clamber is the removal of skilljumps, and the game still has more skilljumps then any other halo game at the end of the day anyways due to hover and thrust.

the "pesudo ads" is just the same zoom halo has always had made to look like ADS visually. It's a completely dumb complaint

This 100%, the only thing Halo 5 had going for it was the mp, that's it.

Not him but I'm pretty sure you're that guy that defends Reach's canon breaks on well everything to exist so I'm not going to even waste my time with you.

>Master Chief returns after being MIA for years
>The galaxy wide known hero that almost solo saved the human race from the covenant and the flood
>Immediately starts getting shit from literal who spartan IVs
Yeah it was worse.

apparently i'm the only person who can follow a story without having it spoonfed

i mean really. it's fucking simple.

1. chief and cortana accidently wake up a new threat (didact)

2. they try and fix that shit. in the meantime, cortana's dying due to programming.

3. chief and cortana finds a way to get close to the didact.didact overpowers him.

4. cortana sacrifices herself by going into the composer (didact's superweapon), lowering his shields and allowing chief to nuke him.

it's pretty fucking obvious chief has a boner for cortana since halo 2. cortana is a self-aware AI. being stuck with john for almost a decade does things. i don't know why people are thinking this is some fanfic shit. it's a natural progression. chief didn't talk much but when he did it was either a badass one-liner or a sentimental remark to cortana. He STILL doesn't talk much, he only really talks to cortana, and that's because she's literally been in his head for years.

>almost a decade

Chief and cortana were only in eahcother's company for the span of maybe 2 months max over the entirity of the books and games. The majority of that time spent together was likely training on reach, too.

>terrible story
>ruined any mystery left in the Halo universe
>made Chief some kind of god
>terrible level design
>promethean weapons were boring as fuck and you pretty much were forced to use them on most levels
>MP was fucking awful, would drop below 15 fps in pretty much any battle
>armor design took a huge fall for the worse
Fuck Halo 4 and fuck 343. They ruined Halo.

>chief has a boner for cortana since halo 2

What? I thought Spartans have reduced sex drive.

>Master Chief is the chosen one

Why did they do this?

you what mate?

>>promethean weapons were boring as fuck
Come on user. The designs were cool

Halo Graphic Novel, Glasslands, Bloodline, Last Light, and Nightfall says otherwise.

I'm convinced people who shit on Halo 4's campaign never finished it, though I will agree the final mission was a huge letdown with a QTE "boss fight". The multiplayer was complete trash.

They fixed the multi with 5 but fucked up the campaign. Hopefully with 6 they'll get their shit together.

Halo 6 is going to be the worst Halo, trust me. Every Halo after 3 has been getting progressively worse.

The only way for Halo 6 campaign to be good is focus on Chief, no Locke no Osiris, remove those non combat missions, tone down on the Warden fights and give something on the same level as a scarab.

anyone else get a metroid prime vibe from halo 4?
its like the devs wanted to work on something else.

I like how MC got a little bit of characterization in the last seconds of the last cut scene.

Literally just alternative versions of the AR/DMR/pistol/shitty/sniper

I expect an ancient super advanced civilisation would use something a bit more foreign and crazy

That's probably because the lead art director for Metroid Prime is now 343's lead art design

>I'm convinced people who shit on Halo 4's campaign never finished it

The issue is a lot of people conflate "campaign" with "story".

I don't think halo 4's campaign is bad, but I don't think it's that good, either. I'd put it below Halo 3's, but 3's is already below 2's, ODSt's, and reach's.

The only good thing it had was milf Cortana

not him but in my argument Halo 4 is at best mediocre and definitely below Halo 1-3 in terms of campaign. I would go as far as to put ODST and Reach at the far bottom. Both games just plain suck and you could tell Bungie didn't put their all into them.

>worse than 4

Fuck you

*sigh* off to /aco for me

>muh moody and deep jazz flute

odst succcccccccckked.

It was boring, empty, short, and filled with false promises of what could've been. Didn't help that all of the characters sucked. Game couldn't even explain why Elites were already dead as soon as Truth's Fleet came in, where the Engineers all of a sudden came in, Why New Mombasa looks different from Halo 2, or why ODSTs and their drop pods look different from Halo 2 and 3, and more inconsistencies. It was just an overpriced pile of crap.

Still better than 4. 4 was CoD multiplayer and the campaign was hallway simulator with a terrible story that ruined the ending of halo 3 and butchered the didact's character


4 had better multiplayer than reach and the campaign was the best since CE. Holy fuck, how long were they going to cocktease you cucks about the forerunners?

