>Anglais "Adventure on the water is our passion, and 1972 we've provided the trusted gear that helps make it possible. Our goal is for everyone to enjoy paddling and rafting as much as we do, so we build NRS equipment and apparel to meet the toughest standards — our own."
>Cunt "L'aventure sur l'eau est notre passion, et depuis 1972 nous fournissons un matériel fiable permettant de la rendre possible. Notre but est que chacun profite autant que nous de la baignade et du rafting, c'est pourqoui nous fabriquons des équipments et de l'habillement NRS dans le respect des normes les plus strictes."
>German "Abenteuer auf dem Wasser ist unsere Leidenschaft, und seit 1972 bieten wir die vertrauenswürdige Ausrüstung an, um es zu ermöglichen. Unser Ziel ist, dass jeder genauso viel Freude am Paddeln und Rafting haben wie wir, also bauten wir ein NRS Gerälte und Bekleidung, um den allerhöchsten Standard zu entsprechen — unseren eigenen."
>Spanish "Nuestra pasión son les aventuras acuáticas, y desde 1972 suplimos el equipo confiable que las hace posibles. Nuestro objectivo es que todo el mundo disfrute remar y hacer rafting tanto como nostros, por lo que fabricamos equipo y ropa NRS que cumple con los estándares más altos: los nuestros."
A career spanning decades and still going strong at 78. Songs of many different styles, three languages. It's impossible to bore of her music. So many awesome videos on YouTube and other sites of her performances, this is just a small, små sample.
>bonus video in English, duet with Peter Kraus "You're the Top." (wouldn't mind being the top or bottom with Lill-Babs ya kno' im sayin?) youtube.com/watch?v=8VwGkl-1DDI
Jeremiah Turner
bonus obscure appearance by Lill-Babs on West German tele in 1962 alongside Vivi Bach.
I hope you enjoy my voice, because I sure as hell don't.
Jaxson Allen
You sound normal.
Juan Mitchell
Aw thanks. That's the kindest thing that's been said about my voice.
I'd say something in French, but that would probably end up making you sad. Is that really a gipsy? We don't really have them, so I never really got what they're like and why they're disliked.
Benjamin Howard
I think she's a little too pale. She's hot though so whatever.