Argentina is white?


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No, the brown smileys confirm it

nobody immigrants to Arjentina though

Hell no. Argentinians are less whiter than Greek subhumans.

>Central Asia
>full of Arabs

wew why am i not surprised by Stormfront's ignorance?

>Israeli education

it is a fact
t. facts pro

ah yes all those (100% Africa tier black) brazilians migrating to Argentina and ruining their perfect utopia

well, your source is wrong

Of all those place. Why you remark Argentina?

do you have a source for that ?

yes, what I see here everyday

not a vaild source to my knowledge

let it go, i'm sure he can use google too

>for South American Neighbours
real immigrants tho not neighbours

there's too much differences between them and us to not considerate them immigrants 2bh

What is that fat white doing in Spain? REEEEEEEEEEE

>North mexico
who made this
Jimmy Neutron:Boy Genius

but that pic clearly represents diversity, look at those out of place white folks in Argentina

Speaking of genocide, the guy who made that may have killed off a few too many of his neurons.

What's up with you being so eternal?



All of Mexico is brown, cuck.

I dont get it

Are they complaining because those are the cool countries?