>new mombasa looks different

Because you were in seperate parts of the city than you were in halo 2

Anyway pic related, ODST's didn't look too different in H3 ODST, their only real flaw is the trash gloves.

Whereas every 343 iteration of ODST is pure shit.

Still better than a boring, short, empty game that was sold at full price just because of name alone (that's ignoring the mp).

>better than reach

Literally HOW THE FUCK do you enjoy perks, classes, kill-cams, and ordinance? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Reach had issues, then Halo 4 took those issues and multiplyed them by 100

>Because you were in seperate parts of the city than you were in halo 2
That's not what I'm talking about. In Halo 2 the space elevator was in the center of the city in ODST it's on an island.

I'll take a short but fun game about ODST's over a shitty fanfic-tier CoD mess anyday


Because everyone could get them? They could have been implemented better, but they weren't really an issue.


Fixed the br-start disease that killed Halo MP.


literal non-issue


It was a nice callback to Halo CE (the best multiplayer) where guns dropped on a timer, rather than by scarcity.

I was talking about Halo 4's campaign not its shit mp.

Beat it on legendary on acid/extascy...

Like how the Forward into dawn was small in 3, then conpletecht changed in design and got 10x bigger in halo 4, and then was retconned again to be the halo 3 size and shape all along, essentially making the entire first level of halo 4 non-canon?

Or what about how chief's armor completely changed?

People like to rag on the Bungie games for being inconsistent and while it's true, 343 isn't very good at consistency either

True but in 343's case it's like Halo CE's Warthog run, 343 made the ship bigger for level purposes, like Bungie did for Halo CE's final level. If it's to make a level fun it's okay. ODST's case they just change the city for the hell of it.

You have some very shit taste my friend.

Have you been tongueing any anus lately?

>Fixed the br-start disease that killed Halo MP.
By letting everyone have a BR off spawn regardless of mode?

just ure mom's

I'd still say 4's camapgin is better then 1's

I don't know why people act like CE's campaign is amazing, it's tedious as balls, reuses so much shit, and lacks variety

H2A ODST's look pretty good, as does the HELLJUMPER armor in 5

Well there was nothing making them set the level in the FUD.

if they wanted to stay lore-accurate and consistent they could've done something like

"shit chief, the dawn doesn't have any weapon platforms, quick we'll use an escape pod or some shit to get onto one of their ships and use their weapon against them"

Would've been like one of the cut levels from H2 where you board the ship instead of flying the bomb to it

Helljumper is fine, but it doesn't really look like ODST for the most part. It's more stylized and less practical.

>I don't know why people act like CE's campaign is amazing
Variety in encounters, AI that are more than just bullet sponges, and being able to use weapons that aren't a PP and/or a headshot weapon.

The later levels can get unfun, but Silent Cartographer, Truth & Reconciliation, Assault on the Control Room, and The Maw are all top-tier.

>The Maw

>he didn't like the warthog run

Halo 2 > 3 > CE > ODST > reach > 5 >shit > 4

It's a shame, 4 had a lot of potential (and some GOD TIER concept art) but it fell utterly short and was a huge blunder in so many ways. 5 shows signs of improvement in it's even start MP and insane forge, but the lack of split-screen and still shitty campaign remain as negative.

But that would be a very short and uninteresting level that would have no point in the game but being a lengthy cutscene, and Halo does better when the player is in control.

Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4 > ODST > Reach

4 was one of the few games that actually looked like the concept art, though. like, i thought your thumbnail was a screenshot until i clicked on it.

Posting some more

What could've been :'(

And yes, I know there was 2 scenes in campaign sort-of like this, but the style was lost in translation somewherw and in-game it was quite bland. I'd say that's an unavoidable thing when translating artwork into 3D, but half of the skyboxes were 2D cutouts anyways.

yeah I didn't vehicles controlled like shit in halo 1

It wasn't very good either

Chief being so chatty was a mistake

Worked on my machine.

It could have been the exact same size, what are you on about? Space ships are large. The player control could remain the same, there was elevators in the actual level that were just disguised loading screens. We could've got something like that with a window allowing for a cool little space flight transition to watch while loading the covenant ship.

And don't talk about taking away player control in a game where chief nearly dies in every 3rd cutscene and the final scene of the last level is a fucking quicktime event.

Or in the next game where Locke kills Jul M'dama in a cutscene instead of allowing the player to fight him.

It was shit ingame honestly

Just some sparsely placed 2D cutouts in the skybox the first time, then boring grey pillars you fly the pelican through the second time.

