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Bayonetta is so much better

nice photoshop brah

I'm not opposed to having it all in one package but one of the people on a Capcom stream specifically said they wouldn't bundle DMC4 or its at the time upcoming SE with the the DMCHD collection because anything already HD could just be bought.

So just guess what I fucking did.

They could and should have just compiled DMC4 with the rest to begin with. Another thing they should do is take a page from Sonic Team, hit up whoever did the style switch mod for DMC3 PC and figure out a way to make an official version that's balanced for it.

Now that would be worth a re-purchase.

It's a Sony tries to make up for not buying Bayonetta episode

What for? I have all those games, except I have the ps3 version of DmC and I don't intend to buy the ps4/updated version because of how shit it was.

Sony's been making one shitty decision after another. What's wrong with them? Are they so out of touch they will consciously throw away opportunities to have amazing games like Bayonetta 2 on their system?

Sony has been too westernized.

But hey, Adam Boyes is gone now. So maybe we'll see less of indie shit shilling and less *Also available on Pee-C bullshit.

>Capital DMC for DmC


how do people enjoy this shit?

It's fucking awful

Trying make up for not having a game that wouldn't be big seller or make any kind of significant impact on PS4 sales? You're deluded & donkey brained.

So let me get this straight; they locked DMC Collection behind this shit!?!? And you probably own the other two games. Crapcom just doing what Crapcom do best.

I know it's fake

Let me guess, you blindly mash buttons.

>Blowhard goes fucking crazy and Youtube deletes his channel

I'm not even surprised really.

I need this to be real.

Yippy skippy a collection of games you can already play! What will they think of next to seperating idiots from their money?!



>rerererereleasing PS2 games

I buy literally anything DMC related
I need help

Same here

So, like Bloodborne?

I would have if this collection didn't make me realize almost half the games in the series are garbage.

Hands down best version of Dante was DMC2 Dante.

From the character design to the serious persona and maturity (as opposed to the gring induced Dante from 1,3 and 4).

that is literally the box art for the MGS Legacy Collection with a DMC style to it
is that even legal

well I guess if we have to keep acknowledging DMC2 then DmC has to come too. I wish they would just commit to making the two non-canon

Sure, but doesn't really have anything to do with the point.

DmC isn't canon to DMC.

They're putting it into a DMC collection so obviously it is, to some degree, a canon DMC title. Not that I enjoy admitting that, but Capcom kept pushing DMC2 to the end of the timeline back in the day, cuz they couldn't just outright disown it

Why is everybody responding as if it's not a mock up. It's fake, right?

For the sake of discussion, I guess.

>implying sony has to "make up" for not making a questionable business decision

Shame he was in a shit iteration.

If they make DMC5, I want it to take place after 2 with the same calm Dante (I still want him voiced by Langdon, though).

Do you know what canon is?

dude i dont like DmC but if they are packaging it in with the rest then they obviously aren't going to let it fade into obscurity like it shouldve

it is now inextricably tied to the other games with this collection

fucked up

no point replaying those games for the 10th fucking time.

HOWEVER, the reason they are rehashing all the old titles means they are probably need money to make DMC5 which is awesome.

But that's not what canon means nigga. Canon is what happens in the story. DmC and DMC are two different continuities.

>still misses the point

What the fuck happening to him? As soon as the 3rd weird ass video was up, I unsubbed, so I don't know what's been going on.

So this is the rumored "DMC5" announcement?


Of course he's the best. He's the most powerful one. He was the same Dante in SMT, so he is strong enough to punch God in the face.

Context? I haven't followed Blowhard for a while

He started uploading weird as hell videos of him ranting mad as fuck about someone, and I have not clue who he was referring to.

>DmC's artwork

That's a cool photoshop and all but you fucked up on the ESRB logo. The part that says "mature 17+" hasn't been white on black for 3 years. It's black on white like pic related now. I know this is autistic as fuck but if you really want to make people believe in your shitty photoshop, you have to get everything right

oh and also

>ps4 collection bundled with vanilla dmc: devil may cry instead of definitive edition

Another mistake

I think he just memed too hard. I also think he was a neet and it drove him insane.

Was Adam Boyes in particular responsible for Sony moving away from exclusives and Japanese games as a whole?

>DMC devil may cry
holy shit capcom is really desperate to try to push units of this game

>this badly done photoshop has dmc devil may cry in it
>lul it's canon guys

How would that even work?

It's not fucking real. Capcom didn't make this

>remasters and garbage

wow its nothing

Chronologically DMC2 Dante is the oldest Dante. I think the series went
Some lorefag correct me if I'm wrong.

You are correct my good sir

I like to pretend 2 isn't a thing, but it goes
For sure

Yes the anime is canon, no that doesn't really matter


Novel/Manga whatever that was
DMC4:Vergil part

>4 before 1
Not possible, that would mean Dante knew Trish before he knew Trish.

I believe it's:

I know that DMC2 is the last one and DMC3 is the first but not exactly sure where 1 and 4 go.

Yup I'm right then

Fuck, good point.
I think you got it mein nigga.

this is correct, though I dunno about the manga

Bayo 2 flopped

100% agreed


>Dante has Oedipus complex confirmed

So did The Order, which I'm sure costed well more than Bayo 2 did to develop.

Is the DMC HD collection or DMC 4 on backwards compatibility for the Xbox One yet? Or am I screwed because they released the Special Edition?


That's not actually from the manga, it's from a doujin.

Probably true though.

I was referring to the DMC3 manga, though do you have the sauce for that doujin?

Manga is a prequel to 3. The novel is a prequel to the manga, but all the stuff involving Vergil isn't canon.

Just check nhentai or something, I think it's only in Japanese.

Will these be on the Sony PlayStation Vita?

Also the Vergil part of 4 is before 3 as well.

Yes. And?