Does Cred Forums like this game?

Does Cred Forums like this game?

No we do not.

fun for a bit.

locking classes behind payment sucks.
getting better guns for money sucks.
visual style kinda sucks too.

you could play worse though.

But the guns are extremely well balanced, it's often hard to tell the difference between a "good" gun and a "bad gun".

Beyond that, you can unlock EVERY loadout card in the game by just playing for a few hours since bronze cards are exactly the same as top tier cards.

Barring that, they give you arguably the 2 best mercs to start out, and enough cash to buy a third. It also only takes about a week of playing a few matches a day to get a new merc. It's not nearly as bad of a grind as you make it out to be.

fuck you nigger the game is great

Proxy is best girl

All it needs for me to enjoy it more then I already do is more maps/map creation tools.
Thats literally it, i would play it none-stop if custom map community servers started cropping up. Extra points if they allow custom game modes.

Big Boss is best merc for fun.

Stoker is best general purpose fire support.
Healing negro is best general purpose medic.
Bushwangler is best general purpose Engineer.

This guy.

>does Cred Forums like this shitty Overwatch ripoff


>tfw overwatch killed db at least in my group of friends, I don't know what the state of the game is because I haven't played in ages

it's ok they'll probably get bored of overwatch soon unless they're masochists. ranked is still a mess.

Literally all complaints that have been fixed.
The first fire support merc you get has the best assault rifle in the game by default. Not to mention how hes one of the most well rounded mercs in the game.
The first medic they give you get is debatabley the strongest medic in the game.
The second strongest medic in the game as well as the strongest assault automatically cost half of what mercs usually cost.
The only perk that can be seen as an actual upgrade is drilled but reload cancelling without it is just as a fast.
You can circumvent any RNG by picking what load-out you want in the credits store.

Oh, look, it's another faggot shill. Fuck off.

Don't remind me, user.

It hurts too much.

>telling the truth about the game

>saying something nice about a game automatically means your a hired shill
Why do people on Cred Forums love this meme so much?

Double (You). Got 'em.

Stay baited, niggers.

I'm amazed at how fucking grindy this game is.

When I played it 6 months ago or so, it took AGES just to unlock one damn merc. They give you a lot of credit up front to make it seem like it will be fast and easy to unlock them, but after unlocking the first merc, the next one takes like a full week of play at 8 hours a day or something. Plus you have to play every 3 hours if you want to maximize your credit gain, and that's just way too demanding.

Meanwhile in Paladins when I tried it after it was in open beta, I had 75% of the roster unlocked after playing it for 2 days. Unbalanced shit in terms of hero strength, with only 4 maps and only 1 stale game mode, but still, a very generous unlocking rate compared to shitty Dirty Bomb.

>I was only pretending

>ages to unlock one merc
if you do one set of missions per day ~1 hour you'll rack up about 10,000 credits. A merc is only 50,000 credits and some of the best are only 30,000.

Playing too long in one session was your mistake, you don't earn anything if you aren't getting missions and daily bonuses, but if you utilize them it makes getting all the mercs seem like a non-issue.

I actually enjoyed the two base characters and third that I picked enough to want to play the game more, period. My goal wasn't to have every character, it was just to play the game, before I knew it I had every character and their best card.

If you play a match in all three game modes and actually win a match you get 2,000 credits a day. depending on how well you do you can make 160 or so credits per objective match. 180 to 240 credits per stopwatch match. you make jack shit from playing execution, like 96-120 so only do it for the daily bonus.
add that with three missions that can range from a 1,500-3,000 credit payout and that's 5,520 credits from one mission rotation if you get three 1k missons.

I stopped playing after they broke the game for Windows 10 and refused to fix it until after the special St. Patrick's day event with special boxes was over

I play it but I've had the same complaints since I started playing.

Few maps (And Chapel is horribly imbalanced on the last point)
Too few guns are viable because of aforementioned aimpunch
The Revive mechanic is bullshit. A full second of invulnerability? Fuck off
Terrible Performance
Shotguns feel iffy.

It's fun, but there's so much shit that's either horribly balanced or just plain obnoxious to play against that I can't call it great.
>very little difference in firepower between the mercs that are supposed to kill people directly and the more support focused classes, making pretty much every "player slayer" merc but Nader basically useless
>it doesn't help that many player slayers are relatively slow and tanky in a game where being tanky is nigh worthless because everyone can deal big damage with headshots, making maneuverability way more valuable for staying alive
>for some reason Sparks needs to be the fastest merc in the game when her entire gimmick is that she can do her job without having to run into dangerous situations like the other medics, meaning that it's fucking impossible to get near her and if you even try she can just vanish at relativistic speeds
>Thunder and Phantom serve literally no purpose to anyone anywhere ever, they exist solely to be obnoxious with their shitty abilities
>despite Kira being the most broken fire support in the game, for some reason she also needs a sword that was specifically meant to be the melee expert's signature weapon

but i mean, it's free

When is the next big content update?