It's hard to get shit translated from 2D to 3D, I understand. But in-game I was not impressed. The whole story and every location except the jungle was very underwhelming.

I'd say that it was held back by the 360 hardware but halo 5 didn't even attempt anything as crazy so its probably just a case of 343 being shit as usual and they happened to get some good concept artists

I mean, they did pretty well considering it was ancient hardware by that time.

looks breddy good to me. of course it doesn't have the ridiculous clouds, but it looks pretty similar to the second image you posted.

Look I can excuse what Halo 4 did because it was to put a full level in the game, but it made absolutely no since for Bungie to make all the changes they did to ODST and Reach. They did that shit because they ran out of story in the main series and decided to try and shoehorn to garbage spin offs in the series by changing many things in Halo 1-3.

*two, man I'm under the weather today.

>60 fps
That's MCC version with improved lighting, resolution, AA and framerate

Doesn't look good to me. Especially while playing uncompressed on a TV. Never liked halo 4's visuals or understood their praise.

Ingame everything is so fucking low res, and everything turns into a low-poly blob when you move like 10 feet away from it. I don't know if it's draw distance or what, but it's terrible.

Half the skyboxes are just 2D cutouts. If you look at any of them for more than a second you notice mountains, clouds, or towers that are literally pixelated on the edges and look like something out of minecraft.

Then the grass on the ground which is sparse as fuck compared to 3 and reach dissapears when you move literally like 5 feet away.

None of this is even beginning to mention the terrible art style. Redesigns. Etc. Forerunner buildings look like TRON if it were made of plastic with pointless floating pieces.

And no, my hard drive wasn't corrupted or anything, all of these graphical shortcomings are on the MCC version as well and look even worse in 1080p.

Halo 4 is fuck ugly.

I disagree. Guess we'll never see eye to eye.

user I just want you to know that you're probably in the minority.

That Halo 4 looked as good as it did on the fucking 360 is nothing short of witchcraft.

Replay it and pay closer attention to detail next time. It's reallllyyy bad. Seriously, the only thing it had going for it was the dynamic volumetric lighting with the light rays and shit, but that came at the cost of textures and models and everything else looking like shit. And the lighting was overdone anyways, didn't look real whatsoever. I prefer having smooth textures like reach or long view distances and details before objects get downgraded than an obnoxious dynamic lighting system.

I kind of feel like you're just upset that Bungie doesn't make Halo anymore, but that's just me.

4 looks way better than 3 or (especially) Reach did. I won't say that what you're saying is necessarily wrong, I just think you're overlooking a lot of the graphical shortcomings of previous games due to bias.

4's graphics are even more impressive when you find out that its cutscenes aren't prerendered

I agree with the other user and have a video saved perfect for this

Look at the edges of the tower and you can easily notice it's a 2D cutout floating up and down. The mountains are just 2D images as well, you can notice the blurriness/pixelization on their edges too. I zoom in on them in the video, but trust me, its visible without zooming as well while playing the actual game.

Then of course there's the 3D rocks in the distance that turn into poo when you're far away.

I don't have every issue within that one video unfortunately, but if you're curious I suggest playing a quick campaign level and looking at the textures on enemies and terrain, loading up Haven and looking at the mountains below the map, or loading up exile and seeing the tiny draw distance for grass and the "poo" that objects turn into at a distance

The game doesn't look outright terrible, just has a LOT of little details that combine to make it look really messy and unfinished. I don't know how to describe it the right way.

wtf I love halo 4 now

I don't think so. H2 (original) looked like trash. Some sections in ODST are very bad. But I think 3&reach individually hold a much more solid look and overall quality than 4 does. 4 is just ugly, partly from the bad art style, and partly from all the "tricks" they used to allow for the lighting. And by tricks I mean downgrading textures on everything and other downgrades.

It becomes less impressive when you realize that the cutscenes don't use the same lighting, textures, or character models as regular gameplay does.

Look at how chief's visor shines and how his armor casts little shadows in the cutscenes, then play some online co-op and be horrified at how chief is made of pixel art and his armor becomes completely matte.

>"I thought you'd be taller"

Well, no shit they don't use the same models. No one does for their cutscenes. I think Naughty Dog has something like 15 versions of Nathan Drake depending on the polycount of the scene, how far away he is from the camera, etc.

It doesn't make it any less impressive, because the cutscenes are beautiful.

I'm sorry your dad left you to go be with his hot new wife Destiny. Don't worry, she's not any good.

I didn't deny the cutscenes look good. What? Of course game devs use higher quality in cutscenes, not as much needs to be rendered usually so it can be higher quality

I just think that normal gameplay looks like shit.

because of people like you we got halo 5.

Agreed. Visually, 3 and Reach are the pinnacle of Halo. If only 3 had higher poly counts, it would be the best-looking one.

2 anniversary is pretty good too.

>no firefight

it was shit by default. just like 5.

H2A is the best looking halo yet.

H5 was a straight downgrade in terms of art style, resolution, and overall graphical quality, bit still looks good in certain areas and maps.

H4 is ugly but not the ugliest game of it's time.

Not as much as I love 4's Cortana

I've played every halo since CE, in fact it came out when I was 15 and I saved my money for an xbox just to play it. I've read the books. I've read comics. And I enjoyed the story and campaign in 4. Chief and cortana have chemistry, and explore rampancy is a nice idea. Yes the covenant were shoehorned, but kind of makes sense. And yes the prometheans are shit bullet sponge enemies but overall I enjoyed it. 5 on the other hand.... 5's campaign had good levels and an ok OVERALL story thematically, but fuck me if playing as team osiris instead of blue team isn't a giant bummer. The three blue team levels separate from the rest of the game are fucking fantastic. Fuck locke. I'll be pissed if he's playable in 6 and not just blue team from start to finish.

5 has firefight though.

yeah but it took like 6 months to be implemented. I was over it by then.


Good body, ugly fat face and disgusting tooth-gap

>Halo 4 has Mech Warrior mechs in it
>Reach has a damn good space flight level.
Okay why the fuck doesn't Microsoft make a new Mechwarrior or Crimson Skies game?

nice meme opinion

It may be over for console fags, but the fun is just getting started on PC

You're never getting laid. Ever.

>they wasted blue team on halo 5

Thanks 343

> Halo 4 wasn't that bad

Less than half the gametypes of Reach. Including no invasion.

Broken forge with no maps, even after that shit island abomination they released.

Mediocre story.

No UNSC flying vehicle for MP.

All the environments looked the same.

No dude. Halo died with Reach. 4 was a smoky turd rubbed into open wounds. 5 was trying to provoke a dead horse.

Chief and Cortana had at least 2 years together.

4 wasn't that bad. most of it's problems come from a rushed development and launching against CoD. story was oversimplified so other than chief and cortana personal stuff you don't really care about the main story with the didact.

the second worse thing out of 4 was probably spartan ops which is why microsoft and 343 did everything in 5 to bury and cut that shit out. which is a real shocker because they were aware enough of fan criticism of spartan ops to basically kill it but they hired brian reed who wrote spartan ops to do his piss poor job of writing halo 5.

I'd say that halo 5's biggest fault this time around comes from it's story and that can be directly tied to Brian Reed who really can't write these characters.

Good thing my opinion of an imaginary AI hologram's attractiveness has nothing to do with actually getting laid

Do you seriously think I judge real women's appearance as much as vidya waifus? I mean I have some standards, but when it comes to video games, especially characters who were more attractive previously, there's no reason for her to be so ugly in the face

>CQC helmet

Guns shooting hard light are pretty exotic m8.

>non bungie halo game
>anything but complete shit
Why the hell did they replace Marty O'Donnell?

Two years? How the hell did the UNSC build infinity in only two years?

All the timelines I can find and wiki dates for events don't add up to 2 years

Remember, halo 1-3 happened within a few months of eachother, most of that time taking place IN between the games, and cortana wasn't present in between 2&3 and for the majority of halo 3 itself

Halo 4 took place over what, a day? Two or 3 days?

Doesn't seem like mucb time to me, the majority would have to be in between CE&2 which we don't know much about except for immediately following CE, and during their time on reach

Best game in the series

Bungie shit was overrated. Just look at Halo 3.

It wasn't that bad.

4 years or something

Still never getting laid

>tfw unironically found Didact a better big bad than Truth

Halo 5 is steaming shit tho

Not when they're barely as effective or just on par with guns shooting good ol' hot lead

Seriously forerunner weapons shouldn't even need to be reloaded, should operate much less like traditional earth guns, and should have been much more powerful at the cost of being scarce

Too late for that

4 years for what? Cryo-sleep? Chief wasn't concious during that, that's not time he spent with cortana. He was a popsicle.

Truth went from a calculating schemer in 2 to a gibbering madman in 3. They even changed voice actors for him.

the customization was great though. loved all the helms and visor options.

>Do you seriously think I judge real women's appearance as much as vidya waifus?

Doesn't matter. You browse Cred Forums and that means you're not hot enough shit to judge either.

Because he went to work on Destiny, fucktard.