Last played during Aimees release

>tfw shit proxy obsidian

>mfw obsidian H11

>phantom is suppose to be the melee character
>signature weapon is(was) the katana which boasted the most melee damage per hit
>more then half of his first gen cards dont have the katana despite the fact that every picture of him has him wielding it and since every katana card has a perk that extends the duration of his cammo it makes only 3 of 9 cards viable, 2 before they unfucked the blishlock
>nerf damage of the katana's right click melee making it so it can only one shot the extremely fast, small hit boxed, usually shotgun using mercs
>nerf the shit out of right click meleeing by making it so your aim is practically locked when you attack, making it impossible to land on someone who knows how to move in something other than a straight line, not only nerfing phantom but meleeing in genera for almost half a yearl(this was only recently undone)
>nerf his ability so it gives off a loud as fuck whine while also making it extremely visible as well as making the shield chew into health if hit when energy is low enough
>now give his only reason to play to a merc with cheese rifles and an ability that can wipe entire teams so easily even pubers can do it
Is their a more tragic character then phantom?

it's almost as if losing the katana is a phantom pain


Phantom is still pretty good/fun, at least if you just drill people in the brain with your SMG.

Though maybe it just came natural to me because I played a shitload of planetside 2 because evidently I like shit games and Phantom plays just like a SMG Infiltrator

>he thinks phantom is a melee character
I can tell you're a shitter, his real power is his invincibility, the best phantom loadouts don't even have the katana.

You want to flank and take the first headshot in a 1v1 and you're almost guaranteed to win, no need to risk trying to run up to a faster player and stab them when you have a perfectly functional gun.

However, phantom is mediocre in anything that isn't 1v1 or his choice, so ideally you need to play him in a style that suits his strengths. Your misconception is that the katana was ever a strength to begin with.

It was back when it was able to fucking beyblade people to death.

Nigger that was like two years ago

>flank AKA something literally any merc can do
you can play bushwhacker and have the perks of a good SMG, a turret to watch your blind spots and faster planting.
phantom can do none of that, back then he was basically like playing as a merc with no ability or perks whatsoever just a smg.

Yes we've all heard the argument, the fact of the matter is it's still easier to flank as phantom, your cloak allows you to be nearly completely invisible when standing still, the strategy is to wait for their spawn wave to run out and wipe them from behind.

Also Bushwhacker is by far the least fun engineer to play, so it doesn't matter what his garbage turret can do.

Yeah, last time Phantom was relevant.
>tfw his bullshit pretty much killed a fledgling game

I like bushwhacker because you actually have to engage in fire fights with enemys unlike Ms. shotgun-shoot-the-mines-i-just-tossed-on-the-floor and Jumping Black Bomber Man.

don't pretend you're playing comp, the scene is complete garbage. Every merc is relevant in pubs, you can still easily topscore as phantom in min 20s.

I attribute the lack of players to 2 concurrent events:
>Lack of marketing
>Angry Joe's "review"

the game basically had zero publicity, and very few online reviews because it wasn't promoting a "beta"

Angry Joe tries the game, is completely terrible (as he always is in FPS games, especially KBM games) Joe sees the in-game shop, spends $50 on some mercs and boosters, still can't play the game because none of that shit really helps you and then goes and says the game is pay to win.

Over a million people watched that review, that could have been a million people interested in the game if Joe had taken a minute to step back and examine why he was doing so poorly.

Honestly I don't play any engineers anymore, but BW is by far my least favorite. After getting all the mercs I just drop execution, support, and game mode XP missions on sight.

>Guy starts losing a fight
>Jumps around like a spaz before dying

Protip: never jump in a fight unless you have a shotgun and are losing, it'll set your spread to maximum and you won't hit anything.

>the game basically had zero publicity, and very few online reviews because it wasn't promoting a "beta"

The publisher should stop being a faggot and take the game out of beta if it wants more players and exposure. How long has it been in beta for? 5 years?

So tired of the eternal beta for F2P shit.

>sword that used to be completely exclusive to him is always featured prominently in any sort of promotional art of him
>lack of any shotguns/machine pistols would seem to imply that he's meant to rely on melee for close combat
Gee I wonder why people would think the sword is an integral part of his loadout.

It was hella fun for a while but the patching just changed the gameplay so much to the point where it lost its loose gamey feel and became too much like COD esports. I lost interest after that.

I understand why it's useful, and I like to take it along sometimes, but what you have to realize is that most players who picked up phantom don't know when to use the katana and when to just shoot them in the fucking face.

Having the katana is more of a liability than a beneift for anything less than veteran players, it gives the illusion of power when in reality you should consider it a reskinned beckhill.

I haven't played in over an year. Did they nerf fragger? Playing him was the only reason i had to play this game

They nerfed his grenades. He can't one shot people anymore.

You mean he can't finish from full health with a single grenade, they still down in one hit and will completely kill if the enemy is at lower health.

Yeah, i imagined they'd do that. I'll never play this game again. It was fun while it lasted.

He's still one of the strongest mercs, just not one man army tier strong unless you get your aim right and stop relying on grenades.

Is Thunder still the stronkest nigga in the universe?
>Nearly Rhino hp
>Stark AR so you can drill people at any range, can even kill snipers since you can soak a headshot
>Flashbang with a short as shit cooldown just in case you can't aim and need a even bigger crutch

Thunder with a Medic homie can shut down servers.

he is but oddly enough he's not very good in pubs without teamwork.
hes such a big target that everyone aims for him making it so your always at half or less hp after going out into the open.

They need to buff Fragger's LMG. RIght now it's 2shit

Just give it more boolet. In a game where ammo economy is somewhat relevant giving him a giant ass 100 round mag would be nice, as it was last I played it had like 9 more rounds per mag than a standard AR.

Its suppose to be balanced out by the damage per bullet but its so fucking in-accurate that you miss most of them.