Halo 4 had a better soundtrack anyway.

I'm sorry for your shit taste. Didact was a great character in the H3 terminals and novels, but in-game he acts completely different and looks fucking retarded. Seriously, the best design they could come up with for a fucking FORERUNNER is a bald dude with a feather Mohawk, neck tumors, and fangs? What the fuck.

Doesn't help that he gets defeated like a bitch as 10 cortanas tackle him (that scene was legitimately hillarious, which is a bad thing for an ending of a serious game)

And then afterwards he gets shafted as the villain of the saga and killed off in one of the worst comic books for anything ever, halo escalations.

>can't judge waifus
>on fucking Cred Forums

Hey reddit, sorry that my criticism of an imaginary woman triggered you.

>Generic Hollywood score better than Marty Motherfucking O'Donnell

Truth is a non-villain. He makes no sense. He's aware that the Great Truth is a lie yet wants to suicide everyone. He actively covers up Covenant religious truth while actively following the same lie. Pick a motivation, Bungie.

Holy shit son, you're a lost cause.

Destiny was a shit game but the music was God tier. Halo 4 was generic action movie shit aside from 117 and Green and Blue.

Firing Marty was the final nail in the coffin for bungie. Fuck those cucks. I hope they enjoy Activision's dick in their ass for the next 7 years.

>posts the cheesiest, most generic song in the halo catalog

I hate to break it to you, buddy, but Marty makes generic hollywood scores too. He's about as overrated as anyone else who works at Bungie, or I should say used to, as they all jumped ship once Destiny proved how incompetent they all actually were.

>completely ruins multiplayer by turning into Call of Halo
>rewards for winning incluing better guns to continue winning
>not bad
fuck off, it was awful and ruined the series for me.

I did enjoy single player though

He's an insane fanatic. That's the whole point. He seems saner than the other 2 prophets in H2 but then he fucking kills them and you realize they were more tame. He doesn't care that the journey is a lie, he wants to be worshipped as a god.

Don't mind me, just posting the best halo song.

Surely you jestin'

A firefight is a firefight, you can't say it's half a firefight.

Dont mind me just posting proof that h5's soundtrack is way better than 4's garbage (my favorite)

The menu music is also really good, but there's like 10 different songs in there and I don't know their names. Better than 4's menu music by an absolute fuckton. Actual music instead of technofarts and weird HEYEYAYAYAAAAAAYAA shit.

Just doing 5 solo legendary now. That final blue team level when the main theme kicks in is fucking great

>halo 5
>actual orchestra, piano, the classic fucking halo theme first thing you hear, relatively pleasant music to listen to while matchmaking

>halo 4
>tried to replace the classic monk theme with weird female vocals
>lots of unpleasant music to begin with, takes a while to get to the good stuff so you'll be listening to shit a lot
>all has a weird echo-y techno vibe which doesn't sound good, imo

Actually, you know, a lot of issues I had with halo 4 (and 5, but it does better) is the outright removal of series staples like the halo theme, or classic designs, or recognizable sounds like a plasma rifle or ghost or AR or whatever, get replaced with new shit that just sounds generic. Like, I get the wanted to take over and make it "theirs" but at the cost of removing all the things that make it sound familiar and we've become accustomed to over 10 years, it's not good

Halo 5 returns many classic designs and sounds and songs alongside the new ones, so it feels like a more natural transition. Although weapons and vehicles still need work.

Yeah, 5 had a great soundtrack too. I really like Jinnouchi's contributions to both 4 and 5.

if they do Halo 3 Anniversary next year it'll probably be the last Halo I ever buy. especially if it's on PC

In general jinnouchi's halo songs are the better ones

In halo 4 the ones not made by him were generic garbage

>Less than half the gametypes of Reach. Including no invasion.
It had Extraction, which was better than anything in Reach.

I wouldn't even buy another since 343 fucked up MCC.

Even so, H3 is mostly played on MCC.

>getting pissed because in the future they're using EXACTO rounds

PCucks everybody

>Nonsensical story. Probably the worst first act of any trilogy ever. It also gave us Halo 5's story (which was equally as bad).
>Raped Cortana and Chief, tried to humanize them and ended up backfiring.
>Introduced awful characters like Mrs. Egghead and Mr. Didact
>Continued with the awful Reach gameplay gimmicks
>Multiplayer that could be mistaken for another CoD game (and the worst of the franchise easily)
>Spartan Ops was/is possibly the biggest waste of time ever committed to video games.
>A shit ton of other shit I've erased from my memory.

Yeah, it was ok.